Monday, December 28, 2020

Pardon My "Spiritual Rambling", But My Faith Is Struggling With The Events Of The Day!!!

I ramble not because I can not think of anything to say, but because I don't wish my discouragement to effect others!   This discouragement will pass,  I'm sure,  but in the mean time I grieve for the America that appears to have been stolen by foolish Socialists, who believe that their brand of  "Utopia" is much better than our Constitutional government! 

They will eventually realize their mistake, but will it come to them, before they have abolished our Constitution, and driven us into the "One-World" Socialist government that Europe is trying to develop, and that the Bible tells us will be taken over by Satan's Antichrist  and used to kill many Christians, and Jews!!!    This may well be God's ultimate test of our obedience, to see if we will " practice what we preach", and pray for those who "despitefully use us"!!!    Pray, not for God to destroy them, which might seem tempting, but that He will bless them, and change their hearts ,and save their souls!!!    

He knows what it will take to change their hearts, and bring us back to a united  America!!!     Without that unity, our nation can not survive!!!    If our nation is dissolved, it will be because God is getting us ready for the return of Jesus, to establish His Kingdom of Heaven, On Earth!!!   There may be a lot of pain and suffering between then and now, but it will all be for the best, somehow!!!   +

Remember, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard the wonders that God has prepared for those that love Him!!!"   Hallelujah!!!


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

I Would Hate To Weigh My "Mustard Seed" Against Anyone Else's, Right Now.......

 The descrepancy would be embarassing!!!   But, thank God, He never said anything about the size of the individual "seed", just that having it would be sufficient!!!   

I admit to being very discouraged, right now, as I'm sure many Christians in America are also!    It's not fun to watch our freedoms  being flushed down the proverbial tubes, knowing that our own people have voluntarily brought this upon us!!!   Between the liberal conspirators who carried out this sham election fraud, and the cowardly judges, who refuse to reverse what is clearly the most obviously illegal election scandal in American history, and the apparent approval of the Department of Justice officials who "see no evil, hear no evil, etc....." we now have the beginning of "America, the Bannana Republic"!!! 

There was a time when great political differences would stop short of treasonous efforts, regardlrss of which party one supported, and "Communism Light", or Socialism, was considered a treasonous doctrine!!!   But, after decades of soft propaganda, and an absence of American history, and civics being taught in our schools an universities, we now have a voting public that buys into the propaganda that Socialism is good, and everything American is evil!!! 

Let'a be clear on why Socialism is so evil!    The proponents claim they want 

'equality for all!   That's a lie!    What they call "equality" implies that more of the obscene wealth of the rich should be shared with the poor, like Roin Hood"s , "steal from the rich and give to the poor"!!!   But, what they really do  is bring the rich down to the near poverty of the poor, while they redistribute the leftover wealth to themselves, and their lackies!!!   Put simply, they steal from the rich, the"upwardly mobile", and the middle class, and keep the wealth for themselves!!!   So, they live like kings, and the rest of the people live in near destitute poverty!!!   That's what Socialists call"equality"!!!   The  old opressive elites are deposed for new oppressive elites!!!   And the businesses that made the wealthy rich suffer because no one wants to work for them, when the Socialists will steal most of their financial incentive!!!  There are preferred excaptions, as the Silicon Valley Elites, who are given monopolistic preferencial treatment, for supporting their efforts, and not condemning their destructive laws against their competitors, and the loss of our Constitutional freedoms!!!   That is why the techies accept the communist Chinese totalitarianism,and the trampling upon our freedoms, while they salivate over the prospect of monopolistic concessions over a billion and a half Chinee citizens!!!

I wonder if God is testing us to see if our faith is as strong as those who have lived in totalitarian states all their lives, and still remained faithful!    We have been so blessed not to have to suffer through the persecution of Christians that other countries have had to deal with, I wonder if God is testing us to see how genuine our faith really is!!!   

I think back to the first century Christians, who went willingly into the Roman arena, knowing they were about to be torn to shreds by half-starved lions, praisng God because they knew that their pain, and suffering would be only momentary, and then they would soon be in heaven with the Lord!!!     Our momentary persecutions, which we can now expect from all sides, legal, and illegal, will not compare to the blessings rhat God  has prepared for us in Heaven!!!    

This is not a time to dispair, O Chrisatians, our reward is just  around the corner!!!   

One thing I must consider!    The first century Christians could have committed suicide. as easily as any generation, but they chose not to, I think for two reaons!   First their courageous deaths were a testimony againt their persecutors, that, as the Lord said, "after they kill the body, they have nothing  that they can do to you."    And second, I'm not convinced that suicide will get one into Heaven!!!   I'm not saying it won't, but the Bible is silent on  the issue!!! I suspect that God is reserving this judgement for Himself, on a case by case basis!!!    But frankly, I would not want to die,  hoping that God might  take me home to be with Him in Heaven!   If we die, not of our own selves, as believers we are assured  of His mercy, to take us to Heaven!!!   I'm not sure that suicide guarantees the same!!!   I will not take the chance that I might not be correct, and possibly spend an eternity in Hell, for my error in judgemnt!!!    If any of you think I'm wrong, please consider the consequences of being wrong on this issue!!!   An eternity in Hell is a long time to be sorry for a missed oportunity!!!

Monday, December 14, 2020

Have The Corruption Rats Migrated to The D.O.J.???

 I smell Rats from somewhere!    I thought it was mostly at the top of the F.B.I., but it seems to be also in the Department of Justice and it may be rampant!!!   

Two facts make me wonder!   First, Durham's investigtion was "due"  to be released last summer,  then he said it might not be released until "after the election"!    Why???     The name of the winning President should not matter if the evidence of corruption is uncovered, unless you are trying to protect your "good buddies" in the D.O.J., who will be fired, if Trump wins, and perhaps prosecuted, but if Biden wins, the whole investigastion will be tabled, and soon forgotten!!!   

Second, Attorney General Barr says they find no evidence of election fraud, that would overturn the election!!!   That could only happen if their "eyes are wide shut"!!!  Has Barr become bought-and-paid-for by the Socialists???    What does it take to get some honesty in our federal government???   We were assured vociferously that Barr, and Durham were the most reputable, and honest members of the D.O.J., and now I have to wonder if there is any honesty anywhere in the federal government!!!    Is this America, or are we living in the "Union of Soviet Socialist States of America"???    

I have been worried that some of the end of the Ezekiel Prophecy might be directed towards a firey judgement that could  be directed towards us, from either China, or Russia!   I think I see reason to suspect that God might be wondering if America is worth saving, as a whole!    If He allowed us to be wiped out, the Christians would all be safe in heaven, and who would miss the rest!!

Barr and Durham must have uncovered a massive amount of corruption in the D.O.J., enough to make them decide that they need to protect the "good old boys" of the D.O.J., at the expense of our Constitutional government, as a whole, or see the bunch go to jail!!!   That kind of betrayal of our governmental freedoms is absolutely unforgivable!!!

Friday, December 11, 2020

The Real TWO-PRONGED Democrats' Conspiracy To Steal The Presiential Election...

 The first, and most obvious effort to steal the election is being talked about now in the press; outraged Conservatives, wanting accountbility, and lying Democrats denying the obvious, with the Main Stream Media siding, as usual, with the Democrats!!!    But the secondary effort, or the back-up plan for the real effort to oust Trump, and insert a Democrat into the White House, is being down-played for the moment, for the chaos of the former!!!    I submit that the whole point of the Democrats' absurd defense of their clumsy effort to steal the election is less to defend Joe Biden's "victory", and more about creating a stall, regardless of the final decision!!!   They realize the evidence of fraudulent election corruption is widespread, and would be easly proven, given enough time, so they merely want to confuse the issue, to stall the outcome until after January 20th of next year!!!    That is the last day that Presdent Trump can serve in office, unless the corrupt election results are overturned by the Supreme Court, and Biden can't serve if the issue is still being legally challenged!!!   The Constitution says that  if no clear winner is determined by the 20th, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives automatically becomes the President, and serves for the next four years!!!     There will be no make-up election, no decison on which party should win, "do not pass Go, do not collect $200.00"!!!   It"s over, for the next 4 years!!!

And if the prospect of Joe Biden as President was scarey enough, guess what the prospect of  a President Nancy Pelosi should do for all Conservatives, Republicans, and anyone who cares about the freedoms of  Americans, now, and forever, Ahmen!!!   Not only is she a total incompetant, but she is easily swayed by whatever position is most popuilar by the majority in her party!!!

Just how long do you think they would wait before trying to abolish the Constitution, and force us all to join the European effort to create a"One-World" Socialist government, that the Bible pophesies will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, who will kill  many Christians, and Jews!!!  Sure, Donald Trump could try and run again in 2024, but what if there was no Constitutional America any more???    Would he want to run against the Antichrist, in a forum that is designed to favor Socialist candidates???   At that point, it would probably make more sense to wait for the return of Jesus, to settle the issue!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Is There A Real "China Syndrome"???

 Pardon my paranoia, but what if the Covid 19 pandemic was not accidental, or even a natural  phenominon???   I expect my suspiscions will be dismissed by all Chinese Communist pals, like those who might soon inhabit the White House, as xenophobic paranoia, but I do not denigrate the Chinese people!!!  Their Communist Party-controlled government, though, is so evil that it is worthy of the most virolent denigration possible, especially if my most paranoid suspiscions are true!!!

In my wildest conspiracy-theory prone imagination, I wonder if there is a demonstrable Chinese connection to the most recent viral outbreaks that have developed into pandemic proportions recently?!!    Did Ebola, and Sars have a demonstrable connection to China???     I wonder!!!   

I recently speculated that the Covid 19 pandemic may well have been intentionally released upon the Chinese people of the Wuhon province, from their Labratory there, which may be experimentally trying to develop various pandemic viruses as a form of international Bio-terrorism, not intended to destroy the world's population, just to cripple  it's economy, so China can dominate the whole world, as it's Communist government has always intended!!!   Why not???   China doesn't care much for it's people, after all, there's much more where that came from!!!
This very evil conspiracy has been charged recently, by the Chinese Dr. who fled China, to America, claiming that W.H.O. records indicate just such an evil effort by the Chunese government!!!   She has subsequently disappeared, whether intentionlly trying to escape official Chinese government retaliation, or whether the Chinese goverment actually helped her to disappear, permanently!!!   

Also, I recently commented on the FOX NEWS story by their China-expert  contributor, Gordon Chang, who reported that China has been collecting D.N.A. data on citizens of various countries, with  which he speculated that their scientists might be trying to develop viruses that are debillitating, if not potentially deadly to various ethnic groups, but not others!     The fact that the Covid 19 virus originated in the Wuhan province, which was immediately isolated from the rest of China, while infected Chinese were allowed to travel  internationally, spreading the pandemic, displays a dabollical callousness, if  not a demonic intent by the officials in charge, who presumably took their orders from the Chinese Communist government!!!

At some point a wild  paranoid conspiracy theory begins to take on credibility, when coincidental incriminating facts keep pointing to the same source!!!    If the Covid 19 vaccinations do in fact irradicate this pandemic, only to be followed by another viral pandemic, that can possibly be traced back to Chinese sources, then the incriminating evidence becomes overwhelming, no matter how circumstantial it may seem!!!   At some point the wildest of conspiracy theoriies become fact!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Who Is Talking In The Ezekiel: 38, And 39 prophecies? God, or Jesus?

Either is accurate when He says repeatedly that the people of Israel , "shall know that I am the Lord", as a direct consequence of His miraculous deliverance, from the invading armies!   But, one can only speculate as to whether God The Father is referring to Himself, in His Old Testament manner as, "the Lord your God", or is this decisive victory somehow a revealing moment that convinces many Jews that Jesus Christ is the one true Messiah, to the point that they receive Him as their Lord, and Savior???   I tend to be skeptical of the latter, as this would seem to suggest that Jesus' return should be immediate, rendering the events of the seven-year Tribulation period, and the battle of Armageddon unnecessary!!!   Perhaps many will reach this conclusion, but I doubt that this will be the overwhelming majority opinion, which means the rest of the Gospel, in the book of Revelation, must be fulfilled before Jesus' return!!!   I believe that Jesus' own words referred to this when He said to the Jews who were trying Him, "him you will receive", obviously referring to the Antichrist, so I guess they need to see his evil ways, to  prepare them to recognize that Jesus is the Lord!!!    

Getting back to the Ezekiel prophecy, I think the Lord purposely chose to refer to the opening of the invasion with the ambiguously symbolic terms, that the army should come upon Israel, "like a cloud", or, "as a cloud", in order to confuse the issue for those who only considered it lightly!    Further consideration leads to the possibility of their using noxiously incapacitating, or even fatal, poison gas, as opposed to the large body of invaders merely swarming over the land, as a cloud in appearance!!!   I think God revealed this clearly to those who really seriously examined it, while intentionally deceiving those who really didn't take it seriously!!!     Those who will take precautions will be safe, while those who remain skeptical will suffer unnecessarily!!!    

As to the reason for America's apparent non-involvement in coming to the aid of Israel, verse 13, of chapter 38 says, that, "Sheba and Dedan (which are probably Saudi Arabia), and the merchants of Tarshish"  ask the invaders what their intentions are!   (Duh!!!)   The Merchants of Tarshish are the colonies of Britain!   Does this mean that America is unwilling, or unable to help Israel???   An un- supporting American Presidency, like Biden's, might mean that the war would come during his term!!!

The description of the invaders coming on horses could simply refer to them riding in  vehicles whose speed is registered in horsepower!    The reference to a "great shaking" in Israel might be the Lord's way of showing that He is Israel's savior, in the lack of America's direct assistance!    An earthquake that affects the invaders only, might create the panicked retreat that seems to follow!!!   This seems to be the basis for the invaders fighting among themselves, which destroys their forces to the tune of more than 80%!!!

Friday, December 4, 2020

Did China Release Corona Virus From Their Bio -weapons Lab, To Spread Throughout The World???

Gordon, Chang, an expert on things China, who is a frequent FOX NEWS contributor raised the question   on FOX !   I have wondered about this myself, especially after a Chinese doctor fled to America to make claims of such, based upon W.H.O. reports that she claimed confirm this!  The fact that she has been reported as missing seems to confirm it even more so, if the Chinese government decided to silence her, and cause her to disappear!!!

According to Chang, China has been collecting DNA information on various ethnic groups around the world which he suspects they may be planning to use for "nefarious reasons"!!!   He suggested that they might be trying to develop viruses that effect one ethnic group, but not others, since they have discovered that the corona virus has been very effective in harming the American economy, as well as Europe's and other countries, whether they intentionally released it, or not!!!    Could they really be so ruthless as to use biological weaponry just to  gain economic power over their competitors???   I personally would not be surprised if this were proven true, after we have seen the predatory ways in which the Chinese Communist Government bullies the companies of other countries, into revealing trade secrets as a price for participating in the Chinese economy!!!   

The Democrats in America see a "racist" under every rock, so I wonder if they would call trying to produce biological weapons that can potentially kill members of one race, but not another, as racist or not?  If this proved true, I wonder if Biden would have the guts to condemn the country that has so enriched his family, and perhaps himself!   I wonder if being a "cash cow" exempts one from being a racist???