Monday, February 27, 2017

NEWS ALERT: Democrats are upset with Republicans!!!

Shocking News!!!  Democrats are not in love with Donald Trump, or probably any other Republican, either!  What a crisis in American politics!  I guess that Democrats are still upset at losing the general election.  I wonder what it will take for them to face reality,and GET OVER  IT, ALREADY!!!  They really don't have any better strategy than to criticise President Trump's moves, and to try to stall his appointments to the Cabinet as long as possible, not because they are bad, but because Trump nominated them.

They are trying to make it seem that Hillary Clinton lost the election because of Russian Hackers interfering with the election results.  They just can't believe that there are enough people in America who don't want a lobbyist for Arab interests to be President of the United States.  Nor do they seem to understand that a security risk in the White House is a serious threat to all of our security. ( Now that we have finally rid ourselves of the "Closet Muslim" who previously resided there!)  

I guess they want to "hound" Trump into resigning the presidency, since impeachment proceedings are not likely to be brought by a Republican-controlled House any time soon, and they wouldn't bring a conviction by a Republican-controlled Senate, anyway.  Even if they could get him to resign, vice president Pence would feel obligated to  carry out much of Trump's stated  agenda, for the remainder of the term.

So, the likely options for the Democrats, as I see it are;  a.) sit down, and shut up!, or b.) GET OVER IT, ALREADY!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I'll Take Biblical Prophecy Over Secular Forecasting any Day!!!

I've recently been reading a book that is reputed to be a "New York Times Bestseller", which is not to say it's any good, but that a lot of people seem to think so.  It is almost a decade old, and I wonder, if it is so good, how did it take so long for me to hear about it?

The author credits a system of reasoning that he refers to as "Geopolitical Forecasting" which apparently does not take into account  such generally considered irrelevancies as Biblical Prophecies, such as the Ezekiel 38, &39 Prophecies, concerning the "Gog/Magog Invasion of Israel", which will culminate in the nearly total destruction  of the invading Russian, and Muslim nation confederacy.  Any possible nuclear holocaust between Russia and America, which may be prophecied to follow this invasion is not considered either.  He forecasts America surviving to fight a war around mid-twenty first century which I haven't gotten to yet (boy, I can't tell you how excited I am to find out if we survive that one!).

The bottom line here is, this is another example of man presuming to know more about the future than the creator of it!  It falls in line with the old adage that, "God delights in confounding the wisdom of the wise".  I suspect that is why He gave the prophet Ezekiel His "Gog/Magog Prophecy" almost 2500 years ago, so that unbelieving man would have plenty of time to convince his arrogant self of the irrelevance of it all.

Thank God I don"t have to pretend that I know anything about the future, myself.  All I do is read what's written in my Bible, and write about what it seems to mean to me.  There are some facts that are clearly prophecied, and I simply say this is what I read, and I believe it!  End of story!  Then there are other things that seem, perhaps, to be prophecied, but are not clearly stated, as such.  I merely throw those out as possible prophetic points, and leave it to the reader to decide if they agree, or not. But they are never suppositions of my own reasoning, only.   If they don't have strong basis in Biblical reasoning, I don't feel they are worth even mentioning.

Would that all "Geopolitical Forecasters" would do the same!!!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Washington Is In Political Chaos

The mainstream Media is proclaiming chaos in our nations's Capitaol, but much of it seems to be of their own devise.  President Trump claims his Administration is humming like a "fine -tuned machine".  Meanwhile, he has asked for and received the resignation of National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, whom he assures us has done "nothing wrong".  So, why did he ask for his resignation, after less than a month on the job?

Whatever happened to the concept of a "100 Day Honeymoon", or a grace period for each new president's Administration, once they first take office?  I guess that's only true for an administration that the liberal Media likes.  The Trump Administration doesn't qualify!

And why is it taking so long to approve the appointments of the rest of Trump's nominees?  I think the Democrats are mostly responsible for bogging down the confirmation hearings, but I thought the Republicans were prepared to use the so-called "Nuclear Option" that the Democrats voted into law, which  said appointments could now be made by a simple majority vote of the Senate, instead of the former 2/3rds. requirement.  So why don't they use it, and tell the Democrats to, "sit down and shut up"!  The Democrats are probably trying to drag it all out  until the Midterm elections, in the hope that they can win a new majority in the Senate.  Do you think they will be reluctant to us the "Nuclear Option" against the Republicans?

I just hope the Republicans who lost the nomination to Trump are not still so bitter as to put their personal feelings ahead of the future of our nation, and to side with those nitwits in the Democratic party, just to make things difficult for Trump.  I certainly hope they are not so shallow, and immature as to place their own disappointments ahead of our collective national interests.  If so, I, at least, will remember their behavior, if they ever plan to run again for the nomination!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Surprise!!! The Left Criticizes Trump's Policies...

Donald Trump is running into resistance from a liberal federal judge from Washington state.  So what else is new?!!  This is probably going to be the pattern for at least the next two years, or so.  Trump will attack the liberal agenda of the Obama Administration, and states with predominantly liberal populations will challenge him, primarily in the federal court system.  The liberals are not going to roll over and die, just because they lost the election.  They may not be able to permanently block Trump's policies, but they will try to stall their implementation through the federal court system, as long as possible, as often as they can.  Perhaps the 2018 Congressional elections will diminish this resistance, if the Republicans can maintain their control of Congress.  If they can't, we will be in for more chaos until 2020!

Now we have a federal judge in Washington state blocking Trump's executive order to ban travel from various nations with large Muslim populations, and with a history of supporting terrorism.  This may not be a nice policy for law-abiding people traveling from these nations, but how do you determine who is law-abiding, and who is not, until it's too late?  The evil of the terrorists who come from these countries far outweighs the inconvenience born by the law-abiding people.   The Obama Administration bent over preserve the convenience of the law-abiding people from these countries, and the terrorists traveled easily around the world.  It may be necessary to restrict some freedoms, in order to protect the greater safety interests of society as a whole.  This is a sad reality of the times, but it may be a necessary adjustment that we all have to face.  The war against terrorism is the overwhelming priority in international relations for the foreseeable future, whether we like it, or not.

It's time that liberals face reality, even though they don;t like it!