Friday, April 10, 2015

Are Blood Moons A Sign From God, Or Not?

The absolutely truthful answer to the titular question above is: I don't know! But as one who doesn't believe in coincidences, I have to say the timing of this so-called "Tetrad" sure seems suspicious. I read one blog comment that stated that, "the first eight Tetrads since the first century" have come and gone harmlessly, and that, "there is no reason to suspect differently of this one". That's where I have to disagree!

First, the world's international gamesmanship of very aggressively hegemonistic countries, especially Russia and Iran, coupled with the Islamic efforts to gobble up Middle-East territory at will seems to set the stage for the Biblically Prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East.

Secondly, the timing of the Tetrad seems to parenthetically juxtapose the time of year when various Middle-Eastern countries traditionally find some excuse to invade their neighboring countries, because weather conditions are most optimal for maneuvering large armies throughout the warmer, and drier months. I suspect that this tradition is a very important consideration to people like Russia's Putin, and the leaders of his biblically prophecied muslim allies, Iran, Libya, and long-thought Ethiopia, which may very well be Yemen, which is currently involved in a so-called "civil war", that has the ear-marks of a full-blown Iranian invasion.

Thirdly, President ("head-in-the-sand") Obama's much touted economic sanctions are bound to have a serious effect upon the Russian economy, in the long run. This was intended to be the "diplomatic" alternative to a military response to the de facto Russian invasion of the Ukraine. What it will probably accomplish, instead, is the intensified urgency of their Middle-East invasion plans, in order to counter the effects of the Western Nations' economic sanctions, with their own international oil embargo, once they have taken control of the Saudi Arabian, and Emirates oil fields.

All this seems to suggest that this summer will be ideal for some sort of Middle-East invasion, which may already have started, at least with Iran's moves into Iraq and Yemen. If I'm right, we should expect Putin to find some excuse to move his tanks, helocopters, missile launchers, and the like into Syria, in order to seem to be concerned about the safety of his ally, Syria. I wouldn't be surprised to see Russian tanks driving eastward, supposedly to resist an Iranian assault, only to have them make an "Oblique" (45 degree) turn to drive on Saudi Arabia, with the Iranians passing by (very cordially) on their way to try and drive Israel into the Mediterranean Sea. That's when you can expect God to decide He has had enough of this unbridled evil, and He will cause these armies to turn on each other, to the destruction of 83% of their forces (as prophicied in Ezekiel 38, & 39). One may reasonably expect this to climax around the time of the last "Blood Moon", coinciding with the Jewish high Holy day of "Yom Kippur", when God traditionally forgives all Israeli Jews of all their sins. What a perfect time frame for His people to be miraculously saved from the total destruction-intentions of their enemies. Please refer to the archive list to the right for more posts detailing how I imagine this will all turn out.

So, as I said, I don't know if the "Blood Moons" are for a sign from God, or not. But I wouldn't be surprised if they were!

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