Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I'll Take Biblical Prophecy Over Secular Forecasting any Day!!!

I've recently been reading a book that is reputed to be a "New York Times Bestseller", which is not to say it's any good, but that a lot of people seem to think so.  It is almost a decade old, and I wonder, if it is so good, how did it take so long for me to hear about it?

The author credits a system of reasoning that he refers to as "Geopolitical Forecasting" which apparently does not take into account  such generally considered irrelevancies as Biblical Prophecies, such as the Ezekiel 38, &39 Prophecies, concerning the "Gog/Magog Invasion of Israel", which will culminate in the nearly total destruction  of the invading Russian, and Muslim nation confederacy.  Any possible nuclear holocaust between Russia and America, which may be prophecied to follow this invasion is not considered either.  He forecasts America surviving to fight a war around mid-twenty first century which I haven't gotten to yet (boy, I can't tell you how excited I am to find out if we survive that one!).

The bottom line here is, this is another example of man presuming to know more about the future than the creator of it!  It falls in line with the old adage that, "God delights in confounding the wisdom of the wise".  I suspect that is why He gave the prophet Ezekiel His "Gog/Magog Prophecy" almost 2500 years ago, so that unbelieving man would have plenty of time to convince his arrogant self of the irrelevance of it all.

Thank God I don"t have to pretend that I know anything about the future, myself.  All I do is read what's written in my Bible, and write about what it seems to mean to me.  There are some facts that are clearly prophecied, and I simply say this is what I read, and I believe it!  End of story!  Then there are other things that seem, perhaps, to be prophecied, but are not clearly stated, as such.  I merely throw those out as possible prophetic points, and leave it to the reader to decide if they agree, or not. But they are never suppositions of my own reasoning, only.   If they don't have strong basis in Biblical reasoning, I don't feel they are worth even mentioning.

Would that all "Geopolitical Forecasters" would do the same!!!

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