The devil is trying to raise his ugly head above the Church of Jesus Christ, again. This time he wears the mask of that poor "down-trodden persecuted minority", the so-called "gay rights movement", that has been increasingly given more, and more political power and undeserved cultural legitimacy by the incessant media brain-washing of the Left, and the conspiratorial lobbying of their billionaire bullies who fund their perverse aspirations. Now they are taking on the First Amendment to the Constitution; namely the rights to Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and (in a modern era stretch) Freedom of the press. And, oddly enough our Champion of the Hour is every bit as unlikely in appearance as that belligerent young lad who had the audacity to face off against the loud-mouthed Goliath, and give him an eternal headache!
Our unwitting, and unintentional Champion is none other than "Duck Dynasty's" patriarch, Phil Robertson; who is already prepared for the battle that appears to be looming, decked out in what seems to be his "24/7 Camo- P.J.'s". Why, he's so anxious for battle that he even forgot to shave today, or this millennium, for that matter. Or even much of the last, I guess. Anyway, Phil had the audacity to say that homosexuality was a sin, according to the only document that has any righteous credibility to make judgment in that regard, the Bible. He also mentioned that there are many other things listed in the same context as sinful, like adultery, murder, theft, lying, stealing, etc. But none of those sinful preoccupations has any Billionaires lobbying the Media to promote their political interests. There doesn't seem to be a movement for the promotion of "Adulterers United", although having mentioned it, there probably will be some idiot trying to start it up tomorrow. Nor do we hear about the oppressive persecution of serial murderers, who by the same logic should be allowed to practice their quirky little obsessions, so long as "they aren't really hurting anybody". Homosexual lobby groups would have us believe that what they practice behind closed doors is perfectly harmless to the rest of society, and therefore no one else's business. Christianity, and the Bible, counter-argue that the moral perversion they promote does not stay behind closed doors; it's very nature is both exhibitionist, and promiscuous, and has therefore a culturally degrading effect upon their converts, who in turn promote their twisted political values upon society as a whole, eventually leading to the moral collapse of any such culture, as was the case for both the Ancient Greek, and Roman societies ( as
described in, "The Fall Of The Roman Empire".
Now, that bastion of moral integrity known as the Washington Post has weighed in on the matter ( guess which side). They have come down on Fox News for their "ignorance" of the Constitution since the only body restrained from persecuting those exercising their First Amendment rights is the government (and the Congress ,in particular). While they are correct in this point, they show their moral insensitivity, along with their own ignorance of the spirit of the First Amendment by implying that only the letter of the law must be considered, and that beyond that anything else is acceptable. This is typical of Liberal/Socialists' tactics, who are great believers in the principles of lying, or cheating in any way necessary to convince the ignorant to support their cause. But try and turn the tables on them and try to shut them up from their freedom to promote their perverse values and you'll hear a loud crescendo of outraged cries of "violating their rights". You see, Liberals only care about the Constitution when it serves to protect their efforts to destroy it's authority. The average Liberal voter doesn't realize how much the real power-brokers of their Socialist movements actually hate the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Once they could manage to gain absolute political control over the Government, without fear of a significant revolt, they would certainly abolish the Constitution, dismissing it as an old and obsolete document that needed to be brought up to date. Thus the political efforts to abolish the second amendment right to "keep and bear arms". They don't care as much for the slaughter of innocents, by the evil and insane, they are afraid that enough people with guns might revolt against an ultimate Socialist power grab, and they're right! Then they would as certainly create a new document that would guarantee that their Socialist control of the government would be permanent, and that personal freedoms would be inviolable, but only for those who agreed with them. The rest of us would be doomed to the kind of persecution that the Coptic Christians are now suffering in Egypt, at the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood. There, they endure threats, their Churches are burned, and they are constantly in danger of Muslim riots that can easily turn murderous, without risk of police interference, or arrest. Yes, Liberals truly care about the First Amendment protection of our freedoms, but only as it applies to themselves, and those who agree with them. Keep listening to the Media debate over Phil Robertson's right to speak his mind openly, in condemning homosexuality as a sin, and you will see just how serious the Left is about honoring the spirit of the First Amendment, when it is applied to those who disagree with them. This will serve as a preview of things to come, when that ultimate Socialist Dictator, the Antichrist will apply the same tactics on a world-wide scale in his temporarily successful bid to take over absolute control of his one-world government! Stay tuned!
"Even so, come Lord Jesus and count us worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!"
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