Tuesday, January 21, 2020

In Spite Of Friendly Negotiations, China Is Definitely Not Our Friend!!!

I have been reading another frightening Horror story lately!  It's called, "Trump vs. China", and it's by Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, at the end of the 1990"s.  I call it a Horror story, because it scares the "willies" out of me, (whatever that means) not because the writing is so cleverly written, but because it contains enough documented evidence to convince me that it is true!!!

 It describes the behavior of the Chinese government, over the past several decades, in a manner to show that China has been using the benefits of American assistance to not only progress out of the technological "Dark Ages" that they wallowed in for so long, but to advance through rather predatory actions that seem to suggest they are trying to become the dominant economy, and military power of the world, as quickly as possible!!!  And they are doing it at our expense, mostly by stealing our technology!!!   Their behavior demonstrates that they are not merely trying to boost their own welfare, but are proceeding with their traditional Marxist ideology, in an effort to dominate first their neighboring countries, and obviously the whole world, in time!!!  The net result of their obvious intentions is to enslave the whole world, just as they have brutally enslaved their own people!!!  What they are doing to us is akin to someone inviting a known thief into their home, showing him their jewelry, and their money, giving him a loaded gun, and expecting him not to rob them!!!  We have been blind to their blatantly malicious behavior, because of our own greedy desires to profit from opening a huge new market, with a huge workforce that considers dirt-cheap wages to be  like winning the lottery!!!

So, now we have two Socialist entities trying to conquer the world, one from Europe, and now this one, from China!!!  When will greedy people stop trying to enslave others, to do their work for them, so they can keep most of the profits???  I guess we'll have to wait for Jesus to return to set up His Kingdom, to have a world government based on freedom, rather than enslavement!

I do not blame China as much as I blame our naïve previous administrations, and our greedy multinational corporate managers,  and directors, who apparently feel that immediate profits are more important than protecting  the world from the intention of world  enslavement by the communist government of China!!!  These corporate elites seem to foolishly believe that China's designs of domination will exempt them, which it might, initially, but sooner, or later, the Communists will claim some right to confiscate their wealth, too!!!  And that doesn't even account for the judgement of God, when they die, and they have to explain why they don't deserve an eternity in Hell!!!  How are their short-term profits going to help them, then???

Are they going to try to offer God a bribe, to ignore it all???  Good luck with that!!!!!!!!!!!!

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