Monday, January 15, 2018

Hawaii Goes "Ballistic"Over False Alarm!

Last Saturday, a ballistic missile attack warning was mistakenly given to the population of Hawaii, sending the whole population into a degree of panic.  Many of those living in high rise hotels were forced to seek "shelter" in the lobbies, and basements of their buildings, as if that would save them  from more than an instant burial under several floors of rubble, if the nuclear attack had been genuine!

Face it folks; if the U.S. is attacked by nuclear arms, lobbies, and basements are not going to save anyone!  The warning to seek shelter that was given to these people was reminiscent  of my grade school days, crawling under my desk, with my arms over my head, because the principal, and teachers said this was the best way to protect yourself, in the event of a nuclear attack!  Yessiree, bob!  That was some comfort, knowing that no nuclear bomb, or missile, could harm me, because I was under my desk, with my arms over my head!!!

As silly as this sounds, the reaction of people like Jim Carey to blame it all on Trump's tweets against Kim Jung Un, are even more insipid.  Who started this, anyway???  Was Trump the one who was flying ballistic missiles over Japan, claiming that he would blow up North Korea soon???  I don't think so!   And, if tough talk is bad diplomacy, what has eight years of diplomatic pretending it's not a problem done for us, under the Obama administration?

Wake up, America!!!  It's time to realize that any nuclear attack on us is not likely survivable.  The important thing to consider is where you're going to spend eternity, whether there is a nuclear attack, or not!   The excruciating pain of burning up in a nuclear attack would probably last for a millisecond.  But, the pain of burning in Hell is eternal pain.  Plus, since there is no physical  body to burn, God has created the sensation of the external body burning, only, coupled with the sensation of parasitic worms eating your "flesh", internally...forever!!!  And that's a bit longer than a millisecond!!!  There is no bomb shelter capable of protecting someone from God's eternal damnation, even if the Russians foolishly think so!   They can spend their thousand years underground, as the book of Revelation prophecies, and they'll escape Nuclear annihilation, only to find that God is still waiting for them, when they come out!!!  (Is there no end to the foolishness of man???)

The only solution to protect yourself from the eternal pain of  Damnation  is to pray, according to the heading at the top of each page, that Jesus would forgive you of all your sins, (as the Bible says,  we "...all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."), and that He would come into your heart, and save your soul!!!  Those who do will be spared the eternity described above, and those who do not, will not!!!

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