Monday, June 10, 2019

Tempering Yesterday's Post A Bit...

Yesterday's post was perhaps a bit optimistic when I questioned whether others were speaking out about the Democrats, and other Leftist politicians, trying to destroy our government, by showing how obsolete our Constitution was for our time.  It is apparent to me, and perhaps a growing number of others, that the Left only wants power in our government, so they can destroy it!!!  They obviously want to abolish the Constitution, but what will they give us in it's place???

My perspective, because I believe in Biblical prophecy, has always been that their blatant outrageous platforms have demonstrated an "all, or nothing" mentality, as if they had no plans to run for office again!  They seem unafraid to make outrageous claims for new hyper-expensive programs, that will certainly drive our dollar into bankruptcy, because they want our prosperity to be dissolved, so we will be forced to accept their "One-World" Socialist government's newly created, computerized currency, as the only acceptable currency of international exchange value!

Yesterday's optimism was that others had reportedly realized the Left hates our Constitution, and wants to abolish it.  First, by abolishing the Electoral College, then I suspect the whole Constitution, later!!!  But that was only the political aspect of the crisis I see in our political system, today!  Their is no point in abolishing a government, unless you have an alternative that you think is better, to replace it with!  The Bible talks about a system that is prophecied to be developed some time in the future, at a time referred to as, the "Last Days", or the "End Times", preceding the return of Jesus!!!!  This is a period that prophecies many developments that seem to me to be consistent with today's world!  It doesn't mean absolutely that we are in that period, but my purpose is to suggest that we might be, for the consideration of the readers.  The others, that are seeming to agree, only go so far as to recognize the Left's hostility to the Constitution,   It seems to be too far-fetched for them to agree that we may be seeing the soon fulfilment of a prophecy given some 2500 years ago for some future date!   For this to be true, one must be expecting the daily current events to match up with the Biblical description, at any time!

 I believe that time is now!!!|

Yesterday, I explained that a system is prophecied to be developed that will require a "Mark of the Beast" to buy, or sell anything, including food!!!Those who refused, would be allowed to starve!  But, the Bible says that those who participated in the system would be sent to Hell, eternally!!!

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