Monday, July 27, 2020

The American Communist Revolution Has Started!!!

It is clear that the protracted violence that has beset our country's cities recently was a well thought- out plan by those leftist followers, who hate our Constitutional government, and the individual freedoms it guarantees.  They hate it because it protects us from the tyranny of people like themselvs, from trying to enslave us in their bureaucratic quagmire that allows them to steal our money, while forcing us to obey rules that we find odious to even consider!!!

But, I maintain that the main goal is not to overthrow our government, so they can set up their own in its place.  They probably want to merely weaken our government sufficiently in order to benefit the development of the One-World, Socialist government that Europe is trying to develope!   That governmrnt is ready now, but other countries are probably reluctant to join it because they feel joining in a system that will openly compete with us will eventually be harmful to trade relations with us, and rightly so!!!  So, the strategy is to destroy our economy, so those other countries will have no alternative than to do business with Europe!

I suspect the plan is to follow the example of Venezuela, by electing a corrupt socialist dictator, who will systematically weaken all our freedoms till we have relatively nothing left!  Joe Biden is the perfect corrupt politician for the job, having used previous positions to enrich various members of his family, though he is too weak to be a tyrant.   So he will be a figurehead president, relying on his Deep State lackeys to tell him what to do!!!  This way, it matters little whether America can be forced to join the Euorpean system,   if our econmy is destroyed,  Europe will have no real competition, and the smaller countries will be desperate to join them!!!

As for who is responsible for all this, if George Soros is not, I'll be amazed!!!  He has done this kind of leftist revolutionary meddling before after buying various stocks "short", for those companies which could be expected to plunge in value due to his meddling, then he buys them up at a cheaper price, and after  the crisis is over, their prices return to the higher levels, and he sells at a huge profit!!!

All his incendiary meddling is promulgated by his various "non-profit" organizations, which are probably run by some of the leftist "protesters", who are running amok in our cities streets!

[Surprise, surprise!!!  This post was almost finished, when the above editing error of my last line "miraculously" appeared out of nowhere as if the hacker was randomly checking to see if I was typing a post!!!   Well, I'm sure we haven't seen the last of this moronic hacking!!!  I suspect GOOGLE is his, or her employer!!!]   

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Reasoning Through "What-Have-You-Got-To-Lose" Theology!!!

Most Christians remember questioning their faith, at first, with something similar to the title above!  Before such questioning, I was living in an arrogant form of hedonistic agnosticism, believing in some form of "God", but not really considering it much!!!   It was as if I felt "God" would leave me alone, if I left him alone!!!  I had no concept of what "being left alone by God" really entailed!!!  I'm sure there are many people who have died, and gone to Hell, with the same attitude that I had for many years!!!  Thank God that He allowed me to live long enough to come to understand the inadequacy of my early views of His Salvation!!!  

But, as a first step toward understanding His plan for our salvation, it may well be important to view Christianity in this manner!!!   It is the same thing as the cliche, "Hell to shun, and Heaven to gain!"  If one starts with this, it matters not whether they actually believe it, or not;  the meer possibility that it might be true, should scare the average person into at least examining the possibility of it's truth!!!   From that point,  they are likely to begin reading the Gospel, to consider God's perspective of what constitutes "sin", and the consequences for dying  without absolution of such.  When they reach the point of recognizing that God has provided a way of escaping the  horrible consequences of our sins, through the substitutionary death of Jesus, and that it only requires a minimum of faith, and the confession of our mouths, that's when salvation becomes very appealing to most people!!!    

So, while the "what-have-you-got-to-lose" perspective is not enough, it is a good starting point, which can prick the curiousity to investigste further, which may ultimatelylead to salvtion!!!  

Friday, July 17, 2020

Is Durham Trying To Protect The Deep State???

It would certainly seem so!!!   By not releasing his report until after the election, he supposedly avoids the appearance of politicizing it, but for which side???   If the report confirms the suspicions of many, that the F.B.I., and the D.O.J., were up to their eyeballs in corrupt behavior trying to keep Trump from winning the 2016 election, and promoting the impeachment effort, afterwards, then it could only be of political benefit to Trump's campaign, if it were released before the election.   But, by holding it until after the election, it is just as politically beneficial to the Democratic candidate, so the ruse of trying to keep it from being political is absurdly debunked!!! 

I suspect Durham's  real reason for this ploy is to protect some good-old-buddies within the departments who will not only be fired if the report comes out, but may be prosecuted for their misbehavior in office!!!  If so, he would be protecting friends, at the expense of our Constitutional government!!!   How long can our government stand blatant criminal behavior within its ranks, and anarchistic criminal behavior in the streets??? 

We all know that our Constitutional government has withstood it's many trials to date, because our founding fathers were diligent to produce a document that respected the Biblical values of the majority of the American people!!!  Even if their own beliefs fell short of these values, they recognized  that the people would not respect any document that did not honor them!!!   Our  problems today are derived from fools that don't believe those values are relevant now, if ever\, and would much prefer a system like the One-World Socialist government that the European Common Market is trying to develop!   Fine, if they want to leave and go there, but they seem to want to destroy our freedoms, here, before they go!!! 

So much for all the praise that Durham received upon his appointment!!!   If he is determined to stall the release of his report, he is institutionalizing the Deep State shenanigans that we have seen the past several years, by helping a Democratic victory, come November, and allowing them to shut down any investigations and protect the Deep State from any prosecution for their crimes!!!   The same government that drove out Aaron Burr, and defeated the treasonous Confederacy, should never stand for such evil behavior in their  ranks, today!!!

Friday, July 10, 2020

Post Mortem for America????

Even my last post was written with some positive sense of where America is headed, though it was titled, "Time To Prepare For The Evil Revolution!!!"  I know God can miraculously deliver even an entire nation from impending doom, but I fear He may not deliver America from the immediate doom that awaits us if the Democrats win the 2020 election, retain control of the House of representatives, and gain control of the Senate!!!  Politically, I can't think of a greater disaster than that to destroy our nation, but looking at it from God's perspective, it makes sense!  
          As Christians, where does our faith lie?  With God, or the Constitution of the United States?!!!
          I wonder if God is testing us to see where our faith really lies!  We have had it so easy
          compared to other Christians, because of our Constitutional protections, but why should we
          not suffer like other country's Christians have had to???  The Middle- Eastern Christians have
          been persecuted on a scale equivalent to the first century Christians!!!

          Before Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, we know that Satan is to be
         given one final chance to prove that he can rule the world, through his Antichrist, during the
         seven-year "Tribulation" period, when he will give the control of the world to his leaders in
         Europe, and China, to destroy the church, and the Jews in Israel!!!  But, perhaps he must be
         given complete control, which can not be accomplished as long as a counter-Socialist country
         like a free America exists to show the world why they should not participate in his evil
         Socialist,  One-World government!   If that means we must survive in a non-Christian America,          when our Democrats drive us into the European Socialist system, God can protect us, even
         then, individually, in spite of the loss of our Constitutional rights!!!  I suspect this may be
         necessary to give Satan no room to say he was not given a fair chance to prove he was
         better than God, at running the world!!!

         My basis for this "doom and gloom" view is the latest reports on the Durham report "perhaps"
         not being released until after the election!!!  I was very concerned at the obvious stall of the
         report, which was supposed to be released in June!!!   Why should it not have been released
         already, unless he was trying to protect a huge part of the F.B.I., who would be found culpable
         in the anti-Trump conspiracy!!!   The stated purpose in waiting is so that, "it would not seem
         to be political!!!"   We can assume that the "politicizing" of the report would have to throw the
         election to Trump, and the Republicans, which "certainly must not happen!!!"

          So, who benefits from this decision???  The Democrats, and their Deep State lackeys in the
          F.B.I., who are probably guilty as Hell, but will be "exonerated" in a Democrat-controlled

          I'm sorry to be so depressing in my view of recent events, but I can't see any other way to call
          it!   Let's all hope and pray that I am wrong, but if  I am right, remember that God is still in
          control, and He will protect us all, even in a Democrat-controlled America!!!  God save us all!

          I apologize for the absurd change in my margins.  It almost seems as if someone externally was           trying to meddle in my editing!!!   I have corrected the problem in my rough draft, but
          "somehow" those changes didn't come through the printing!!!  Gee!!! It seems like someone
           is reading my post as I write it, and trying to screw it up in the printing!!!  Pardon my
           paranoia!!!  It couldn't be leftist censuring from Google, could it???