Sunday, November 5, 2017

I Am Sick Of Leftist Moralizing!!!

I am not sure if "moralizing" is actually a correct word in the English language, but whether, or not,  it expresses my feelings toward the Left's endless campaign against anything that smacks of traditional American values.  If it is considered "traditional", in their collective minds it automatically equates to "racist", or "sexist", or any other "...'ist" they can think of, and therefor must be branded as evil, at least in their opinion.  That is probably why they no longer teach American history in public schools, for fear it might actually result in developing patriotic fervor in our children (oh, heaven forbid!!!)  I believe their motivation is to get the American public, and especially school-aged children, to automatically reject all of the traditional values that Americans have been brought up holding dear to their hearts.  The goal is to create a populace that is completely without any values, so they can supplant there own twisted values into their minds, without enough understanding in them to automatically reject them!  Put another way, they want an American population of "Zombie-Cattle-Brains", who are absolutely incapable of deciding anything on their own, but must be told what to think about anything, so they can be "herded" into accepting the Antichrist's One World Government system. 

Now we have a college professor writing in the Washington Post that the Pledge of Allegiance is evil in it's inception, and implying that we should stop having our children repeat it, for their own "good"!   Basically, this is called Mind Control, in perhaps it's most diabolical form!!!  I believe it is intended to prepare us for their hoped-for voluntary abolishing of our Constitutional form of government, in preparation for our intended willing reception of the One World Government, that Satan's Antichrist will eventually take over, to use for his control of the world (which, thankfully, will only last for 7 years of his evil reign).  But the rub is that not only will Jesus return to destroy the Antichrist, and his system, but all those who willingly submit to that system will be condemned to Hell with him!!!  Eternally!!!

So, you can see that it is not merely a difference of opinion, that can be shaken off as mere foolishness, but it is the most diabolical conspiracy to twist our children's minds, and get them to destroy our Constitutional Government, and replace it with something that will eventually lead them into an eternity in Hell!!!  The Bible tells us that the Devil knows that he only has a short time left, and he wants to take as many of us along with him as he can, to Hell, because he hates us, since we were made, "in the image of God", and he is powerless to hurt God,  so he wants to hurt what God loves most, namely us!!!

So you see that the Left's attempts to influence society are not merely differences of opinion, but are really attempts to destroy all of us!  Not that the idiots who pronounce this lunacy realize that's where it will lead.  I'm sure they honestly believe it's for our own good.  They have been deluded into believing in the righteousness of their values (the Bible refers to the Devil as the father of lies, and he has convinced them that his system is good for all of us!).   

But the Bible also says that if we "resist the Devil..., he will flee" from us!  We must pray against this evil doctrine fervently, before it destroys our nation, and many of our children along with it!!!

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