Friday, January 31, 2020

Welcome To The British, As They Return To The "Young Lions Of Tarshish"!!!

At the beginning of the war in the Middle-East, referred to in Ezekiel chapter 38, and 39, in the Bible, there is a reference to the "whimpy" complaints of a group of nations, including Saudi Arabia, and several countries, referred to as the "merchants of Tarshish, and the "young lions thereof" (see Ezekiel 38, i3)!!!  Historically. Tarshish was the foreign colony of the merchant traders of Tyre, known as Carthage, Tyre being the city state, just to the north of Israel!  These traders eventually established further trading colonies, like the one in barbarian Britain, from which grew later nations including our own, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, and others!!!  Biblical scholars have long felt that these nations were the ones referred to by God as, "the young lions of Tarshish", with the lion being a traditional symbol for Britain!!!

Britain tried to join the European Socialist "One-World" government,  47 years ago, but became disillusioned, and for the last few years has been debating the "Brexit" plan to remove themselves from that government!!!  They grew to resent the Socialist bureaucrats' telling them that they could not continue to obey certain British laws, that the bureaucrats disapproved of!!!   After years of internal, and international arguing over their right to leave the European system, they finally are set to formally, and completely leave the system tonight, just before midnight!!!  "Welcome back to reality"!!!

Their leaving has been loudly criticized, especially by the Europeans, and past Trade rights will certainly be withdrawn, accordingly, over the next year!   President Trump is sending Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to England to work out a trade deal between the U.S. and Britain, which will benefit both parties.  The U. S. has also been negotiating a trade deal with the Europeans, but now it seems that bitterness over any deal with Britain will scuttle that possibility.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Warren Is First To Verbalize True View Of Constitution!!!

I have long been convinced that the true goal of the leftist Democrats running for President has nothing to do with wanting to preserve our Constitutional Republic!!!   The blatant outspokenness of their Socialist values, at a time when the Europeans are trying to establish their "One-World" Socialist government, tells me they would rather be a part of that government, now, but they want to use their Democratic influence to destroy our Constitution, and move us to voluntarily join the European movement!!!  This is probably their effort to enter that system as influential  leaders of the former American branch of their Socialist government!!!  They apparently wish to not only be Socialists, but to be  power-brokers within that system!

Today's news reports speak of Elizabeth Warren's recent calls for abolishing the Electoral College system, which is a bedrock principal of the U.S. Constitution!!!  I suspect this is only a preliminary effort on her part, for the actual intention of Sen. Warren, if she were to be elected President, would probably be to immediately begin efforts to abolish the rest of the Constitution, and entice  us to voluntarily join the European plan!!!

Obviously, she and others of the Democratic party view the Constitution as an impediment to getting elected as President, rather than their own outspoken Socialist views  being so repugnant to Republicans, and sufficient numbers of independents, as well,  that they can't win both the popular vote and the representative members of the Electoral College, together, as the Constitution requires.  If they fail to win both, the Constitution gives the victory to the winner of the Electoral College!!!  This is so that  states with large populations, like California, and New York, can't dominate the popular vote, making the voters in less populated states effectively powerless!!!  I'm sure people like Hillary disagree, because most of her "Basket of Deplorables" reside it these smaller states!  She, and Warren, and the rest would love nothing better than to permanently disenfranchise us completely from all elections!!!

Since the Democrats  lost two presidential elections, for Gore, and for Hillary Clinton, because they did not win the Electoral College, their solution is not to try harder, but to change the Constitution so they have  an unfair advantage.   I think this is nothing less than the first step in undermining the whole Constitution, if they get their chance.

That, coupled with the endless fight to keep local Democrats in state and local governments from violating the second amendment, and trying to confiscate the guns of law-abiding citizens, so we would be disarmed when they force us to accept laws they take away our freedoms , and place us under the rule of totalitarian dictators, like the Venezuelans, who are powerless to overthrow their government , which has totally destroyed their economy,  while they continue to live in luxury themselves!!!

 Don't forget the endless fight against those who feel that the constitution allows for abortion under any circumstances, including the preposterous suggestion that babies surviving attempted abortions should be "made comfortable" while the doctors, and the parents, discuss "what should be done with them" (implying the choice between infanticide, or not)!!!  As if they have the right to make that choice!!!

Apparently there is no evil too great for the Democrats to consider, as long as it is convenient for their self interests!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Are We Headed For Another Civil War In America???

In the 2006 book, "The Shadow Party", by David Horowitz, and Richard Poe, the authors detail the frightening efforts, of George Soros, and his international conspirators to subvert international elections in former Soviet Russian satellite nations, and other European  countries to bring about effective  Coup D'etats, whether there was actual voter fraud in the elections, or not!   They nearly did the same thing to George W, Bush, in his re-election campaign in 2004, and were behind the horrible outrage over the "stealing" of Hillary Clinton's victory, in 2016, by such "illegitimate" means as an Electoral College victory, which overruled Clinton's popular vote victory!!!

It's clear that Soros, and his "sixties radical" followers are just about finished with trying to win elections through the ballot box, and Constitutional law, and they have shown , in other countries, that they will use the threat of civil war to win elections that may, or may not have been stolen by the opposition!   Their tactics of "top down", and "bottom up" revolution have been quite effective in countries that have been run by totalitarian governments, and they don.t see any difference between those countries' despots, and our country, with Donald Trump!!!   If he wins a legitimate victory  in this year's election, I expect they will try to create a public outrage, with false post-election tallies that can be easily lied about, and have no legitimacy, other than to sway a gullible public that is easily influenced by their leftist dogma! They tried to bring in corrupt U.N. monitors to supposedly watch the 2004 election results, which the losers could claim legitimized their claims of foul play!!!  Their objections  may result in "bottom up" street demonstrations, by groups like "Antifa", the fascist group, that calls everybody else to be fascist pigs, while demonstrating their own fascism, publicly !!!  Ocasio Cortez, and those of her ilk, would love to stir things up in Congress, whether they have the truth on their side, or not, and that would surely start the "top down" effort!!!

This whole process boils down to Good vs. Evil, and Satan vs. God!  There have been prophecies for millennia about a "One-World" government, like the one that is being promoted in Europe, today, and the Devil is prophecied to be in control of it's development!  Eventually, it will be taken over by a smooth talking manipulator, like Soros, for a seven year period when believing Christians and Jews will be persecuted, even to death, until Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom, and throw the evil people into hell!

So, am I trying to say that Soros is the Antichrist???  Not really, though he seems to be campaigning for the job!   The point is that he is setting the world up for the system, whether or not he is the eventual benefactor of the process!!!  The world is running headlong to embrace evil in an unprecedented way, and Soros seems to be doing his best to facilitate the show, with plenty of miraculous help from Satan's power!  Who would have thought that idiots like Omar, and A.O.C., could win an election to Congress, or that Socialists like Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren could ever be considered legitimate candidates for the presidency???  Without Satanic blindness, on the unbelieving public, I don't believe these buffoons  would have a prayer in the elections of 30, to 40 years ago!!!  And Soros would have wasted his billions promoting a "One-World" system that would have a "majority of one" to govern, namely himself!!!

The bottom line is we are "up against it, folks", and as Christians this is where the "rubber meets the road", and any other euphemism that applies!   Only God can preserve our Constitutional government, now, for we are facing the second most powerful force in the universe (Satan), and he can, and eventually will be defeated only by God Himself, when Jesus returns (which doesn't seem long in coming, now)!!!  In the mean time, Satan's lackeys will have a field day, and think that they have won, but their final judgement is coming soon and will last for an eternity!!!

For now, we should all pray that God will spare our nation, and have mercy upon us all, for tough times are sure to follow!!!  Again, "Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!!!"  Amen!  Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

In Spite Of Friendly Negotiations, China Is Definitely Not Our Friend!!!

I have been reading another frightening Horror story lately!  It's called, "Trump vs. China", and it's by Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, at the end of the 1990"s.  I call it a Horror story, because it scares the "willies" out of me, (whatever that means) not because the writing is so cleverly written, but because it contains enough documented evidence to convince me that it is true!!!

 It describes the behavior of the Chinese government, over the past several decades, in a manner to show that China has been using the benefits of American assistance to not only progress out of the technological "Dark Ages" that they wallowed in for so long, but to advance through rather predatory actions that seem to suggest they are trying to become the dominant economy, and military power of the world, as quickly as possible!!!  And they are doing it at our expense, mostly by stealing our technology!!!   Their behavior demonstrates that they are not merely trying to boost their own welfare, but are proceeding with their traditional Marxist ideology, in an effort to dominate first their neighboring countries, and obviously the whole world, in time!!!  The net result of their obvious intentions is to enslave the whole world, just as they have brutally enslaved their own people!!!  What they are doing to us is akin to someone inviting a known thief into their home, showing him their jewelry, and their money, giving him a loaded gun, and expecting him not to rob them!!!  We have been blind to their blatantly malicious behavior, because of our own greedy desires to profit from opening a huge new market, with a huge workforce that considers dirt-cheap wages to be  like winning the lottery!!!

So, now we have two Socialist entities trying to conquer the world, one from Europe, and now this one, from China!!!  When will greedy people stop trying to enslave others, to do their work for them, so they can keep most of the profits???  I guess we'll have to wait for Jesus to return to set up His Kingdom, to have a world government based on freedom, rather than enslavement!

I do not blame China as much as I blame our naïve previous administrations, and our greedy multinational corporate managers,  and directors, who apparently feel that immediate profits are more important than protecting  the world from the intention of world  enslavement by the communist government of China!!!  These corporate elites seem to foolishly believe that China's designs of domination will exempt them, which it might, initially, but sooner, or later, the Communists will claim some right to confiscate their wealth, too!!!  And that doesn't even account for the judgement of God, when they die, and they have to explain why they don't deserve an eternity in Hell!!!  How are their short-term profits going to help them, then???

Are they going to try to offer God a bribe, to ignore it all???  Good luck with that!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 19, 2020

In Spite Of Optimism, Chinese Trade War Is Not Over... It's Just Beginning!!!

I believe that President Trump's resolve to stop China's unfair trade behavior is genuine, but the Chinese government has demonstrated an intentional  resolve to make trade agreements in the past, which it has every intention of violating, because it believes we do not have the resolve to back up our threats to punish any violations to those agreements!!!   The sanctions that the President placed on China were painful enough to bring the Chinese to the negotiating table, but will they honor their agreement, when they have demonstrated in the past a willingness to violate the terms of past agreements???

The President must not only be wary of the Chinese history of violating their own agreements, but must maintain a  resolve to implement further sanctions, with even harsher penalties, immediately upon evidence of their violations of the agreement, that was just signed last week!!!   A one-sided treaty is of no value, and if we end sanctions, while China continues it's pernicious trade practices ( which they have done in the past) we will find ourselves in a one-sided deal that will only make it worse for our trade relations!

Part of the problem is with our own companies which deal with China, and don't wish to complain when they find that China steals their IP secrets, and hacks their private security systems to steal their trade secrets.  They fear that any complaints will be reflected in loss of stock value, when it is made public, or that the Chinese will retaliate by more intrusive hacking, so they just keep their complaints to themselves.  This enables the Chinese hackers to get away with their theft, without retribution, which, in turn, encourages more of the same in the future!!!

If  President Trump wants to stop this cycle of Chinese theft of trade secrets, he must resolve to quickly respond with punitive sanctions for any violations of the trade deal. which he can reasonably expect from the Chinese!!!

This will invariably weaken Chino-American relations, but the alternative is to have our economy raided by hostile Chinese interests, that will eventually cause our  economies to reverse our positions as the first, and second economies of the world!!!  When that happens, you can bet China will sanction our economy to death, and there will be no opportunity to work out a trade deal with them!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Question Of, "Should America Go To War With Iran?", Is Irrelevant!!!

The real issue is, "Will America go to war with Iran???"

It seems so basic to me, yet so few, if any media pundits care to refer to the Bible, to see if any thing in it predicts whether, or not we will go to war with Iran!!!   God answered this question more than 2500 years before it was ever asked!!!  The Bible clearly predicts that there is no reference to any country that can be assumed to be America, in any descriptive form, that will take an active roll in defeating the Iranian aggression, when they will invade the Middle-East, and especially Israel!!! But, it is presumed by the elitist intelligentsia that anyone who places any credence in a Biblical prophecy that was made over 2500 years ago, must be a lunatic, and totally deranged, at least!!!

Well then, "Mia culpa!!!", I am guilty as charged!!!  If believing that a prophecy, given by God, about an era that seems to be unfolding around us today, constitutes insanity, then I guess I'm ready for the "Funny Farm" now!!!  I just hope someone will remember to let me out, when the invasion plays out exactly the way God said it would, 2500 years ago!!!   It is not my insanity that causes me to believe something that does not make material sense, today, it is the overwhelming atheistic cynicism of the media that makes them unable to consider the Bible as saying anything that is at all relevant to our world, today!!!  Their cynical arrogance is nauseating!!!  It stems from a basic belief that no other source but their own absolute wisdom could possibly understand the truth about the way the world works!!!  God not only knows how the world works, He knows how it will work before it happens!!!  Which of these arrogant buffoons claims to be able to do that???

Today, we find the Media is falling all over themselves to debate whether we should go to war with Iran!   The Leftist, Mainstream Media desperately proclaims Iran to be an innocent victim of the Trump administration's belligerent warlike blustering, and their logic pursues no further than, "We hate Trump, and everything bad is his fault!", and, "We love Obama, and whatever he stands for is good"!   The conservative Media pundits are not much better, as they debate the practicality of going to war with Iran!!!  When God decides Iran is ready to be judged for their evil ways, He will not ask either the media from the Left, or the Right, if they approve!!!

 I wonder if the hundreds of dead American soldiers would agree that taking out Soleimani, who masterminded the terrorism against them, was a bad idea, or would the thousands of American wounded soldiers feel that his assassination was a bad idea???

I've got news for the Mainstream Media pundits:  your proclamations of Iran's innocence doesn't make it true, and Iran will soon have to face God's judgement, and I wonder where that leaves you???   When you finally realize that what God proclaims will happen 2500 years later, is just as true as what He proclaims will happen tomorrow, your fate may be much worse than mere embarrassment!!!

UPDATE:  1/13/2020--

Surprise, surprise!!!  Iran in it's infinite wisdom has decided to shoot their own civilians, again, for protesting their regime, and calling for the "Supreme Leader" to step down!!!  Let's hear it for democracy, folks, that's what Shiite Islam calls responding to the will of the people!!!

In America, FOX NEWS interviewed a Texas Republican Congressman, who felt that this unrest could lead to "Regime Change", in Iran; unless Iran decides to go to war with someone, to, "change the narrative, and distract it's citizens from protesting!!!

 Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, let me think!  How about invading Israel???  Yeah!  That's the ticket!!!   All " good Muslims" hate Israel, anyway, so maybe this will keep the protesters distracted for awhile!

I wonder what God thinks of that idea!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

So, Now We Know Why America Will Not Directly Assist Israel In The "Gog/Magog" War!!!

The reason has little to do with American strategy, as I had been trying to reason through, and mostly to do with Middle-Eastern politics!!!  And Middle-Eastern politics is pressed mostly at the barrel of the gun!!!

I was trying to understand why America would voluntarily withdraw all of our troops from the Middle-East theatre, but now it seems that the Iranian outrage of America's killing of their beloved "chief terrorist", Soleimani, has made them desperate enough to get our troops out of the Iraqi corridor, before their  invasion, that they may have threatened the Iraqi members of Parliament to demand that we withdraw our troops!!!  I suspect this because it's well known that most Iraqi citizens do not want us to leave them to the harsh dictates of an Iranian dominated, and controlled, government, which would happen almost immediately upon our leaving!!!

But, if there is an implied threat to the members of Parliament, if they do not tell us to leave, then they will likely comply!!!  And, since America tries to honor principles of "International Law", even as absurd as much of that sometimes can be, we would have to honor the wishes of the sovereign nation of Iraq, and leave, once they have formally asked us to!!!

 You can bet Iran would move into, and probably annex Iraq, immediately upon our withdrawal, if not sooner!!!  Then, within 24 hours, the Iranian invasion of Israel  would "spontaneously" erupt over the flimsiest of excuses (probably the same logic as the Democratic Impeachment of President Trump!  "We hate him, therefor we 'Impeach' him!  And Adolph Hitler never hated the Jews of Germany more than the Muslims hate the Jews, of Israel!!!)  So, as soon as Trump formally receives a signed letter from the Iraqi Parliament telling him to get the American troops out of Iraq, you can bet the "Gog/\Magog" invasion will begin!!!

This will not deter God one bit from His plan to give Israel a miraculous victory over the invasion forces, even in the face of what seems to be overwhelming odds!!!  As I've written before, He will get the glory and, "the heathen will know that there is still a God in Israel"!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

It's Time To Consider Invading Mexico!!!

I was watching Tucker Carlson's show on FOX NEWS, when he interviewed Lara Logan, the former C.B.S. journalist, for "60 Minutes", who quit in frustration when her executives decided not to run her report on sex trafficker, Jeffery Epstein.  For  this report  she was reporting from the Mexican side of the border on the state of  the drug cartels' continued ability to export drugs, and import sex slaves from America, with impunity, while explaining that her crew was being harassed by the Mexican police while they tried to investigate the situation!  It seems the situation in many parts, if not all of Mexico, has deteriorated to the point where it is clear that the drug cartels now run the government, through bribery, and refusal to investigate, let alone prosecute, criminals!  Her report stated that 90% of criminals are not even investigated for their crimes, and 98% of all murders in Mexico are not investigated as crimes!

Those statistics, and the fact that the cartels are still able  to export their illegal drugs to the U.S., makes me wonder why we don't simply reverse the border crossing, instead of worrying about stopping the flow from Mexico!  Why don't we simply export our troops across the border, and take out the drug cartels, whether the Mexican government wants to cooperate, or not!!!

 Once we have invaded Mexico, we should make it clear to the government that their police, and armed forces will not be harmed, as long as they do not interfere!  They are not the target of the invasion, but their blatant refusal to disrupt the cartels' illegal activities puts them under suspicion of resisting our efforts to shut the cartels down, once and for all!!!

 If it takes a full scale military invasion, like "desert storm", in Iraq, then so be it!!!   Let's have at it, and the Democrats be damned!!!  (They seem to be headed that way, already!!!)

The precedent for an invasion of Mexico has been established twice, historically, in the 19th century,  when our army invaded Mexico, especially when the bandit Poncho Villa continued to raid American ranches to steal cattle, and money to pay for guns to fight in the Mexican revolution!!! He was considered a General in their revolutionary forces, but his behavior to America was no different than any other thug!!!  We put a stop to him, just as we should put a stop to the drug cartel thugs of today!!!   We have gone to great lengths to create a trade deal that would increase their trade wealth, and if the loss of the cartels would be such a financial loss to their economy, as reported,  I'm sure we could make an even better deal to make up for the lost illegal flow of money!!!

Monday, January 6, 2020

I Must Disagree With FOX NEWS Pundits.......

This is something I rarely feel is necessary to do, but I must now take exception to the average opinion expressed on FOX NEWS, concerning regime change in Iran, anytime soon!!!  While I agree that it would certainly be a big improvement, and there are certainly plenty of western sympathizing civilians protesting the evil policies of the Iranian government, the reality is that this is a very unarmed  public in a nation that  fears no one, who does not present an armed threat to their existence!!!   Short of a well armed, violent revolution against their Muslim Mullah-controlled government, there will be no "regime change" in Iran!!!   Their armed forces are not strong enough to contend with an American military invasion, if we so desired, but we don't desire it, and likely will not!!!  But, they are infinitely stronger than their own, unarmed public, and have already shown a great willingness to use this force against their own protestors, of which they have been reported to have opened fire on the protestors in the recent past, killing hundreds , (recent reports estimate,"nearly 1500 deaths", after the last protest)!!!   So, there will be no regime change, at least not from their revolutionary public protestors!

I draw my opinions of international movements from a mixture of current events, and the opinions of others, as current events do, or do not, match up with established prophetic messages, some of which are thousands of years old!  I do not presume to be smart enough to understand the ramifications of international policies, on my own, but I believe in a God who is infinitely capable of understanding what I do not, and I trust in what He has already said about certain issues, and He has said quite a lot about Middle-Eastern relations, especially in what He refers to as, "the last days"!!!  As I have written frequently in the past, I see enough evidence in today's current events, to believe that we are entering into the very period that God has referred to as the "last days", or the "end times",  whether most secular pundits recognize it, or not!!!   As I am unafraid to say so, even at the risk of being called a religious fanatic, or a crazy "nut job", I will stand upon what I believe the Bible has clearly stated as truth, even if it seems unlikely, according to present circumstances!!!  That also goes for what the Bible does not say about an issue that seems likely, currently!

Temporally, it does seem likely that the public unrest in Iran should soon culminate in a violent revolution, that would overthrow their evil regime, but not without access to sophisticated weapons!!!  America could supply those weapons, but we don't seem willing to do so!  And Biblical prophecy seems to indicate that Iran will have no earthly resistance to their evil hegemony, up until they invade Israel, which seems likely very soon!!!  At that point, they will be poking their "finger", metaphorically in the, "apple of God's eye", and they can expect the obvious consequences for doing so!!!   Not only will God assist Israel in overwhelmingly being victorious against this invasion, (see Ezekiel: 38,and 39) perhaps even destroying a large part of their forces with an earthquake, as He did in old testament times, against people who aggravated His wrath (remember God is, "the same, yesterday, today, and forever"!!!),  but, there is Biblical evidence of a severe destruction of Iran, itself, though the method is unclear!!!

So, there will eventually be a regime change in Iran, but it will not come from their disgruntled public!!!  Their government officials are trying to divert their public unrest by distracting them with fulfillment of their Muslim "prophecies" about conquering Israel, and the entire Middle-East, so they can nullify Western sanctions with the conquered  Gulf  States' oil reserves, as do their Russian allies, but their plans will end in complete disaster, for all of them!!!

As I have noted before, this is how God chooses to show the "heathen" that, "there is still a God in Israel", and that they mess with Him at their own peril!!!

Friday, January 3, 2020

Escalation, Retaliation, More Escalation, More Retaliation, Endlessly!.........

This may be the preliminary rounds of the prophecied "Gog/Magog" war, that I have been expecting to come at any time, now!!!

First, the Iranian proxy militias kill an American contractor, then we retaliate by attacking Iranian targets, serving notice that we will hold Iran  responsible for terrorist acts against our personnel , committed by their proxies!   Next, Iran sends their proxies to "spontaneously protest" against our embassy, but we end that by reinforcing the embassy with troops, and killing their general who was in charge of these kinds of attacks, and who was known to be in Bagdad, at the time!!!

In the recent attack, no American lives were lost, and the reinforcements that Trump ordered, put an end to the "spontaneous protest"!!!  Never the less, the Democrats couldn't resist  the temptation to call this "Trump's Benghazi", even though the only parallel between these two terrorist operations was at the outset!   The results were 180 degrees opposite of each other, since Trump ordered reinforcements, which Hillary refused to do, whether at Obama's direction, or not, and the Democrats apparently can't see, or belligerently refuse to acknowledge, the difference!!!

However, the danger is for these retaliations to continue to escalate, until the proxies are eventually replaced by all out war between the real opponents, Russia, and America!!!  This creates a nuclear threat, which both sides want to avoid, and this may be the reason that I have been searching for, as to why America is not listed (in some way) as going to the aid of Israel, when Israel is blatantly attacked by (probably) Iran!!!  It may be that both America, and Russia, will be restraining their inclinations to fight each other because they each have confidence in their respective proxies, Israel, and Iran!!!  But,  Russia apparently does not account for the fact that God is on Israel's side!!!  The overwhelming victory that the prophecy says Israel will receive, is clearly miraculous, which Russia, officially at least, refuses to believe is possible, and Iran expects to receive from their god, "Allah", whom they will soon find out doesn't exist!!!

This is the way that God will receive the glory for helping Israel, and showing, "the heathen that there is still a God in Israel"!!!  (See Ezekiel 39: 8.)