Am I suggesting that the prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion will soon happen? No!!! I came dangerously close to doing that once before, a few years ago, and I won't do so again! I suggested that since wars in the Middle-East were historically begun in late Spring, and early Summer, and it seemed that things were pointing that way, I said I wouldn't be surprised to see it begin at that time. I should have said that I would also not be surprised if it didn't. I have insisted, many times, that I am not trying to present myself as some kind of modern-day prophet! I came very close to refuting that profession, then, and nothing happened. I guess God was showing me that I had to be more careful in my choice of words!
Anyway, when the Prime Minister of Israel finds it necessary to go to Moscow to try and reason with Russia's President Putin, about the tension created by Iran's massing troops (the previously mentioned 80-100,000 troops in Syria) along the area just north of Israel, it seems that a desperation is setting in, that agrees with the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy! I wonder if Netanyahu is really simply complaining about Russia's ally, Iran, or is he trying to convince Putin of the folly of any efforts to bring this invasion to fruition, especially since the prophecy makes it clear that it will lead to an Israeli victory, and a defeat of the Russian/Iranian, etc., invasion force; in the neighborhood of 83, and 1/3rd % of their forces, including their leader, who may be Putin himself!
If this is his real intention, it may be well intended indeed, but I don't expect it will be successful. When God hardens someone's heart, no amount of reasoning will effect his decisions, at all! God hardened the heart of the Egyptian Pharaoh, and even the ten plagues He sent upon Egypt did not get him to change his mind, except the last one, and then only briefly, before he finally sent his army after them, presumably to slaughter them. God finally dunked Pharaoh's army in the Red Sea, without bothering to change their minds, He simply changed their living conditions, permanently!!! I suspect that, if Putin is the one referred to in the prophecy as "Gog", his heart will be similarly reluctant to believe anything that might convince him of the disaster awaiting him, and his invasion force. I guess he still believes there is no God in Russia, and there can't be any truth in a 2500-year-old "myth" from the Bible! If that is so, he will have an eternity to regret the foolishness of his unbelief!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Monday, January 29, 2018
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Gee...I Wonder Why Iran Has A Troop Buildup Of Between 80-100,000 Men In Syria???
When Israel's U.N. Ambassador announced that Iran had some 80,000 troops under their control, in Syria, and was bragging that they had actually100,000 troops, the first thought that comes to mind is, "Why?" If I.S.I.S. .has been nearly eradicated from Syrian ,and Iraqi territory, you would expect that the allied troops that had defended against the I.S.I.S. terrorist invasion would begin to withdraw to there own homeland, right??? Wrong!!! Iran has been licking their chops over Syrian and Lebanese territory for decades, wanting to re-create a Persian empire, similar to that of ancient times, all the way from Iran to the Mediterranean Sea, including present day territory belonging to Israel!. The fact that this would bring them to the border of their hated enemy, Israel, is a worrisome fact that is not lost on the Israelis, who are only too willing to recognize it for what it is. It is blatant hegemony, similar to when Russia invaded the Ukraine, under the guise of, "Russian loyalists" from the Ukraine, itself . I'll bet that 90 to100% of those "Loyalists" were Russian soldiers before the invasion, having simply put on different uniforms!
So, what is Iran massing so many troops for, just to the north of Israel...Hmmmmmm! I can't guess!
It's almost like they were preparing an invasion somewhere...Hmmmmmm!!! I wonder which direction they would be heading??? South, maybe???
At least this is an obvious wake-up call to Israel, which has known about the Prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion, by Russia, Iran, and others for over 2500 years, and has been distributing gas masks to the public, for decades, because some of the prophecy suggests that a form of poison gas (if not deadly, at least temporarily debilitating) may be introduced to begin the invasion. Iran's ally, Syria, has been condemned for using gas against rebels of their own people, and even recently, and could reasonably be expected to do so at the behest of Russia, and Iran. It may be time for the Israelis to unpack their stored gas masks, just in case!
So we have Russian tanks, and Jets in their northern Syrian air base, and Iranian troops nearing 100,000, ready for what? Gee.. I just can't guess what they might have in mind!!!
So, what is Iran massing so many troops for, just to the north of Israel...Hmmmmmm! I can't guess!
It's almost like they were preparing an invasion somewhere...Hmmmmmm!!! I wonder which direction they would be heading??? South, maybe???
At least this is an obvious wake-up call to Israel, which has known about the Prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion, by Russia, Iran, and others for over 2500 years, and has been distributing gas masks to the public, for decades, because some of the prophecy suggests that a form of poison gas (if not deadly, at least temporarily debilitating) may be introduced to begin the invasion. Iran's ally, Syria, has been condemned for using gas against rebels of their own people, and even recently, and could reasonably be expected to do so at the behest of Russia, and Iran. It may be time for the Israelis to unpack their stored gas masks, just in case!
So we have Russian tanks, and Jets in their northern Syrian air base, and Iranian troops nearing 100,000, ready for what? Gee.. I just can't guess what they might have in mind!!!
Monday, January 22, 2018
Watch The Syrian/Turkish Border For signs Of "Gog/Magog" Invasion Imminence...
I don't see this move of the U.S.-backed Kurdish militia to the Syrian/Turkish border to be a lasting move, however well-intended it may seem, on paper. The Turks consider the Kurds to be every bit a terrorist organization, as we do the I.S.I.S. terrorists, which we have mostly driven out of Iraq. It does not matter that we consider them to be allies. What really matters is which side will Syria, and most importantly, will Russia back in this controversial move? My guess is that they will both side with Turkey, and will soon call for America to demand that the Kurds withdraw from their Syrian border position.
My premise here is that Russia, and their ally, Syria, are more interested in solidifying a future alliance with Turkey, to join in their "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion plans, which will eventually threaten Israel, so if they condemn this Kurdish move, it will signal that they are indeed trying to get Turkey on board, as the Ezekiel: 38,and 39 prophecy seems to suggest. Also, consistent with these assumptions would be some arrangement for the withdrawal of American forces out of the Iraq/Syrian corridor, as Russia would not dare to invade Israel with our forces close at hand to help our best ally in the Middle-East. So, I caution the reader to keep a close eye on the happenings in this region, in the near future, as it will probably predict the nearness of the fulfillment of the prophecy, or not.
UPDATE: (1/24/2018)--
Day two of my theory, as written above (I will not blaspheme by calling it, or implying that it is in any way prophetic, as I have often said I am not a prophet; I can be as wrong about this as anybody!) Yet, I still believe we will see the events unfold similarly to my prediction, not because God has told me so (He hasn't!), but because it proceeds logically from the basic prophecy that God did give to the prophet Ezekiel, around 2500 years ago. It may take some time for this to unfold, but I still feel strongly that Russia , and Syria will soon begin to pressure President Trump to pressure the Kurds to withdraw from the northern Syria border with Turkey ,simply because they wish to agree with the Turkish government's position, in the hope that Turkey will reciprocate later, and join in with their planned Middle-East invasion. Any move in this direction should verify my premise, to that extent!
So far the positions of both Russia and Syria are completely opposite of my expectation, yet there is still plenty of time for them to reverse their positions accordingly! Stay tuned!!!
My premise here is that Russia, and their ally, Syria, are more interested in solidifying a future alliance with Turkey, to join in their "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion plans, which will eventually threaten Israel, so if they condemn this Kurdish move, it will signal that they are indeed trying to get Turkey on board, as the Ezekiel: 38,and 39 prophecy seems to suggest. Also, consistent with these assumptions would be some arrangement for the withdrawal of American forces out of the Iraq/Syrian corridor, as Russia would not dare to invade Israel with our forces close at hand to help our best ally in the Middle-East. So, I caution the reader to keep a close eye on the happenings in this region, in the near future, as it will probably predict the nearness of the fulfillment of the prophecy, or not.
UPDATE: (1/24/2018)--
Day two of my theory, as written above (I will not blaspheme by calling it, or implying that it is in any way prophetic, as I have often said I am not a prophet; I can be as wrong about this as anybody!) Yet, I still believe we will see the events unfold similarly to my prediction, not because God has told me so (He hasn't!), but because it proceeds logically from the basic prophecy that God did give to the prophet Ezekiel, around 2500 years ago. It may take some time for this to unfold, but I still feel strongly that Russia , and Syria will soon begin to pressure President Trump to pressure the Kurds to withdraw from the northern Syria border with Turkey ,simply because they wish to agree with the Turkish government's position, in the hope that Turkey will reciprocate later, and join in with their planned Middle-East invasion. Any move in this direction should verify my premise, to that extent!
So far the positions of both Russia and Syria are completely opposite of my expectation, yet there is still plenty of time for them to reverse their positions accordingly! Stay tuned!!!
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Which Nuclear Option Is Best???
Trump called for Congressional Republicans in the Senate to resort to the last-resort option called the "Nuclear Option" to close off filibuster "debate", in order to get the government funding bill passed, to reopen the government. There are times when one is tempted to ponder which Nuclear Option is best to deal with these belligerent Democrats, in the Senate.
If one could isolate the radiation to remain only on the Democratic side of the Senate, a literal Nuclear option might be tempting!!! Unfortunately, there are way too many self-serving idiots, stupid enough to run for election to take the place of all the blithering buffoons that this "option" would temporarily rid us of! Let's face it, the Democrats are in the majority across the board throughout the whole nation. And there are way too many Democrats filling the polling booths to vote them in. I think we can blame this mostly upon the massive liberal domination of the Pubic School system, created by the liberal," humanistic" domination of the Department of Education, for the past few decades, and the not-so-subtle indoctrination propaganda that has been going on endlessly, to the point that High School graduates can not perceive of anything but liberal principles as being considered as good, under any circumstances. It takes about a decade of living in the real world, after High School, and even worse after graduating from schools like Berkeley, to realize the fallacy of their liberal education! And unfortunately some never do outgrow it! They're the ones who run for Congress as Democrats!!! And some even graduate from Harvard Law, and become among the worst Presidents of the U.S., ever!!!
The only way to reverse this is to give Trump, and hopefully some decent successors, time to show that the defeatist mentality of the Liberals is not the only option. But you can bet people like Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi will do everything they can to keep that from happening! That's really what this government shutdown is all about. The Democrats are trying to force the DACA relief issue their way, because they know Trump wants to hold onto that issue to offer as bait against the immigration reform effort, including the "Wall" along the southern border. The Democrats want to rob him of the tactic so they can keep the porous illegal immigration system intact, which they believe is their best opportunity for re-election, along with frustrating the attempt at verifying legal residency at the voting polls. They believe most illegals will vote Democratic, if they can keep flooding the polls with new arrivals from other countries to vote illegally in our elections, and even pay them to vote repeatedly! They rightly see the Republican effort to keep the elections honest as an inhibition to their elections in the future!
This desperate strategy is their way of countering the blase' mentality of liberal voters, unless there is some vital interest in the election. Low turnouts of Democratic voters is commonplace in many elections, and instead of motivating the legal voters, they find it easier to bring in illegals, and even pay for their votes, sometimes! It's a crying shame, but that's what our democratic system of government has degenerated into, lately!!!
If one could isolate the radiation to remain only on the Democratic side of the Senate, a literal Nuclear option might be tempting!!! Unfortunately, there are way too many self-serving idiots, stupid enough to run for election to take the place of all the blithering buffoons that this "option" would temporarily rid us of! Let's face it, the Democrats are in the majority across the board throughout the whole nation. And there are way too many Democrats filling the polling booths to vote them in. I think we can blame this mostly upon the massive liberal domination of the Pubic School system, created by the liberal," humanistic" domination of the Department of Education, for the past few decades, and the not-so-subtle indoctrination propaganda that has been going on endlessly, to the point that High School graduates can not perceive of anything but liberal principles as being considered as good, under any circumstances. It takes about a decade of living in the real world, after High School, and even worse after graduating from schools like Berkeley, to realize the fallacy of their liberal education! And unfortunately some never do outgrow it! They're the ones who run for Congress as Democrats!!! And some even graduate from Harvard Law, and become among the worst Presidents of the U.S., ever!!!
The only way to reverse this is to give Trump, and hopefully some decent successors, time to show that the defeatist mentality of the Liberals is not the only option. But you can bet people like Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi will do everything they can to keep that from happening! That's really what this government shutdown is all about. The Democrats are trying to force the DACA relief issue their way, because they know Trump wants to hold onto that issue to offer as bait against the immigration reform effort, including the "Wall" along the southern border. The Democrats want to rob him of the tactic so they can keep the porous illegal immigration system intact, which they believe is their best opportunity for re-election, along with frustrating the attempt at verifying legal residency at the voting polls. They believe most illegals will vote Democratic, if they can keep flooding the polls with new arrivals from other countries to vote illegally in our elections, and even pay them to vote repeatedly! They rightly see the Republican effort to keep the elections honest as an inhibition to their elections in the future!
This desperate strategy is their way of countering the blase' mentality of liberal voters, unless there is some vital interest in the election. Low turnouts of Democratic voters is commonplace in many elections, and instead of motivating the legal voters, they find it easier to bring in illegals, and even pay for their votes, sometimes! It's a crying shame, but that's what our democratic system of government has degenerated into, lately!!!
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
I Didn't Realize My Opimions Constituted A Security Risk, In Congressional Views!!!
I just attempted to E-mail one of my Senators about the urgency of his "yes" vote for the so-called "Taylor Force Bill". This is the bill that would defund the Palestinian Authority of the $350,000,000.00 in foreign aid we have been giving to them, annually; out of which they have been paying rewards ( or bounties, is perhaps a more accurate term) to the surviving family members of terrorists, who murder Israeli citizens, and sometimes western tourists; like Taylor Force, the American, after whom the bill was named. Since Palestinian families generally live in such poor conditions, this practice essentially encourages poor Palestinian youths to help their families by committing murder, in Israel. If they die in the process, their families receive even more money!
The urgency of this bill's passage is apparently obvious to everyone in America, probably Democrats, and Republicans, alike, except in the halls of Congress, and probably the International Socialists at the State Department, which is probably everyone there!!! We have been hearing about this for some time, so why is it taking Congress so long to make the obvious decision??? I think I smell State Department meddling, here, as those idiots don't seem to care what these "Podunk" countries do with the aid they are given, but cutting it off probably seems to them a way of terminating U.S. influence. Well. so be it!!! What has our influence there gotten us to date. anyway???
As this bill has already passed the House, and the issue is so blatantly "cut, and dry", I suggested that an "up, or down vote" should be called for immediately, without the pomposity of silly debating on the issue. Any Congressman who can not see the urgency here has no right to expect to be re-elected this Fall!
I expressed myself similarly, in my E-mail, but there was certainly no threat expressed, or implied, in my message! Yet, when I hit the "Submit" button, instead of a confirmation that my E-mail had been sent, I received a message saying my E-mail had not bee sent, because "a security threat had been detected"! When I exited the web page, and tried to return, I found that I could not get through! There was not enough time for a human to receive my E-mail, read it, judge it as "threatening", and reject it! Therefor I assume a computer has been programmed to weed out various "threatening" words, and phrases, similar to that which goes on at the National Security Agency, which snoops on International phone calls. The difference there is that the computer merely notes the possible threats for human review, weeding out the millions of non-threatening calls. If the Congressional system does actually reject the "threats" from reaching the Congressman's office, this represents a step forward in censorship, not because of actual threat, but because of computer incompetence. It's hard to believe that any of my words could seem threatening; whomever programmed it must have some very thin skin, emotionally, on their own right, or on behalf of some very sensitive Congressmen!!! But I will find out if this Congressman does not vote for passage of this bill; and I promise I will remember it in November, when it comes time for re-election! And that is not a threat, it's a promise!!!
UPDATE: [2 hours later]:
After reflecting on the above, I realized that I did use a word that a computer program might have associated with a threat. In explaining the seriousness of the "Taylor Force" bill, I mentioned it was named for the American tourist who was murdered while visiting Israel. I now suspect that a program might have selected out any references to the word "murder", in any tense. And, without any human capacity to discern the context, it probably assumed I was making a threat against my Congressman. I later rewrote my E-mail to him, using a substitute word for "murder", and it was received after I submitted it.
The closest I came to threatening him was to promise that I would find out if he voted against the bill, and vote accordingly next November, or whenever he is up next for re-election!
The urgency of this bill's passage is apparently obvious to everyone in America, probably Democrats, and Republicans, alike, except in the halls of Congress, and probably the International Socialists at the State Department, which is probably everyone there!!! We have been hearing about this for some time, so why is it taking Congress so long to make the obvious decision??? I think I smell State Department meddling, here, as those idiots don't seem to care what these "Podunk" countries do with the aid they are given, but cutting it off probably seems to them a way of terminating U.S. influence. Well. so be it!!! What has our influence there gotten us to date. anyway???
As this bill has already passed the House, and the issue is so blatantly "cut, and dry", I suggested that an "up, or down vote" should be called for immediately, without the pomposity of silly debating on the issue. Any Congressman who can not see the urgency here has no right to expect to be re-elected this Fall!
I expressed myself similarly, in my E-mail, but there was certainly no threat expressed, or implied, in my message! Yet, when I hit the "Submit" button, instead of a confirmation that my E-mail had been sent, I received a message saying my E-mail had not bee sent, because "a security threat had been detected"! When I exited the web page, and tried to return, I found that I could not get through! There was not enough time for a human to receive my E-mail, read it, judge it as "threatening", and reject it! Therefor I assume a computer has been programmed to weed out various "threatening" words, and phrases, similar to that which goes on at the National Security Agency, which snoops on International phone calls. The difference there is that the computer merely notes the possible threats for human review, weeding out the millions of non-threatening calls. If the Congressional system does actually reject the "threats" from reaching the Congressman's office, this represents a step forward in censorship, not because of actual threat, but because of computer incompetence. It's hard to believe that any of my words could seem threatening; whomever programmed it must have some very thin skin, emotionally, on their own right, or on behalf of some very sensitive Congressmen!!! But I will find out if this Congressman does not vote for passage of this bill; and I promise I will remember it in November, when it comes time for re-election! And that is not a threat, it's a promise!!!
UPDATE: [2 hours later]:
After reflecting on the above, I realized that I did use a word that a computer program might have associated with a threat. In explaining the seriousness of the "Taylor Force" bill, I mentioned it was named for the American tourist who was murdered while visiting Israel. I now suspect that a program might have selected out any references to the word "murder", in any tense. And, without any human capacity to discern the context, it probably assumed I was making a threat against my Congressman. I later rewrote my E-mail to him, using a substitute word for "murder", and it was received after I submitted it.
The closest I came to threatening him was to promise that I would find out if he voted against the bill, and vote accordingly next November, or whenever he is up next for re-election!
Monday, January 15, 2018
Hawaii Goes "Ballistic"Over False Alarm!
Last Saturday, a ballistic missile attack warning was mistakenly given to the population of Hawaii, sending the whole population into a degree of panic. Many of those living in high rise hotels were forced to seek "shelter" in the lobbies, and basements of their buildings, as if that would save them from more than an instant burial under several floors of rubble, if the nuclear attack had been genuine!
Face it folks; if the U.S. is attacked by nuclear arms, lobbies, and basements are not going to save anyone! The warning to seek shelter that was given to these people was reminiscent of my grade school days, crawling under my desk, with my arms over my head, because the principal, and teachers said this was the best way to protect yourself, in the event of a nuclear attack! Yessiree, bob! That was some comfort, knowing that no nuclear bomb, or missile, could harm me, because I was under my desk, with my arms over my head!!!
As silly as this sounds, the reaction of people like Jim Carey to blame it all on Trump's tweets against Kim Jung Un, are even more insipid. Who started this, anyway??? Was Trump the one who was flying ballistic missiles over Japan, claiming that he would blow up North Korea soon??? I don't think so! And, if tough talk is bad diplomacy, what has eight years of diplomatic pretending it's not a problem done for us, under the Obama administration?
Wake up, America!!! It's time to realize that any nuclear attack on us is not likely survivable. The important thing to consider is where you're going to spend eternity, whether there is a nuclear attack, or not! The excruciating pain of burning up in a nuclear attack would probably last for a millisecond. But, the pain of burning in Hell is eternal pain. Plus, since there is no physical body to burn, God has created the sensation of the external body burning, only, coupled with the sensation of parasitic worms eating your "flesh", internally...forever!!! And that's a bit longer than a millisecond!!! There is no bomb shelter capable of protecting someone from God's eternal damnation, even if the Russians foolishly think so! They can spend their thousand years underground, as the book of Revelation prophecies, and they'll escape Nuclear annihilation, only to find that God is still waiting for them, when they come out!!! (Is there no end to the foolishness of man???)
The only solution to protect yourself from the eternal pain of Damnation is to pray, according to the heading at the top of each page, that Jesus would forgive you of all your sins, (as the Bible says, we "...all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."), and that He would come into your heart, and save your soul!!! Those who do will be spared the eternity described above, and those who do not, will not!!!
Face it folks; if the U.S. is attacked by nuclear arms, lobbies, and basements are not going to save anyone! The warning to seek shelter that was given to these people was reminiscent of my grade school days, crawling under my desk, with my arms over my head, because the principal, and teachers said this was the best way to protect yourself, in the event of a nuclear attack! Yessiree, bob! That was some comfort, knowing that no nuclear bomb, or missile, could harm me, because I was under my desk, with my arms over my head!!!
As silly as this sounds, the reaction of people like Jim Carey to blame it all on Trump's tweets against Kim Jung Un, are even more insipid. Who started this, anyway??? Was Trump the one who was flying ballistic missiles over Japan, claiming that he would blow up North Korea soon??? I don't think so! And, if tough talk is bad diplomacy, what has eight years of diplomatic pretending it's not a problem done for us, under the Obama administration?
Wake up, America!!! It's time to realize that any nuclear attack on us is not likely survivable. The important thing to consider is where you're going to spend eternity, whether there is a nuclear attack, or not! The excruciating pain of burning up in a nuclear attack would probably last for a millisecond. But, the pain of burning in Hell is eternal pain. Plus, since there is no physical body to burn, God has created the sensation of the external body burning, only, coupled with the sensation of parasitic worms eating your "flesh", internally...forever!!! And that's a bit longer than a millisecond!!! There is no bomb shelter capable of protecting someone from God's eternal damnation, even if the Russians foolishly think so! They can spend their thousand years underground, as the book of Revelation prophecies, and they'll escape Nuclear annihilation, only to find that God is still waiting for them, when they come out!!! (Is there no end to the foolishness of man???)
The only solution to protect yourself from the eternal pain of Damnation is to pray, according to the heading at the top of each page, that Jesus would forgive you of all your sins, (as the Bible says, we "...all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."), and that He would come into your heart, and save your soul!!! Those who do will be spared the eternity described above, and those who do not, will not!!!
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Let's See...Do I Prefer An Honest Man With A "Potty-Mouth", Or A CrooK, ...Hmmmm!!!!
No. I don't like some of the things that come out of Donald Trump's mouth. But I do like the things he has done for the country, and even tried to do, but failed because the smoothe-talking Democrats stubbornly resist everything he proposes. I guess it boils down to whether you prefer actions, or words, and I overwhelmingly prefer actions (righteous, that is). After 8 years of the Obama Administration's actions, that amounted to a pile of the stuff that Trump was roundly castigated for describing profanely, I find his policies very refreshing, even if the crudeness of his mouth is a bit hard to take. But, Trump merely said the word, while Obama tried to make us eat it!!!
It reminds one of the story of President Lincoln's response to the reports that General Grant routinely drank excessively. He remarked that Grant won battles, whereas his predecessors frequently did not. He added something to the effect that if Grant continued to do so, he (Lincoln) might send him a case of whiskey! Or was it that he would send one to all his generals??? (I think someone once said, "Actions speak louder than words!", and I think that applies here!)
I am so sick of all the self-serving outrage of all the envious, poor-loser Democrats, and even the Establishment Republicans, who think soft pedaled diplomacy works better than hard-a** rhetoric, especially with people like North Korea's Kim! They lost the election last year...get over it already!!!
It reminds one of the story of President Lincoln's response to the reports that General Grant routinely drank excessively. He remarked that Grant won battles, whereas his predecessors frequently did not. He added something to the effect that if Grant continued to do so, he (Lincoln) might send him a case of whiskey! Or was it that he would send one to all his generals??? (I think someone once said, "Actions speak louder than words!", and I think that applies here!)
I am so sick of all the self-serving outrage of all the envious, poor-loser Democrats, and even the Establishment Republicans, who think soft pedaled diplomacy works better than hard-a** rhetoric, especially with people like North Korea's Kim! They lost the election last year...get over it already!!!
I suppose we could pray that God would help President Trump to learn to control his tongue; after all, could that be much more of a miracle than parting the Red Sea??? Perhaps, but as long as I like his agenda, I'll try to deal with his mouth!
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Frghtening Story From C.B.N.News!!!
I just saw one of the most frightening stories on any news cast, in some time! It was on the 700 Club, today; about the "LGTB Movement" (Gays, and Lesbians, etc.) being given approved forums into Canada's public schools to indoctrinate the children into their perversions, and if the parents object, they can be ignored legally because the State has authority over the children, not the Parents, in Canada!
Even worse, a brief comment described this as "going on" in Canada, and the U.S., though the extent was not elaborated upon. But, past experience with the values projected by the federal Department of Education makes me suspicious that the so-called Gays, and Lesbians will try to push this type of agenda upon our pubic schools, if they haven't already! That leaves me to call for the only reasonable option, SHUT DOWN THE DEPT. OF EDUCATION, now!!! And return their authority to the State Governments, along with the taxpayers' money, which can be more closely monitored, and corrected by the people, especially the children's parents!
Even worse, a brief comment described this as "going on" in Canada, and the U.S., though the extent was not elaborated upon. But, past experience with the values projected by the federal Department of Education makes me suspicious that the so-called Gays, and Lesbians will try to push this type of agenda upon our pubic schools, if they haven't already! That leaves me to call for the only reasonable option, SHUT DOWN THE DEPT. OF EDUCATION, now!!! And return their authority to the State Governments, along with the taxpayers' money, which can be more closely monitored, and corrected by the people, especially the children's parents!
The 'Deep State" liberal bureaucrats have been running amuck for decades in many federal bureaucracies, but some can be more patiently dealt with, than others. This is an urgent need to purge these idiots (and even perverts) from autocratic power over what our children are being taught in school, across the country; and too many parents are turning a blind eye to this problem. Liberals have been using the school system to raise the children to be "good little Socialists", who will someday vote accordingly. But, if this is allowed to happen, without resistance, how is this better than Sodom, and Gomorrah; and you know how God dealt with them!!!
Thursday, January 4, 2018
It's Mystifying, But It Keeps Happening...
I have written before, that almost every time I write something about Russia, especially when I name them in the title, I get a two, or three digit increase in "Pageviews" listed as originating from Russia! It happened again, after I published my December 29th Post, when I received some 40+ pageviews from Russia, when I usually get between 1, and 3, from most countries! I am left to ponder whether this represents curious citizens of Russia, who want to know what I am saying about their country, or is this some official Kremlin security surveillance of someone who may be wise to their meglo-maniacle plans to invade the Middle-East soon, and trying to find out how I became aware of their secret intentions!
Yeah, sure! Real big secret! It was only prophecied to the prophet Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago, and has been printed in most Bibles for the better part of nearly the past 1000 years, (including, I gather, the Russian Orthodox copies, most likely). My special source of information, here, is that I can read my Bible, and actually believe what it says!!!
Whoop-tee-doo!!! Three cheers for me! Or perhaps I should say three "Bronx cheers". for anyone who can not believe that God is capable of revealing what is going to happen 2500 years before He brings it to pass! But, since there is "Officially" no God in Russia, I guess these idiots in the Kremlin will have to learn the truth the hard way! That includes their chief idiot, Vladimir Putin, whom I suspect is the embodiment of the leader of this invasion, which God refers to as "Gog"!
I wonder if "Gog" actually has a meaning in Russian, or Hebrew, the language that the prophecy was given in? It is likely some derogatory term, in whatever language, since the prophecy is a certain warning to anyone who believes what it says, including the certainty that the invasion will fail (83 and 1/3rd% of the invasion force will be destroyed!!!). Anyone who reads the prophecy, and doesn't believe it, and participates in the invasion, anyway, has to be considered to be a blithering idiot!!! At least from my perspective!
Yet to think that Putin could be aware of this prophecy, and be so arrogant as to discredit it's warning, and still try to carry out this invasion, is utterly mind-boggling to me!!! There must, at least, be one person in the Kremlin who is aware of this prophecy. Are they all too timid to pass along the predictions, especially since it predicts that whomever this "Gog" leader is, is prophecied to die "on the Mountains of Israel", along with most of his invasion force???
The term "Gog" must be translated "arrogant fool", in whatever language it's from, as far as I can guess!!!
Yeah, sure! Real big secret! It was only prophecied to the prophet Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago, and has been printed in most Bibles for the better part of nearly the past 1000 years, (including, I gather, the Russian Orthodox copies, most likely). My special source of information, here, is that I can read my Bible, and actually believe what it says!!!
Whoop-tee-doo!!! Three cheers for me! Or perhaps I should say three "Bronx cheers". for anyone who can not believe that God is capable of revealing what is going to happen 2500 years before He brings it to pass! But, since there is "Officially" no God in Russia, I guess these idiots in the Kremlin will have to learn the truth the hard way! That includes their chief idiot, Vladimir Putin, whom I suspect is the embodiment of the leader of this invasion, which God refers to as "Gog"!
I wonder if "Gog" actually has a meaning in Russian, or Hebrew, the language that the prophecy was given in? It is likely some derogatory term, in whatever language, since the prophecy is a certain warning to anyone who believes what it says, including the certainty that the invasion will fail (83 and 1/3rd% of the invasion force will be destroyed!!!). Anyone who reads the prophecy, and doesn't believe it, and participates in the invasion, anyway, has to be considered to be a blithering idiot!!! At least from my perspective!
Yet to think that Putin could be aware of this prophecy, and be so arrogant as to discredit it's warning, and still try to carry out this invasion, is utterly mind-boggling to me!!! There must, at least, be one person in the Kremlin who is aware of this prophecy. Are they all too timid to pass along the predictions, especially since it predicts that whomever this "Gog" leader is, is prophecied to die "on the Mountains of Israel", along with most of his invasion force???
The term "Gog" must be translated "arrogant fool", in whatever language it's from, as far as I can guess!!!
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
So, Iran's Economy Is Now A Basket Case!
That's not very surprising! With Inflation in the range of that of Venezuela, one would expect popular resistance, and rioting similar to what's going on in Caracas! Isn't it interesting that both of these countries are considered to be rich in oil deposits, yet their leadership has allowed their economy to bankrupt it's wealth, in what should be a secure position of prosperity. A little honest evaluation would likely determine that the bulk of their countries' wealth probably ends up in off-shore accounts in their leaders' names, as a safety valve for their escape when their economy tanks, due to their own mismanagement.
So, how does this effect my views concerning prophetic developments? I have speculated that Russia's interest in invading the Middle-East would probably be a greedy desire to conquer the rich oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and the other Persian Gulf States, because Russia's oil-based economy has been hurt by Saudi Arabia's increased production, to try to drive down the world's oil prices, in an attempt to bankrupt America's increased production, due to "Fracking" technology.
I suspect that Iran is in about the same condition . Greedy, rich countries apparently have trouble living within their means, when money is abundant; and when it is in shorter supply, they simply inflate their currency, and look to conquering other countries' sources of wealth, so they can continue their profligate ways. Aren't we glad that America doesn't behave this way!!! Yeah, right!!! (Our people wouldn't stand for Russianesque hegemony, but that hasn't stopped Congress from inflating away our currency's value!)
So, I expect that this unrest will merely lend more urgency to Iran's desire to implement the "Gog/Magog" invasion, described in Ezekiel: 38, and 39! Russia's urgency probably needs no further stimulus!!!
So, how does this effect my views concerning prophetic developments? I have speculated that Russia's interest in invading the Middle-East would probably be a greedy desire to conquer the rich oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and the other Persian Gulf States, because Russia's oil-based economy has been hurt by Saudi Arabia's increased production, to try to drive down the world's oil prices, in an attempt to bankrupt America's increased production, due to "Fracking" technology.
I suspect that Iran is in about the same condition . Greedy, rich countries apparently have trouble living within their means, when money is abundant; and when it is in shorter supply, they simply inflate their currency, and look to conquering other countries' sources of wealth, so they can continue their profligate ways. Aren't we glad that America doesn't behave this way!!! Yeah, right!!! (Our people wouldn't stand for Russianesque hegemony, but that hasn't stopped Congress from inflating away our currency's value!)
So, I expect that this unrest will merely lend more urgency to Iran's desire to implement the "Gog/Magog" invasion, described in Ezekiel: 38, and 39! Russia's urgency probably needs no further stimulus!!!
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