Friday, February 5, 2021

Democrats Are Desperate To Protect Themselves From An Imagined "Enemy Within"!!!

Democrats are correct in recognizing that there is an "enemy within", and especially without!!!    But, they apply there own expectations to the situation, when they fret over their own safety, as if everyone who disagrees with them is armed, and plotting their imminent assassination!   Believing in our Constitution means we must abide by the first amendment rights of our internal enemies, if we expect them to honor our own!!!    The left does not agree with this view, so they can't imagine that we would be restrained by it!!!     For years, the "never Trumpers" have screamed about killing Trump, as if talking about it were a badge of honor!!!    They did not incite anyone seriously enough to carry it out, however, or perhaps they did, but the Secret Service was too adept at thwarting their intentions!!!

I have long wondered if the Left's obvious obsession with disarming the average citizens was because they intended to do something drastically illegal, like try to abolish the Constitution, and drive us into the European "One-World" Socialist government, if they ever regained control of the government, as they now have managed, through illegal manipulation of  the election results!!!    They obviously fear a new civil war, created  by their own malfeasance, and they desperately want to abolish the 2nd Amendment, "right to keep and bear arms", lest the American people should rise up in righteous indignation against them!!!     They want their own side to be the only ones allowed to be armed, in such an event!!!    But, they realize that our armed forces are some of the most patriotic people in the nation!   And, that includes the National Guard, which consists of retired service men, and women, who have left their active duty, but have not left their patriotic fervor!!!   

Now, the Biden Pentagon has begun to implement an intended purge of all conservatives, (i.e., Patriots) within the National Guard!!!     After they accomplish this seemingly impossible task, they would then have to purge the entire military, of the same dreaded patriots, and good luck with that!!!  
All of this continues to strengthen my belief that their ultimate goal is to abolish our Constitution, and drive us into the European "One-World" Socialist system, which the Bible warns us that the devil's Antichrist will eventually take control of, and use to  kill many Christians, and Jews!!!     Those who believe in God  should be forewarned, and those who don't will be so judged  when the Lord returns!!!

(I apologize for the unprofessional appearance of the large font paragraphs!) 

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