Monday, January 16, 2017

Trump Versus The Leftist Media

The battle lines appear to have been drawn: President-Elect Trump on one side, and the spoiled brats of the Leftist Media on the other.  (Guess which side I'm for.)  After his run-in with a journalist at the White House press conference, when a tirade of very rude challenges from the reporter erupted, a few days ago, the Trump officials are now seriously discussing evicting the White House Press Core to a new auditorium.  I wouldn't be surprised if some of the old members of the Press core are not invited to wherever the new venue is to be.  It's about time some of the press need to realize that access to the President depends on at least a minimum of polite behavior in the Press Room.  I understand that many Liberal Journalists are having a hard time accepting that Hillary lost the election.  But it's time they grow up and get over it!  I realize that the White House needs press coverage, but I think the press needs access to the White House much more.  If this blows up into each side boycotting the other, I think Trump will win this battle, too.

Their official media  response is to, "Object"... to Trumps efforts to avoid "Press scrutiny", as if that is absolutely necessary.  I think the media will get tired of reporting on nothing more than their objections, earlier than the Trump Administration will begin to miss their rude, liberal-twisted questioning.  What we have here is the media trying to pose as an indispensable element of a free, and democratic government.  This is certainly true, in the long run.  But, I don't think this squabble will last long, and I see the press breaking first.  They have more to lose in the short fall, in newspaper subscriptions dropped, and channel switching.  I think this is just a lot of blustering, on the part of the media.  Just a bunch of over-grown spoiled brats trying desperately to attract attention with their tantrums,  Get over it, for crying out loud!

Speaking of boycotts, liberal Congressmen are announcing their plans to boycott the Inauguration Ceremonies, by the dozens.  (Gee I can't guess which party will be most heavily represented here!)

The liberals are trying to pose as wounded parties in losing the election.  They refuse to accept the truth that they blew their own election efforts, regardless of any Russian hacking, or not.  Now their pathetic efforts to seem as innocent, wounded parties is nauseating to behold.  I wish the liberal press would collectively grow up, and face reality.   They had their way for 8 years, and America is far worse for it!  So it's time to sit down, and shut up, while others try to correct the mess that Obama has left us with!!!

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