Friday, September 15, 2017

D.A.C.A. Must Be Tied To The Border Wall

This point must be non-negotiable!!! 

If President Trump wants to avoid talking about this publicly, fine.  But he had better not sign any bill into law that protects the illegal immigrant kids (now mostly adults) with a verbal assurance from the Democrats in Congress that they will pass a law to build the Wall on our southern border, vaguely promised at some time in the future. 

These people (Democratic politicians, in general) are  professional compulsive liars!  If the two issues are not indelibly linked in the same bill, the Wall will never be passed by Democrats, no matter how vociferously they promise it today!!!

Case in point...College Park, Md. city government recently passed an ordinance allowing illegal immigrants to vote in future elections (as reported by FOX NEWS).  This is nothing new, in effect!  Republicans have long suspected this practice was being allowed in most overwhelmingly Democratic jurisdictions,  but this is the first time it's been openly admitted.  I expect a Constitutional Court challenge will follow, all the way up to the Supreme Court, on this one!  This is such a blatant move to steal elections from the people (meaning legal citizens, of course), it's almost nauseating to think that anyone would actually think this could pass Constitutional muster. 

The controversy over picture I.D.'s at the voting polls was dealing with this issue, indirectly.  Perhaps we can now force the Democrats to try and win elections with legal votes, only, which is obviously what our Founding Fathers presumed would be the case, to the extent that it seemed unnecessary to spell it out in the Constitution.  But when you are dealing with professional liars, and cheats, such as the Democrats (the so-called "Progressives") one must spell it all out, legally, in writing, or they will claim whatever they wish to be "intended", Constitutionally.  For them, a  Constitutional issue only exists when they think they have an unsupportable position that they think they can get away with because Republicans don't want to bother with a lengthy court challenge.  Well, this (potential) court challenge is way overdue, and the Republicans had better prosecute it all the way!!!  We will see if the Supreme Court can agree with the original intent of the Founding Fathers, on such a basic issue that they obviously saw no need to address it openly!

Considering  Democrats as "liars", in general;  most of their pet issues boil down to two arguments, anyway.   Racism, and Misogyny!  They try to tie every issue they support to theses two points, which they have traditionally found success with, in painting the Republicans as racists and sexists.  Republicans generally don't bother to fight these positions, realizing that the Democrats' arguments are so absurd as to fail by their own lack of merit.

Yet we still have Liberals blatantly spouting their absurd rhetoric, such as the E.S.P.N. sports reporter who called  Trump a white supremacist, who chose only white supremacists to serve on his cabinet, which many felt should have given her superiors reason to fire her; instead of the whimpy  reprimand they offered, as if that was sufficient to erase the view that they supported her opinions.   They fired Curt Shilling for spouting a Conservative diatribe, on air.  Where is the same treatment for the Liberal perspective?   Unless, of course. Liberalism continues to enjoy a double standard acceptance, that Conservatism probably will never be allowed!

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