Wednesday, April 29, 2015

We've Forgotten Our Roots

Watching today's "700 Club", I began to feel deeply troubled for our nation. The show began with a report about the lawsuit before the U.S. Supreme Court, between those who foolishly "believe" that the Constitution of the United States contains guarantees for same-sex marriage, which is absurd. The Constitution doesn't even mention anything concerning marriage, hetero, homo, or otherwise. This is a blatant fabrication on the part of the Homosexual Lobby interests that should be repudiated scurrilously by the Justices of the Supreme Court. But I am deeply afraid that the Court will vote against God's commandments, and for the "Gay Marriage" position, simply because it is popular with the majority of the people (more is our shame).

I think this is the way we got that horrible decision, known as "Rowe V. Wade" in 1972, though that Court was considered far more liberal than the present one is reputed to be. But, I remember that President Eisenhower, who appointed two of the justices to that court, said that they were the two biggest mistakes of his eight year presidency. He was under the impression that he was appointing two conservative Justices when they actually turned out to be very liberal. And I'm afraid that some of those Justices on this Court who are reputed to be conservative are actually liberals, "in sheep's clothing", waiting for an opportunity to "come out" and reveal their true natures. And may God have mercy on their souls (and on our nation as a consequence) if they choose this issue to do so.

The reason I am concerned that their decision might be for the legalization of same-sex marriage is because they should not even be trying the case, in the first place. Their mandate is to hear cases that contain issues concerning the Constitution only, and the Constitution clearly mandates that all issues not mentioned in the Constitution, "...shall be reserved for the States, and the people". Therefore they don't have any authority to even hear the complaints, but should have remanded the case back to the State where the original suit was brought. The very fact that the Court is willing to hear the case does not bode well for those who stand for God's righteousness in the land. I wouldn't want to be in the shoes of those Justices who apparently believe that they can abuse their solemn vows to, "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America" at will, upon appointment for life. Remember, God is in control of the very breath we breathe, and when we thumb our noses at His principles, we do so at our own peril! Don't forget, God's patience was exhausted by Sodom, and Gomorrah. It may be about to run out with us, too!

The reason this show brought out the difference between America's righteousness of the past, and the present decline into today's decadence was their celebration of the landing of the first permanent English colony, on the shores of Virginia, on April 29, 1607, which went on to establish the Jamestown "plantation", as they called it. Immediately upon landing, these colonists declared the new land for Jesus Christ, "...and the propagation of His gospel". Some 13 years later, at a place that came to be known as Plymouth, Massachusetts, a small group of English "Separatists" landed in Cape Cod Bay. Among whom was the family of one of my direct ancestors, William Brewster, who assumed the role of "unofficial" spiritual leader of the colony, and it's Pastor for some 20, to 40 years (I forget which).

They had spent several years living in Holland, but came to be concerned that some of their children were renouncing their moral upbringing, and accepting the ways of their Dutch neighbors. They couldn't return to England because of the threat of religious persecution, including imprisonment, so they chose to establish their own colony, " the northern parts of Virginia". Their original Pastor, Rev. John Robinson chose to remain in Holland to continue ministering to others who chose to remain, also. So, William Brewster accepted the role of the colony's Pastor, and held the position for many years thereafter. There is some speculation that they ended up exactly where they intended (the area was well known to English fishermen, and it's hard to believe that their Captain and crew did not know where they were going), rather than by accident as came to be accepted later. They experienced God's miraculous provision for many years to come, after He purged the colony of nearly half of it's original settlers, through starvation, and subsequent disease, to bring us the tradition of "Thanksgiving", which was intended to thank God for His mercy, and bounty. He supplied a bountiful harvest the following year (and they were not thanking the local Indians, as historical revisionists would have us believe, though they were welcomed at their feast, and supplied several deer for the Feast, which extended several days, because of it).

Anyway, my point is that we've certainly declined over the last four hundred years, from the faith, and courage of conviction of our forefathers, who were willing to risk their lives for the freedom to worship as they chose, to today when Christian believers face oppression from those who can not think beyond their genitals, and try to convince us that they have supra-Constitutional authority to run "rough-shod" over our long established laws. God will have no choice but to judge us if this continues much longer. As the Christian adage goes, He will owe an apology to Sodom, and Gomorrah if He doesn't!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"...The Terrible Day Of The Lord..."

I'll admit to the typical level of confusion when I re-read the prophecy of Joel, especially in the second chapter. There are aspects of which that seem as though they can only refer to the final battle of Armageddon, and then there are aspects that seem to fit the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel, and I guess we'll never know for sure which is for which, until they happen, when we as believers will be in heaven, and won't much care.

But, an interesting clue as to God's timetable I noticed in Joel 2:31. The previous prophetic occurrences are followed by the 31st verse, "The Sun shall be turned into darkness, and the Moon into blood BEFORE the great and the terrible day of the lord come."(emphasis added) Well, we have already explained that the "Blood Moons" that appeared twice last year, coinciding with Passover of 2014, and again in the Fall, coinciding with Yom Kippur, (when God traditionally forgave His people, Israel, for their sins of the past year) and are set to repeat the same this year (as it did last month) could be a sign from God that He is about to do something astounding that will glorify himself in a manner that even the "heathen" will have to admit that He is in charge of the world, and that He will protect His people. That seems to me to indicate a reference to the "Gog/Magog" invasion, which certainly has not happened yet, though all the necessary pieces seem to be ready. But, the really interesting point that struck me as I re-read this passage was the word, "before" which I emphasized above.

If both the Sun and the Moon have eclipses before whatever is to occur, then that would make it easier to know the approximate time when we can expect the other events to soon follow. So, I checked, and sure enough there occurred a full eclipse of the Sun on the Vernal Equinox (or the first day of Spring), or March 20th, this year, followed in April by the third of the four "Blood Moons" right on schedule. So, if I'm reading the prophecy correctly' we are all set for the Russian invasion of the Middle-East, along with their Muslim allies, and as I wrote previously, the summer months have been traditionally the best time of year for Middle-Eastern countries to trump up some excuse to go to war with their neighbors. Since a war may take months to reach a point of advantage, for one side or the other, I think it's reasonable to expect some sort of movement in that direction soon.

Don't be surprised if it seems that Israel is about to be overrun by their enemies, long about August. God seems to delight in saving the "winners" after they are nearly defeated, then He steps in to bring the final victory. Case in point, all three of America's most important wars, the Revolution, the Civil War, and World War II, looked to be on the verge of defeat, until He turned them into glorious victories, and only a fool thinks we did it by our great military superiority. Obviously, He caused the French to enter the war on our side to defeat the English at Yorktown, and He gave us the victory at Gettysburg, and protected our troops on the beaches of Normandy, on "D-Day", and again during the "Battle Of The Bulge". We could easily been defeated each of those times, " but God...".

Also, if I am reading things correctly, that means the "Rapture" may soon follow. So, as I never get tired of quoting the Lord's encouragement, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh". And for those who aren't sure of their salvation, look up to the sinner's prayer that I've written below the Blog's title, and pray that to Jesus now, or else just plain "LOOK OUT!"

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Israel's Regathering May Come After "Gog/Magog"

In re-reading Ezekiel 38, & 39 I noticed a word that I had brushed over many times previously, without considering it's possible significance. That word is "now", in Chapter 39, verse 25, as in "Now will I (God) bring again the captivity of Jacob...". Well, that is a direct reference to God's re-gathering of the whole nation of Israel, which Christians have long believed would come, without knowing exactly when it would occur on God's prophetic Timeline. I have heard some speculate that the world's Born-Again, Bible-believing Christians would be part of this ingathering, but I tend to think not.

First, the word, "now", is very specific. It can't mean any other time, except "now", in it's relationship to the other events of the prophecy, which have strongly suggested a chronology in the telling of God's plans. Therefore, it seems that, "now", refers to events that preceded it, and also that followed. So, if the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East has already occurred, and God has already caused infighting between elements of the invading forces to turn on each other to the tune of 83% decimation of their total forces, then "now" would have to refer to something that follows these events. Also, if God has already caused whomever is commanding Russia's retreating forces to "push the button" for a Nuclear strike against (probably America), then America will have no choice but to retaliate in kind. If I'm reasoning correctly that Revelation 6, 7, & 8 suggest that the "Rapture of the Church", worldwide, will occur in an instant, after the Nuclear missiles have been launched, but before they strike their targets, it would seem that those remaining Believers will be the "good works" Christians. They will have very rudely discovered that the only ticket to the "Rapture" was a Born-Again, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, but that "now" it's too late. Since there is no longer an America (except for those pathetic elitists who were "fortunate" enough to be considered essential personnel, and thereby "eligible" to enter into the Federal government's bomb shelters, where they will probably starve to death after their supplies run out, and before they can come out to live above ground, without fear of being mortally irradiated), and most Russian survivors are condemned to live the rest of their lives in their underground fallout shelters (probably converted subway tunnels), the Israelis will likely take pity on any survivors, as well as the thousands of Jews dispersed in other countries around the world, and will open there arms to receive them, in a mass migration to the Holy Land. (For more details on my musings, concerning Revelation: 6, 7, & 8, and my logic, (at least I hope that's what it is), check out my post for August 9, 2014, in the "Archives" list to the right of this column.)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Has Obama Lost His Mind, And Actually Done The Right Thing?

In an unprecedented move by our gutless President, Obama has surrounded the coasts of Yemen with American destroyers, and cruise missile launchers, reputedly to intercept any boats suspected of carrying re-supply weapons for the Shiite Muslim "insurgents", (probably Iranian crack troops, disguised as civilians, taking a tip from Russia's President Putin). But, based on Obama's trend towards outrageous gutlessness, I can't help feeling that he has instructed those ships' captains to do nothing that might upset Iran, like confiscating their weapons cargo, arresting the entire crew, and sinking their boat. They've probably been instructed to say, "have a nice day", and wave, "bye bye", to them as they sail safely to their destination. Pardon my cynicism, but after so many stupid decisions, Obama does not rate my trust that he is actually capable of making a correct decision seriously, and I suspect that this is just a pretend show of force with no teeth in it.

Even if it is genuine, and sincere, which I strongly doubt, what's to keep Iran from switching tactics and re-supplying their proxy troops overland, through Oman, the poor non-oil rich country to the immediate northeast of Yemen? To close the loop of insurgent re-supply efforts it would take probably thousands of "troops on the ground" and we know how anathema the White House is to authorize that, no matter how dire the emergency might be. I doubt if Oman has the military capacity to interdict such arms trafficking, simply because they are too poor, and such interdiction would cost money. On the other hand, they are Arabs, who are famous for their readiness to accept bribes, or "gifts" in order to cause them to look the other way. And Iran is certainly unscrupulous enough to cough up the cash to make them do so. That leaves only one other possibility: Saudi Arabia, which obviously recognizes that they (and their oil fields are the ultimate goal of the insurgents, and that Yemen is just a secondary base of operations, for an eventual two pronged attack upon the Saudis, and their neighbors, the Emirates. But I wonder if the Saudis can muster enough "boots on the ground" to get the job done. We know they have enough troops to muster for diplomatic parades (all fluff, and no stuff) but do they actually have an army to back up the bluster, or not? I suspect that they may have bought a treaty with America, that promises our army to come to their aid, if they are ever attacked. I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. If they did sign a treaty, it was with a reliable American administration, not the lilly-livered people in the White House, and State Department today.

So, the bottom line is, is this 'blockade' merely a grand, toothless demonstration, or is our gutless President actually capable of making the right decision, and following through with whatever it takes to get the job done? I am afraid I can guess the answer, but I suspect we'll find out soon enough.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Putin Tries To Tie Israel's Hands

Everybody get ready... it's all about to hit the fan soon!!! The latest news reports say that Russian President Putin has decided to sell Iran sophisticated anti-missile systems that are capable of protecting Iran's nuclear development plants, forcing Israel to make a deadly decision soon. One must assume that these missiles will be able to shoot down Israeli Airplanes as well, so either Israel's Air Force must act now, to take out Iran's centrifuges, or sit on their hands (like Obama is doing) and trust that Iran will not keep their promise to "Blow Israel off the face of the Earth". America can't help, since their idiot President believes that his diplomatic treaty will be honored (fat chance!), so Israel must act soon, before those Russian systems can be implemented.

Isn't it amazing how quickly friendships can be developed between long-standing enemies, like Israel, and their enemies of past wars, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the other Arab Gulf States, once they all realize that after Iran wipes out Israel, they're sure to be next. So they are imploring their "good friend", Israel, to come to their rescue and attack Iran before it's too late. Since one of the sticking points in an Israeli attack was getting permission to fly over Saudi air space en route to Iran, it is probably not an issue, now. So, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Israel will attack those centrifuges soon.

As sick as it sounds, I really believe that's exactly what Putin wants, so he can use that as an excuse to retaliate by invading the Middle-East. Iran's armies in Iraq, and Yemen will want to wreak vengeance upon Israel, so Putin will be free to drive upon the Saudi Arabian, and Emirates oil fields, which is really his main objective, anyway. I won't bore you with rehashing my beliefs that the prophecies of Ezekiel 38, & 39 say that God will intervene on Israel's behalf, turning the invaders against one another, and destroying 83% of their forces. (The Archive column to the right has a list of my posts that explain that all in detail.)

Again, "look up...etc."!!!


One thing more needs to be said, presuming all, or at least some of what I've predicted comes true. My opening line above reminds me of a 1960's hit song, that happened to be an old Gospel song. It went thusly, "People get ready, there's a train a comin'...Ya don't need no ticket, ya just get on board". Unfortunately, the second verse is not true. You DO need a ticket, but the cost is minimal. You need to surrender your human pride, and acknowledge that you (like all of us) are a sinner, in need of God's forgiveness, which is readily available for the asking. Jesus Christ paid for the sins of all mankind with his death upon the cross; the only man to have lived a sinless life, yet he died in our place that we might be forgiven. All you have to do is be humble enough to admit that it's true, and ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins.

I'll admit to my own skepticism when I prayed the "sinner's prayer". But I prayed it "just in case" it was true. If it was all true, I didn't want to be "left out", and John 3:3 makes it clear that those who are left out will be real sorry, for a real long time (eternity). There are no two ways about it. You're either "in", or you're "out" (meaning there is a Heaven, and there is a Hell, (and there aint no "Purgatory" for second chances). You can choose to get in to one, and if you don't, you will automatically be sent to the other.

Like I said, I was skeptical, but I prayed the "sinner's prayer" as a "just in case" insurance policy, realizing that if it wasn't true, nothing would happen, and I'd lost nothing but a few minutes of self-humiliation. But God is faithful, and he will convince you that you are forgiven, one way or another. It's usually different with each person. So, I strongly encourage those who read this post, if you're not sure if you are "Born Again" pray that Jesus will forgive you of all your sins, and come into your heart (meaning your soul), and become your Lord, and Savior, today. I promise you, you'll never regret it! Likewise, if you never do, you'll regret it for a very long time (again, eternity)!

For those who do not have a Bible, John 3:3 reads, " Truly, truly I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he can not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven!" There you have it. It's either true, or it's not. Check it out for yourself!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Are Blood Moons A Sign From God, Or Not?

The absolutely truthful answer to the titular question above is: I don't know! But as one who doesn't believe in coincidences, I have to say the timing of this so-called "Tetrad" sure seems suspicious. I read one blog comment that stated that, "the first eight Tetrads since the first century" have come and gone harmlessly, and that, "there is no reason to suspect differently of this one". That's where I have to disagree!

First, the world's international gamesmanship of very aggressively hegemonistic countries, especially Russia and Iran, coupled with the Islamic efforts to gobble up Middle-East territory at will seems to set the stage for the Biblically Prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East.

Secondly, the timing of the Tetrad seems to parenthetically juxtapose the time of year when various Middle-Eastern countries traditionally find some excuse to invade their neighboring countries, because weather conditions are most optimal for maneuvering large armies throughout the warmer, and drier months. I suspect that this tradition is a very important consideration to people like Russia's Putin, and the leaders of his biblically prophecied muslim allies, Iran, Libya, and long-thought Ethiopia, which may very well be Yemen, which is currently involved in a so-called "civil war", that has the ear-marks of a full-blown Iranian invasion.

Thirdly, President ("head-in-the-sand") Obama's much touted economic sanctions are bound to have a serious effect upon the Russian economy, in the long run. This was intended to be the "diplomatic" alternative to a military response to the de facto Russian invasion of the Ukraine. What it will probably accomplish, instead, is the intensified urgency of their Middle-East invasion plans, in order to counter the effects of the Western Nations' economic sanctions, with their own international oil embargo, once they have taken control of the Saudi Arabian, and Emirates oil fields.

All this seems to suggest that this summer will be ideal for some sort of Middle-East invasion, which may already have started, at least with Iran's moves into Iraq and Yemen. If I'm right, we should expect Putin to find some excuse to move his tanks, helocopters, missile launchers, and the like into Syria, in order to seem to be concerned about the safety of his ally, Syria. I wouldn't be surprised to see Russian tanks driving eastward, supposedly to resist an Iranian assault, only to have them make an "Oblique" (45 degree) turn to drive on Saudi Arabia, with the Iranians passing by (very cordially) on their way to try and drive Israel into the Mediterranean Sea. That's when you can expect God to decide He has had enough of this unbridled evil, and He will cause these armies to turn on each other, to the destruction of 83% of their forces (as prophicied in Ezekiel 38, & 39). One may reasonably expect this to climax around the time of the last "Blood Moon", coinciding with the Jewish high Holy day of "Yom Kippur", when God traditionally forgives all Israeli Jews of all their sins. What a perfect time frame for His people to be miraculously saved from the total destruction-intentions of their enemies. Please refer to the archive list to the right for more posts detailing how I imagine this will all turn out.

So, as I said, I don't know if the "Blood Moons" are for a sign from God, or not. But I wouldn't be surprised if they were!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Whose Isolationism Is Better... Obama's, Or Rand Paul's???

Admittedly, the headline above is just a rhetorical question, since any Republican President, and for that matter, some Democratic Presidential candidates would be a vast improvement over our presidential "lame-brain", Obama. No, in all fairness, I should not disparage Obama's intelligence, which is certainly considerable. But it is not matched by a corresponding level of wisdom, and that is unfortunate for his Administration, which is apparently built around like-minded numb-skulls who are even more greatly deficient in this area than he is. Consequently, his advisers are probably mere "Liberal" sycophants who praise him for his great wisdom, when they could not correctly define the term if their life depended upon it. The Biblical definition of "Wisdom" begins with a fear of the Lord, which this Administration obviously lacks, and includes the righteous discretion between knowing when to act, and when not to. And they certainly lack that, too.

Today, we have the announcement that Senator Rand Paul is officially running for president. Whoopee!!! What an improvement! A fiscally conservative "Libertarian" who wants to become President so he can continue the "Isolationist" foreign policy of the Obama Administration, for different reasons. I can't see the difference between Obama's withdrawing troops from Iraq, allowing a civil war to break out between the I.S.I.S. Sunni muslims, and the Iranian Shiite muslims, and Paul's general isolationist views that will allow foreign governments to "fight their own wars". That sounds fine in principle, but how do you tell the Ukrainian people to fight the Russian troops that dress up in civilian clothes and fight with sophisticated Russian weapons against their own troops with considerably less weaponry, in terms of both quantity, and quality. And the same is apparently true in Yemen, where Iranian troops are obviously pretending to be civilian militias, who just happen to be Shiite muslims, who support Iran's efforts to take over the whole Middle-East corridor. Sure, Iran should be able to defeat the horribly murderous "I.S.I.S. Caliphate" which we would certainly approve, but then what? Iran would then be able to establish their own Shiite "Caliphate" with their alliances with Iraq, Assad's Syria, and Lebanon all approving. Kuwait would be a tiny morsel to be gobbled up within hours, along with their rich oil fields. And Iran would then be able to control all the territory west of Afghanistan, clear to the Mediterranean Sea. How long before they would gobble up Afghanistan, and probably Pakistan too, along with it's nuclear arms capacity? Talk about a "Muslim Caliphate"! This would be a Shiite dream stretching from the western borders of India, to the Mediterranean, threatening the safety of India, to the east, and Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf States to the south, and most importantly, they would be camped on the "mountains of Israel", immediately to their south, just drooling over the chance to invade their most hated enemy, just as soon as Putin (their Russian ally) could bring his troops down to take over the invasion of Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates, leaving them free to "drive Israel into the sea". Yessir, "Isolationism" is certainly the solution to all our foreign policy difficulties, unless you happen to be Saudi Arabian, or (God forbid!) Israeli! Thank God Jesus is not an "Isolationist", and He has no intention of allowing Russia, and Iran to run "rough-shod" over the whole Middle-East, destroying everything in their paths, including His "chosen people", Israel. He has His own plans for the region, as explained in His Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecy, which I've expounded on at length (see the "Archives" list to the right of this column). And He's not likely to ask either Obama, or a potential President Paul if they approve!

Where does "Isolationism" serve to help the world to protect themselves from the hegemonistic tyrants of the world, bent on grabbing as much of other peoples' countries as they can, while we sit on our fat bank accounts, and tell them to fight their "own wars"? Where would we be today if France had said the same thing to our fore-fathers, rather than bankrupt their economy by supporting our revolution? Granted, they paid a heavy price for our freedom, but they had already antagonized their populace with decades, or more, of financial shenanigans worthy of their eventual beheadings alone. Excepting their financial differences, I don't see a lot of difference between Sen. Paul, and Obama, whom I rate as the worst President in American history!