Thursday, June 1, 2017

Trump Deserves A "B+" Grade, In My Book

Things are progressing fairly well with the Trump agenda, in my opinion.  Today's moves are indicative of the progress.

I am somewhat disappointed that Trump decided. for now, not to fulfill his campaign promise to move the American Embassy, in Israel, from Tel Aviv, to Jerusalem.  He renewed the Presidential edict that has been renewed every six months, since 1967, recognizing Tel Aviv to be Israel's capital, even though Israel considers Jerusalem to be their real capital, and all of their governmental offices are there.   I guess he foolishly believes the Palestinians are really serious about negotiating a treaty with Israel.  He is probably salivating over the chance to bring about a "true and lasting peace" between Israel and the Palestinians.  That would be quite a political coup, although every president since 1967 has tried. and failed to do just that.  But it shouldn't take long for the Palestinians to demonstrate their insincerity.  When Trump realizes that he has been duped, then he can always reverse the edict, in six months.  So, it's a disappointment, but not yet a disaster. 

On the more domestic front, he did  keep his campaign promise to pull America out of the so-called Paris Accord, which supposedly set voluntary standards for reducing environmental pollution around the world.  But, this was clearly written from a Socialist's perspective, using it to make America's taxpayers foot most of the bill, financially, and live within strict, business emasculating, and massive job destroying  standards,  even though we have the highest environmental standards already, of any country in the world.  This, while the world's greatest polluters, China and India may increase their pollution at will, until the year 2030!  Is this a typical Socialist "double standard", or what?

Plus, it has been calculated that full compliance with the accord would only project to decrease world-wide pollution by about one tenth of one per cent!  Talk about a bad deal!!!  No wonder  President Obama signed this as an Executive Order, rather than submitting it to Congress, knowing it would not stand a chance of passage there. 

So, while we must wait and see if Trump will wise up to the Palestinians' ruse, at least he did get America out of another of Obama's idiotic Socialist quagmires.   That's good enough for a "B Plus", in my book.

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