The descrepancy would be embarassing!!! But, thank God, He never said anything about the size of the individual "seed", just that having it would be sufficient!!!
I admit to being very discouraged, right now, as I'm sure many Christians in America are also! It's not fun to watch our freedoms being flushed down the proverbial tubes, knowing that our own people have voluntarily brought this upon us!!! Between the liberal conspirators who carried out this sham election fraud, and the cowardly judges, who refuse to reverse what is clearly the most obviously illegal election scandal in American history, and the apparent approval of the Department of Justice officials who "see no evil, hear no evil, etc....." we now have the beginning of "America, the Bannana Republic"!!!
There was a time when great political differences would stop short of treasonous efforts, regardlrss of which party one supported, and "Communism Light", or Socialism, was considered a treasonous doctrine!!! But, after decades of soft propaganda, and an absence of American history, and civics being taught in our schools an universities, we now have a voting public that buys into the propaganda that Socialism is good, and everything American is evil!!!
Let'a be clear on why Socialism is so evil! The proponents claim they want
'equality for all! That's a lie! What they call "equality" implies that more of the obscene wealth of the rich should be shared with the poor, like Roin Hood"s , "steal from the rich and give to the poor"!!! But, what they really do is bring the rich down to the near poverty of the poor, while they redistribute the leftover wealth to themselves, and their lackies!!! Put simply, they steal from the rich, the"upwardly mobile", and the middle class, and keep the wealth for themselves!!! So, they live like kings, and the rest of the people live in near destitute poverty!!! That's what Socialists call"equality"!!! The old opressive elites are deposed for new oppressive elites!!! And the businesses that made the wealthy rich suffer because no one wants to work for them, when the Socialists will steal most of their financial incentive!!! There are preferred excaptions, as the Silicon Valley Elites, who are given monopolistic preferencial treatment, for supporting their efforts, and not condemning their destructive laws against their competitors, and the loss of our Constitutional freedoms!!! That is why the techies accept the communist Chinese totalitarianism,and the trampling upon our freedoms, while they salivate over the prospect of monopolistic concessions over a billion and a half Chinee citizens!!!
I wonder if God is testing us to see if our faith is as strong as those who have lived in totalitarian states all their lives, and still remained faithful! We have been so blessed not to have to suffer through the persecution of Christians that other countries have had to deal with, I wonder if God is testing us to see how genuine our faith really is!!!
I think back to the first century Christians, who went willingly into the Roman arena, knowing they were about to be torn to shreds by half-starved lions, praisng God because they knew that their pain, and suffering would be only momentary, and then they would soon be in heaven with the Lord!!! Our momentary persecutions, which we can now expect from all sides, legal, and illegal, will not compare to the blessings rhat God has prepared for us in Heaven!!!
This is not a time to dispair, O Chrisatians, our reward is just around the corner!!!
One thing I must consider! The first century Christians could have committed suicide. as easily as any generation, but they chose not to, I think for two reaons! First their courageous deaths were a testimony againt their persecutors, that, as the Lord said, "after they kill the body, they have nothing that they can do to you." And second, I'm not convinced that suicide will get one into Heaven!!! I'm not saying it won't, but the Bible is silent on the issue!!! I suspect that God is reserving this judgement for Himself, on a case by case basis!!! But frankly, I would not want to die, hoping that God might take me home to be with Him in Heaven! If we die, not of our own selves, as believers we are assured of His mercy, to take us to Heaven!!! I'm not sure that suicide guarantees the same!!! I will not take the chance that I might not be correct, and possibly spend an eternity in Hell, for my error in judgemnt!!! If any of you think I'm wrong, please consider the consequences of being wrong on this issue!!! An eternity in Hell is a long time to be sorry for a missed oportunity!!!