Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Apocalypse; Hollywood's Obsession!!!

What I'm about to write should not shock, or surprise anyone, at least none who know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.  But I feel it must be said at least once, in the form of a righteous complaint about the sinful lies, and distortions of the truth of the Word of God that emanate from the perverse minds of the writers, directors, and producers of the unholy cr#p ( pardon the expression) that passes for entertainment out of Hollywood, California!!!

As I was reading through the final several chapters of the book of Revelation today, it occurred to me that the Biblical account of the Apocalypse didn't resemble anything at all like the stories that are flooding out of Hollywood these days.  Why, there was no mention of all the Vampire minions roaming throughout the Earth; so there was no way for us to distinguish between the "good" Vampires and the "bad" Vampires: and there was not a single Zombie anywhere for the "good" Vampires to attack and destroy.  However shall the Earth be saved if not by the all-powerful "good" Vampires, whom Hollywood shall surely send forth to destroy all the wicked Zombies who shall arise miraculously from their graves to wander the Earth in the last days, looking for those who will foolishly allow them to eat their brains??? 

I am so confused!  Just who is going to save this planet from the evil of the Last Days?  Will it be Jesus coming back to stand upon the Mount of Olives, which will immediately split in two with a great earthquake, creating a valley that will serve as an escape route for those who still survive in the city of David ( the ancient section of Jerusalem)?  And will Jesus be the great Judge of all those armies which have come to destroy, and enslave His people, with the "flaming sword of His mouth", causing all His enemies to have their "eyes consume out of their" sockets, and their "tongues to consume out of their mouths" before their bodies have time to fall down dead to the ground???

 Or, is Hollywood right and it is all the perverse teen-aged Vampires of the world that will save us from the horrible attack of Zombies, which probably were brought to the Earth by all those Flying Saucers that Hollywood obsessed about in the 1950's?  Strange that throughout all the Hollywood accounts of the Apocalypse there is not one mention of God, or the return of Jesus, His Son to judge the Earth for it's thousands of years of sinful rebellion.  Also strange is that the only survivors of Hollywoods's Apocalyptic accounts are those valiant teen-aged Vampires who have just saved the Earth, and all the brilliant "Preppers" who built themselves an underground bomb shelter, and stocked it with a thousand years worth of freeze-dried food, and enough guns and ammunition to fight off an army of those pesky, brain-eating Zombies.  ( Can you imagine what the consumption of a thousand years worth of freeze-dried food will do to one's system?  Talk about a whole population of constipated Apocalypse survivors!!!  Then picture these people with guns in their hands, and cranky snarls on their faces, and I guess it's the Zombies who'll have to watch out for their brains, which might start to look pretty tasty to those who've survived decades living in cramped bomb shelters, eating nothing but cardboard-flavored, freeze-dried food.)

Yet the very fact that God has caused  all of these Hollywood wackos to become so overwhelmingly obsessed with putting out so much quasi-Apocalyptic garbage at this time suggests to me that even the blatant, unrepentant sinners in Hollywood have instinctively come to recognize that the real "End Times" are upon us and the real Apocalypse can't be far behind.  It's sad that this "instinct" doesn't seem to be strong enough to make them recognize that the time grows short for them to finally choose to repent of there evil ways and receive Jesus' forgiveness, before it is too late! 

  Okay, enough of my sarcasm.  Pardon me for getting carried away, but I'm so sick and tired of Hollywood's blatant distortion of the word of God, for their own greedy profits' sake.  I'm afraid we now have a whole lost generation that is so ignorant of what the Bible says will actually happen, and what will distinguish the difference between those whom God will destroy, and send to an eternity of endless pain and torment, from those whom Jesus has promised to save for an eternity of peace, love , joy, and comfort, etcetera.  The crying shame of it all is that the difference is so stark, and the solution is so pathetically simple ( all one needs to do is to believe, and ask Jesus to forgive them), and yet Hollywood persists in working over-time to try and deceive as many as they possibly can, before the Apocalypse actually happens.  When it does, I wonder how much of their vast billions in profits they think it will take to bribe Jesus into sparing them from the eternal judgment that they so richly deserve?  And I wonder how much of their leftover billions Jesus will allow them to take with them to Hell?  I know they won't carry any weight with Satan, cause he'll be pretty busy burning in the lake of fire, himself!!!  For a long, long, long time!!!

Amen!  And even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count us worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!!!    

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