I have never hidden the fact that I have no illusions of being a modern-day prophet, like some I've known that have belligerently "predicted" the coming of the Lord on a specific date, but didn't check with Jesus on that, and the date came and went, without the Lord's return. Of course, this person chose to ignore my, and several other's corrections, that Jesus said, "It is not for you to know the times, or seasons..." of His second coming (He said this to His disciples; how much more does this apply to us?).
With this caution in mind, I can not resist calling for my annual "prediction" about the prophecied "Gog/Magog" middle-east invasion, prophecied some 2500 years ago, yet never as yet fulfilled. This war seems to precede the return of Jesus, and all the Apocalyptic prophecies, by at least seven years. I said last year at this time that it looked like it was about to come to pass, and (surprise, surprise) it didn't. So much for my ability to be a prophet!
Yet, there are amazing indications in the Middle-East today that seem to suggest that "something" is about to happen. I can not resist the temptation to suggest that Syria, backed up by their Russian and Iranian allies (with others to come later), may be preparing to invade Israel, sometime soon. Our own intelligence services have recently said the Assad regime, in Syria, has begun to make preparations that are similar to the preparations they made before making a poison gas attack, against their rebel forces, last Spring. Of course these intelligence reports made no guesses as to where the Syrians might be planning to use their gas attack. But in the prophecy of Ezekiel: 38, & 39 , the predicted "Gog/Magog" invasion is described as beginning with something that seems like a poison gas attack upon Israel! I am not the only one who has been expecting this; the Israeli government has been distributing gas masks to the pubic, for decades. Obviously, someone in the Israeli government thinks, as I do, that this attack may be imminent, and has been preparing the population for just such an emergency.
A few days ago, I heard news reports that Israel had retaliated against Syria for a bombardment of their territory, by launching an air attack inside Syria. This has apparently happened before, though Israel has scrupulously tried to stay out of the conflict in Syria. The Syrian bombardment landed harmlessly in Israel, but the Israeli retaliation apparently created some casualties. This is what the "Gog/Magog" invasion force can expect for their efforts, when they invade Israel, now or whenever. The Bible makes it clear that this will be an overwhelming victory for the Israeli forces, against the second largest, and second most technically advanced army in the world! It makes sense that Israel would likely call upon their American allies to help them conquer Russia, but the Bible gives no indication of this happening. Instead, the poison gas attack against them, which is a violation of international agreements, gives Israel the freedom to respond with outlawed "weapons of mass destruction"; perhaps Neutron Nuclear bombs, and artillery shells, of which there has been some indication that Israel has been stockpiling both (developed by American Defense companies,
but supposedly not implemented in our army, because they were deemed to be "immoral", and therefore banned, internationally). These weapons kill large amounts of people, yet do not harm the infrastructure, i.e., buildings, or cars, trucks, and tanks, etc.
After this war is concluded, the Ezekiel Prophecy states that Israel will be "burning" the weapons of the invaders for seven years. Interestingly, Russia has been said to have developed a form of composite wood that is stronger, lighter, and more flexible than steel (but, perhaps very flammable at extremely high temperatures), and has developed tanks, and trucks with this material. This all makes the Prophecy of Ezekiel absolutely credible, for our time; we just don't know exactly when it will happen! I'm not saying that it will happen soon, but I am saying that all the pieces are in place, and the Syrians are belligerently "chomping at the bit" to commit suicide by invading Israel! For all this, God will be glorified, and He will not share this glory with America, or anyone else, but Israel, His "chosen people"!
So much for my annual "prediction" of the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel! If it doesn't happen this year, I'll probably say it again next year, or the next! One of these years, I'll be right! Will I seem like a genius, then? Perhaps,
but the extent of my "genius" is in my ability to read, and believe what God said to the Prophet Ezekiel, 2500 years ago! It's all there, for others to read (in Ezekiel: 38, & 39),
the only hard part is to believe it!
I leave it up to you!!!