I am certainly not a Communist, nor a Socialist, but that does not mean that I am automatically a Capitalist. I remember saying something similar to a friend, at church, one Sunday, about a year ago, and was a bit surprised at the level of shock he displayed at my confession. I gathered that he assumed I was a firm supporter of America's "Wall Street" brand of Capitalism, since we were discussing the flaws of the various forms of Socialism in the world, today. I am not, and, perhaps even more shocking, I don't believe that God really prefers that economic system, either.
I believe the kind of economics God would prefer the world would collectively employ would have to be called something like "Benevolent Free Enterprise". And before someone chokes on the concept that Capitalism and Free Enterprise are not necessarily intertwined, the difference is basically that Capitalism is not necessarily for enterprise, it's for investment, which is "borrowing", and "lending", plain and simple. That wise old be-spectacled philosopher, who wrote under the pseudonym of "Poor Richard" once wrote the adage, "Neither borrower, nor lender be". I think truer words were rarely spoken, this side of the Bible. But, I wonder if your name must be Richard, and you must be poor to really appreciate the concept. Well, I guess I fit the bill all right!
Recently, this blog was silenced, for what seemed permanence to me, because my computer became so clogged up with spam, "malware", or whatever, I really don't know what all. But, fortunately, I have a good friend who knows more about computers than I do (doesn't everybody???), who fixed it after three hours. Being the incurable paranoid that I am, and as I've said before, "I've rarely found a conspiracy theory that I didn't like, I have to wonder if this isn't part of a Microsoft plan, or even a computer manufacturing companies' conspiracy to create a sort of "Planned Obsolescence" which forces idiots like me to cough up money for a new computer, every few years! Has Micrsoft become so financially bloated that they have devised a plan to systematically clog up the little guy's (me!) computer memory with endless "Updates" that do nothing but take up space that their engineers designed to be large enough for the average consumer's needs for many more years??? One has to wonder, well, so be it. I guess God will sort it all out, one day. I just hope Bill Gates is not trusting in his Billions to buy his way past the "Pearlies", when the time comes! Anyway, I'm not planning on taking my computer with me, when I go, so I guess it doesn't matter much. But, when the economy crashes next, or when the Dollar collapses, like everybody is screaming at us on T.V. that it will do as soon as yesterday, if not sooner, I figure we'll have no need to look any further to place blame than the "Good Ole' Boys" on Wall Street, who will be sitting pretty, while the rest of us try and figure out how to fight off starvation!
Thank God for the brilliant minds at the Federal Reserve, who know how to keep the economy running smoothly, with government intervention, or not, as the situation calls. Wait a minute... they're not part of the government, are they? They are just warmed-over Wall Street lackeys, that try and make the best conditions for more investment. And when they mess up, like the last decade or so, they just get the government to bail out the corrupt bankers who caused the crash in the first place, with the little guy's money, and very few of the rats go to jail!!!
Sorry, I guess I'm waxing a bit Leftist, huh?
Anyway, thanks, P.C.!!!
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