Which is it? It can't be both. I hear stories of the local police being at odds with the Mayors of these cities, but they can't say anything, without losing their jobs. What a conflict that must be! Train your whole adult life to put criminals behind bars, and to be told by the mayor to let them go? Like this San Francisco illegal immigrant who was arrested, and deported five times, and shoots a young woman who was walking with her father (the shooter was probably in a drunken stupor). Was this a "sanctuary" for the young woman, who died, or the criminal only???
This is such basic common sense logic, here, that only a "bleeding-heart liberal" could rationalize around it! And I don't think for a minute that the liberal politicians can't see through this thing either. So, they must be being paid by someone to "look the other way", but who? Who would be interested in paying money to greedy politicians who would risk their careers, to protect dangerous criminals from the very laws they are sworn to see enforced in their communities? And to do it for so many "sanctuary cities", it would have to be someone extremely rich.
My guess is it's the very drug cartel bosses that are making billions selling drugs on the streets of these same cities. It makes sense that they would want to protect their "business" interests, which are very lucrative, and they would need to stop the police from arresting their smugglers, who bring the drugs over the border. So, they either start an all out war with the police, or they buy off the mayor.
But, the mayors can only get away with this as long as they can convince their thoughtless constituents that they are being "moral" to do this. So they make a big plea for the "innocent" illegal immigrants who are fleeing the violence, and corruption of their homelands, and just want to live peacefully here. But by perpetuating this type of illegal quandary, they are helping to export to us the very violence and corruption they fled from originally. If it continues long enough, we will have the same situation here that central Americans have; where the government is a figure-head, and the country is run by the cartels.
One has to wonder what the liberal American protesters would say, if they found out that they were protesting for the right of illegal drug cartel bosses to keep their drug smugglers out of jail, rather than for the desperate immigrants to find some place where they can live safely to raise their families. Sooner, or later, even the liberal voters will realize this, and they will stop re-electing those greedy mayors, and they will elect people with a mandate to "clean up" their towns, and put an end to all the open crime. Then the concept of "sanctuary cities" will no longer be popular. When the liberal voters wake up and realize that they are being duped by their greedy politicians, then they will probably elect the former police chiefs, to replace the mayors, whose hands are being tied now. But, will they ever admit that they were wrong to support the "sanctuary cities" concept? I doubt it!
It's just like the recent presidential election, in microcosm. The Clintons had been using Hillary's former job as Secretary of State, to enrich themselves with lobbying bribes from Saudi, and other rich Gulf State countries, and now they are claiming to finally realize "why she lost the presidency". Duh!!! Though it is a little refreshing to have them finally admit that they lost, almost four months after the fact!!! But, I frankly doubt that they get it. Greed blinds tremendously, and I suspect that they are simply offering some twisted rationale, that probably gives the blame to Trump. [UPDATE: 5/4/2017-- As I suspected, Hillary accepted the "blame for the loss", with one breath, and immediately blamed F.B.I. Director Comey for re-instituting her investigation, shortly before the election'] The Clintons just don't get it!!! They lost because she's a crook! And Bill manipulated her! They should both be in jail, but Democrats can't bring themselves to put a former president, or first lady, in jail (unless he's a Republican, like they almost did with Nixon).
So, this thing will probably drag on, through the Supreme Court, which will probably side with Trump, now that the Gorsuch appointment should return some sanity to the Court. Then we'll see if the drug cartels want to cough up enough money to replace all the lost federal, and even State moneys (UPDATE: Like the Texas legislature passed a law today, outlawing Sanctuary Cities, in Texas). Looks like the price of heroin on the street is about to sky-rocket upwards!!!
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