Friday, May 8, 2015

The Signs Of A Nation's Judgment

I was reading in Deuteronomy 28 about the promise God made to the nation of Israel before they began to conquer the Canaanite nations, and drive out the remnants in order for God to give them the land that He had promised to give them. He made it abundantly clear to them that there was a very specific price for His giving them this "Promised Land"; namely strict obedience to His commandments. While I understand that we Christians are under the New Testament (or Covenant), none the less our nation will still be judged by the sinful behavior of the majority, even as He will somehow spare the Christians. His judgment of our nation is unnecessary, though, if we can pray for a national revival, for those who are living in unrepentant sin, to turn from their wicked ways, and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

If I am reading the Prophecies of the "Latter Days" (or the "End Times") correctly, time may be growing very short for us as a nation. I know I keep harping on the prophecies of Ezekiel 38, and 39, because they strike me as the most likely to be fulfilled in our lifetime, maybe even as soon as this year. If it all happens even close to what I expect, not only will God cause the nations' armies that come against Israel to fight among themselves, until they've destroyed 83% of their combined forces, but I see the possibility of the losing commander of the retreating Russian forces to decide to send a first strike nuclear attack against some country that he blames for helping Israel to defeat his invasion. Guess who that would be? America has shared a vast amount of weapons technology with Israel, and some of that may be responsible for the panic that causes part of the invasion force to retreat, and to turn against those who try to resist them. I believe that God's "Rapture of the Church" (the whole world-wide body of believers in Jesus Christ as their Lord, and Savior) will happen after he "pushes the button", but before the missiles strike their targets. (For a full account of my Biblical reasoning, check out my post for April 21, 2014, in the "Archives" list, to the right of this column.)

Anyway, I thought about the Deuteronomy curses that God promised to bring upon His people, if they refused to obey His commandments, and I thought that some of them sounded strikingly similar to what America is experiencing today. Beginning in verse 15, the curses listed here can be collectively categorized as economic failures, since most of Israel's economy at that time was tied up in agriculture, and I don't think it's much of a stretch to extrapolate to America's more diverse economy of today, all of which are heavily dependent upon the trade value of the dollar. You can't turn on the television today without somebody talking about how weak the dollar is today, and the 18 trillion dollar deficit we owe, worldwide. Sooner or later, the rest of the world will lose confidence in our phony money that has been backed up with thin air since 1971, when Nixon took the dollar off the Gold Standard, and will refuse to accept it as payment for our debts. At that point, there will probably not be an area of our economy that will not go into a horrendous deflationary depression that will make the 1930's look like a party.

Verse 23 talks about the sun's heat being magnified to the point that drought becomes an increasing problem, both for agriculture and for livestock. Verse 24 talks about dust being sent upon them, instead of rain, and I thought of the dust storms last year in Texas, which will probably return this summer, reminiscent of the "Dust Bowl" years of the 1930's, also a factor in America's "Great Depression". And I don't need to say much about the dramatic increase in the number of tornadoes in the mid-western states recently, which are strongly influenced by dramatic contrasts in temperatures colliding with each other.

Verse 25 talks about their army being defeated by their enemies, and we are led to remember how easily they defeated Jericho, when God did all the hard work, and how they were defeated miserably in their next battle at Ai, against a much smaller force, when one man disobeyed God's commandments. We have the most powerful military in the world today, but if God wants us to be defeated by a weaker force (like I.S.I.S., or Al Quaida, or Iran's proxies, in Yemen), you can bet it will happen.

Verse 43 talks about the "Stranger", among us (foreign immigrants), becoming more powerful (economically, I suspect), while you (the citizens of our country) become "very low". I'm sure there are Saudi bankers in New York today whose vast wealth wields more power than the biggest banks on Wall Street.

All in all, I think this is enough similarity to cause the Christians of this country to fall on their knees in repentance for the collective sins of our nation. We must pray fervently that God will send a Holy Ghost revival upon America, before it's too late!

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