Monday, June 28, 2021

Did The Delta Variant Mutate Naturally...?

..,.Or did the Wuhan Lab , in China help it along???

I honestly make no pretense that what I'm about to write should pass  in any way for "breaking news"!    It is the most blatant form of hysterical paranoia ever to come out of my mind,  purely of my own suspicion, and the worst part is that it may be true!!!     I do not base this upon any empirical proof,, or any sort of established  evidence, but upon my abiding distrust for the moral responsibility and  wholesale evil nature of the Chinese government/    Let's be clear, before all the leftists , start shouting, "xenophobia", and "racism". I am not criticizing the Chinese people in any way!!!    If my suspicions are true it is only the Communist government that is to blame, and I suspect them only because of the mounting evidence of their complicity in exporting the Coronavirus internationally, while isolating  the rest of China from the infected people in the Wuhan province, in order to attempt to destroy the economies of all other countries, while protecting their own!!!    This indicates that the Chinese government will do anything to try and dominate the world, and it shows how much compassion it would have for us all if they ever were to do so! They have about as much compassion for us all  as Nazi Germany had for the Jews  of  western Europe, in World War II!!!

Regardless of  whether  my paranoid suspicions are true, or not, it would seem to me, that whatever reasons the belligerently unvaccinated hold to ,  the possibility of  continued Chinese experimenting with various forms of viruses should necessitate the vaccination of us all, because the pandemic and lockdowns may be with us for a long time!     Natural mutation,, or demonic laboratory experimentation, this thing may not be going away any time soon!!!      Reports indicate that the Phizer, and Moderna vaccinations appear to have significant resistance to the Delta Variant.    But who knows what else the Chinese may be cooking up for us next!!!


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