The first piece of the puzzle was to rig the election, so the Democrats could fraudulently take control of the White House, and Congress, and presumptively the Supreme Court, when they get around to packing it with a dozen, or so liberals, who graduated from the Antifa school of Anarchy!!! Next, they produce the "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" charge, as I still suspect was staged by Leftist anarchists, who infiltrated the legal protest outside the Capitol, wearing non-identifying clothes, in order to seem to be members of the Conservative protest, so Democrats could outrageously blame Trump for inciting the riot!!!
The very fact that the Democrats have gotten so much play out of this, screams of a premeditated conspiracy to smear Conservatives, and their most vociferous slanders come from the floor of Congress, where members are legally protected from lawsuits against slander, no matter how false their charges may be!!! Remember Joe McCarthy? I'll bet Pelosi is ready to wave around a stack of blank papers, loudly proclaiming, "I have the evidence, right here!!!" (How many of these same liberal Congress people denounced the anarchists who rioted in the Democratic-controlled cities across the country???)
The most blatant slander yet came from House Speaker Pelosi, who just charged the entire GOP as supporting violent thugs, in Congress, who want to carry guns in Congress for self protection, implying that their real intent is to use them on political opponents!!! If this charge were provably valid, she would have immediately turned it over to the police as this would certainly be criminal, but she chose to make an empty charge, which itself would be criminal, anywhere except in Congress!!!
I think I see where this is going! The Democrats have realized that they can't win elections legally, except in the banana republics of New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and other Left Coast cities! So, they must do their best to demonize Republicans, and Conservatives, in order to have any chance of winning an election again!!!
I still suspect their ultimate goal is to try and get Congress to pass a law abolishing the Constitution, as a tired, old, and obsolete document, so they can force us into the European "One-World" Socialist government, which the Bible prophecies that Satan's Antichrist will eventually take over, and use to kill many Christians and Jews!!! I'm sure that Biden would sign such a law, unless he felt he could get them to change the destination to China, his favorite country!!!
Yup, the pieces of the puzzle are all beginning to fit together, and we can expect the persecution to filter down to the general public, as the media portrays us all as bigots, who stand in the way of, "the world's last best effort at establishing lasting peace", until the Antichrist tries to kill us all!!! At what point do we legitimately call this a subversive conspiracy???
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Sunday, January 31, 2021
The Democrats' Police State Jig Saw Puzzle Is Shaping Up!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
It's Amazing To Watch The Moral Outrage Of The Left, Concerning The "Conservative Rioting At The Capitol"!!!
Call me a belligerent skeptic, if you will; but I just refuse to believe it!!! I can not prove my opinion, but the circumstantial evidence is too overwhelming to ignore. I recognize that these are not facts, which are necessary in a court of law, but in the absence of facts to the contrary, I will consider the overwhelming coincidences as significant!!! But if the story is not true, blaming Conservatives, when it is really leftist impersonators, then the "moral outrage" is the whole point of their objective! Remember, these people believe in Communist doctrine, and one of their main propaganda techniques, used by both Nazis, and Communists, is," if a lie is repeated over, and over, to the exclusion of contradicting arguments, it will soon be accepted as fact!!!"
One must consider the consistent behavior of the potential perpetrators before we can safely assign blame, again, in the absence of facts to the contrary. I certainly do not consider the fascist behavior of the neo-Nazis, or other White Supremacist groups, to be above such rioting. But, how often have we seen such riots from them, as opposed to the frequency of such rioting from Leftist anarchists, like "Antifa", and "Blm"??? The apparent pleasure expressed by the perpetrators, such as the guy who relished his sitting in the Speaker's chair, in the House of Representatives, is an indication of the lack of conscious these people held, which must certainly be a consistent view of the frequent anarchists of the Left!!!
As I have written before, we must consider who benefits the most from this behavior??? The Right, who profess to stand for "Law and Order", or the Left, whose communist mantra is, "out of chaos comes order"??? Also who jumped all over this in "righteous" indignation; the leftist politicians, who are now desperately trying to blame Trump, for inciting to riot, as being grounds for "impeachment", after leaving office, so they can try to insure that he can never hold a federal office again!!! If they are successful with their efforts to convict Trump, they will surely consider it worthwhile, but any right-wingers could accomplish nothing more than adding an illegal emphasis to the legal protest that preceded the rioting!!!
Ergo, and thus, my suspicion that it is more likely that leftist anarchists dressed in un-identifying clothing, infiltrated the legal protest, in order to lead to a logical, assumption that the rioters were from the protest!!!
Again I admit there is no factual basis for my belief, but the opposite is also based on a logical assumption, which is not necessarily any more factual than my suspicion!!!
Monday, January 25, 2021
Hallelujah!!! There Is Developing Hope For Higher Education In America Today!!!
I have written frequently of my view that College and University education has been intentionally corrupted by Socialist deep state bureaucrats, who wish to turn our patriotic tradition into a Socialist obsession that will further the satanic move to develop the European "One-World" Socialist government, which the "Antichrist" will eventually take over to dominate the world, and kill many Christians, and Jews!!! I wondered if God would somehow intervene to deliver us from the increasing trend to denounce our traditional values, and substitute them with Humanistic, and Socialist obsessions!
A report on today's 700 CLUB, explained that the virtual education, through home schooling our children, has caused many to reconsider the value, of present-day higher education!!! Perhaps the impetus for this has been the reluctance of parents to send their children away to school, during the on-going pandemic, to live in crowded dormitories, and take classes in crowded lecture halls!!! Perhaps the competition across colleges in the future will become more about offering more relevant courses that stress skills that will better prepare students for good jobs, than for building more expensive buildings, that will increase the tuition costs, while adding nothing of value to their education!!! Eventually, we may see the easily obtained government-backed loans for tuition replaced by lower, more affordable tuitions, that will not enslave graduates to years of indebtedness to greedy Banks, and even a movement to drive out the socialism that is being taught, or at least subtly promoted, throughout secondary schools!!!
Once the era of international pandemics is brought under control, it may be that home-schooling will have developed into a cheaper, and more efficient way of involving parents in the curriculum choices for their children, and after school activities can serve as their socialization options! The modern practice of having two working parents, may give way to the traditional choice of stay-at-home-moms supervising the raising of their children, because taxes will be less expensive for families, who don't have to fund public education, which turns their children into Godless Socialists, who question their gender, and have to share shower, and bathroom facilities with the opposite sex, who "identify" with the opposite gender!!! It is possible that God is beginning a return to sanity for America, that is fed up with the Socialist trends to date, and the intrusiveness of the Deep State government bureaucracy in our lives!!! It would be nice if we could find something good about this pandemic!!!
But, it is consistent with God's personality that He will turn a great evil into a blessing for those that love Him!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2021
It's Only A Matter Of Time Till This Blog Is Shut Down!!!
I am resolved to expect the same treatment that other conservative websites are notoriously experiencing!!! Probably the only reason it hasn't happened yet is because my blog is so small, and generates no income for me, that the silicon valley censors consider me to be "small potatoes", and they are too busy going after the bigger websites, and podcasts!!!
To date this blog has been read by some 36, 559 people (with no way of knowing how many are repeats, and how many are new pageviewers).
While I am pleased that so many have read my blog, it pales by comparison to other websites, and podcasts, that attract millions daily! They are the ones that are experiencing the worst persecution, by leftist leaning, Silicon Valley servers, who are conspiring to shut them down!!! After these evil oligarchs have accomplished their evil intents, they will certainly turn to the comparatively harmless conservative blogs, like this one!!!
So, as I can't guess when this will happen, let me now "sign off", in advance, thanking those who have read my work frequently, and thereby encouraged me to continue expressing my opinions, hoping that others would share my views, not only of my Christian faith, but my loyalty to our Constitutional government, which will now be under constant attack from our new Socialist leaning officials!!! Can our Constitution last long against the expected assault from the Left to abolish it, and force us into the European effort to create a "One-World" Socialist government, that the Bible prophecies will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, and used to kill many Christians, and Jews???
Be encouraged, though, for the words of our Lord who said not to fear those who, "kill the body, and afterwards have nothing left that they can do to you!" As Christians, we know where we will go afterwards, and the joy unspeakable that awaits us in Heaven!!!
Hallelujah !!! "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!!!"
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
House Republicans Prove Demagoguery Was Not The Sole Property Of The Democrats!!!
To see the lily-livered Republicans desperately jumping ship like stow-away rats, condemning Trump for inciting the Capitol rioting, and cow-towing to the Democrats who belligerently promote another impeachment process, it makes me sick to behold!!! Liz Cheney showed her real loyalty, which I have long suspected would swing more left, to be consistent with the LGBTQ movement, than to the conservative Republicans she has reputed herself to be aliened with! Other weak-kneed Republicans seemed to take this opportunity to try and prove their willingness to agree with liberal Democrats, in a seemingly desperate effort to protect their re-electability, by blaming Trump for inciting the Capitol rioting, in spite of the weak evidence against him!!! The only thing Trump said that could be taken as a reference to violence was when he encouraged his loyal followers, "to keep fighting", because the stealing-of-the-election-results battle was not over!!! Anyone who took this to be a literal call for violence showed their idiotic misunderstanding of rhetorical euphemisms!!! Even worse, they showed a vitriolic hatred of the President that surpassed their concern for appearing to be a fool!!!
I still maintain serious skepticism as to the identities of the Capitol rioters, for two reasons! First, the Modis Operandi of the rioters was exactly that of the "Antifa", and "BLM" anarchists, not the Conservatives who organized the preceding peaceful protest! Second, it served the purposes of the Democrats, who immediately jumped all over Trump, as if they were waiting breathlessly for the opportunity to accuse him of an impeachable offense!!! It seemed like this rioting was well planned by the left, to take advantage of the peaceful protest that was well publicized by the Conservative organizers!!! When a crime is committed, you look first at who benefits from it the most, and I smell Democrats conniving ways behind this! It would be a simple matter for them to arrange for their leftist anarchists to infiltrate the well-publicized rally, minus their identifying clothing, and slogans, and carry out their usual violent and destructive behavior, so that the Trump rally participants would logically be blamed for it!!! I noticed that these rioters were more concerned with having masks on than the leftist anarchists during the summer riots! Were they more concerned about Covid 19, than the leftists, or were they more concerned about facial recognition photography???
As I have said before, I smell rats, and there are infinitely more rats in the Democratic party, than in the Republicans!
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Welcome To The Communist Party Peoples Republic Of America!!!
It is not simply because of the close relationship between President Elect Biden, and Communist China, or his family's financial windfalls from the Chinese government, but the blatant move of the Silicon valley tech companies to stamp out opposing speech, in the name of "Free Speech", while supporting the banishing of other companies' ability to contribute financially to political campaigns of those who disagree with them!!! To these Socialists the word, "free", is meant to apply only to themselves, and no one else!!! What we are seeing now is a blatant move by the Silicon Valley techies to remove all aspects of the "Bill of Rights" from the Constitution, not by legal vote, but by oppression of the functional capacity of their opponents!!! They know that they could never get the Bill of Rights abolished legally, because the Constitution requires a two thirds majority vote, of two thirds of the state legislatures to do so!!!
I have been on record as being concerned that a Democratic victory in the last election would eventually result in an effort to abolish the Constitution, calling it an obsolete document, which it most certainly is, from the perspective of those who wrongly trust in the European movement to establish a "One-World" Socialist Government!!! You can not allow a country to embrace civil freedoms in a totalitarian Socialist state, on a national, or global, level!!! People will naturally gravitate from the latter, to the former, so the former must be stamped out, as an alternative for the people of a Socialist world!!! The only free people in Socialism are the ruling class, who make sure that everyone else knows they must, "shut up and obey, OR ELSE"!!! That's how you turn a free nation into a communist totalitarian state!!!
The Bible clearly prophesies of a time when Satan will allow a European "One-World" Socialist government to be accepted by the world, which will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, who will use his power to oppress, and even kill, all those Christians and Jews who refuse to cooperate with his system!!! So, it follows that the Socialist state of the Biden administration should immediately begin an erosion of our rights, guaranteed by the Constitution, before an all-out assault to abolish the Constitution itself!!!
By the way, the main reason why the Bible warns against acceptance of this "One World" system is because it guarantees an eternity in Hell, for those who do!!! This explains why God allows Satan to develop this system!!! He is showing to the world that Satan's original sin, believing that he could rule the universe better than God, will lead only to disaster!!! And all who follow him will have an eternity in Hell to regret their choice!!!
Guess where the unrepentant Silicon Valley techies, and the Democratic Socialists will end up!!!
Monday, January 11, 2021
The DemocRATS Are growing Bigger, And Smelling Fouler With Each Day!!!
I'm really beginning to be offended by the RATS in the DemocRATS around the whole country!!! It's bad enough when we see all the rioting that the liberals around the country failed to seriously condemn, or prosecute, endangering innocent people, even killing some, shutting down businesses, and destroying private property in mostly liberal enclaves!!!
Now, that the Socialists seem to be in control of the government, their anarchist lackeys tried to invade the Pro-Trump rally, posing as Conservatives, in order to riot at the Capitol, seeming to place the blame on the Trump rally protesters, and indirectly on Trump himself for supposedly instigating it, so they could create their imaginary "high crimes, and misdemeanors", in order to impeach the president before he leaves office, on January 20th!!! Their obvious intent is to convict him of some felony, so he can not run for office again!!! The vindictiveness of their intentions are nauseating to behold!!! Party politics has run amok in the Democratic Party!!!
It's amazing that Trump is to be blamed for something that Democratic Congressmen, and women, do frequently without fear of prosecution, though their legal protection for doing so only extends to what they say on the floor of Congress!!! Yet no one condemns them for outrageous comments made at public rallies!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Should We Believe The Reported "Facts", Or The Modis Operandi???
In a country that has been deceived conspiratorially by the Main Stream Media, consistently for the last several years, substituting Leftist propaganda for the truth, I wonder if we can place any credence to the reports of the Capitol Hill violence of yesterday!!! My suspicion, which is based more on instinctive "gut reaction" than reported "facts" since we can no longer trust the reporting to be honest, causes me to wonder if the violence yesterday was really attributable to the well publicized Trump supporters, who convened the peaceful protest that preceded the rioting, or was it a result of Leftist anarchists who, having infiltrated the legal, and legitimate protest, and seeking to besmirch the image of the protesters, brought their same violent behavior to the Trump rally, while leaving their "BLM, and Antifa" slogans, and identifying clothing at home, in order to let the blame be logically placed upon the Trump rally participants??? We may never know,. but I will always wonder1!!!
While I certainly understand the frustrations of the pro-Trump protesters, and likewise sympathize with them, I find it hard to believe that they would allow their frustrations to boil over into violent anarchy, which is contrary to the values they project! But, I suppose we can expect more of this from now on, since the Leftist anarchists have gotten their way, with the fraudulent election being "validated" by weak-kneed Republicans, who are more concerned about getting re-elected. than saving our Constitution, joining with the conspiratorial Democrats!!! The Anarchists have nothing to protest, so they infiltrate the "enemy", just for the sheer "joy" of their violence!!! Their whole intent is not to promote their leftist values, but to effect violent revolution, which is the Communist theorem, that "out of chaos comes 'order'"!!!
If their is a Civil War to follow this chaos the leftists can now call upon the legitimate federal forces to fight on their side, since they now control the government!!! They must foolishly believe that makes them invincible, but God knows which side stands for truth, and will bless their efforts accordingly!!!
And, "with God, all things are possible"!!!
Monday, January 4, 2021
Whoopee-doo!!! Nancy Pelosi Is Re-elected Speaker Of The House!!!
Only one thing could possibly be worse!!!
If Pelosi could become the last-resort "President" of the "United" States!!! Our Constitution allows for the Speaker of the House to automatically become President, if there is no decisive winner of the election by the 20th of January!!! What an absolutely nauseating prospect!!!
Today, we have the ongoing debate over the challenge to the validity of the Electoral College's acceptance of the 2020 election!!! While I agree with the motivation of those behind the challenge. the disastrous conclusion of the effort could simply be to confuse the situation until after the Jan. 20th deadline, allowing Pelosi to assume the Presidency, to which she could never have been elected!!!
The Democrats have provided themselves with a triple-option way of stealing the Presidential election. First, they chose to fraudulently steal the election by counting votes illegally! Then, they chose a candidate who was old enough to retire, in office, ostensibly for health reasons, leaving the presidency to a Vice President, who could not get herself elected, either!!!
Finally, they have only to stall the process of getting their fraudulent election validated. or not, because of the above scenario, which the Founding Fathers could not reasonably have anticipated a conspiracy to steal the Presidency, by applying a legitimate Constitutional provision!!! The Democrats are determined to steal the Presidency, one way, or another!!!
May God have mercy upon all who so blatantly have conspired to manipulate the destruction of our electoral process!!!
I'm sure I can't decide which of the prospective Democratic options is worst!!!
God help us all!!!