Friday, September 6, 2013

Obama's "Moral" Indecisiveness

President Obama's sense of moral outrage only seems to appear when it is in perfect agreement with the views of the International Socialist community, rather than appear to have any consistent view of right versus wrong. Lately he has been wrestling with the issue of how to respond, or even if to respond to the poison gas attack of primarily innocent Syrian civilians, caught living in areas of Damascus that are controlled by the rebel forces. Some would say, and I tend to agree, that the time to respond is already past. There should have been an almost immediate response to the Geneva convention violation, which certainly was an intentional thumbing-of-their-noses at the whole concept of "Rules of War", human morality, and concern for international reprisal. Instead, Obama waited until the U.N. Chemical Weapons Inspectors flew into Damascus, leaving him an excuse to foot-drag while waiting for their ponderously slow investigation. If he was truly decisive about a punitive response he could have asked the U.N. to withhold the investigation until after the retaliatory strike against Assad's Chemical weapons depositories, which would probably have caught the offending military units napping, wiping out the weapons stores and the technical personnel necessary to deploy them. Verification of the gas attack was not necessary beyond the eyewitness medical accounts of the symptoms, supported by the obvious symptoms which were visible to the world as the Media broadcast it internationally.

By now it is reasonable to assume that Assad has had time to move significant stores of Chemical weaponry, and technical personnel out of known storage areas, and it is entirely consistent with the Jihadist mentality to store the munitions in places where any attacks against them will collaterally destroy Mosques, Hospitals and schools in order to maximize public outrage against us for our "immoral" attack. Remember that the Muslims on both sides will follow the Koran's values against each other, believing that they are doing "God" a favor, as the "real" jihadist warriors, and that includes intentionally setting up unwitting civilians to be massacred by those trying to help them, simply to gain a deceptive international public relations advantage that they do not deserve. I'm sure this is why Assad agreed to allow the inspectors to begin their investigation, because he knew it would buy him extra time to prepare for any retaliation.

UPDATE: The above entry was written on September 2nd, but not published. I wanted to wait to see how things developed before I finished this post. Since then Obama has foot-dragged his decision process through an interminable Congressional debate, while appealing to our allies for support ( which was largely refused), and lately a G-8 conference in Russia ( of all places, considering that they are as much responsible for the gas attack as Assad is). Everywhere he turns people are saying not to get involved. (The French have agreed to support Obama's position, but as the host of Fox News' "Huckabee" show stated, so far that support amounts to, " a basket of Wine, cheese, and Baguettes" for the trip.) Until recently, I would have agreed with him of the necessity to destroy the gas storage depots, as they seem likely to be used against Israel in the coming "Gog/Magog" Russian invasion recounted in God's prophecy in Ezekiel 38, and 39. In fact, it may be that Jesus' account in Matthew 24: 15 through 22 was a warning to the believers in Israel today of an impending gas attack, as it describes a time when people must drop what they are doing and immediately flee to higher ground for their safety. Note that the type of gas used by the Assad forces was verified to be Sarin gas, which is characteristically heavier than air, and therefore sinks to the lowest point of ground that it can find where it displaces all oxygen with it's own toxic formula. Israeli officials have apparently reached a similar conclusion, as they have been distributing free gas masks to their population for years. I am unaware of any time in history when any invasion of Israel ( Assyrian, Babylonian, or Roman) would have required this kind of specific flight to higher ground, for safety. Previous invading forces would have required a simple get-out-of-town-fast action, and not specifically a destination of higher ground.

Now I fear that President Obama's endless wrestling with his decision process has exhausted any effective window of opportunity for a successful attack to destroy the gas weapons, as they have reportedly been moved around and dispersed into areas that are politically sensitive, like schools and hospitals, etc., as I speculated that they probably would be. Any attack now would probably create such horrible collateral civilian casualties that the public outcry would be overwhelmingly against America, and not Syria.

The one puzzling thing about the afore-mentioned Matthew 24 prophecy of Jesus is that it is preceded by a warning about the prophecied "abomination of desolation" signaling the beginning of the period of immediate danger. If I am understanding the chronology correctly, this would mean that this period would precede the Russian and Muslim nations' invasion of Israel. And if these things may well be about to happen soon, as current events seem to be indicating, it means that the Antichrist may soon be revealed, standing "in the Holy Place" on the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem. And if this is so, then the Rapture may not be far behind, so, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!!!"

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