..,.Or did the Wuhan Lab , in China help it along???
I honestly make no pretense that what I'm about to write should pass in any way for "breaking news"! It is the most blatant form of hysterical paranoia ever to come out of my mind, purely of my own suspicion, and the worst part is that it may be true!!! I do not base this upon any empirical proof,, or any sort of established evidence, but upon my abiding distrust for the moral responsibility and wholesale evil nature of the Chinese government/ Let's be clear, before all the leftists , start shouting, "xenophobia", and "racism". I am not criticizing the Chinese people in any way!!! If my suspicions are true it is only the Communist government that is to blame, and I suspect them only because of the mounting evidence of their complicity in exporting the Coronavirus internationally, while isolating the rest of China from the infected people in the Wuhan province, in order to attempt to destroy the economies of all other countries, while protecting their own!!! This indicates that the Chinese government will do anything to try and dominate the world, and it shows how much compassion it would have for us all if they ever were to do so! They have about as much compassion for us all as Nazi Germany had for the Jews of western Europe, in World War II!!!
Regardless of whether my paranoid suspicions are true, or not, it would seem to me, that whatever reasons the belligerently unvaccinated hold to , the possibility of continued Chinese experimenting with various forms of viruses should necessitate the vaccination of us all, because the pandemic and lockdowns may be with us for a long time! Natural mutation,, or demonic laboratory experimentation, this thing may not be going away any time soon!!! Reports indicate that the Phizer, and Moderna vaccinations appear to have significant resistance to the Delta Variant. But who knows what else the Chinese may be cooking up for us next!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Monday, June 28, 2021
Did The Delta Variant Mutate Naturally...?
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
George Santayana: " Those Who Refuse To Remember The Past..."
" ... are condemned to relive it!!!"
Wisdom of the past, indeed holds true for the present, and into the future, and we do ignore it at our own peril!!! The so-called, " woke syndrome", of the "cancel culture", would best be put back to sleep, in my opinion!!! This is a pseudo-wisdom, which has been developed by the Socialists to make others believe that they hold some great wisdom that others should investigate, in order to receive this great wisdom! This is just another lie of the Devil (whom Jesus called "the father of lies") and the fact that it is being so readily accepted is another example of the strong delusion of the last days that Satan is prophecied to bring upon the world, in order to promote his Satanic "One-World" socialist government (being developed by the European Commonwealth) that will eventually be taken over by his Antichrist, to deceive the scripturally ignorant into believing that Christ has come, and established His Millennial Kingdom!!!
Socialist dogma insists that, "out of chaos comes order"! Therefor, it follows that where chaos does not exist, it must be artificially created if their brand of "order" is to be voluntarily accepted! The best way to do that is to blame those who resist chaos (the police) of every form of evil imaginable, and to effect a "defund the police" policy and expect that crime will just miraculously disappear. Then disarm the peaceful populous, and the only ones who can stem the violence will be the totalitarian government that the socialists want to be elected.
The gross lunacy here is that people who lived during a time of less chaos can remember that the police were responsible for controlling it, and the increase in chaos coincided with the defunding of the police forces !!! Therefor, the obvious solution is not more defunding of the police , but refunding them to put down the perpetrators of the chaos, and then to "un-elect" the politicians who allowed it to develop in the first place. Why the socialists don't get this is unfathomable to me.
An examination of the development of the Nazi party in Germany, in the 1930's, reveals a totally different situation/ The world blamed Germany for the evil of World War I, and the terms of the peace treaty of Versailles penalized Germany, at the time of the Great Depression, which brought unemployment to all countries, and wholesale starvation especially to the Germans. Their chaos was so profound, and developed over so long a period of time, that it was more difficult to see the cause.
When Hitler blamed it all on the Jews, this bigotry was more easily accepted, especially in a country that had long held anti-Semitic views, predating even Martin Luther's regrettable slander. In a country wrestling with mass unemployment and even starvation, it's easier to project blame on the innocent, because people are desperate for relief and will easily accept false charges ,assuming it will lead to that relief. Hitler used this desperate attitude to project blame away from the Nazis to the Jews, because Satan was in control of his mania, and Satan hates the Jews because he knows that God loves them. Also, since the largest denomination in Germany is the Lutheran church, and Martin Luther berated the Jews himself , it would be a small leap of logic for Lutherans to accept anti-Semitism as holy.
What we have in America today is beginning to sound very much like the early propaganda of the Nazis with Conservatives being substituted for the Jews as "scapegoats", and Trump supporters in particular, to be blamed for every evil that the Liberals themselves are responsible for.
The Bible clearly warns those who, "call good evil, and evil good", and this warning seems to apply to the Socialists, and the so-called "Progressives" of today! Even the open borders policy of the Biden administration , and their trying to blame Trump for all the problems it has created, fits this dichotomy perfectly! God will surely judge the unrepentant of this travesty, and He will help us to survive this evil, in the mean time, We must pray for the awakening of the proponents of this evil policy, and for our own resistance to the temptation to hate those who are bound by it! Remember, Satan is God's devil, and He is allowing this evil in His own wisdom, and He is in control of it, ultimately!
{More later}
Wednesday, June 9, 2021
I Just Finished Reading The Most Powerful Tragedy I've Ever Read, Short Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ!!!
But, the gospel is an apparent "tragedy" that turns out to be the greatest Good News (or gospel) ever for all mankind!!!
This tragedy, I truly suspect, is likely to never be resolved, until Christ returns to make it, and every other evil tragedy, not resolved, but irrelevant!!!
A couple of years ago, I bought a book that I was sure I would devour immediately, both because of the importance of the subject, and the great respect I have for the skill, and journalistic integrity, and honest perspective of it's author!!! I set it prominently atop my bookshelf, where it collected dust until recently!!!
The book is entitled, "Witch Hunt", by Gregg Jarrett! It exhaustively recounts the bogus investigation of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, and the mind-boggling corruption of our intelligence organizations, the Democratic party, and the Main Stream Media, leading up to the 2016 election, and the subsequent efforts to wrongfully impeach the president, twice thereafter!!!
I am left with despair, after reading it, because the case for prosecution of all the guilty parties involved seems obvious and overwhelming, yet it is so vast that I doubt any prosecutions will be forthcoming. Starting with Hillary's E-mail fiasco, (I wonder if she decided to do this all on her own, or did someone in her family pressure her to do so) and her purchasing of the disinformation "dossier", with all the imagined and contrived instances of the Trump campaign's supposed collusion with Russian efforts to fix the election, and the blatantly biased, and unconstitutional "Mueller" investigation, with their nearly "Gestapo-esque" investigating tactics, it's hard to think of these people being free to try and abuse our fair election process, repeatedly, which they surely will do, from now on!!!
I suspect the election chicanery at the various election polls around the country, for this past election, will seem to be kindergarten playtime by comparison to the meddling that will encompass every election, until the Lord returns!!! It may be that a democratic republic, once called the United States of America is unofficially dead, as of now!!! That country depended upon differing parties being able to agree on certain basic principles, and international Socialism is not one!!!
I am convinced that the European effort to create a "One-World" Socialist government is the beginning of Satan's attempt to counterfeit Christ's Millennial Kingdom intended to dupe the ignorant into believing that the Antichrist (who will eventually take it over) is actually Christ!!! But, for the Socialist government to be accepted, all other governments that are better must be destroyed!!! Guess where that leaves us, folks!!! God will allow this to happen, briefly, to test the world as to whom we will follow!!!
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!!!
Friday, June 4, 2021
What The Govt. Suspects. Plus What I Suspect!!!
There are times when my wild imagination gets me into trouble, by suspecting diabolical behavior, that turns out to be humiliatingly and absurdly wrong. Then, there are other times when the behavior of some entities is so evil, that even my wildest imagination couldn't conceive of it. If I had been alive at the time of the Nazi attempts to exterminate the Jews in Europe. I probably could not have suspected that one country could be so diabolical as Germany was!
With that in mind, I am going to suggest my suspicion of Communist China that will seem to eclipse the Nazis diabolical nature, by comparison!!! I make no claim of its veracity, but if it is true, it will shock the whole world if it ever can be proven!
The Lab-Leak theory seems to gain in credulity daily, but my mind wafts further to wonder if the Chinese government did not decide to take advantage of an accident, and release the virus internationally, to create the very pandemic that we have recently endured.
We do know that the Chinese Government reacted to the accidental epidemic in the Wuhan province by quaranteeing that province from access to the rest of China. Simultaneously, they allowed infected people to travel around the world, WHY??? If this was not an intentional effort to create a pandemic, then WHY???
I know this seems so diabolical that it is almost incomprehensible, except when you reflect on the Nazi precedent, motivated by the same Socialist desire for world domination. The main motive of the Nazis was to remove what they falsely considered to be an evil group that dominated the finances of the world. What the Jews were in reality was a group that was blessed of God, and hated by Satan, so the Nazis felt that by removing them they would dominate the world's economy. Well, we saw how far that got them!!!
The Chinese Communists saw the economic destruction of similar viral releases in the Ebola, and Sars cases. I make no judgement about those viral origins, but I wonder! I also wonder if the Communists didn't extrapolate further, and wonder if the pandemic could be "controlled" sufficiently to harm everyone else's economy, while limiting the effect upon China's!!! They have made no secret about their desire to dominate the world, economically first, and every other way later!
If this is true, and the world can't accept this level of evil in another country, then we can expect further viral release in the future. I wonder if all these Variants of the Coronavirus are all naturally mutated, or are they helped along by laboratory development, and the exported to other countries.
Lets all pray that my suspicions are groundless, and that the Lord will protect us from such a monstrous evil!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2021
Forgive Me For Defending A Liberal, But...
I met Dr. Fauci once, briefly, and he seemed to be a very nice man. I realize that a brief (one , or two minute), conversation is not enough time to fairly judge anyone, but..,.as the saying goes, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! I was teaching, and coaching a sport that his daughter (I can't even recall her name) was participating in, and afterwards he wanted to know how she was doing. So, I gave him my thoughts on her progress, and he seemed to appreciate my analysis. I realize this was nothing revealing about someone's character, yet I can't help sympathizing with him, guilty, or not, of the charges being leveled against him! I knew he was a Dr,, but I didn't know he worked at N.I.H., where my father was working when he passed away, in my early childhood. I was always curious, since, to know if he remembered my father, but I never got a chance to speak to him after that.
Anyway, Conservative or Liberal, I hate to see apparently sincere people excoriated by the press, as president Trump was for more than 4 years!!!