Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Is There Evidence That God chose Trump To Be President???

The very tenor of the criticism of  President Trump may be evidence that God has chosen him to be our President, and will keep him in office after the 2020 elections, as unlikely as the Main Stream Media, and the evil manipulations of the Left would seem to indicate!!!  Remember, that God delights in confounding the "wisdom of the wise", at least those who tend to boast of their "wisdom", as the Democratic candidates are so doing!  By touting their "great" ideas, such as the "Green New Deal", and condemning everything that Trump stands for, they are implying that their "wisdom" is superior to anything that Trump proposes, which sets them up for God's miraculous exposure for the foolishness that they really stand for!!!

The Biblical basis for my opinion is based upon the story of King David!  We know that David was the wisest man in Israel, so God made him king, because of that!!!  WRONG!!!

 If anything, one might say God chose him because he was the meekest, and most humble man in Israel, recognizing his own frailty, so God knew he was pliable to His own wisdom, which was lightyears higher than anything man could hope for!!! David apparently endured endless criticism, and meanspirited interference with his plans, as he frequently pled with God to deliver him from his enemies!!!  But God apparently allowed him to endure such enmity, to keep him focused upon Him for His help!!! Even David's son, Solomon, was  equally as humble as he was, at least at the beginning of his reign.  It wasn't until Solomon sinned, unrepentantly, nearly 1000 times, in marrying foreign wives, that his loss of humility, and disobedience, brought God's eventual judgement upon Israel!!!  Even so, God continued to bless Solomon's reign, not because of his own obedience, but because of David's previous obedience, and repentance even after his sin was exposed!  Even then, God withheld His judgement until after Solomon's death, mostly because of His appreciation for David's obedience, which was not perfect, but still better than those around him!!!

So, how does this all compare to Trump, today???  I know nothing of Trump's relationship to the Lord, or lack thereof!  Nor do I need to!  The things he stands for are lightyears more wise than anything the Left stands for!!!  And, as long as he stands firm on those positions, I believe that God will honor him with re-election, as unlikely as it is appearing to be!!!  It does not matter if he really believes in his positions, or if he is merely trying to curry the support of the Evangelical Christians who supported him in 2016!  I believe God is more interested in his obedience to His will, than any confession of faith, which might be less then genuine!   It's a simple matter of saying one thing, and doing another, vs. being obedient to what God wants!!!  Even if Trump doesn't really know what God's position on an issue would be, he has surrounded himself with excellent advisors who should be able to tell him!

So, while the Democrats, in Congress, are trying to hinder everything Trump stands for, especially on illegal immigration, and are trying to get all illegal immigrants to "legally" vote for Democrats in 2020,  I believe that somehow, in some way, God will turn the Democrats' shenanigans to naught, and will cause Trump to be miraculously re-elected!!!  I confess that I don't have a clue as to how He will do this, but the historical evidence is real, that He places people in positions of power, that will do His will, and serve his purposes!

History tells of people like Winston Churchill, who gave little evidence of being a "Godly man"!  But, he stood for righteousness,  at a time of great peril for Britain, and the rest of the world, and God used him mightily, "at such a time as this"!  Also we know that God "doesn't use Democrats", but how do we explain F.D.R.???  God surely used him to defeat Hitler, and the Japanese, in W.W.II!!!  I guess there is even hope for Democrats, in spite of my own inclination to doubt such!!!  Thank God, that He is God, and I am not; or the whole world would be in jeopardy!!!  

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