Monday, September 30, 2019

FOX NEWS Blasts The Elitists Of "Globalism"

I have written fairly extensively about what I refer to as the "European 'One-World' Socialist government" system that is being developed by the "elitists" of the world, and is being promoted as the Socialists Utopia, that will finally bring worldwide peace and prosperity to the whole world!  By "elitists", I am referring to the various Socialist politicians, bureaucrats, and Leftist "Journalists" of the world ( which are really propagandists) who would have us believe that this is man's last best effort at establishing true "peace and prosperity" for the whole world!!!

The reality is that this system will have nothing to do with peace, and the "prosperity" will extend no further than the elitists themselves, who will control it, and enrich themselves, while enslaving the rest of the world to work for a subsistence living!!!  Such is their concept of  "Socialist Utopia", the benefits of which will be limited to themselves, at the expense of everyone else in the world!!!  

The Bible talks rather extensively about this system, mostly in Revelation 13, and it doesn't bother to explain why this system will be so evil, but it does explain that anyone who participates in this system, through it's economic system (which will require a "mark of the Beast" on their hand, or forehead, to buy, or sell anything)  will be automatically cast into Hell, after the system's seven-year reign, when Jesus returns to set up His "Millennial Kingdom"!!!  This is why all Christians are discouraged from participating in this system, and it seems to me that this must be the "Unforgiveable Sin" that Jesus spoke of, but did not elaborate upon!

Recently, Steve Hilton excoriated the so-called  "Globalist system" that the elitists are promoting, on his show, "The New Revolution", on FOX NEWS!  This is the closest I've seen any secular news station come to agreeing with what I've been writing about, since one can not expect them to violate the supposed "separation of church and state" rule, that the Leftists try to get us to believe is part of the Constitution (which it is not!)!!!  I accept this as vindication of what the Bible has warned us, that even someone in the secular news business can recognize the approaching evil of this movement, for it's own sake, apparently without the Biblical reference!   This confirms my suspicion that we are approaching the time when we must all be concerned about being subtly drawn into this evil system!

 Also this confirms that the return of Jesus is not too far in the future!!!  Hallelujah!!!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Libya Seems To Be "Preparing" For The "Gog/Magog" War

Although the country of  "Libya" is prophecied to participate in the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, I presumed that would mean some terrorist militias that had been fighting the government in Libya, since that country's government has been in flux for years!   The same assumption I held for "Ethiopia", which has large populations of both Muslim, and Coptic Christian believers, making it difficult to determine the nation's controlling system, though they are likewise prophecied to participate!!!

Recently, FOX NEWS reported that I.S.I.S. has begun to infiltrate the part of Libya that is under rebel control, along with "Mercenaries under Putin's control", whom we can logically assume were Russian soldiers, who changed their uniforms for unidentifiable fatigues, and likely used the Russian language to communicate, though we "can't speculate as to what country they originated from"!!!  Gee, I can't guess!  Even though Russia is prophecied to be the main organizer of the Middle-East invasion!

Perhaps Russia is trying to "disguise" the identity of their troops, in order to avoid a direct conflict with American, or N.A.T.O. forces, which may also explain why there is no mention of American forces in the Biblical prophecy (even with a general description of our location, since America did not exist when the prophecy was given, 2500 years ago)!  Russia used similar "soft" disguises to support North Korea with Russian pilots, in the Korean War, and also in Viet Nam, and again when the eastern half of the Ukraine was invaded by "Russian  sympathizers", before Russia annexed the ,Crimean peninsula!   I guess Russia intends to conquer the whole world, " without anyone knowing who they are!"  These guys are so slick, at least in their own minds!!!

 Perhaps American Military "Mercenaries" will be helping Israel when they are invaded, as the prophecy explains.  Or, perhaps  American forces will be initially withheld to see if Israel needed help, while God blesses Israel with an overwhelming victory, before such help was deemed necessary!!!  Either way, Israel is prophecied to be victorious, sending the remnant of the invasion force into a blind panic  in which, "every man's sword (or modern weapon) will be against his brother (or comrade in arms)"!!!  It seems to be important to God that no identifiable reference is made to American direct assistance so that  Israel will recognize that He is the real source of their victory!!!  He explains it as the ("heathen") world, "will know that there is still a God in Israel"!!!

Just another example of Russia setting the stage for a full scale invasion of the Middle-East, consistent with the description in the prophecy, giving me more evidence to believe that a prophecy given 2500 years ago is soon to be fulfilled!!!  Hallelujah!!!  

Friday, September 27, 2019

ExposingThe "Deep Staters"

The reason we have a seemingly endless amount of leaks from the federal bureaucracy, including the White House, is because of the perceived invulnerability of those very bureaucrats.  They are certainly aware that exposure for their leaking of government information to outside sources  (including secret information) can get them fired from their jobs, if not prosecuted legally, yet they continue to do so, with apparent impunity, because they believe that uncovering their identity is next to impossible!

The recent controversy over the President's phone call to the President of the Ukraine, could be a useful game changer, in countering the "Deep State's" over-confidence.  It was recently revealed that some 25, or so, people are designated to listen in on the conversations of the President's phone calls, for whatever reason, (assumedly, for corroboration purposes, in case of mistaken points in the conversations).  If this is true, then those 25, or so, people can be identified, and investigated for this breach of security, which may not have involved secret information, but is none the less illegal!   I think the use of  lie detectors would be appropriate, even if they are not 100% accurate, because if they are not helpful in determining the guilty leaker, or leakers, they would at least demonstrate a serious intent to find the leakers, by the investigators!   This would, at least, put future potential leakers on notice that the investigators are serious about tracking down the perpetrators, for whatever punishment is deemed appropriate!!!

It was reported on FOX NEWS, recently, that President Truman created the C.I.A ., from the original O.S.S. service, that was so helpful in digging up intelligence from the enemy, during World War II.  He later lamented that his creation had morphed into an unruly bureaucracy of pseudo-government power-brokers, that went way beyond his intentions!   (That sounds like the "birth of the 'Deep State', to me, at a time when paranoia of International Communist infiltration was rampant!!!)

 I presume that our intelligence agencies are much more effective today, than they were back then, and it's time the bureaucrats were put on notice that their investigator's best efforts are going to be used to discover the leakers, whenever they are suspected!!!  This will either help in the detection of the leakers, or, at least it will create a more healthy paranoia within the bureaucracies, that leaking is not going to be tolerated any more!!!

I would have to say it is way past time to develop this kind of intolerance for this outrageous behavior!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Conspiracy Of Desperation

Usually, one expects the proponents of a vast conspiracy to endeavor to promote their cause subtly, in order to protect themselves from exposure for their true intentions.  But, when they proceed with reckless abandon, they reveal that their very conspiracy is so desperate that they are willing to fail miserably, rather than continue with the status quo!

Such is the state of the Leftist political movement in America, today!   It smacks of an "all or nothing" desperation, that simply can not tolerate another loss of the Presidency, in 2020, and must take control of the Congress, as well!  I don't believe their reckless claims of Socialist values, and their apocalyptic screams of impending doom, due to the imagined causes of climate change (which is more likely due to cyclical increases of solar flares, than an over-abundance of cow flatulence) are so logically superior to the status quo, that they can really expect a land-slide victory, in 2020!!!  This really smacks of a last ditch effort by the Left to take over the government, so they can abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World government" Socialist system!!!  Their approach to this election is so logically absurd, that it seems they plan to win by duping the easily swayed young adults, whom they have carefully brainwashed in the public school system (to believe in the superiority of Socialism)  along with the illegal voting of all these illegal immigrants ( who are being given drivers licenses to aid in their efforts to vote "legally"), and will vote as directed for a small fee!!!  (I suspect that the so-called "sanctuary cities", like L.A., and San Francisco are ignoring the filth of their homeless populations, as a means of stockpiling a vast supply of indigents who will be very willing to vote illegally, for a small fee, in 2020!!!)   After the election, if they win, these cities will quickly turn from sanctuaries, into deportation factories trying to export all of their human refuse into Mexico, and if they lose they will bail out to Europe, and leave their mess for the rest of us to deal with!!!

As bad as the latter prospect may seem, it would be light-years better than the former, because the Left's obvious intent to destroy our Constitutional government, and force us into the European "One-World" government, has been prophecied in the Bible to bring an automatic ticket to Hell, for all those who participate in the system!!!  And this does not discriminate between those who willingly participate, and those who have no choice!!!  The only option for those who don't want to participate will be starvation, since the only way to buy food will be in their system!!!

So, you see how important this upcoming election is shaping up to be!!!  It is no longer about politics, but about the eternal salvation of our entire country!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

"...When America Ceases To Be Good..."

The above quote was taken, in part, from a famous quote by Alexandre De Toqueville, the famous early nineteenth century French "Political Scientist" (before there was such a thing as "Political Science"), who came to America to study what made America so "great"!   It was apparently obvious, even back then, that there was something different about this young country, and that difference made America "great", by comparison to other countries of the day!

De Toqueville travelled freely, around the country, determined to discover what made America so "great"!  He must have realized that it was more than a revolution against the authority of the land, because the French Revolution had not created the same "greatness" that was apparent in America. He later concluded that,  "America is great, because America is good!  When America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!!!"  (Sometimes God uses people even if they may not know Him personally to speak His prophetic Word, unknowingly, as when Caiaphas spoke to the priests, about Jesus' death!!! [see John 11: 49,& 50]).

Taken further, it seems that the rest of the world was impressed by the obvious "greatness" of America, and so De Toqueville came to study this unusual country!  An overwhelmingly agrarian nation, doesn't often rebel against the largest, and most powerful military country in the world, go to war with them, and survive, let alone finish victoriously, gaining their independence, and fighting to uphold that independence, 35 years later, in 1812!!!  Essentially, America had beaten the British, twice, to emphasize their determination to remain independent of their original colonial founder!!!  (There is even some historical evidence that British financiers tried to ingratiate themselves into the Confederacy, during the Civil War, as if that would be a means of regaining control over part of America, with the rest to follow, later.  John Wilkes Booth is reputed to have met with some British  industrialists, to help with his conspiracy,   One has to wonder what their motivation was!)

There almost seemed to be some higher power guiding this fledgling nation, through it's infancy!  Gee!... I wonder what that power could be!   Hmmmmm!  Could it be,...……, God???????????????

Another secular source seems to have lighted upon this "secret" to America's success, in a reverse, or negative way!!!  Rather than copy America's "goodness", which was obviously centered around a majority view that God exists, and that obedience to His commandments will bring about a national prosperity, that other nations fail to acquire  (without such), Russia, after it's revolution, determined to conquer the rest of the world, by surreptitiously undermining the "goodness" of  a country's people, through years of propagandizing it's children, through their public school system!!!  The Russians seemed to recognize that a good nation tended to prosper, but since they had already come to believe that God did not exist, they could not except the connection between these countries' belief in God, and the "goodness" of the people.  So they decided to change their goodness, in order to enslave them!

 In this manner, the dedicated brainwashing of the leftist Department of Education, has created a whole generation of new adult voters, in America, without a clue as to what has made America great, and how easily that greatness can be discarded, for the third world Socialist values of the Communist counties!!!  This brainwashing has been subtly done, even unknowingly, by making sure that all qualified teachers believe in leftist values, themselves, and their spoken views will be lapped up by inquisitive children, without their parents' knowledge!   After graduation, it may take years for these children to realize the fallacy of their leftist education, and some may never come to know the truth!!!  Even for those who eventually come to realize the truth, they may cause quite a bit of damage by voting their leftist values, until they do!  Thank God that He is able to correct the harm that they create in the mean time!!!

By the time our nation has been swallowed up by leftist brainwashing, one must surely hope that Jesus will have already "Raptured" those who believe in Him home to be with Him, where no propaganda can subvert His government!!!

"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus..."!!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Is It Time For A "Gog/Magog" Update?

Perhaps!!!  It seems the sanctions that President Trump has placed on Iran have really begun to squeeze the Iranian economy, which can force one of two options upon their regime!  It can have the desired effect upon Iran, and force that belligerent regime to the negotiating table, for some TRULY HONEST negotiations, to both stop their obsessive development of nuclear weapons technology, and stop their financial support of terrorism, around the world, and especially throughout the middle-east!

But, no matter how well intended these sanctions are, by the President, unfortunately, it seems that these two evil aspects of Iran's foreign policy are apparently their most important reason to exist, in their minds!   To negotiate these points with Iran's ruling Mullahs would be tantamount to asking them to commit suicide (which might be a good idea, from our perspective, but highly unlikely that they would consider it.  They would rather that all of their people would commit suicide, in bombing their perceived enemies, while they continue their lives in comparative luxury!)

Anyway, the more realistic choice before Iran's rulers is also the most overwhelmingly evil one:  Not surprisingly, the "Gog/Magog" middle-east invasion, that is written about in the Bible's Ezekiel: 38, and 39, is probably the more tempting option, to the Iranian government!  This Biblical account is consistent with their own "prophecy" in the Koran, which speaks of a world-wide conquest, by those countries that promote Islamic Jihad !  The only difference is that the Koran says they will win the conquering war, while the Bible clearly states that God will help Israel  destroy their invasion force, to the extent of 83% of their armies, when they turn on each other, for whatever reason!

But, as long as Iran's Mullahs believe this "prophecy", you can bet they will not accept any form of reasonable negotiations, with anyone!!!   God wants them to remain belligerent, to their own folly, so He can demonstrate to the world that, "there is still a God in Israel", and He intends to protect His people, against whatever evil intentions man can dream up against them!!!


UPDATE:  9/20/2019--

Barely had I finished writing the above post, when news came of the attack on the Saudi Arabian oil facilities, which begins to look fairly certain to be originating from Iran!  So far, President Trump seems to be trying to avoid military options against Iran, which seems desperate to try and force him to decide to go ahead with some form of military response!!!  Iran is now a close ally with Russia, and I suspect that they would prefer some kind of war response from the U.S.!  Trump is trying to force the Iranian people to revolt against the ruling Mullahs, by increasing the sanctions to awesome levels!   But apparently the Shiite Muslims of Iran have an unbelievable pain threshold for the sake of their religious leaders!   I suppose they obsessively believe in the same "prophecies" in their Koran, that speak of a time when Islam will dominate the world, that are serving the belligerence of their ruling Mullahs!

At any rate, Russia is probably sitting back and waiting for something to break, so they can enter the Middle-East, supposedly to support their "ally", Iran, and use that as an excuse to invade and conquer Saudi Arabia!  With the Saudi oil reserves under their control, they can boycott the western nations into submission, and force the sanctions against them to be repealed!

I simply can not imagine that the Biblically prophecied "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion can be long in coming!!!  Sure, the prophecy is some 2500 years old, but there has never been such animus between all the participants in history, and the whole thing looks like the proverbial  boiling pot, ready to explode!!!

And, when it does, don't bother running for cover!!!  Christians, look up!!!  For your redemption draweth nigh!!!   Everyone else, may God have mercy on your souls!!!

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Democrats Are Running A Blatant Power Grab Scheme!!!

This was tried before, unsuccessfully, by a guy named Lindon Larouche, who ran as the candidate for the "American Communist Party" through many election campaigns in the sixties, and perhaps even earlier.  The difference was that he openly admitted what he wanted to do to America, and most Americans said, "No, thanks!!!" and dismissed him for the unpatriotic fool he was.   He's gone now, thank God, but we now have a plethora of Democratic candidates who are just as far left as he was, especially Bernie, but they are trying to cloud their values in respectability, in order to deceive the voters into voting for something they don't want!!!

Few Americans really want to destroy America, except for the Democrats!  If they could force us to accept their dogma, it wouldn't take long for America to become a third world country, along the lines of Bangladesh, or Mongolia, or some such!!!  Their main objective is to fool us into voluntarily accepting third-world  status, so they can prop up their favorite "Utopian" country, the European government that would control their "One World" Socialist system!!!  Europe's Socialist system can not compete fairly against us, now, so (typically) the leftists merely devise a way of cheating. to get what they want!  They throw out this scare tactic, called "Global Warming", with absurd warnings of dire tragedies that would naturally evolve, (most of which have not developed more than 1, or 2 percentage points, since they were first enunciated decades ago), unless we bankrupt our treasury paying for programs that would replace our more polluting aspects of our economy.  They would have us ban oil, and natural gas technology, (while not requiring worse polluters, like China and India to do the same.)  They would force us to rely exclusively upon inefficient, and expensive wind, an solar technologies  (which companies I suspect they are heavily invested in themselves).   Other areas, like cars and airplanes, they would simply ban, sending us back to the horse-and-buggy days, with sailing ships to cross the oceans!

Their whole point has little to do with climate change, which is probably a natural cyclical development based upon variations in the intensity of the sun!  (I wonder when they will try to ban the sun, next???)   What they are really after is the destruction of our economy, to fulfill their leftist ideological belief that the preeminent economy must be destroyed, so that others can reap the benefits of new opportunities.  Instead of competing with better technology, and products, for cheaper prices, they prefer to destroy the competition!   They foolishly believe this will enrich their own economies, and not stimulate someone else to replace that which they have destroyed in us!

During the Revolutionary War, there was an American General who tried to enrich himself by using his military to shut down former business competitors, confiscate their products, and sell them for his own profit!   His name was Benedict Arnold!!!  Are these Democratic candidates really that much different???

Their whole effort is to hoodwink us into agreeing to greatly lower our standard of living, while they blatantly increase  their own standard of living (how many of these candidates are screaming about shameless waste of fossil fuels, while they ride around the country in fuel-guzzling private jets???)