For Christians the answer to the first two questions is irrelevant. According to the Biblical account of the "Last Days" Prophecies, we already know who is in control of this obsessive tirade against all things "Trump", or "Trump Administration", or his Agenda.
Satan is trying to set up his Antichrist to rule the world, and God has given him authority to do so, though both are clearly aware that it will only last for seven years. Satan knows that his time is growing short, and he desperately wants to destroy as many of God's people as he can. God, on the other hand, realizes the same, and allows this to test us all , to see which side we will stand on. Not to say that he doesn't know, already, but He is giving us time to act out what He already knows we will do. We are the only ones who don't know, and if we allow ourselves to be duped into thinking this is simply about "Democrat" vs. "Republican", we will lose our country, and perhaps some of us our very souls.
The "Deep State" is merely the method by which the disgruntled Democrats are desperately trying to ruin the honestly elected Administration, before it can reverse the decades worth of conspiratorial Leftist efforts to take over the country, and permanently destroy our Constitutional form of government, with the intent of setting us up to participate in the "One-World" Antichrist system of government. God, I believe, has given us this final opportunity to reverse their nearly "Death Grip" hold upon our government, to at least say to the Antichrist system, "not us, no way!" Trump sees this as "draining the swamp"; it's really about keeping America out of the Antichrist's system!
The Democrats miscalculated how much control they had already achieved over our government, and I suspect they figured they would ride a land-slide victory for Hillary into total control, which would set up the final dismantling of our Constitutional form of government, followed by a voluntary surrendering of our sovereignty to whatever form of European socialist government that the Antichrist will use to set up his "One World" system. They miscalculated that they had duped enough of us into supporting their efforts, that they could overrule those of us who resist them. Donald Trump ruined that plan by garnering enough electorates to win the election, thank God!
Now, we as believers must support his efforts to defeat those who belligerently try to defeat his administration's agenda from ever getting passed through Congress. This is a classic case of good vs. evil; do we submit to the Antichrist, or not? If we allow idiots, like Senator McConell to continue obstructing Trump's efforts, while posturing as though he is trying hard to accomplish the impossible, we will lose. Perhaps the election in November, 2018 will see a lot of so-called Establishment Republicans retire in frustration, or even lose their primaries to genuine conservatives; but the "Deep Staters" are hoping the conservatives will, instead, lose out to liberal Democrats. That's why it is so crucial for Trump to get his tax cuts through Congress, this year, for it to have time to have a really strong positive effect on the economy, and the job market, so as to effect the conservatives in maintaining their seats in Congress, and substantially adding to their number.
2018 may be the deciding election to determine whether America retains it's sovereignty, or not!!! This is not just another "ho, hum" mid-term election! If the Establishment Republicans, and the Democrats retain effective control of the Congress, we will not retain our sovereignty for long!!! They will continue to vote down everything Trump proposes, and will defeat him in 2020, as an "ineffective president". We simply must wrest control from these black-hearted idiots, who honestly believe that a "One World " government is the wave of the future! It is, but the critical point is not the system, but who controls it, the Antichrist, or Jesus Christ. I vote for Jesus, how about you???
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Monday, September 25, 2017
The Rights, And Resposibilities, Of Free Speech
I tried to underline the third and fourth words of the title of this post, but my blog server is apparently malfunctioning. So let the reader know that I intend to emphasize our responsibilities that come inherently along with our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. I'm sure we have all heard the clichés, "Freedom isn't free...", and, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
My point is that we all must respect the rights of our citizens to exercise their right of free speech, so long as it is done peacefully, and harmlessly, even if the speaker is spouting racist vitriol, or neo-Nazi dogma. But, in the face of violent, hateful propaganda, we have a responsibility to proclaim it for what it is, and denounce it for the evil intent that motivates it.
That also goes for the Leftist propaganda that motivates the protests that have recently erupted on college campuses, and led to the violence that has followed, and sometimes even preceded, the speaking of Conservative speakers. The protesters' opinions are welcome, their violent rioting is not!!! Colleges need to teach the responsibility, as well as the freedoms that the first amendment guarantees. Unfortunately, many of our so-called academicians have completely lost site of the value of tolerating opposing opinions, especially on College campuses, which have traditionally been the format for peacefully discussing unpopular, and even unpleasant opinions. Many campuses, especially the predominantly Liberal ones, have degenerated into bastions of censorship, lest their students should be horribly exposed to opposing views to their Liberal teachings. If they are teaching the truth, intelligent students should be able to recognize the lies of opposing opinions. If they try so hard to censor the opposition, what does that say for the "truth" that they are teaching???
There are legal, and appropriate ways to silence unpleasant opinions, that are deemed to be harmful to the listeners. If the College feels their students will be irreparably harmed by hearing an unpopular opinion spoken on their campus, they should not invite them to speak, in the first place, let alone offer to pay them enormous fees to do so. If the speaker feels slighted, they have the right to denounce the decision publically. Then the general public can decide who is right, and decide if they want their children to attend the College, or not, based on the perception of openness, or bigotry, that the College presents. But, the perception of openness, is not fairly expressed by allowing "students" (and sometimes paid activists from off campus) to violently riot, without the full prosecution for their unlawful behavior. I suspect that those who are arrested are released the next day, and their charges are eventually dropped. How is that not tantamount to encouraging more of the bad behavior that got them arrested, in the first place. There is a Constitutional right to, "peaceably assemble for the redress of grievances", but how does wanton rioting qualify as "peaceful"???
Likewise, the peaceful demonstrators of the N.F.L. football teams, that refused to stand respectfully for the playing of the National Anthem, before this weekend's games, have the constitutionally protected right to do so, as previous decisions of the Supreme Court have categorized similar demonstrations to also be included in the first amendment protection of free speech. Therefore, President Trump's call for the owners of the offending team players to fire them, is unconstitutional, and the owners who might do so could quickly expect lawsuits that they would lose, and they would unnecessarily be enriching the coffers of the A.C.L.U. (that greedy, twisted organization, that routinely manipulates the laws to enrich themselves, with no concept of truth, or honesty, motivating their efforts).
The team owners do not have the right to fire the players, in this case; but the fans do!!! In fact the fans can fire the whole team, if that's what it takes to get their disapproval across to the players. First, the fans should "boo" the players throughout the anthem, if that doesn't work, they should walkout of the stadium before the game starts, perhaps even demanding their ticket money to be refunded. When the team notices the walkout of large numbers of fans, and the players notice that they are playing in front of many empty seats, they may recognize their salaries at not paid by the owners, but by the fans, whom they are cavalierly offending by their belligerent demonstrations. When they realize that their demonstrations may soon be effecting their own pocketbooks, some serious reconsiderations may take place. That may go so far as for the fans at home to change the stations on their T.V.'s, also in protest (of their protests). Perhaps the players will get the message when star free agents are not resigned, because the team can not afford their asking price.
There are many forms of Constitutionally guaranteed rights of "free speech"; one might call it "freedom of viewing, or not!!!
My point is that we all must respect the rights of our citizens to exercise their right of free speech, so long as it is done peacefully, and harmlessly, even if the speaker is spouting racist vitriol, or neo-Nazi dogma. But, in the face of violent, hateful propaganda, we have a responsibility to proclaim it for what it is, and denounce it for the evil intent that motivates it.
That also goes for the Leftist propaganda that motivates the protests that have recently erupted on college campuses, and led to the violence that has followed, and sometimes even preceded, the speaking of Conservative speakers. The protesters' opinions are welcome, their violent rioting is not!!! Colleges need to teach the responsibility, as well as the freedoms that the first amendment guarantees. Unfortunately, many of our so-called academicians have completely lost site of the value of tolerating opposing opinions, especially on College campuses, which have traditionally been the format for peacefully discussing unpopular, and even unpleasant opinions. Many campuses, especially the predominantly Liberal ones, have degenerated into bastions of censorship, lest their students should be horribly exposed to opposing views to their Liberal teachings. If they are teaching the truth, intelligent students should be able to recognize the lies of opposing opinions. If they try so hard to censor the opposition, what does that say for the "truth" that they are teaching???
There are legal, and appropriate ways to silence unpleasant opinions, that are deemed to be harmful to the listeners. If the College feels their students will be irreparably harmed by hearing an unpopular opinion spoken on their campus, they should not invite them to speak, in the first place, let alone offer to pay them enormous fees to do so. If the speaker feels slighted, they have the right to denounce the decision publically. Then the general public can decide who is right, and decide if they want their children to attend the College, or not, based on the perception of openness, or bigotry, that the College presents. But, the perception of openness, is not fairly expressed by allowing "students" (and sometimes paid activists from off campus) to violently riot, without the full prosecution for their unlawful behavior. I suspect that those who are arrested are released the next day, and their charges are eventually dropped. How is that not tantamount to encouraging more of the bad behavior that got them arrested, in the first place. There is a Constitutional right to, "peaceably assemble for the redress of grievances", but how does wanton rioting qualify as "peaceful"???
Likewise, the peaceful demonstrators of the N.F.L. football teams, that refused to stand respectfully for the playing of the National Anthem, before this weekend's games, have the constitutionally protected right to do so, as previous decisions of the Supreme Court have categorized similar demonstrations to also be included in the first amendment protection of free speech. Therefore, President Trump's call for the owners of the offending team players to fire them, is unconstitutional, and the owners who might do so could quickly expect lawsuits that they would lose, and they would unnecessarily be enriching the coffers of the A.C.L.U. (that greedy, twisted organization, that routinely manipulates the laws to enrich themselves, with no concept of truth, or honesty, motivating their efforts).
The team owners do not have the right to fire the players, in this case; but the fans do!!! In fact the fans can fire the whole team, if that's what it takes to get their disapproval across to the players. First, the fans should "boo" the players throughout the anthem, if that doesn't work, they should walkout of the stadium before the game starts, perhaps even demanding their ticket money to be refunded. When the team notices the walkout of large numbers of fans, and the players notice that they are playing in front of many empty seats, they may recognize their salaries at not paid by the owners, but by the fans, whom they are cavalierly offending by their belligerent demonstrations. When they realize that their demonstrations may soon be effecting their own pocketbooks, some serious reconsiderations may take place. That may go so far as for the fans at home to change the stations on their T.V.'s, also in protest (of their protests). Perhaps the players will get the message when star free agents are not resigned, because the team can not afford their asking price.
There are many forms of Constitutionally guaranteed rights of "free speech"; one might call it "freedom of viewing, or not!!!
Sunday, September 24, 2017
More Outrageous Ramblings...
I wonder... I guess that has become my form of legal disclaimer, that what is about to follow is absolutely unprovable fantasy, for which I have no way of proving any of it as fact, but it makes sense to me, based upon my understanding of Biblical prophecy, and the developing trends in the world's international relations. If it seems ridiculously stupid to the reader, my rebuttal is to say, "don't blame me for thinking that the world is a powder keg, ready to be blown up by the idiots who control vast parts of it." One only has to consider the blustering blather that comes regularly out of the mouths of people like Kim Sung Un, of North Korea, the "Supreme Leader" of Iran, and their "Grand Puppet Master", Vladimir Putin, of Russia.
I suspect that Putin may be orchestrating this whole nuclear crisis between the U.S., and North Korea, in order to keep our focus away from any buildup he may be making in Syria, in preparation for what may be the prophecied invasion of the Middle-East, spoken of by God to the prophet Ezekiel ( in chapters 38, and 39), over 2500 years ago, to be fulfilled in the "latter years" ( a Biblical term for the years that shortly precede the coming of our Lord, to establish His "Millennial Kingdom" on earth, which I believe may be shortly approaching!). I don't even know if this buildup exists, but since I have no formal authority to proclaim that it does, or doesn't, I feel free to make outlandish claims that it might, based upon the reasonable expectations that would be necessary for an invasion of this magnitude. We will know for sure the day the Russian Tanks begin to roll towards the "mountains of Israel" (as the prophecy puts it). Till then, we must consider my suspicions to be the fantasy ramblings of an outrageous lunatic!!! Fine!!! When it all comes to pass, we will see who is the lunatic! If there is any truth to my suspicions, there must be a significant buildup of these very tanks, going on now in Syria, ostensibly for the defense of Russia's ally, Syria, but far more than should seem necessary for that!
Taken to the extreme ( which I feel safe in doing, because of Putin's meglo-maniacal ego, which would put Hitler to shame, by comparison), I suspect that Putin is pressuring Kim to make his outrageous threats against America, and our allies, and may even be giving him the Missiles, and Nuclear warheads that his scientists seem to be developing at a "miraculous" pace, by way of Iran, and re-supplying Iran with replacement armaments in their stead. Let's hope that it is all bluster, and nothing more, or we may have a nuclear exchange between us, and North Korea, with China getting involved, if they feel we started it with a pre-emptive strike, when we have had enough of the provocations!
All this boils down to the aggressive greed of one man (Putin), whom I suspect wants to take over the Mid-Eastern gulf oil reserves, but feels he must get rid of Israel's potential military resistance to his plans. Well regardless of what happens to us, or not, it all will come back on Russia and their allies in the end, when God brings Israel through it all victoriously!!! And God will be glorified for the whole world to see, even if we will see it from heaven!!!
I suspect that Putin may be orchestrating this whole nuclear crisis between the U.S., and North Korea, in order to keep our focus away from any buildup he may be making in Syria, in preparation for what may be the prophecied invasion of the Middle-East, spoken of by God to the prophet Ezekiel ( in chapters 38, and 39), over 2500 years ago, to be fulfilled in the "latter years" ( a Biblical term for the years that shortly precede the coming of our Lord, to establish His "Millennial Kingdom" on earth, which I believe may be shortly approaching!). I don't even know if this buildup exists, but since I have no formal authority to proclaim that it does, or doesn't, I feel free to make outlandish claims that it might, based upon the reasonable expectations that would be necessary for an invasion of this magnitude. We will know for sure the day the Russian Tanks begin to roll towards the "mountains of Israel" (as the prophecy puts it). Till then, we must consider my suspicions to be the fantasy ramblings of an outrageous lunatic!!! Fine!!! When it all comes to pass, we will see who is the lunatic! If there is any truth to my suspicions, there must be a significant buildup of these very tanks, going on now in Syria, ostensibly for the defense of Russia's ally, Syria, but far more than should seem necessary for that!
Taken to the extreme ( which I feel safe in doing, because of Putin's meglo-maniacal ego, which would put Hitler to shame, by comparison), I suspect that Putin is pressuring Kim to make his outrageous threats against America, and our allies, and may even be giving him the Missiles, and Nuclear warheads that his scientists seem to be developing at a "miraculous" pace, by way of Iran, and re-supplying Iran with replacement armaments in their stead. Let's hope that it is all bluster, and nothing more, or we may have a nuclear exchange between us, and North Korea, with China getting involved, if they feel we started it with a pre-emptive strike, when we have had enough of the provocations!
All this boils down to the aggressive greed of one man (Putin), whom I suspect wants to take over the Mid-Eastern gulf oil reserves, but feels he must get rid of Israel's potential military resistance to his plans. Well regardless of what happens to us, or not, it all will come back on Russia and their allies in the end, when God brings Israel through it all victoriously!!! And God will be glorified for the whole world to see, even if we will see it from heaven!!!
Friday, September 15, 2017
D.A.C.A. Must Be Tied To The Border Wall
This point must be non-negotiable!!!
If President Trump wants to avoid talking about this publicly, fine. But he had better not sign any bill into law that protects the illegal immigrant kids (now mostly adults) with a verbal assurance from the Democrats in Congress that they will pass a law to build the Wall on our southern border, vaguely promised at some time in the future.
These people (Democratic politicians, in general) are professional compulsive liars! If the two issues are not indelibly linked in the same bill, the Wall will never be passed by Democrats, no matter how vociferously they promise it today!!!
Case in point...College Park, Md. city government recently passed an ordinance allowing illegal immigrants to vote in future elections (as reported by FOX NEWS). This is nothing new, in effect! Republicans have long suspected this practice was being allowed in most overwhelmingly Democratic jurisdictions, but this is the first time it's been openly admitted. I expect a Constitutional Court challenge will follow, all the way up to the Supreme Court, on this one! This is such a blatant move to steal elections from the people (meaning legal citizens, of course), it's almost nauseating to think that anyone would actually think this could pass Constitutional muster.
The controversy over picture I.D.'s at the voting polls was dealing with this issue, indirectly. Perhaps we can now force the Democrats to try and win elections with legal votes, only, which is obviously what our Founding Fathers presumed would be the case, to the extent that it seemed unnecessary to spell it out in the Constitution. But when you are dealing with professional liars, and cheats, such as the Democrats (the so-called "Progressives") one must spell it all out, legally, in writing, or they will claim whatever they wish to be "intended", Constitutionally. For them, a Constitutional issue only exists when they think they have an unsupportable position that they think they can get away with because Republicans don't want to bother with a lengthy court challenge. Well, this (potential) court challenge is way overdue, and the Republicans had better prosecute it all the way!!! We will see if the Supreme Court can agree with the original intent of the Founding Fathers, on such a basic issue that they obviously saw no need to address it openly!
Considering Democrats as "liars", in general; most of their pet issues boil down to two arguments, anyway. Racism, and Misogyny! They try to tie every issue they support to theses two points, which they have traditionally found success with, in painting the Republicans as racists and sexists. Republicans generally don't bother to fight these positions, realizing that the Democrats' arguments are so absurd as to fail by their own lack of merit.
Yet we still have Liberals blatantly spouting their absurd rhetoric, such as the E.S.P.N. sports reporter who called Trump a white supremacist, who chose only white supremacists to serve on his cabinet, which many felt should have given her superiors reason to fire her; instead of the whimpy reprimand they offered, as if that was sufficient to erase the view that they supported her opinions. They fired Curt Shilling for spouting a Conservative diatribe, on air. Where is the same treatment for the Liberal perspective? Unless, of course. Liberalism continues to enjoy a double standard acceptance, that Conservatism probably will never be allowed!
If President Trump wants to avoid talking about this publicly, fine. But he had better not sign any bill into law that protects the illegal immigrant kids (now mostly adults) with a verbal assurance from the Democrats in Congress that they will pass a law to build the Wall on our southern border, vaguely promised at some time in the future.
These people (Democratic politicians, in general) are professional compulsive liars! If the two issues are not indelibly linked in the same bill, the Wall will never be passed by Democrats, no matter how vociferously they promise it today!!!
Case in point...College Park, Md. city government recently passed an ordinance allowing illegal immigrants to vote in future elections (as reported by FOX NEWS). This is nothing new, in effect! Republicans have long suspected this practice was being allowed in most overwhelmingly Democratic jurisdictions, but this is the first time it's been openly admitted. I expect a Constitutional Court challenge will follow, all the way up to the Supreme Court, on this one! This is such a blatant move to steal elections from the people (meaning legal citizens, of course), it's almost nauseating to think that anyone would actually think this could pass Constitutional muster.
The controversy over picture I.D.'s at the voting polls was dealing with this issue, indirectly. Perhaps we can now force the Democrats to try and win elections with legal votes, only, which is obviously what our Founding Fathers presumed would be the case, to the extent that it seemed unnecessary to spell it out in the Constitution. But when you are dealing with professional liars, and cheats, such as the Democrats (the so-called "Progressives") one must spell it all out, legally, in writing, or they will claim whatever they wish to be "intended", Constitutionally. For them, a Constitutional issue only exists when they think they have an unsupportable position that they think they can get away with because Republicans don't want to bother with a lengthy court challenge. Well, this (potential) court challenge is way overdue, and the Republicans had better prosecute it all the way!!! We will see if the Supreme Court can agree with the original intent of the Founding Fathers, on such a basic issue that they obviously saw no need to address it openly!
Considering Democrats as "liars", in general; most of their pet issues boil down to two arguments, anyway. Racism, and Misogyny! They try to tie every issue they support to theses two points, which they have traditionally found success with, in painting the Republicans as racists and sexists. Republicans generally don't bother to fight these positions, realizing that the Democrats' arguments are so absurd as to fail by their own lack of merit.
Yet we still have Liberals blatantly spouting their absurd rhetoric, such as the E.S.P.N. sports reporter who called Trump a white supremacist, who chose only white supremacists to serve on his cabinet, which many felt should have given her superiors reason to fire her; instead of the whimpy reprimand they offered, as if that was sufficient to erase the view that they supported her opinions. They fired Curt Shilling for spouting a Conservative diatribe, on air. Where is the same treatment for the Liberal perspective? Unless, of course. Liberalism continues to enjoy a double standard acceptance, that Conservatism probably will never be allowed!
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
"They're" At It Again...!!!
I can't guess who in Russia seems to take so much unusual interest in my Blog, whenever I write something about "Russia", as I did last week, speculating that Russian officials might be behind the insanely pugnacious belligerence of the North Korean government, with their refusal to stop their testing of nuclear explosions, and I.C.B.M. missiles, including the last missile that they sent over Northern Japan. Are these people merely Russian civilians that take a special interest in anything written about their country, and published on the internet? Or is the Russian government concerned that I have a 'Source" of "secret information" that may be leaking secrets to me, about their plans to invade the Middle-East, especially Israel??? I speculated that Russia might be pressuring their long-time ally, North Korea, to bluff America with an even more apparently imminent threat, merely to distract our interest, while they carry out their preparations for the Middle-East invasion, spoken of in Ezekiel: 38, and 39.
Whomever it may be, (my Blog server informed me that a significant jump in "pageviews", originating from Russia, occurred after I published that post, and the greatest interest was for that post, specifically) I can assure them that my "source" is the Bible, and it is hardly a "secret", as I base my opinions on a prophecy that was given to the Prophet Ezekiel (in chapters 38, and 39) about 2500 years ago, for the "Latter Days", which I believe we may be in now, or at least may be approaching soon. Plus, all the actions of Russia, and their prophecied allies during the invasion seem to be consistent with preparations for just such an invasion, All the details I have been "privy" to are available to anyone who has a Bible, and can read. My only "secret" qualification is that I can actually believe what I read!!! If they did too, then perhaps there would be no invasion, since it is prophecied to end disastrously for them, not Israel!!!
I wrote about the unusual interest in my "Russia posts", before, which immediately ended the interest, for about a month. I guess they thought that their interest was too much of a blatant confirmation that I was on to something, whatever my source. I guess they felt that they were too interested to contain themselves, any more. (Seems like we're talking about three-year-olds, doesn't it!?! "Kids with guns", or worse... with I.C.B.M.s, and nuclear warheads!!!)
I don't believe these people are stupid, no matter how insipid their collective behavior. I also believe there is virtually no chance that they will repent of their foolishness in going through with their plans, even though they realize that "someone" (as if I am the only person that can read this prophecy!!!) is aware of their plans. God says, in the prophecy, that he will put, "hooks in 'Gog's' jaws" (Putin???), to turn him towards the Middle-East (the imagery of a horse being turned by a bridle's bit, which is frequently shaped like "hooks", in a horse's jaw). I don't see God allowing him to change his mind, certainly not for the crazy ramblings of some wacko Christian Blog writer ( as I wrote previously, "...That can easily be dismissed as a lunatic").
Mia Culpa! If believing that the Bible speaks truth (and all you have to do is believe it) , if that constitutes lunacy, in their book, fine! I guess I stand, "Guilty as charged!" But, some day (perhaps soon!) we will see who is the actual "Lunatic", and I don't fear the final assessment of that point!!!
UPDATE: Another interesting thought...!
Since China has already said that they would hold North Korea responsible, if they attacked American territory first, and that they would also hold America responsible if they made a "preemptive" strike against North Korea, perhaps that is the real goal of the North Koreans. Perhaps North Korea is "baiting" America, in an effort to force us into attacking them first, so that maybe China will unload their nuclear I.C.B.M. missiles upon us. North Korean officials probably believe (wrongly) that they could hunker down in their hardened bunkers, and survive a retaliatory strike by America. And they have already proven that they couldn't care less about their civilian population, which they routinely starve while devoting most of their trade profits to developing their weapons programs. I'm sure the Chinese, and the Russians, would love to see us get the snot beat out of us, and China is so overpopulated, now, that they might feel a little nuclear exchange might make their society more livable, while opening the doors to any Middle-East incursion that Russia might contemplate, without the risk of American retaliation. Russia would then "only" have to concern itself with Israel, which they probably think their Muslim allies could handle.
Really??? Guess again folks!!! The Bible states clearly that Israel will destroy 83 1/3rd% of the combined Russian/Muslim Allied Invasion Force!!!
Whomever it may be, (my Blog server informed me that a significant jump in "pageviews", originating from Russia, occurred after I published that post, and the greatest interest was for that post, specifically) I can assure them that my "source" is the Bible, and it is hardly a "secret", as I base my opinions on a prophecy that was given to the Prophet Ezekiel (in chapters 38, and 39) about 2500 years ago, for the "Latter Days", which I believe we may be in now, or at least may be approaching soon. Plus, all the actions of Russia, and their prophecied allies during the invasion seem to be consistent with preparations for just such an invasion, All the details I have been "privy" to are available to anyone who has a Bible, and can read. My only "secret" qualification is that I can actually believe what I read!!! If they did too, then perhaps there would be no invasion, since it is prophecied to end disastrously for them, not Israel!!!
I wrote about the unusual interest in my "Russia posts", before, which immediately ended the interest, for about a month. I guess they thought that their interest was too much of a blatant confirmation that I was on to something, whatever my source. I guess they felt that they were too interested to contain themselves, any more. (Seems like we're talking about three-year-olds, doesn't it!?! "Kids with guns", or worse... with I.C.B.M.s, and nuclear warheads!!!)
I don't believe these people are stupid, no matter how insipid their collective behavior. I also believe there is virtually no chance that they will repent of their foolishness in going through with their plans, even though they realize that "someone" (as if I am the only person that can read this prophecy!!!) is aware of their plans. God says, in the prophecy, that he will put, "hooks in 'Gog's' jaws" (Putin???), to turn him towards the Middle-East (the imagery of a horse being turned by a bridle's bit, which is frequently shaped like "hooks", in a horse's jaw). I don't see God allowing him to change his mind, certainly not for the crazy ramblings of some wacko Christian Blog writer ( as I wrote previously, "...That can easily be dismissed as a lunatic").
Mia Culpa! If believing that the Bible speaks truth (and all you have to do is believe it) , if that constitutes lunacy, in their book, fine! I guess I stand, "Guilty as charged!" But, some day (perhaps soon!) we will see who is the actual "Lunatic", and I don't fear the final assessment of that point!!!
UPDATE: Another interesting thought...!
Since China has already said that they would hold North Korea responsible, if they attacked American territory first, and that they would also hold America responsible if they made a "preemptive" strike against North Korea, perhaps that is the real goal of the North Koreans. Perhaps North Korea is "baiting" America, in an effort to force us into attacking them first, so that maybe China will unload their nuclear I.C.B.M. missiles upon us. North Korean officials probably believe (wrongly) that they could hunker down in their hardened bunkers, and survive a retaliatory strike by America. And they have already proven that they couldn't care less about their civilian population, which they routinely starve while devoting most of their trade profits to developing their weapons programs. I'm sure the Chinese, and the Russians, would love to see us get the snot beat out of us, and China is so overpopulated, now, that they might feel a little nuclear exchange might make their society more livable, while opening the doors to any Middle-East incursion that Russia might contemplate, without the risk of American retaliation. Russia would then "only" have to concern itself with Israel, which they probably think their Muslim allies could handle.
Really??? Guess again folks!!! The Bible states clearly that Israel will destroy 83 1/3rd% of the combined Russian/Muslim Allied Invasion Force!!!
Saturday, September 2, 2017
The Left's "Deep State" Has Us In Deep Sh**!!!
America is in "deep doggie do-do", right now, and we need to extricate ourselves from it quickly! And all this cr*p about Russian collusion, to throw the election, is merely the other side's attempt to throw the suspicion off of themselves, where it truly belongs. Between the corruption in the F.B.I., Justice Department, and the morass of corruption that seems to be left over from Hillary Clinton's tenure in the State Department, there is a plethora of "deep state" obstruction of justice that is almost nauseating to behold. There are probably a lot of "deep staters" in many other federal bureaucracies, but there ability to harm our Constitutional rule of Law is considerably less dire at the moment.
Talk about "Conspiracy Theories"!!! The left regularly ridicules anyone who suggests that they might be true, in order to try and throw suspicion off of their true intentions. but the evidence is growing to the point where it is almost ridiculous to deny the obvious!!! Today, we have revelations that former F.B.I. Director James Comey prepared his statement exonerating Hillary Clinton, in her E-mail investigation, which he immediately closed down, even though some seventeen witnesses had been yet to testify! That constitutes obstruction of justice, in my book, and I think he should be serving time in jail for it!
Hillary should be serving time herself, for her own obstruction charges, but the Justice Department refuses to release documents to the public, concerning her E-mail scandal, and her illegal attempts to cover it all up, sighting a "lack of public interest"! What??? Are you kidding me??? I understand there is a natural reluctance to criminally prosecute a former First Lady, but the proponents of the Left seem to need an example of what to expect when they "commit the crime..."! Besides we're not dealing with the Obama Department of Justice any more; Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to remember who he is working for (and I don't mean Donald Trump! I mean the American people!!!). Perhaps all this leaking of classified info. to the leftist media is merely because the "Deep State" bureaucracy believes that they are so well entrenched that they are immune from prosecution.
Well, President Trump disproved that theory by getting Congress to pass a law making it easier to fire incompetent, and even malicious bureaucrats in the Veteran's Administration. The scandal of incompetence in that agency had reached a point where even Democrats were afraid to vote against that bill. When the level of incompetence in other agencies gets to the point where constituents around the country demand that their Congressional representatives pass laws making it easier to fire incompetent bureaucrats in those agencies, perhaps the Federal Government will trash the Government Employees' Union Contract that makes it so impractical to try and fire an employee, that it is virtually impossible. Even shutting down the Government is worth the struggle to get rid of that piece of legal trash!!!
Bottom line is, we've got to get rid of these incompetent, and even malicious bureaucrats, no matter what agency they work for! It would be nice if we could impeach all of the Obama appointees to the Federal Judgeships, but I guess we're stuck with them, and their endless efforts to block all of Trump's agenda. While we wait desperately for these Socialist bast*rds to die off, since they are legally appointed for life, the best we can do is support Trump's efforts to appoint more Constitutionally "Strict Constructionists" to other Judicial positions. This sounds like a long-haul job, I'll admit. But it may take years to undo the malicious meddling of Barak Obama, the Clintons, and their ilk! I guess that's what we get for electing a man to the presidency, who studied Constitutional Law, apparently with the intent of understanding how to subvert the Law, rather than to uphold it, as he was sworn to do!!!
May God save us from electing another one like him!!!
Talk about "Conspiracy Theories"!!! The left regularly ridicules anyone who suggests that they might be true, in order to try and throw suspicion off of their true intentions. but the evidence is growing to the point where it is almost ridiculous to deny the obvious!!! Today, we have revelations that former F.B.I. Director James Comey prepared his statement exonerating Hillary Clinton, in her E-mail investigation, which he immediately closed down, even though some seventeen witnesses had been yet to testify! That constitutes obstruction of justice, in my book, and I think he should be serving time in jail for it!
Hillary should be serving time herself, for her own obstruction charges, but the Justice Department refuses to release documents to the public, concerning her E-mail scandal, and her illegal attempts to cover it all up, sighting a "lack of public interest"! What??? Are you kidding me??? I understand there is a natural reluctance to criminally prosecute a former First Lady, but the proponents of the Left seem to need an example of what to expect when they "commit the crime..."! Besides we're not dealing with the Obama Department of Justice any more; Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to remember who he is working for (and I don't mean Donald Trump! I mean the American people!!!). Perhaps all this leaking of classified info. to the leftist media is merely because the "Deep State" bureaucracy believes that they are so well entrenched that they are immune from prosecution.
Well, President Trump disproved that theory by getting Congress to pass a law making it easier to fire incompetent, and even malicious bureaucrats in the Veteran's Administration. The scandal of incompetence in that agency had reached a point where even Democrats were afraid to vote against that bill. When the level of incompetence in other agencies gets to the point where constituents around the country demand that their Congressional representatives pass laws making it easier to fire incompetent bureaucrats in those agencies, perhaps the Federal Government will trash the Government Employees' Union Contract that makes it so impractical to try and fire an employee, that it is virtually impossible. Even shutting down the Government is worth the struggle to get rid of that piece of legal trash!!!
Bottom line is, we've got to get rid of these incompetent, and even malicious bureaucrats, no matter what agency they work for! It would be nice if we could impeach all of the Obama appointees to the Federal Judgeships, but I guess we're stuck with them, and their endless efforts to block all of Trump's agenda. While we wait desperately for these Socialist bast*rds to die off, since they are legally appointed for life, the best we can do is support Trump's efforts to appoint more Constitutionally "Strict Constructionists" to other Judicial positions. This sounds like a long-haul job, I'll admit. But it may take years to undo the malicious meddling of Barak Obama, the Clintons, and their ilk! I guess that's what we get for electing a man to the presidency, who studied Constitutional Law, apparently with the intent of understanding how to subvert the Law, rather than to uphold it, as he was sworn to do!!!
May God save us from electing another one like him!!!
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