Sunday, July 10, 2016

What In The World Is Going On???

It seems as though the World is getting more and more dangerous (yes, and downright EVIL each day)!

Yesterday, I read a story about a famous Country Music singer who wrote a song about this corrupt world, and it sounded like (I haven't heard the song) she was pleading for some sanity to return to the world, as a whole. I certainly sympathize with her sentiment, but it will most likely take a whole lot more than a peace-loving song to reach this evil world, no matter how popular it may become, in this country, and even around the world.

I suspect that the evil we are seeing worldwide is a material consequence of the "two-edged-sword"-nature of the "Word Of God" (which is the Bible), as we begin to enter into the "Last Days" period, written extensively about by the Old Testament Prophets, and the New Testament Apostles. As the evil increases around the world, God's "two-edged sword", that "cuts between the quick (saved), and the dead (unsaved)", is not only culling out those that He has ordained from the beginning of time to receive the salvation of the Lord. (When they are shocked by the blatant increase in the violence around the world, and here at home. They will probably quote the title of this Post!) He is also leaving fully exposed those who have likewise chosen to follow the Devil's path to Hell (Peter talks about this in II Peter 3, and Paul talks about it in 2nd Thessalonians 2: 3, &4). They (those who chose evil) will have a "delightful" time wreaking their havoc on a horrified world, but only for a short time! Soon God is going to put a temporary stop to it, probably for the seven-year period of the Antichrist's reign over the world, and then He will put an end to it all, permanently!!! As Christians we may be horrified to see it happening, but we should not be surprised by it. I suspect it will become even more shockingly evil, before God says, "Enough!", and ends it all.

I have been writing for years that I believe the Gog/Magog invasion of the Middle-East (written about by the Prophet Ezekiel, in chapters 38, & 39) is soon to come about. This will be orchestrated primarily by a large Russian Invasion force (interestingly, Russia has recently opened a large air base in northeastern Syria, purportedly to aid Syria, but situated perfectly to stage an invasion of Israel), along with several Muslim-nation militias, especially Iran (which the Bible refers to as Persia), as well as others. I wonder if there will not be some sort of truce settled upon by the Shiite Muslims of Iran, and Lebanon, and the primarily-Sunni Muslims who are today fighting them in the forces called I.S.I.S., and Al Quiada, etc.? The Bible talks about "Persia"(Shiite dominated Iran) uniting with other Sunni Dominated countries, like Libya, to join forces with Russia. I suspect that Russia's real goal is the Persian Gulf, Arab States' oil fields, but perhaps they'll agree to help their Muslim allies invade Israel, (since the Muslims all hate Israel more than they hate each other),if the Muslim countries will allow them to invade and conquer the Gulf States, without interference. But, Israel is strong enough that it must be dealt with first; Russia could never leave a viable Israel in it's rear, as it attacked the Gulf States.

Boy, will they be in for a shock when they find that Israel (with, or without American support) is more than enough to defeat them, no matter how many allies they bring against them. It's a case of "God, plus one, equals a majority!", to quote the old Christian adage. In this case, the "one" is Israel (as in, "'One' nation's army"), and the Bible states that they will be more than enough to destroy the enemy's invasion force, to the tune of 83 1/3rd%!!!

I suspect that a lot of the evil we see around the world today will simply stop, when the largely Muslim-inspired perpetrators are mostly destroyed in the invasion. The survivors will be shocked to realize that the Koran's "Prophecy" about a coming Muslim Caliphate is in error, or at least "not yet" (for the really hard-to-get-the-message). Perhaps it will take their relatives the seven-year tribulation period to grow another Army, capable of trying again, this time in the final Battle of Armageddon!!! These people seem to never learn; they are not just fighting against Israel, they're fighting against God!!!

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