Friday, July 22, 2016

Why The Police Find It Difficult To Equate Terrorists With Islamic Pasts

I was channel surfing yesterday, and I came across a T.V. show of Hal Lindsey, the author of, "The Late Great Planet Earth", a best seller of the seventies. I have a special fondness for Hal, since it was a movie he produced (of the same title as his book) that started me on the road to faith in Jesus, and my eventual salvation.

I was a young man, travelling out of town, when my car needed some repair work done, that would take about three, or four hours of work. As I was unfamiliar with the area, I had time to kill, and nowhere to go. But, I noticed a movie theatre near the garage, which was playing what appeared to me to be a double-feature, "space-sci-fi" feature (it was on a Saturday afternoon). The main feature was a film I had intended to see one day, called "Star Wars" (ever heard of it?), and the posters of the other feature looked similar to that one, (it was called, "The Late Great Planet Earth", produced by some guy I'd never heard of; Hal Lindsey). But, I thought I was lucky to find two such "sci-fi" movies, that would waste enough time for my car to be fixed. Good thing I didn't know he was going to talk about Jesus, or I'm sure I would not have gone in.

Anyway, I did, and Hal's movie scared the you-know-what out of me! I was not religious, at all, but I had enough respect for the Bible, that if someone could show me something about it to believe in, it would impress me greatly. Well, he did, and I was impressed enough to read his book, later, and then years after that I found a T.V. show (the "700 Club", with some guy named Pat Robertson) talking about the same stuff from the Bible. Well, I was impressed enough to pray to receive Jesus as my Savior, and Lord, with Pat, and here I am, today (such as I am!).

So, yesterday Hal was talking about the recent wave of international terrorism, and why the police were having such difficulty in determining if these incidents should be categorized as terrorist activity, or unrelated crimes. They were even having difficulty in determining if the perpetrators were Muslim believers, even though their names seemed to suggest Muslim ancestry.

Hal's study of Islamic beliefs revealed that I.S.I.S., and other Jihadi terrorist organizations actually recruit young men who do not behave in a way that suggests faith in Islam, at all. Apparently, Islamic doctrine contains room for those who have not lived according to their stated doctrine, and "promises" a fast-track to their form of heaven (presumably with the well-reported 72 virgins awaiting), for anyone who dies committing "Jihad" for the "glory of Allah". Can you imagine their shock when they end up in Hell, with no virgins, and for that matter no one at all, for eternity!!! Nothing to do but feel the flames of Hell burning their "flesh", on the outside, and feeling the "worms, that do not die" eating their "flesh" from the inside!!! And since they no longer have any flesh to be consumed, they merely have the sensation of being consumed, endlessly, forever!!! And no virgins to comfort them! What a colossal "rip-off", and for eternity!!!

God has His ways of punishing unbelievers, and Islam seems to be helping Him out! But, don't think that these terrorists, who die by there own hand, or commit "suicide-by-cop" are escaping justice, at all. God is perfectly capable of providing His own form of justice, even after death! And His way is rather permanent! It's called eternity!!!

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