Friday, June 30, 2017

Who Profits From Sanctuary Cities???

We live in a time of evil profiteers, trying to profit from the misery of others.  I suspect that somehow this is the goal of people at the "Top" of the sanctuary cities movement.  No one, in their right mind, could consider that protecting the "rights" of illegal criminals, not to simply live peaceably in our country, but to escape arrest and punishment for committing felonious crimes, is more important than the protection of innocent citizens from those criminals.  Therefore, I strongly suspect that there is some form of strong profitability potential in creating such an "upside-down, and  inside -out" social  condition, that would cause rich people with absolutely immoral perspectives of life, and vastly cynical views of the necessity of maintaining a free, and moral society, to support such a condition.  

I can think of only two kinds of people who could vastly profit from such intentional corruption of social conditions.  One, the heads of foreign drug cartels, who wish to protect their illegal drug trafficking systems, and create increased potential customers, with the breakdown of society as a whole.  Perhaps they bribe the Mayors, and city council members of the various "Sanctuary Cities", in order to protect the criminals they send to create the chaos that is happening around the country, today.  It would have to be someone with a nearly limitless income, who perceives the prospect of increasing that income, by their bribery.  Then, the politicians might use their political prowess to convince their constituents of the "fundamental morality" of their efforts, trusting in their perception of the  basic gullibility of the average voter,  who can be encouraged to protest whatever the existing standard is, without considering what is to be the replacement standard. 

The other kind; rich people (billionaires, like George Soros?), who are reputed to make large profits from "short" sales of stocks, that are considered vulnerable to dire disruptions of social conditions.  These people may honestly believe in the "morality" of international revolution, that (they may believe) can only come from the corruption of the existing social standards; and if they happen to enrich themselves in the process, so much the better.   Talk about people getting richer by promoting a revolution, to create a socialist government, that will supposedly redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor!

Ultimately, the only one who really "profits" from this chaos is Satan, through his Antichrist, who will eventually set up his one-world, socialist government.  But, even that "profit" will only last for a seven year period, before the Lord returns, to send the Antichrist to the lake of fire, eternally, and all those who support him!

This reminds me of Jesus' quote, 'What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Time For My Annual Gog/Magog "Prediction"...

I have never hidden the fact that I have no illusions of being a modern-day prophet, like some I've known that have belligerently "predicted" the coming of the Lord on a specific date, but didn't check with Jesus on that, and the date came and went, without the Lord's return.  Of course, this person chose to ignore my, and several other's corrections, that Jesus said, "It is not for you to know the  times, or seasons..." of His second coming (He said this to His disciples; how much more does this apply to us?). 

With this caution in mind, I can not resist calling for my annual "prediction" about the prophecied "Gog/Magog" middle-east invasion, prophecied some 2500 years ago, yet never as yet fulfilled.   This war seems to precede the return of Jesus, and all the Apocalyptic prophecies, by at least seven years.   I said last year at this time that it looked like it was about to come to pass, and (surprise, surprise) it didn't.  So much for my ability to be a prophet! 

Yet, there are amazing indications in the Middle-East today that seem to suggest that "something" is about to happen.  I can not resist the temptation to suggest that Syria, backed up by their Russian and Iranian allies (with others to come later), may be preparing to invade Israel, sometime soon.  Our own intelligence services have recently said the Assad regime, in Syria, has begun to make preparations that are similar to the preparations they made before making a poison gas attack, against their rebel forces, last Spring.  Of course these intelligence reports made no guesses as to where the Syrians might be planning to use their gas attack.  But in the prophecy of Ezekiel: 38, & 39 , the predicted "Gog/Magog" invasion is described as beginning with something that seems like a poison gas attack upon Israel!  I am not the only one who has been expecting this; the Israeli government has been distributing gas masks to the pubic, for decades.  Obviously, someone in the Israeli government thinks, as I do, that this attack may be imminent, and has been preparing the population for just such an emergency.  

A few days ago, I heard news reports that Israel had retaliated against Syria for a bombardment of their territory, by launching an air attack inside Syria.  This has apparently happened before, though Israel has scrupulously tried to stay out of the conflict in Syria.  The Syrian bombardment landed harmlessly in Israel, but the Israeli retaliation apparently created some casualties.  This is what the "Gog/Magog" invasion force can expect for their efforts, when they invade Israel, now or whenever.  The Bible makes it clear that this will be an overwhelming victory for the Israeli forces, against the second largest, and second most technically advanced army in the world!  It makes sense that Israel would likely call upon their American allies to help them conquer Russia, but the Bible gives no indication of this happening.  Instead, the poison gas attack against them, which is a violation of international agreements, gives Israel the freedom to respond with outlawed "weapons of mass destruction"; perhaps Neutron Nuclear  bombs, and artillery shells, of which there has been some indication that Israel has been stockpiling both (developed by American Defense  companies, but supposedly not implemented in our army, because they were deemed to be "immoral", and therefore  banned, internationally).  These weapons kill large amounts of people, yet do not harm the infrastructure, i.e., buildings, or cars, trucks, and tanks, etc. 

After this war is concluded, the Ezekiel Prophecy states that Israel will be "burning" the weapons of the invaders for seven years.  Interestingly, Russia has been said to have developed a form of composite wood that is stronger, lighter, and more flexible than steel (but, perhaps very flammable at extremely high temperatures), and has developed tanks, and trucks with this material.  This all makes the Prophecy of Ezekiel absolutely credible, for our time; we just don't know exactly when it will happen!  I'm not saying that it will happen soon, but I am saying that all the pieces are in place, and the Syrians are belligerently "chomping at the bit" to commit suicide by invading Israel!   For all this, God will be glorified, and He will not share this glory with America, or anyone else, but Israel, His "chosen people"!

So much for my annual "prediction" of the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel!  If it doesn't happen this year, I'll probably say it again next year, or the next!  One of these years, I'll be right!  Will I seem like a genius, then?  Perhaps, but the extent of my "genius" is in my ability to read, and believe what God said to the Prophet Ezekiel, 2500 years ago!  It's all there, for others to read (in Ezekiel: 38, & 39), the only hard part is to believe it!

I leave it up to you!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Note To Liberals: Words Matter!!!

Loretta Lynch understood this... Unfortunately, she did not have the moral conviction to retain the wisdom in practical usage.  When she encouraged former F.B.I. Director,  James Comey to refer to the Hillary Clinton unsecured E-mail investigation, not as an "investigation",  but to refer to it as simply a "matter",  Comey testified before Congress that it made him feel, "queasy" (presumably because she was asking him to do something that might be interpreted as impeding the investigation.)   Yet, true to his self-serving moral, and perhaps legal, perspective, Comey acquiesced, and began to call it a "matter". 

Actor Johnny Depp recently "joked" publically about an actor assassinating a sitting president, a la John Wilkes Booth, who killed President Lincoln.  While he tried to "backtrack", later, in something that was apparently meant to be an apology,  He said it was meant to be a "joke"!  Excuse me?  What's a "joke" about killing a President?   I guess Kathy Griffith could answer that question, at least with her twisted form of logic!  I guess you  need a warped  head to figure that one out: perhaps that's why she has two!

There is apparently still a law on the books, though it is interpreted so narrowly, these days, that it is essentially invalid, that was used to quell such speech.  It was called, "inciting to riot",  and it was used to charge H. Rap Brown , in the 1960's.  I don't think he was convicted, probably because liberal attorneys, bring such cases before known liberal judges, who can not distinguish between society's right to be protected from dangerous slander, and a violation of a citizen's first amendment right to free speech.  (No matter,  Brown was later convicted of murder, for killing a cop in a shoot out, and is serving a life sentence.) 

Was it Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes who said the first amendment didn't give a person the right to shout, "fire", in a theatre,  just  to see it start a stampede for the exits, causing injuries and even death?  He knew there was a difference between the right of "free speech"  and irresponsible, and outrageous slander, that can have terrible consequences.  The decisions of Justice Holmes would probably not sit well, in today's society.  Liberals would probably try to get him impeached, as they are desperately trying to find some impeachable offense to charge President Trump with. now. 

The shooting of congressman Scalise, at the Alexandria, Va. baseball practice was probably incited by all the vitriol that the Liberal media has been spouting since Hillary lost the election.  This would probably have brought about criminal incitement charges, 100 years ago.  But, true to form, we have Liberals crowing that they were, "glad (he) was shot",  with impunity.  Where is the moral integrity of the Left, any more???

Yet, perhaps there is hope!  There seems to be some small fracturing in the armor of the Democratic party.  The recent calls, within the party itself for leaders, like Nancy Pelosi, to step down, and some Democrats talking about supporting the Republican health care bill.  This is but a small step in the right direction.   But it is a start!  Let's hope there is a return to sanity among the Democrats, and then maybe we will see even the Liberal media return to a more responsible rhetoric.  Remember, there are probably some Evangelical Christians in the Democratic party, though that sometimes seems hard to believe!  Perhaps when they have had a belly full of all the evil rhetoric that has been spouted by their party leaders, they will decide to, "throw the rascals out", and replace them with more responsible people!

"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!"

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Overnight Republican Referendum

I guess President Trump can call this a referendum on his agenda!  Two special elections were Republican victories, one in the House race to replace Mick Mulvaney, who resigned to become the Budget Director, in the Trump Administration; and the other, in the Georgia 6th Congressional District (to replace Tom Price who resigned to become H.H.S. Secretary)  which had record amounts of contributions for a House race (of over $50 million dollars; $20 plus million for the Republican candidate, and $30 plus million for the Democratic loser). 

I wrote previously that merely pumping that much money into the Democratic candidate's campaign was tantamount to an admission of desperation, on the part of Democrat power brokers ( was George Soris' money behind this?), who probably meant to use a victory of their candidate as evidence of a referendum against Trump's Presidential election.  Instead, it was indeed a referendum, not so much for Trump, as for his agenda, which Democrats have been refusing to support in Congress, and have apparently gotten support for that resistance from their so-called  "moderate" Republican allies. 

Perhaps this will serve to make the Democrats realize that the American people are serious about Trump's agenda, even if the Democrats won't support it.  Either way, this might serve notice to the moderate Republicans to get on board, or face the prospect of losing re-elections in the future,  Anything that will wake up these moderate idiots, who seem to be stalling the passage of Trump's agenda through Congress, must be considered a blessing, in my book; though throwing these rascals out of Congress should be a welcome goal, long term!

Anyone who doesn't believe that God works behind the scenes to bless His people, even in silly little elections, is a fool in my book.  I see God's fingerprints all over these results!  

Monday, June 19, 2017

Dems Put "All Their 'Eggs' In One Basket"...

It's an appropriate cliché, I guess.  It's the way I would describe the developing Congressional election in Georgia, with the polls set to open tomorrow morning. 

 The Democrats have pumped so much money into their candidate's campaign coffers that it now rates as the most money ever spent on a political campaign in American political history.  I don't know if that includes all political campaigns, or just the House of Representatives races.  But, either way, it smacks of a desperation that is significant to consider.  They are trying to get a victory in an area that voted overwhelmingly for Trump, in the last election.   So, they are pumping so much money into it, that it demonstrates a desperation on their part.  They are desperately seeking some political victory that they can use in the 2018 election, to supposedly demonstrate that those who voted for Trump are having second thoughts about it, and they regret having not elected Hillary! 

Enough, already!!!  I'm getting so sick of all this Democratic whining.  Get over it already! 

If their candidate wins, it just proves that they bought the election.  And if they lose, they'll just claim it was a tough sell in a Republican precinct.   But having already lost other races this year, they seem willing to do anything that will seem to suggest they really should have won the presidency. 

Meanwhile, the foot-dragging continues in the Congress, which is supposedly trying to implement Trump's legislative agenda.  News reports blame the Democrats, but I am already on record as saying that it must be the fat-cat, moderate Republicans who are stalling everything.  They apparently want Trump's agenda to fail, so they can blame the conservatives for not "compromising" with their bills, that would change little from the Obama fiasco, and they can get their constituents to vote them out, in 2018. 

Wouldn't it be great if it backfired on them, and their own constituents voted them out, and replaced them with more conservative congressmen?   Ah, well.  I guess it's all in the Lord's hands, anyway, and He'll work it all out for the better somehow. 

So, win or lose, stay tuned, and keep praying that He'll deliver us from these self-serving bums, some day!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Shooting Of Congressman "Unifies?"

I wonder... I remember all the talk about a unified America, after the shock of the 911 tragedy.  That lasted almost several months.   Then as daily routines set in, people gradually returned to their old prejudices, and their old political biases.  I find it hard to believe that the shootings of a Congressman, and a few staff employees, and policemen are gong to change, for long, the political vitriol, especially from the mainstream media, that may be the incubating source of the rage that caused the shooter to resort to such insane expression of his frustration. 

Speaker Ryan talked about our nation's tradition of great diversity of opinion  coming together in compromise for the overall good of the Nation.  I was not alive before World War II,  but history apparently records how a great division of political opinion was overcome by the shock of the Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbor.   That brought about the comparative political unity that carried us through the war, and the next one, in Korea, but things began to change, in the sixties, when Americans began to grow tired of seeing Americans die on newscasts, knowing that they, or their children, were likely to be drafted to take the place of those killed in a seemingly endless war.   Since then, there has been a steady diet of  soft, Socialist propaganda on the mainstream news casts, culminating (so far) in the vitriolic outrage of the Left at the loss of a presidential election, that everyone expected was a lock for the Democrats.  For Bernie Sanders supporters, it began when he lost the nomination to a somewhat less liberal Socialist, and became a bitter humiliation when she actually lost to a somewhat conservative businessman. 

The Alexandria shooter was apparently a Bernie Sanders supporter, so I don't think it is at all improper to lay a large part of the blame on the political vitriol that has been coming over the screen by the Leftist news media, that has been growing bolder with time, since the Viet Nam days, and now this kind of venting of political rage seemed, at least to one man, to be appropriate behavior.   Does this mean we can expect more of the same, if the vitriol continues apace???  I would not be surprised if it does. 

The sad thing is that the Leftist media has to consider this as a normal progressive development in their quest  for political power, and ultimate control of the minds of society as a whole.   A basic tenet of Socialism is that (political and social) order comes only from a chaotic breakdown of society.  This is followed by a police state crack-down on the instigators, who will be conveniently determined by these same Leftist media propagandists, who will (surprise!) blame the conservatives for all their problems.   This is the plan to rid the nation, and eventually the world, of all those who stand for freedom, fiscal responsibility, and Judeo-Christian values.   Anyone who can't see the inexorable drift to international Socialism, that the Antichrist will use to eventually rise to control of the whole world, has to be deluding themselves!

The only thing hindering that from coming to pass is all those pesky Conservatives, especially the Evangelical Christians, who persist in resisting this drift.  But soon they will all simply disappear!   Some claim it will be a divine "rapture" that will remove all the resistance to the Antichrist's one-world government, and the Socialist "Utopia" that will be ushered in.  They will, then,  have about seven years to discover that their paradise (or "Utopia")  will be anything,  but that!!!

"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!!!"

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Do College "Safe Zones" Protect Students???

Another "great idea" from the leftist academics who overwhelmingly control our College campuses!!!  I was watching FOX NEWS' "Watters' World" show, Saturday night (I tend to watch FOX NEWS frequently, as an antidote for all the "Fake News" on the "Mainstream Media" outlets), and I was astounded to hear a story about the many College campuses that are creating spaces known as "Safe Zones", where overly stressed-out students can go to chill out, presumably between classes.  Here they can play with free "Play Dough", watch films of "frolicking kittens", drink free hot chocolate, and other such "safe", kindergarten activities!  

Whoa!  Wait a minute!  Did I say these are College students, or three-year-olds???  When I was in college, we had a way for overly stressed-out students to find relief... it was called, "withdraw from classes, and run home to mommy, and daddy".   As this option was distasteful, most of us preferred something called, "suck it up, and deal with it!"  I think that's part of what most people consider the process of growing up!   But it seems like many Colleges today are trying to keep our youth from doing just that!  It almost seems like they feel they have a vested interest in keeping our children immature, feeble-minded (like the guy on the street interview, when asked, "how do you feel about Donald Trump", he said, "I don't know who that is."), and parentally dependent.  That sets them up for a lifetime of government dependency, that fits in well with the leftist platform of the Democratic party.

Is this an attempt to get extra years of tuition from under-achieving students, who wish to have mommy, and daddy pay for their fifth, and sixth year, in order to get a diploma, so they can get a job as a grocery store clerk, after graduation?  I guess that College Professors, and Administrators have realized that a college education has become such a badge of honor in the work force, that they can charge rediculous amounts for tuition , and many people will go heavily into debt, to pay it.  Meanwhile, Bankers have long since realized that making loans to students who find College as the "golden opportunity" for their employment future, can be very profitable for them to invest in.  It's a great way to enslave them to repay student loans for years into their adult lives.   (The Bible teaches us that, "The borrower is servant of the lender", as Jesus said.) Whatever happened to the concept of working for a few years, and saving up for college tuition? 

It seems to me that the concept of making easy loan money available for students, through government grants for such loan programs, has done nothing more than to encourage Colleges to keep inflating their tuition hikes, because they know they will have plenty of students ready to pay those inflated tuitions.  And, just like overall inflation tends to make poorer quality products, but a lot more of them, I suspect that artificially inflated College tuitions create more poorly educated students, with "bought-and-paid-for diplomas", which certify excellence that does not really exist!

Thank God Hillary Clinton did not become President, or we'd be dealing with the effects of her plan to make government money available for everyone to have a "free" College education.  "Free", not in the sense that no one pays for it, but in the sense that we all pay for everyone else's kids to go through College, whether they learn anything or not.  And you can bet that a lot of Colleges would start graduating a lot of students that were incompetent, just to get rid of them (while protecting their "graduation rate" statistics); like they have scandalously done for Football recruits, who years later admit that they are "functionally illiterate". 

Yessir!  The Socialists, and other leftists, have some really better ideas, all right!  Not better for society as a whole, just better ways to keep idiots like us paying exorbitant money into their programs, and foolishly believing we're actually getting our moneys worth out of it!  God have mercy on us all!!!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

The Shameful Republican Collusion Conspiracy!!!

I am not referring to any possible collusion between the Trump campaign advisers, and their Russian counterparts, or simply acquaintances in the Russian Government, whether spies, or embassy officials ( though with Russia, they're generally the same thing).  I am referring to the appearance of a dastardly, evil conspiracy within the Congress, and there is not a Russian around to blame it on!

I am referring to the more, and more obvious collusion between the so-called "moderate" leaders of the Republican Party (in both the House, and Senate) who have obviously decided to collude with the Democrats in stalling the Trump Agenda, probably in the hopes that they can keep it all from being passed (in time for America to see real improvement in the economy, etc.) before the mid-term Congressional elections, in 2018.  I'll bet they intend to stall it as long as they can, and blame it on the conservative Republicans (for their "intransigence", in not compromising on ineffective legislation), in an effort to get the voters to vote the conservatives out of office!  I think they fear the rising tide of conservative Congressmen (as they should). more than they fear the absolutely lunatic fringe that we obscenely call the "Democrats".    (I think it was President Kennedy who said something to the effect  of, "a rising tide lifts all [votes]", or something like that!)  I think they are more comfortable with the possibility of the Democrats recovering the majorities in both houses, (and even the presidency in 2020), than they are with the prospect of giving Trump's agenda time to have a positive effect on the economy, and the nation as a whole. 

These idiots are only slightly better than the buffoons in the Democratic Party, (paying only lip-service to the conservative principles that got them elected, while probably being "soft" Socialists, at heart) and they probably would prefer to be Democrats, except that they realize their constituents would never re-elect them,  if they switched parties.  So, we have these self-serving idiots, who care more about preserving their precious jobs, than they do about keeping America strong enough to resist the international trend of Socialism, that will likely be the forerunner of the prophecied one-world government, which the Antichrist will control, and use to manipulate himself to power for his seven year reign  (before the Lord returns to destroy all the evil of the world, and establish His Kingdom of Heaven on earth)!  Either way, the Lord wins in the end!  But I would prefer to live in a free America, rather than a totalitarian state run by the Antichrist. and his lackeys (probably named Clinton, and Obama)!  It is of no comfort to realize that these people will probably have an eternity in Hell to wish they had done differently, now!

It has reached the point where nothing, but prayer, can effectively change this quagmire of selfish political skullduggery!  Evil, self-serving Congressmen, and women, are doing their best to destroy America, when there may be very little time left before God judges us all, for allowing it to happen!

The truly sad thing about it is that they seem to  honestly believe they are doing us a favor by destroying the America we know, and love.  They seem to really believe that the one-world Socialist government they are trying to promote will be better than America ever was, or ever could be.  And we might be easily duped into thinking so, as well, if we didn't have the Bible to tell us of the horrible disaster that the Antichrist will turn that into. 

So, pray America!  And pray earnestly, as though your very soul may depend upon it...because it just might!!! 

Friday, June 2, 2017

"A Voice Crying Out Of The Wilderness"...

I am certainly not trying to compare myself to the role of John, the Baptist.  However, in modern terms, perhaps I do see my perspective as similar, in calling out the "signs of the times" that I see, primarily through the news media, and calling it a, "generation of vipers", when it seems appropriate.  It seems so, now!

When President Trump announced that he was pulling America out of the so-called "Paris Accord", he explained why very succinctly, I thought.  While I am not convinced of the science of "Global Warming", I realize the possibility of it's correctness, and therefore we should make reasonable efforts to limit the carbon pollution levels, worldwide,  To me, that is exactly why Trump is correct in pulling us out of a deal that claims to do just that, but does not really.  

It is clear that the mostly European countries who orchestrated this are using it as an excuse to soak the American taxpayers.  While our record of cleaning up pollution areas is better than any other country, we pay more than our share "into the kitty", while  the dirtiest polluters in the world, China and India, so "graciously" have agreed to do nothing to limit their pollution, and even have the right to increase it, at will, until the year 2030.  Where is the anti-air-pollution benefit here???  Can they magically keep all the dirty air in their part of the world?  I thought that dirty air in one part of the world eventually polluted us all, but maybe they have figured out a way to change that.  That would be the only reason I could see for allowing such stupid "double standards", and promoting it as effective progress.  As I wrote yesterday, it has been estimated that full compliance with the accord, as written, would only bring about one tenth of one percent change in the overall level of pollution, by that time.  

Plus there is no clear commitment that any money we pay into this will be used to help clean up the air, anywhere!  I suspect it's main purpose is to fatten the bank accounts of the people who dreamed up this scheme!  They're probably the same Socialist thieves who have been soaking us through the United Nations programs, for decades, that do little good, and cost billions to do it, with most of the money ending up in the bureaucrats' pockets!  How long do they expect us to put up with this chicanery?

But the leftist-controlled, mainstream media are "outraged" at Trump's "mindless blunder", in calling a stop to this foolishness.  One suspects that their concern is not for the benefit of the atmosphere, but for the realization that a renewed American greatness means less opportunity to rip off our taxpayers, so they can pocket the largess.

I think John, the Baptist, would certainly call these people a "generation of vipers"!!!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Trump Deserves A "B+" Grade, In My Book

Things are progressing fairly well with the Trump agenda, in my opinion.  Today's moves are indicative of the progress.

I am somewhat disappointed that Trump decided. for now, not to fulfill his campaign promise to move the American Embassy, in Israel, from Tel Aviv, to Jerusalem.  He renewed the Presidential edict that has been renewed every six months, since 1967, recognizing Tel Aviv to be Israel's capital, even though Israel considers Jerusalem to be their real capital, and all of their governmental offices are there.   I guess he foolishly believes the Palestinians are really serious about negotiating a treaty with Israel.  He is probably salivating over the chance to bring about a "true and lasting peace" between Israel and the Palestinians.  That would be quite a political coup, although every president since 1967 has tried. and failed to do just that.  But it shouldn't take long for the Palestinians to demonstrate their insincerity.  When Trump realizes that he has been duped, then he can always reverse the edict, in six months.  So, it's a disappointment, but not yet a disaster. 

On the more domestic front, he did  keep his campaign promise to pull America out of the so-called Paris Accord, which supposedly set voluntary standards for reducing environmental pollution around the world.  But, this was clearly written from a Socialist's perspective, using it to make America's taxpayers foot most of the bill, financially, and live within strict, business emasculating, and massive job destroying  standards,  even though we have the highest environmental standards already, of any country in the world.  This, while the world's greatest polluters, China and India may increase their pollution at will, until the year 2030!  Is this a typical Socialist "double standard", or what?

Plus, it has been calculated that full compliance with the accord would only project to decrease world-wide pollution by about one tenth of one per cent!  Talk about a bad deal!!!  No wonder  President Obama signed this as an Executive Order, rather than submitting it to Congress, knowing it would not stand a chance of passage there. 

So, while we must wait and see if Trump will wise up to the Palestinians' ruse, at least he did get America out of another of Obama's idiotic Socialist quagmires.   That's good enough for a "B Plus", in my book.