The more I read about the so-called "Progressives" of the Democratic Left, like Obama, the Clintons, and their billionaire "king-maker", George Soros, the more I am convinced that they are merely living in denial, not of a particular truth, but of a whole litany of common sense truths, and they wish to destroy America, and establish their own view of a fantasy utopia that will offer benefits to the so-called disadvantaged that they can not provide, or which they can only provide temporrarily, because by doing so they inevitably destroy the reserve from which they intend to pillage. These people are not stupid, as is typical in Bill Clinton, the former Rhodes scholar. They have to understand the lunacy of their professed values, and therfore I suspect that their intent is to destroy America's wealth, probably by government confiscation, for some imagined rationale, and create a nation of totally dependant welfare recipients, whose interests must be regulated by themselves, and other elitist bureaucrats, who in turn live like royalty off the goverment largess. They are too intelligent to actually believe the concepts they profess, therefore, they must be trying to dupe their constituents whom they cinically believe are stupid enough to believe their lies, and can be counted upon to perpetuate their roles as guardians of their welfare state.
I have been reading "The Shadow Party", by Richard Poe, and David Horowitz, and "The Big Agenda", also by David Horowitz. I have never been so frightened by the monsters of a "fifties" horror flick as I have become in reading about the efforts of, and the spoken intentions of people like billionaire George Soros, and his ilk. They are the worst form of monsters in the world... they might be called intellectual monsters, and they intend to wreak havoc upon the rest of us!
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