Saturday, March 7, 2020

Elizabeth Warren Failed to Win The Presidency Because She's An Idiot!!!

She suffers from the same disease as Hillary Clinton;  it's called terminal lunacy!!!   This disease is not exclusive of men, or women!   Bernie is just as lunatic, and perhaps more so, because he's lived longer, and had more time to perfect it!!!  He even studied at the Moscow Institute for Buffoonery, while on his honeymoon, I strongly suspect!!!

So, Hillary's myriad excuses for why she lost the election, in 2016, and why it's everybody else's fault, but hers, is pathetically similar to Warren's dropping out of the campaign because of all the "sexist" resistance she received from everybody else.  I don't know exactly who "everybody else" is, but I guess he ought to be shot, pretty quick!!!

Why do all the blithering idiots congregate in the Democratic party (except for Mitt Romney)???   Why don't they all run for president of American Samoa, against Mike Bloomberg???  Their political expertise might be more appreciated there, where they might assist with the annual coconut harvest, and the sales of coconuts to Hawaii, and Guam!!!

My point is when these idiots finally recognize their defeat, why can't they recognize that they lost simply because the American public liked someone better than them, and it's not a matter of "sexism" or any other lame excuse; they just weren't good enough!  So get over it already!!!   It's like a third grade competition in which everybody has to get an award, or their feelings might be hurt!!!   Wahh, wahh!   Go home, shut up, and get over it!!!

 You don't have a Constitutional right to be elected President, and it's not because you are a woman!!!   The day a woman is obviously found to be a better candidate than all the men who oppose her, we will have a woman President, and not before!!!  Israel found one in Golda Meier, and Britain found one in Marguerite Thatcher, and perhaps we'll have one if  Nikki Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina, and recent U.S. Representative at the United Nations decides to run, in 2024!!!  But, don't expect it to be given to you, just because your genitalia are of the proper variety, when your mind is demented!!!

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