Friday, February 27, 2015

Perhaps A Final Warning To The Russian People...

I personally find it hard to believe that the Russian people as a whole approve of President Putin's "record", but, according to Fox News yesterday, his approval rating (however that was measured?) is at an all time high, I think it was reported at 86%!!! This, in spite of Obama's, and our European allies' increased economic sanctions that (along with the collapse of international oil prices, and Saudi Arabia's unwillingness to stop producing until prices again stabilize) have turned Russia's economy, and their currency into an international "basket case". Putin is apparently riding a wave of popular support for his decision to invade the Ukraine, and for annexing the Crimean Peninsula. But one must grieve for the long term sorrow this will eventually bring upon the Russians. And I'm not referring to the pain of the "dreaded" sanctions, though that will force Putin to take drastic measures to counter the economic effects before long.

I am already "ad nauseum" on record as speculating that these sanctions will merely force Putin's hegemonistic hand into driving an invasion force into the Middle-East, with the intention of taking over the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates. To do this, he will need the tacit approval of the various warring factions, both Shia, and Sunni Muslims, and I can think of only one reason why these factions would stop fighting each other long enough to accomplish a common goal: the total annihilation of the Jewish population in Israel!!! It certainly seems mind-boggling in today's "civilized world" to think that this could actually be the intent of one nation against another, let alone a league of murderous allies, but it is prophecied as such in Ezekiel 38, and 39. A leader of a nation that Biblical scholars have long identified as Russia is to be tempted, by God Himself into a Middle-East invasion, that will threaten the safety of His chosen people (Israel), in an alliance with at least three other nations, which are described in their ancient Biblical names, but which are thought to be the present-day countries of Iran, Libya, and Ethiopia. The confusing point seems to be how this Russian leader (whether Putin, or not) will get countries like Shiite-dominated Iran to fight along side of countries like Sunni-dominated Libya, when they hate each other with a blood-lust of ancient proportions. The answer is probably in the fact that they each hate Israel more than they hate each other. And the pressure of the economic sanctions upon the Russian economy will probably cause Putin to make some kind of treaty agreement with these countries, sooner rather than later.

The end result is clear, though. God is going to cause these armies to turn against each other, and destroy upwards of 83%of their forces. And if the Russian army is leading them, then that means that around 83% of their forces will be destroyed, too! I can't help but pity the Russian families of these soldiers who will be killed trying to ingratiate themselves into Putin's megalomaniacal hegemonistic ego-trip. It will make Hitler's suicidal defense of Berlin look like a slumber party, for a bunch of teen aged girls! I don't know what a Russian family should do to protect their sons from this lunacy, but perhaps "hog-tying" them, and locking them in a closet until the modern equivalent of the K.G.B. comes to arrest all of you, might be somewhat preferable to the alternative. Remember, the reason the Shiites and the Sunnis hate each other is because they believe that they are "heretics" to the "true faith" of Islam. So, guess where that puts the Russians, whether atheist, Christian (nominal, or genuine), or agnostic. So, before they march blindly to do Putin's dirty work, do something to stop them, before it's too late, if it isn't already!

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