I personally find it hard to believe that the Russian people as a whole approve of President Putin's "record", but, according to Fox News yesterday, his approval rating (however that was measured?) is at an all time high, I think it was reported at 86%!!! This, in spite of Obama's, and our European allies' increased economic sanctions that (along with the collapse of international oil prices, and Saudi Arabia's unwillingness to stop producing until prices again stabilize) have turned Russia's economy, and their currency into an international "basket case". Putin is apparently riding a wave of popular support for his decision to invade the Ukraine, and for annexing the Crimean Peninsula. But one must grieve for the long term sorrow this will eventually bring upon the Russians. And I'm not referring to the pain of the "dreaded" sanctions, though that will force Putin to take drastic measures to counter the economic effects before long.
I am already "ad nauseum" on record as speculating that these sanctions will merely force Putin's hegemonistic hand into driving an invasion force into the Middle-East, with the intention of taking over the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and the Emirates. To do this, he will need the tacit approval of the various warring factions, both Shia, and Sunni Muslims, and I can think of only one reason why these factions would stop fighting each other long enough to accomplish a common goal: the total annihilation of the Jewish population in Israel!!! It certainly seems mind-boggling in today's "civilized world" to think that this could actually be the intent of one nation against another, let alone a league of murderous allies, but it is prophecied as such in Ezekiel 38, and 39. A leader of a nation that Biblical scholars have long identified as Russia is to be tempted, by God Himself into a Middle-East invasion, that will threaten the safety of His chosen people (Israel), in an alliance with at least three other nations, which are described in their ancient Biblical names, but which are thought to be the present-day countries of Iran, Libya, and Ethiopia. The confusing point seems to be how this Russian leader (whether Putin, or not) will get countries like Shiite-dominated Iran to fight along side of countries like Sunni-dominated Libya, when they hate each other with a blood-lust of ancient proportions. The answer is probably in the fact that they each hate Israel more than they hate each other. And the pressure of the economic sanctions upon the Russian economy will probably cause Putin to make some kind of treaty agreement with these countries, sooner rather than later.
The end result is clear, though. God is going to cause these armies to turn against each other, and destroy upwards of 83%of their forces. And if the Russian army is leading them, then that means that around 83% of their forces will be destroyed, too! I can't help but pity the Russian families of these soldiers who will be killed trying to ingratiate themselves into Putin's megalomaniacal hegemonistic ego-trip. It will make Hitler's suicidal defense of Berlin look like a slumber party, for a bunch of teen aged girls! I don't know what a Russian family should do to protect their sons from this lunacy, but perhaps "hog-tying" them, and locking them in a closet until the modern equivalent of the K.G.B. comes to arrest all of you, might be somewhat preferable to the alternative. Remember, the reason the Shiites and the Sunnis hate each other is because they believe that they are "heretics" to the "true faith" of Islam. So, guess where that puts the Russians, whether atheist, Christian (nominal, or genuine), or agnostic. So, before they march blindly to do Putin's dirty work, do something to stop them, before it's too late, if it isn't already!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
"How Long, Oh Lord, Holy And True..."
Christians should easily recognize the famous quote from Revelation Chapter 6, attributed to the cry of the many Believers before the thrown of God, in Heaven, who had been executed for their faith, and for the testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They were crying out for revenge upon their murderers, unto the One who has reserved the final vengeance for Himself. The answer they were given, and presumably are constantly being given (for eternity is timeless), is that they should wait, "a little while...", until those that are to be martyred in the future should be killed. It seems that God is actually keeping score, from the days of Emperor Nero's throwing first century Christians to the lions for the entertainment of the Roman citizens, until today's I.S.I.S. beheadings of Christian Believers in Syria and Iraq. These innocents will receive a special place of honor as their reward, which will be a thousand times better than the Islamic concept of a "Paradise" with 72 virgins waiting for them. Frankly, any virgins that have been waiting since 600 A.D. must be shriveled-up old prunes, by now, and any I.S.I.S. terrorists that can find them ( in Hell) are welcome, in my book!
But the count grows steadily, as reports are now coming out of Syria that I.S.I.S. has recently captured between 70, and 90 civilian Syrian Christians [UPDATE: 2/27/2015: Plus an additional 220 captive Syrian Christians], including women and children. One need not wonder long what the captor's intentions are for them. Probably rape, and brutal murder, which seem to be the terrorists' primary form of entertainment, and their primary tool of propaganda against the Western Allies that resist them. But at some point, and only God Himself knows when, the vengeance of the Lord will be final and terrible. I suspect that part of it will be dealt in the form of His judgment upon the invading armies of the Ezekiel prophecy of the "Gog invasion" of the Middle-East, in which He has promised to turn the invading armies against each other until they have killed up to 83% of their forces. He's probably keeping score now, waiting for the total number of international "whackos" to arrive (and only He knows what that number will be) before He decides that enough is enough, and then He will end their reign of terror.
But the count grows steadily, as reports are now coming out of Syria that I.S.I.S. has recently captured between 70, and 90 civilian Syrian Christians [UPDATE: 2/27/2015: Plus an additional 220 captive Syrian Christians], including women and children. One need not wonder long what the captor's intentions are for them. Probably rape, and brutal murder, which seem to be the terrorists' primary form of entertainment, and their primary tool of propaganda against the Western Allies that resist them. But at some point, and only God Himself knows when, the vengeance of the Lord will be final and terrible. I suspect that part of it will be dealt in the form of His judgment upon the invading armies of the Ezekiel prophecy of the "Gog invasion" of the Middle-East, in which He has promised to turn the invading armies against each other until they have killed up to 83% of their forces. He's probably keeping score now, waiting for the total number of international "whackos" to arrive (and only He knows what that number will be) before He decides that enough is enough, and then He will end their reign of terror.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Copenhagen Terrorism "Not Linked" To Islamic Terrorism- RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do these Leftist Political Idiots come from??? The Copenhagen shooter may have been a "Lone Wolf" Terrorist, but to say there was no real connection to Islamic hatred of Jews is absurd to the point of the ridiculous! This is the general point that Denmark's Premier was apparently trying to make in her recent press conference, and I can understand why she would bend over backwards to try and avoid violent backlashes from outraged citizens, but to imply that these shootings had nothing to do with anti-Semitic terrorism is ridiculously moronic. I realize that the larger Muslim populations in many European countries makes their leaders tread lightly for fear of Sectarian revenge violence, but give us a credibility break, here. The shooter went on a rampage in a Jewish Synagogue, for crying out loud. Do you really think that was a random target? Get real!!!
Pardon my tendency to suspect Leftist conspiracies, but there does seem to be a lot of Leftist denial of the obvious when it comes to Islamic Terrorism. President Obama has been leading the way in this regard, to the utter embarrassment of his military advisors, in the Pentagon. One has to wonder if he is really concerned with a potential race war, between whites (who are predominantly Christian, at least "nominally" speaking), and Blacks (many of whom claim to be "Muslim", perhaps because Christianity appears to them to be the "White Man's Religion"). First, don't tell that to the millions of Black Christians in this country, and world wide; and second, where is Obama's concern for their interests as well as those of the Black Muslims? He seems to have taken sides, himself, and that not based upon race, but religious belief. Thirdly, if Christianity is so abhorrent to Blacks, because of the connection to white slave owners of the past, why is it logical for them to embrace the religion of the Arab slave traders, who sold their ancestors to the white men in the first place. He can't have it both ways; either this is a war based on religious beliefs, or it's not. So far, it looks to me as if it is, and they're the ones who are winning. And I believe a large part of the reason is because of the international politicians that are going out of their way to apologize for their blatant barbarity, and try to get us to believe that this is anything but the obvious. A war against all those who refuse to believe that Islam is the "one true religion"; Jews, and Bible-believing Christians especially.
Is there really a "Bilderberger conspiracy" of extremely wealthy Bankers, and Industrialists, who imagine that they are so intelligent that they can pressure national governments to follow their dictates, even when it violates their own sovereign nations' laws? I believe that it is entirely possible, and that the influx of illegal immigration in many countries around the world may be the result of one of these social engineering experiments gone awry. This political double-talk to try and get us to believe an obvious lie is perhaps their way of trying to smooth over their judgmental blunder.
But take heart, God is still in control, even when man's best efforts run amok. For instance, we would normally be gravely concerned about recent reports of I.S.I.S. recruiting large numbers of western volunteers to join their ranks. But, if one believes that God is setting the world up for a Middle-East invasion, it makes sense that He would cause all the anti-Semitic wackos of the world to flock to their aide so he can cause their own disharmony to bring about their destruction, to the tune of 83%, as I have many times proclaimed. They think they are gathering to destroy Israel, but God may be planning to turn their own violent natures against each other (see Ezekiel 38, & 39). Check it out, and, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!
Pardon my tendency to suspect Leftist conspiracies, but there does seem to be a lot of Leftist denial of the obvious when it comes to Islamic Terrorism. President Obama has been leading the way in this regard, to the utter embarrassment of his military advisors, in the Pentagon. One has to wonder if he is really concerned with a potential race war, between whites (who are predominantly Christian, at least "nominally" speaking), and Blacks (many of whom claim to be "Muslim", perhaps because Christianity appears to them to be the "White Man's Religion"). First, don't tell that to the millions of Black Christians in this country, and world wide; and second, where is Obama's concern for their interests as well as those of the Black Muslims? He seems to have taken sides, himself, and that not based upon race, but religious belief. Thirdly, if Christianity is so abhorrent to Blacks, because of the connection to white slave owners of the past, why is it logical for them to embrace the religion of the Arab slave traders, who sold their ancestors to the white men in the first place. He can't have it both ways; either this is a war based on religious beliefs, or it's not. So far, it looks to me as if it is, and they're the ones who are winning. And I believe a large part of the reason is because of the international politicians that are going out of their way to apologize for their blatant barbarity, and try to get us to believe that this is anything but the obvious. A war against all those who refuse to believe that Islam is the "one true religion"; Jews, and Bible-believing Christians especially.
Is there really a "Bilderberger conspiracy" of extremely wealthy Bankers, and Industrialists, who imagine that they are so intelligent that they can pressure national governments to follow their dictates, even when it violates their own sovereign nations' laws? I believe that it is entirely possible, and that the influx of illegal immigration in many countries around the world may be the result of one of these social engineering experiments gone awry. This political double-talk to try and get us to believe an obvious lie is perhaps their way of trying to smooth over their judgmental blunder.
But take heart, God is still in control, even when man's best efforts run amok. For instance, we would normally be gravely concerned about recent reports of I.S.I.S. recruiting large numbers of western volunteers to join their ranks. But, if one believes that God is setting the world up for a Middle-East invasion, it makes sense that He would cause all the anti-Semitic wackos of the world to flock to their aide so he can cause their own disharmony to bring about their destruction, to the tune of 83%, as I have many times proclaimed. They think they are gathering to destroy Israel, but God may be planning to turn their own violent natures against each other (see Ezekiel 38, & 39). Check it out, and, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!
Saturday, February 14, 2015
A Democrat Catches A Clue!!!
I can not recall ever saying that I agreed with anything that proceeded from the mouth of Senator Diane Feinstein, (Dem., from California) but I finally heard something attributed to her that I can actually agree with! She was reported to have said, "We can fight them there, or we can fight them here.", in reference to the President's request for funds to send "boots on the ground" to fight I.S.I.S., in Iraq and Syria. Finally, evidence that there is intelligent life in California! Amazing!!! Who'd a thunk it?!! But, then again, that statement has been expressed by so many, so often, that it has almost become a cliché. Still, it's nice to know that even the Democrats in Congress are actually listening to what is common sense for everyone else.
What a shame that President Obama has had to "eat crow" in asking for these funds, when everyone in the Pentagon, and the Republican House and Senate were telling him that his air strikes were not going to be sufficient to defeat I.S.I.S., and that he would eventually have to send back the "boots on the ground" that he was so desperate to withdraw from Iraq, in order to fulfill his campaign promise. What an even greater shame that it takes the likes of I.S.I.S., and their worldwide lunatic supporters to bring him and the Democrats in Congress to recognize what everyone else considers to be common sense! Looks to me like it's a classic case of a failed presidency, folks. When the President and the chief spokespersons of his party in Congress have to completely reverse course on the policies that got them elected, I'd say it's about time for them to admit their policies were just plain wrong. But, fat chance they'll actually go that far!
The saddest part of all this is that it was all so unnecessary. We made our biggest mistakes when we allowed these fools to be elected, first to Congress, and then to the White House, and let them implement their foolish policies as if we have given them a mandate to do so. I recognize that George Bush may have gone too far in sending the troops to Iraq, in the first place, but to withdraw them too soon left a collision course between the Sunni forces of Al Quaida, and I.S.I.S. on one side, versus the pro-Iranian, Shiite government that Bush should never have left in place, there. But we have a perfect precedent for the Democrats' solution to getting out of a bad war. It's called "Viet Nam"; which we bailed out of in a hurry, when our Democratic-controlled Congress decided to cut off the funds needed to re-supply our troops. It's a crying shame that there are so many Liberal Democrats who can't recognize when it's necessary to fight, even when you don't want to!
What a shame that President Obama has had to "eat crow" in asking for these funds, when everyone in the Pentagon, and the Republican House and Senate were telling him that his air strikes were not going to be sufficient to defeat I.S.I.S., and that he would eventually have to send back the "boots on the ground" that he was so desperate to withdraw from Iraq, in order to fulfill his campaign promise. What an even greater shame that it takes the likes of I.S.I.S., and their worldwide lunatic supporters to bring him and the Democrats in Congress to recognize what everyone else considers to be common sense! Looks to me like it's a classic case of a failed presidency, folks. When the President and the chief spokespersons of his party in Congress have to completely reverse course on the policies that got them elected, I'd say it's about time for them to admit their policies were just plain wrong. But, fat chance they'll actually go that far!
The saddest part of all this is that it was all so unnecessary. We made our biggest mistakes when we allowed these fools to be elected, first to Congress, and then to the White House, and let them implement their foolish policies as if we have given them a mandate to do so. I recognize that George Bush may have gone too far in sending the troops to Iraq, in the first place, but to withdraw them too soon left a collision course between the Sunni forces of Al Quaida, and I.S.I.S. on one side, versus the pro-Iranian, Shiite government that Bush should never have left in place, there. But we have a perfect precedent for the Democrats' solution to getting out of a bad war. It's called "Viet Nam"; which we bailed out of in a hurry, when our Democratic-controlled Congress decided to cut off the funds needed to re-supply our troops. It's a crying shame that there are so many Liberal Democrats who can't recognize when it's necessary to fight, even when you don't want to!
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Joordan's King Abdullah II Seems More American Than Obama
King Abdullah II of Jordan could teach Barack Obama something about courage and standing for American values, in the face of unbridled evil. For that matter he is as much descended from American parents as Obama is. As both were born of foreign fathers who married American women, and were later educated in American schools (though Abdullah's education was also split between English, and American schools), one must wonder whether Abdullah inherited his "spine" from his mother's family, whereas Obama must not have. Anyway, if we must have a Muslim-sympathizing leader running things in the fight against I.S.I.S., in the Middle-East, Abdullah seems to be more courageous than our spineless president. At least that is a fair assessment of the Jordanian response to the brutal execution of the Jordanian pilot who was captured by I.S.I.S., and recently burned alive while being filmed for the entertainment of the Terrorist fighters.
So far, Jordanian planes have flown more than 50 airstrikes against the terrorist strongholds, amid vows to destroy their organization altogether. Would that we had a president with as much resolve as the King of Jordan. Granted, American airstrikes have been greater in number, but we seem intent upon damaging their empty buildings while they sleep elsewhere, though admittedly our drones have been effective in killing their leaders. But how long before this president realizes that the only effective way of destroying a nest of Vipers is to dig them out of their holes and kill them? This will require "boots on the ground" capable of rooting out the terrorists and killing them, one at a time, or all together. President Obama seems to care more about his campaign promise to end the war in Iraq than he does about ending the I.S.I.S. brutality. Would that we had a President with some old-fashioned American "backbone", for a change.
So far, Jordanian planes have flown more than 50 airstrikes against the terrorist strongholds, amid vows to destroy their organization altogether. Would that we had a president with as much resolve as the King of Jordan. Granted, American airstrikes have been greater in number, but we seem intent upon damaging their empty buildings while they sleep elsewhere, though admittedly our drones have been effective in killing their leaders. But how long before this president realizes that the only effective way of destroying a nest of Vipers is to dig them out of their holes and kill them? This will require "boots on the ground" capable of rooting out the terrorists and killing them, one at a time, or all together. President Obama seems to care more about his campaign promise to end the war in Iraq than he does about ending the I.S.I.S. brutality. Would that we had a President with some old-fashioned American "backbone", for a change.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Putin: "Promises Are Like Pie Crusts; They Are Made To Be Broken"
The above quote I've admittedly incorrectly attributed to Russian President Vladimir Putin, when it was more famously spoken by his predecessor of the same first name, Russia's favorite son, "Nicolai" Lenin. But Putin has made the Russian practice of signing treaties in order to buy time to establish his treachery into an art form. First, in 1994, he agreed to respect the Ukranian borders, if the Ukraine would surrender the nuclear missiles that Russia left when they withdrew from the Ukrainian territory, and respect the Ukrainian independence. We can see how honest his intentions were then with the fighting that is going on there now. And the recent cease-fire agreement that lasted about a month can be attributed to Putin's need for time to re-supply his proxy fighters, who are most likely made up of Russian army soldiers, in generic battle fatigue uniforms, with figure-head rebel "commanders", who probably relay orders that are issued directly from the Kremlin. Yes, we see how reliable Putin's word is when he signs a treaty agreement. That's when his adversaries should begin to "head for the hills". Trouble is sure to follow.
Meanwhile, back at the "Pink House", which used to be called the White House, our diplomatic President with his cowardly foreign policy is "strongly considering" sending "defensive weapons" to the Ukraine, but no decision will be made before next week. I thought all weapons were used for both offensive and defensive purposes, depending on the mindset of the user. But I suppose Obama has figured out some way of discriminating between offensive and defensive weapons, that simply escapes me. Anyway, why has it taken him so long to come to the obvious conclusion that the Ukrainian armed forces needed to be supplied with weapons capable of defeating the second most advanced army in the world, which was supplying arms to their proxy "Rebels"? What does it take for this administration to catch a clue? There is already a Russian/Western Allies proxy war going on. It's just being fought by one side, while the other side is sitting on it's diplomatic hands, rather than be seen wringing them in cowardly indecision. At some point the diplomats have to be told to "sit down, and shut up" or pick up a gun, before it's too late!
Meanwhile, back at the "Pink House", which used to be called the White House, our diplomatic President with his cowardly foreign policy is "strongly considering" sending "defensive weapons" to the Ukraine, but no decision will be made before next week. I thought all weapons were used for both offensive and defensive purposes, depending on the mindset of the user. But I suppose Obama has figured out some way of discriminating between offensive and defensive weapons, that simply escapes me. Anyway, why has it taken him so long to come to the obvious conclusion that the Ukrainian armed forces needed to be supplied with weapons capable of defeating the second most advanced army in the world, which was supplying arms to their proxy "Rebels"? What does it take for this administration to catch a clue? There is already a Russian/Western Allies proxy war going on. It's just being fought by one side, while the other side is sitting on it's diplomatic hands, rather than be seen wringing them in cowardly indecision. At some point the diplomats have to be told to "sit down, and shut up" or pick up a gun, before it's too late!
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