Apparently it is endemic of Socialism in general, in every socialist nation, especially within the "One World" Socialist system that Europe is trying to create, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, which is overrun with "Deep State" bureaucrats who impose their will on the average citizens, even though they are unelected officials, who have no authority beyond their appointments. This is the basis of the British revolt from this system, known as "Brexit", which the citizens voted for last year, while their Prime Minister, and other government elites have been foot dragging on the exit procedure, ever since! The bureaucrats not only have obscure authority, but do not fear punishment, since they can not be un-elected to the position for which they were not originally elected, in the first place. Sound familiar??? The English are tired of unelected bureaucrats, who live far away from them, telling them what they can, and cannot do!!! In this case the, "Something rotten in (Europe)…" does not stink from Denmark, but from Belgium (with apologies to W. Shakespeare)!!!
Pardon my ignorance of typical Socialist bureaucracy! I was under the impression that the American Democrats were merely using the federal bureaucracy as a dumping ground for their brand of job creation, as opposed to the Republican efforts to create the environment for job creation in the private sector! I didn't realize the extent to which the Democrats were stocking their departments with loyal Socialists, who were ready to harass Republicans, and especially Conservatives, when called upon. This has apparently been the practice of Democratic administrations since Bill Clinton's Presidency, if not before. Because they had almost airtight union contracts, that made it difficult to fire them, they felt they were free to run amok with near impunity. This is the way that our form of encroaching Socialism has almost completely destroyed our democratic Republic, and they are still trying to do so, today!!!
We have traditionally believed that all government employees were careful to ignore their own political beliefs, and carry out the instructions of their politically appointed bosses, even if they disagreed with them, and were appointed by members of the opposing party! Not so much, today, when the bureaucrats feel their union contract is so tight that they can get away with acts of insubordination because their bosses feel that the process of firing them is too much trouble, so they merely demote their authority, and ignore them! The result is an over-bloated bureaucracy, which frequently doesn't do their job at all, because they dislike their bosses! Even the White House is supposedly plagued with these types of "Deep Staters"!!!
I suspect that this reality sets up the Mueller investigators, and the FISA Court signees, plan to avoid prosecution for their obvious crimes as "Deep State" cronies. Their plan is to do nothing! They are desperately waiting for the imagined Socialist waive to save them from prosecution for their obvious crimes, and even from charges of treason!!! They desperately hope for a Democratic, or even Socialist presidential victory, and clean sweep of Congressional control, in the 2020 election! Afterwards any prosecutions started before then would be stopped, and they would get away with their crimes, ready to do it all over again, if necessary!
The Republican investigators are playing into their hands, by taking forever to determine the obvious, and to begin indicting, and prosecuting, the people who have already been linked to this obvious attempt to bring about what I have previously called an attempted peaceful Coup, to overthrow President Trump, and his administration!!! If this lengthy process drags on beyond the 2020 election, with the Left taking over the Presidency, and Congress, they will quickly abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist government, and America will be no more, and anyone who tries to resist them will discover the lack of peace in this takeover!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Mssg. To Democrats" Pleeeeeeease...Impeach The President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go ahead! Let's have at it! I can't wait!!!
The impeachment proceedings means that both House Democrats, and Republicans will be able to question each witness, whether directly, or through their respective legal Prosecutors, or Defense Attorneys; all being broadcast by television openly to the viewing public!!! So, while the Leftist media may try to manipulate the broadcast, by blocking the Republican questioning, with untimely commercial breaks, and their moderators discussing the testimony, rather than allowing the viewers to watch it, you can bet that FOX NEWS will cover it all!!! So, the American public will finally be able to make up their own minds, after hearing the testimony, without it having been sifted through the political bias of greedy, partisan politicians!!! (FOX NEWS' ratings will probably skyrocket through the roof!!!)
We can expect that the unabashedly biased House Democrats will gang up on the President, to impeach him, but remember, Impeachment is merely a fancy word for Indictment, and not a conviction, which must be the handled by the Senate, where the majority of Republicans can be expected to vote it down!!!
The net result of the whole procedure will be to expose the Democrats as wasting taxpayers' money, with their endless investigations, while doing virtually nothing else with their time, and not accomplishing their intended goal of removing the President from office! The voting public will see that this has truly been a political witch hunt, and a great waste of taxpayers' money, accomplishing nothing, but proving the Democrats care nothing about serving the country, while carrying out their belligerent political theater!!!
Sure, their diehard constituents will applaud their efforts, but I fail to see how these proceeding will convince the more moderate Democrats, who might tend to vote for the President's re-election out of sympathy for his persecution!!!
So, go ahead, Democrats; and let the circus begin!!!
The impeachment proceedings means that both House Democrats, and Republicans will be able to question each witness, whether directly, or through their respective legal Prosecutors, or Defense Attorneys; all being broadcast by television openly to the viewing public!!! So, while the Leftist media may try to manipulate the broadcast, by blocking the Republican questioning, with untimely commercial breaks, and their moderators discussing the testimony, rather than allowing the viewers to watch it, you can bet that FOX NEWS will cover it all!!! So, the American public will finally be able to make up their own minds, after hearing the testimony, without it having been sifted through the political bias of greedy, partisan politicians!!! (FOX NEWS' ratings will probably skyrocket through the roof!!!)
We can expect that the unabashedly biased House Democrats will gang up on the President, to impeach him, but remember, Impeachment is merely a fancy word for Indictment, and not a conviction, which must be the handled by the Senate, where the majority of Republicans can be expected to vote it down!!!
The net result of the whole procedure will be to expose the Democrats as wasting taxpayers' money, with their endless investigations, while doing virtually nothing else with their time, and not accomplishing their intended goal of removing the President from office! The voting public will see that this has truly been a political witch hunt, and a great waste of taxpayers' money, accomplishing nothing, but proving the Democrats care nothing about serving the country, while carrying out their belligerent political theater!!!
Sure, their diehard constituents will applaud their efforts, but I fail to see how these proceeding will convince the more moderate Democrats, who might tend to vote for the President's re-election out of sympathy for his persecution!!!
So, go ahead, Democrats; and let the circus begin!!!
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Could The Left Be Considered TREASONOUS??? Including Democrats???
By definition, treason is when someone wants to overthrow the present government, and give the country to the government of another entity, or country! I submit that if my suspicions are correct, and the evidence indicates that they are, then all the leftist demagogues, that are spouting all these outrageous principles, that are so absurd that even they must know that they would destroy our country if they were ever put into practice, must be intentionally trying to destroy our government, in order to force us into their preferred government: the "One-World" Socialist government, that the European Union is trying to develop! To me, that meets the criteria of TREASON, easily!!!
But, the practice of the so-called Fabian Socialists of the 19th Century, which has dominated the governments of western Europe, and differs only slightly from Communist Revolution, is to slowly brainwash a population with their encroaching principles, beginning with the least offensive, until they present the most outrageous, and socially destructive principles, to a brainwashed populace, which by that time is thoroughly conditioned to accept Socialism as a viable form of government, rather than a destructive social concept!
The Leftist leaning public school systems, regulated by the Federal Department of Education has produced generations of brainwashed young adults, who actually believe that socialism is the best form of government (A.O.C.!!!), after years of schools refusing to teach any course that could seem even slightly patriotic, such as American History, Civics, anything that presented Capitalism, or the Constitution in a positive way. The Constitution was presented as an obsolete document that has outlived it's usefulness, and must be abolished!!! All this has been to condition society for a leftist takeover of our government, which will abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist system that Britain is desperately trying to exit, but their elitists are foot dragging to keep them from leaving! Whenever you hear about the world's "Globalists", they are talking about the "One World" Socialists, which the Bible prophecies will be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, who will use it to persecute Christians and Jews during the 7-year Tribulation period. God will allow this to happen, to test us to see who will remain faithful to Him, and who will not!!!
My reasoning centers upon the belief that even these people who spout those outrageous plans for our country can't be so ignorant of the harmful effects of what they are proposing. These people can't be so stupid as to think that outrageously expensive plans, such as Medicare for everyone in America (and you bet that will include illegal immigrants), reparations for Blacks, for damages brought upon their slave ancestors ( whether, or not one considers this to be deserved, it will increase the debt, monstrously), and trillions of dollars for "global warming" projects, that the worst polluters are exempted from! It doesn't even consider the foolishness of a "Guaranteed National Income" for everyone!!! These Leftists must know what history says about empires that hyperinflated their currencies, until they were considered worthless, and were no longer accepted as legal tender, for the payment of debt!!! I believe they are intentionally trying to force us into such a destructive hyperinflationary crisis!!! Historically, some of the most evil empires grew out of the wreckage after a hyperinflationary crisis (to wit; Nazi Germany, in the 1930's)!
The U.S. Dollar has been reported to be worth about 5 cents of what it used to be, due to years, even decades of irresponsible currency inflation, and debt, to supply the programs of greedy politicians, in both parties! Tack on the outrageous Trillion dollar programs that these idiots propose, and the dollar will soon be so worthless that our trading partners will not accept it as payment for debts! Then we will all be faced with the likelihood of starvation, unless we can convert our savings into other, more stable currencies! I suspect that this is the ultimate intent of these irresponsible programs being proposed by the Democrats!!! They want to create such a panic in America that we will demand that our politicians join in the European "One-World" Socialist movement, and accept their computerized economic system, which the Bible cautions us to never accept, on pain of eternal damnation!!!
So there you have it! Democrats are proposing Pie-in-the-sky programs that they must know will bankrupt our economy, so they can lure us into abolishing our Constitution, and joining another system (that is not just of a different country, but of the whole world)!!! If that doesn't smack of treasonous intent, I don't know what else would!!!
May God protect us from this ever happening!!!
But, the practice of the so-called Fabian Socialists of the 19th Century, which has dominated the governments of western Europe, and differs only slightly from Communist Revolution, is to slowly brainwash a population with their encroaching principles, beginning with the least offensive, until they present the most outrageous, and socially destructive principles, to a brainwashed populace, which by that time is thoroughly conditioned to accept Socialism as a viable form of government, rather than a destructive social concept!
The Leftist leaning public school systems, regulated by the Federal Department of Education has produced generations of brainwashed young adults, who actually believe that socialism is the best form of government (A.O.C.!!!), after years of schools refusing to teach any course that could seem even slightly patriotic, such as American History, Civics, anything that presented Capitalism, or the Constitution in a positive way. The Constitution was presented as an obsolete document that has outlived it's usefulness, and must be abolished!!! All this has been to condition society for a leftist takeover of our government, which will abolish the Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist system that Britain is desperately trying to exit, but their elitists are foot dragging to keep them from leaving! Whenever you hear about the world's "Globalists", they are talking about the "One World" Socialists, which the Bible prophecies will be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, who will use it to persecute Christians and Jews during the 7-year Tribulation period. God will allow this to happen, to test us to see who will remain faithful to Him, and who will not!!!
My reasoning centers upon the belief that even these people who spout those outrageous plans for our country can't be so ignorant of the harmful effects of what they are proposing. These people can't be so stupid as to think that outrageously expensive plans, such as Medicare for everyone in America (and you bet that will include illegal immigrants), reparations for Blacks, for damages brought upon their slave ancestors ( whether, or not one considers this to be deserved, it will increase the debt, monstrously), and trillions of dollars for "global warming" projects, that the worst polluters are exempted from! It doesn't even consider the foolishness of a "Guaranteed National Income" for everyone!!! These Leftists must know what history says about empires that hyperinflated their currencies, until they were considered worthless, and were no longer accepted as legal tender, for the payment of debt!!! I believe they are intentionally trying to force us into such a destructive hyperinflationary crisis!!! Historically, some of the most evil empires grew out of the wreckage after a hyperinflationary crisis (to wit; Nazi Germany, in the 1930's)!
The U.S. Dollar has been reported to be worth about 5 cents of what it used to be, due to years, even decades of irresponsible currency inflation, and debt, to supply the programs of greedy politicians, in both parties! Tack on the outrageous Trillion dollar programs that these idiots propose, and the dollar will soon be so worthless that our trading partners will not accept it as payment for debts! Then we will all be faced with the likelihood of starvation, unless we can convert our savings into other, more stable currencies! I suspect that this is the ultimate intent of these irresponsible programs being proposed by the Democrats!!! They want to create such a panic in America that we will demand that our politicians join in the European "One-World" Socialist movement, and accept their computerized economic system, which the Bible cautions us to never accept, on pain of eternal damnation!!!
So there you have it! Democrats are proposing Pie-in-the-sky programs that they must know will bankrupt our economy, so they can lure us into abolishing our Constitution, and joining another system (that is not just of a different country, but of the whole world)!!! If that doesn't smack of treasonous intent, I don't know what else would!!!
May God protect us from this ever happening!!!
Sunday, May 26, 2019
If MY PEOPLE, ... turn From Their Wicked Ways, ...Then Will I... Heal Their Land.
The above title is a synopsis of God's miraculous formula for reviving a broken and dangerously faithless land, as America has regrettably become! I sight the recent statistics of the Pew Research poll, which states that the number of professing adults who call themselves "Christians", in America, today, has dropped from over 78% , in 2004, to a little over 70% , now! And, remember, these are not the people that God considers to be His People; merely those who accurately, or not, consider themselves to be Christians. This includes, genuine, and nominal Christians, both!
It does not include the truly unrepentant sinners (why am I tempted to write, "like the Democrats", here???). The unrepentant sinners are the cause of God's impending judgement, but the restraint of that judgement is the degree of true faith in the rest of the nation. That judgement will come when God decides that the level of Christian faith is insufficient to balance out the level of heathen sinning going on, unrepentantly, within that nation. Has he reached that point with us, yet??? I certainly hope not, but I doubt if He will wait much longer!!! The intent of this post is not to save the sinners, as much as it is to wake up the complacent "Christians", who may not be as ready as they think, to face the judgement of God!!! (His judgement for a wicked nation will somehow exempt the true believing Christians, whether through "Rapture", or some other method. But, many "Christians" may be shocked to realize they are not as "exempt" as they should be, when it's too late!!!)
Many children are raised in Christian families, and grow up assuming that they are Christians, but having never actually given their hearts to Jesus, which is the determining factor in what God considers to be Christians. Or, they did commit to Jesus, in their childhood, and were led astray as they grew up in our very secular public school system! They may even think they are still Christians, while performing some of the evil acts that are commonly committed by school children today. Or, they may falsely believe in their childhood conversion well into their early adulthood, without feeling any need to openly practice the tenets of the faith of their childhood. Even more were raised faithlessly, and see no need to come to Christ, today!!!
According to II Chronicles 7:14, the whole formula for healing a desperately broken nation, as America has obviously become, is stated as follows: "If MY PEOPLE, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and HEAL THEIR LAND!!!"( God's formula for giving one's life to Jesus is printed at the top of this page, for those who haven't yet, and want to be certain that they are ready to escape His judgement for a wicked nation!!! Simply pray the above prayer, and Jesus will do the rest!)
In reflection, consider a few points within this statement! Since these are God's words, spoken to His people, thousands of years ago, and intended to be as true today as it was in the day He spoke them, it seems clear that He considers all who profess to be Christians, to be "His people", simply because they call themselves to be so, rightly, or not! Perhaps not in the sense that they are faithful to Him, but that their confession has showed enough promise that God is not willing to give up on them, until He has brought them to true faith, in Himself. He is not talking about the heathen in this passage; the rest of the Bible is available to reach them! He is particularly interested in those who call themselves Christians, now! If these people will follow the above formula of genuine repentance OF THEIR SIN, as well as the committed Christians, (who may have recently fallen into some form of sin, and have not yet repented of it, and asked Jesus to forgive it) then He promises to hear them, "...and … forgive their sin (individually, and collectively), and heal their land!!!"
In calling them His people, I believe He is honoring their own beliefs, even though that may not get them into heaven, if they died immediately. He has promised that He "...will never leave you, nor forsake you", and that goes for the most ignorant, childish, profession of faith! He will continuously draw that person to an understanding of what a genuine commitment entails. If they then recommit in their adulthood, then the above promises will be available for them, as well as the rest of the people of their land!!! Sure, he wants the unrepentant sinners to seek his salvation, as well! But, for the immediate problem of healing our land, we must all repent of our collective sins, and our wickedness, before it's too late! Then afterward, we can address the preaching of salvation to the unrepentant, in a land that is safe from God's impending judgement, as we are presently in acute danger today, (as Jesus said, "a house divided can not stand", and neither can a nation!!!)
Anyone who foolishly looks upon the state of America today, and does not draw the same conclusion as I have, is a fool that the Devil has lulled into complacency so they will not interfere with his evil plans!!! Just the state of the rantings of the Democratic "Presidential Candidates" should convince us all that judgement can not be far away!!! No candidate for President could ever realistically be considered a potential winner until today, with the silly platform issues they are professing unabashedly! Do you really believe that their hatred of President Trump is simply because they don't like him??? Whatever level of Christian faith you may believe motivates him, the real reason they "hate" him is because he is trying to, "make America Great again", right when Satan is trying to get Europe to develop his "One-World" Socialist government, and he needs America to fall into hopeless decline, to force us to join in his system, which God has prophecied that Christians must never do!!! Since Satan is in charge of all hatred, it is the easiest thing in the world for him to make all these people think they really hate him!!! Actually, Satan is using them as a conduit to express his hatred of Trump, and the rest of us, too!!!
It does not include the truly unrepentant sinners (why am I tempted to write, "like the Democrats", here???). The unrepentant sinners are the cause of God's impending judgement, but the restraint of that judgement is the degree of true faith in the rest of the nation. That judgement will come when God decides that the level of Christian faith is insufficient to balance out the level of heathen sinning going on, unrepentantly, within that nation. Has he reached that point with us, yet??? I certainly hope not, but I doubt if He will wait much longer!!! The intent of this post is not to save the sinners, as much as it is to wake up the complacent "Christians", who may not be as ready as they think, to face the judgement of God!!! (His judgement for a wicked nation will somehow exempt the true believing Christians, whether through "Rapture", or some other method. But, many "Christians" may be shocked to realize they are not as "exempt" as they should be, when it's too late!!!)
Many children are raised in Christian families, and grow up assuming that they are Christians, but having never actually given their hearts to Jesus, which is the determining factor in what God considers to be Christians. Or, they did commit to Jesus, in their childhood, and were led astray as they grew up in our very secular public school system! They may even think they are still Christians, while performing some of the evil acts that are commonly committed by school children today. Or, they may falsely believe in their childhood conversion well into their early adulthood, without feeling any need to openly practice the tenets of the faith of their childhood. Even more were raised faithlessly, and see no need to come to Christ, today!!!
According to II Chronicles 7:14, the whole formula for healing a desperately broken nation, as America has obviously become, is stated as follows: "If MY PEOPLE, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and HEAL THEIR LAND!!!"( God's formula for giving one's life to Jesus is printed at the top of this page, for those who haven't yet, and want to be certain that they are ready to escape His judgement for a wicked nation!!! Simply pray the above prayer, and Jesus will do the rest!)
In reflection, consider a few points within this statement! Since these are God's words, spoken to His people, thousands of years ago, and intended to be as true today as it was in the day He spoke them, it seems clear that He considers all who profess to be Christians, to be "His people", simply because they call themselves to be so, rightly, or not! Perhaps not in the sense that they are faithful to Him, but that their confession has showed enough promise that God is not willing to give up on them, until He has brought them to true faith, in Himself. He is not talking about the heathen in this passage; the rest of the Bible is available to reach them! He is particularly interested in those who call themselves Christians, now! If these people will follow the above formula of genuine repentance OF THEIR SIN, as well as the committed Christians, (who may have recently fallen into some form of sin, and have not yet repented of it, and asked Jesus to forgive it) then He promises to hear them, "...and … forgive their sin (individually, and collectively), and heal their land!!!"
In calling them His people, I believe He is honoring their own beliefs, even though that may not get them into heaven, if they died immediately. He has promised that He "...will never leave you, nor forsake you", and that goes for the most ignorant, childish, profession of faith! He will continuously draw that person to an understanding of what a genuine commitment entails. If they then recommit in their adulthood, then the above promises will be available for them, as well as the rest of the people of their land!!! Sure, he wants the unrepentant sinners to seek his salvation, as well! But, for the immediate problem of healing our land, we must all repent of our collective sins, and our wickedness, before it's too late! Then afterward, we can address the preaching of salvation to the unrepentant, in a land that is safe from God's impending judgement, as we are presently in acute danger today, (as Jesus said, "a house divided can not stand", and neither can a nation!!!)
Anyone who foolishly looks upon the state of America today, and does not draw the same conclusion as I have, is a fool that the Devil has lulled into complacency so they will not interfere with his evil plans!!! Just the state of the rantings of the Democratic "Presidential Candidates" should convince us all that judgement can not be far away!!! No candidate for President could ever realistically be considered a potential winner until today, with the silly platform issues they are professing unabashedly! Do you really believe that their hatred of President Trump is simply because they don't like him??? Whatever level of Christian faith you may believe motivates him, the real reason they "hate" him is because he is trying to, "make America Great again", right when Satan is trying to get Europe to develop his "One-World" Socialist government, and he needs America to fall into hopeless decline, to force us to join in his system, which God has prophecied that Christians must never do!!! Since Satan is in charge of all hatred, it is the easiest thing in the world for him to make all these people think they really hate him!!! Actually, Satan is using them as a conduit to express his hatred of Trump, and the rest of us, too!!!
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Should We Go To War With Iran, First, Or San Francisco???
It's hard to figure which is the more dangerous enemy of the people of America today!!!
San Francisco has long been the "capitol" of the LGBT. movement. But, I don't believe they are capable of completely taking over our government, unless those of us who resist their perverse values sit back and do nothing! The old adage of, "all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing!", certainly seems to apply here! We have the authority to lay ahold of the Throne of God, and literally bombard Him with our desperate prayers for His Divine Intervention, to deliver our nation from the evil threat to destroy our Constitutional form of government, and force us into the prophecied European "One-World" Socialist government, that the Antichrist will eventually take over!
I would suggest that even people who don't really believe that God exists, but don't like the way things are going, should at least try praying to see if He will really deliver this nation from it's desperate divisiveness. There seems to be no other good solution, and what do you have to lose by trying???
Lately, San Francisco has also been the home of what has been called the bastion of "liberal group think", and political correctness, centered in "Silicon Valley", just outside of San Francisco. Mega corporations, like Facebook, Twitter, and Google (along the "social media" trail) have recently taken it upon themselves to begin censoring what they consider to be inappropriate blog posts on the internet. But, what they consider to be inappropriate seems to be mostly conservative viewpoints, or whatever they disagree with! Granted this is not protected by the first Amendment to the Constitution, which restricts the censoring of free speech by Congress, whose business is to make the country's laws. But, these corporations have so much easy capacity to censor anything they wish to, that the almost exclusive censorship of conservative speech seems to be almost the same thing, in effect! We now have quasi-governmental corporations taking extra governmental regulatory restrictions upon their customers, simply because they disagree with them! It almost seems like they are daring Congress to pass laws to break up what seems to be an encroaching group of monopolistic corporations, which have too much power to censor, because there is too little competition to oppose it!
I wonder how George Orwell seemed to get so much of his predictions correct, in his book, "1984" considering that he claimed no divine prophetic revelation! The date of his prognostications was certainly not correct, but the general description of the evil era he was describing seems to be frighteningly accurate! Was he a Christian, who was given a vision of what was in store for us, but didn't wish to claim any divine revelation, out of humble concerns? One can only wonder!
Regardless, it's up to the rest of us to get off our behinds, and get on our knees, and "bombard the Thrown of God", with our desperate prayers for His revival of our nation! Time may well be growing short, to do so!!!
San Francisco has long been the "capitol" of the LGBT. movement. But, I don't believe they are capable of completely taking over our government, unless those of us who resist their perverse values sit back and do nothing! The old adage of, "all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing!", certainly seems to apply here! We have the authority to lay ahold of the Throne of God, and literally bombard Him with our desperate prayers for His Divine Intervention, to deliver our nation from the evil threat to destroy our Constitutional form of government, and force us into the prophecied European "One-World" Socialist government, that the Antichrist will eventually take over!
I would suggest that even people who don't really believe that God exists, but don't like the way things are going, should at least try praying to see if He will really deliver this nation from it's desperate divisiveness. There seems to be no other good solution, and what do you have to lose by trying???
Lately, San Francisco has also been the home of what has been called the bastion of "liberal group think", and political correctness, centered in "Silicon Valley", just outside of San Francisco. Mega corporations, like Facebook, Twitter, and Google (along the "social media" trail) have recently taken it upon themselves to begin censoring what they consider to be inappropriate blog posts on the internet. But, what they consider to be inappropriate seems to be mostly conservative viewpoints, or whatever they disagree with! Granted this is not protected by the first Amendment to the Constitution, which restricts the censoring of free speech by Congress, whose business is to make the country's laws. But, these corporations have so much easy capacity to censor anything they wish to, that the almost exclusive censorship of conservative speech seems to be almost the same thing, in effect! We now have quasi-governmental corporations taking extra governmental regulatory restrictions upon their customers, simply because they disagree with them! It almost seems like they are daring Congress to pass laws to break up what seems to be an encroaching group of monopolistic corporations, which have too much power to censor, because there is too little competition to oppose it!
I wonder how George Orwell seemed to get so much of his predictions correct, in his book, "1984" considering that he claimed no divine prophetic revelation! The date of his prognostications was certainly not correct, but the general description of the evil era he was describing seems to be frighteningly accurate! Was he a Christian, who was given a vision of what was in store for us, but didn't wish to claim any divine revelation, out of humble concerns? One can only wonder!
Regardless, it's up to the rest of us to get off our behinds, and get on our knees, and "bombard the Thrown of God", with our desperate prayers for His revival of our nation! Time may well be growing short, to do so!!!
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Squealing Of "Stuck Pigs"!!!
The above title refers to an old American adage which means complaining when criticism hurts, whether it is well deserved, or not! Also well known is the fact that no one screams "Police abuse!" louder than a criminal that is caught in the act, with plenty of incriminating evidence to prove his guilt!!! The intent is to obfuscate the incident, and get any judge to throw the case out of court, regardless of the guilt, or innocence of the accused!!!
The screeching from the political Left, over the past few years, must fall somewhere between these two principles! (I won't bother to guess which one fits their loud squealing best!) But, I suspect they are trying to direct attention away from the several investigations of the past few years, now that they have unanimously concluded that there was no evidence of Trump Campaign collusion with the Russian attempt to influence the 2016 election. The recent acknowledgement that Attorney General Barr has begun an investigation into the propriety of these investigations, with concerns that some of the investigators may have overstepped their legal authority, in their malicious fervor! I think we can expect to see some of these officials, most of whom have been fired, or resigned their positions, to take long-term vacations, in whatever countries do not have extradition treaties with the U.S.!!!
In the mean time the complaining from the Left, and the endless attempt to investigate President Trump, and the desperate attempt to find him guilty of any impeachable offense ( is blowing one's nose, in public, an impeachable offense???), continues endlessly, from the Democratic controlled House of Representatives!!! It seems as if they hope to fend off criticism of their endless investigations, by exhausting our patience of even considering anything. I guess they hope we will just forget about it all!
But. we dare not, in my opinion!!! I wrote earlier that the past few years of investigations smack of a non-violent form of political coup! If the perpetrators feel they can get away with this, and avoid prosecution, and punishment, they will surely try it again! And the next time may not be non-violent!!! I think all this clamoring about abolishing the second amendment is with the expectation that the next Democratic victory for the Presidency, and the Congress, will need to be free of any possibility of a popular revolt of the people, when the Democrats try to permanently abolish the Constitution, and force us into joining the European concept of a "One-World" Socialist government!!! They can't stand America's free enterprise, and Capitalist system because it doesn't facilitate bureaucratic skimming off the top to enrich the politicians, like Socialism does!
It also doesn't allow for tyrannical discrimination against Christians, and Jews, as the Bible says this system will allow for the Antichrist, who is prophecied to eventually take over this system, and use it to launch a genocidal campaign, that will make Nazi Germany look like kindergarten!!!
The screeching from the political Left, over the past few years, must fall somewhere between these two principles! (I won't bother to guess which one fits their loud squealing best!) But, I suspect they are trying to direct attention away from the several investigations of the past few years, now that they have unanimously concluded that there was no evidence of Trump Campaign collusion with the Russian attempt to influence the 2016 election. The recent acknowledgement that Attorney General Barr has begun an investigation into the propriety of these investigations, with concerns that some of the investigators may have overstepped their legal authority, in their malicious fervor! I think we can expect to see some of these officials, most of whom have been fired, or resigned their positions, to take long-term vacations, in whatever countries do not have extradition treaties with the U.S.!!!
In the mean time the complaining from the Left, and the endless attempt to investigate President Trump, and the desperate attempt to find him guilty of any impeachable offense ( is blowing one's nose, in public, an impeachable offense???), continues endlessly, from the Democratic controlled House of Representatives!!! It seems as if they hope to fend off criticism of their endless investigations, by exhausting our patience of even considering anything. I guess they hope we will just forget about it all!
But. we dare not, in my opinion!!! I wrote earlier that the past few years of investigations smack of a non-violent form of political coup! If the perpetrators feel they can get away with this, and avoid prosecution, and punishment, they will surely try it again! And the next time may not be non-violent!!! I think all this clamoring about abolishing the second amendment is with the expectation that the next Democratic victory for the Presidency, and the Congress, will need to be free of any possibility of a popular revolt of the people, when the Democrats try to permanently abolish the Constitution, and force us into joining the European concept of a "One-World" Socialist government!!! They can't stand America's free enterprise, and Capitalist system because it doesn't facilitate bureaucratic skimming off the top to enrich the politicians, like Socialism does!
It also doesn't allow for tyrannical discrimination against Christians, and Jews, as the Bible says this system will allow for the Antichrist, who is prophecied to eventually take over this system, and use it to launch a genocidal campaign, that will make Nazi Germany look like kindergarten!!!
Sunday, May 12, 2019
More On, "...Those Who Call Good Evil, And Evil Good!!!
I have long been intrigued by various so-called conspiracy theories, mostly because they all seemed to be so unbelievable that it seemed unlikely for them to prosper here in America. But lately, I've been reading "The Shadow Party", by David Horowitz, and Richard Poe, and I don't find it intriguing, because it scares the you-know-what out of me!!!
Lately, we have been hearing reports about billionaire computer company owners, and the like, who have taken it upon themselves to try and force their liberal values upon their customers, infringing upon their rights, in ways that government officials would be arrested for tryin the same tactics through their bureaucracies! It always seems to be oppression against their openly conservative customers, never the Left! The book I mentioned above points to the "Grand Poohbah" of liberal billionaires, George Soros, as funding nearly every anti-establishment organization, and trying to impeach every Republican President, since the last century. Coincidentally, Democratic Presidents seem to be immune from such harassment, even when they confuse falacio as not being a form of, "sexual intercourse with that woman"!!! Just another case of selective moral outrage being fomented against conservatives, only!
There was a time when most of the corporate money for presidential campaigns was given to Republican candidates. No Longer. It used to be that corporations figured they would be best served by a president who promoted capitalist values. Also no longer! I suspect that these liberal billionaires were converted in our liberal universities into being "One-World" Socialist devotees, otherwise known as, "Globalists", and after they established their computer companies they found it was easier to get socialist governments to cooperate with their policies, and very profitably so!!! We now see how much they care about the Bill Of Rights, of the Constitution, when it comes to profits!!!
The truly scary part of the book was when it quoted various proponents of this conspiracy as saying that they don't believe that capitalism can be successfully overthrown, without widespread violence!!! This tends to legitimize my suspicion that the basis for the Left's obsession with America abolishing the 2nd amendment right to, "keep and bare arms", was because they intend to defend themselves, once they retake the Presidency, and try to abolish the entire Constitution!!! They mean to control the military, and not let anyone dispute their dominance! We see an example of an outraged populace which is powerless to overthrow it's socialist government, because they have no weapons, in Venezuela, today!!! If we think it can't happen here, we are kidding ourselves!
In line with the message of my last post, we must pray that God sends a spiritual revival, to change these peoples' evil hearts, or that He will "Rapture" us out of here, before He wipes them out completely!!!
Lately, we have been hearing reports about billionaire computer company owners, and the like, who have taken it upon themselves to try and force their liberal values upon their customers, infringing upon their rights, in ways that government officials would be arrested for tryin the same tactics through their bureaucracies! It always seems to be oppression against their openly conservative customers, never the Left! The book I mentioned above points to the "Grand Poohbah" of liberal billionaires, George Soros, as funding nearly every anti-establishment organization, and trying to impeach every Republican President, since the last century. Coincidentally, Democratic Presidents seem to be immune from such harassment, even when they confuse falacio as not being a form of, "sexual intercourse with that woman"!!! Just another case of selective moral outrage being fomented against conservatives, only!
There was a time when most of the corporate money for presidential campaigns was given to Republican candidates. No Longer. It used to be that corporations figured they would be best served by a president who promoted capitalist values. Also no longer! I suspect that these liberal billionaires were converted in our liberal universities into being "One-World" Socialist devotees, otherwise known as, "Globalists", and after they established their computer companies they found it was easier to get socialist governments to cooperate with their policies, and very profitably so!!! We now see how much they care about the Bill Of Rights, of the Constitution, when it comes to profits!!!
The truly scary part of the book was when it quoted various proponents of this conspiracy as saying that they don't believe that capitalism can be successfully overthrown, without widespread violence!!! This tends to legitimize my suspicion that the basis for the Left's obsession with America abolishing the 2nd amendment right to, "keep and bare arms", was because they intend to defend themselves, once they retake the Presidency, and try to abolish the entire Constitution!!! They mean to control the military, and not let anyone dispute their dominance! We see an example of an outraged populace which is powerless to overthrow it's socialist government, because they have no weapons, in Venezuela, today!!! If we think it can't happen here, we are kidding ourselves!
In line with the message of my last post, we must pray that God sends a spiritual revival, to change these peoples' evil hearts, or that He will "Rapture" us out of here, before He wipes them out completely!!!
Friday, May 10, 2019
..."And Among Them That Dwell Carelessly In The Isles"
What I am about to write, I do so with, "fear, and trepidation"...
My main purpose in writing this blog has always been to call to attention, for Christians around the world, to various current events that seem to align with various Biblical prophecies, for the "End Times", or the "Last Days", as the Bible refers to them! As I am fully persuaded that we are well into this period, though I don't know exactly when it began, and I am certainly NOT about to try and predict the day, and time of the "end of the world"!!! So please don't sell your homes for an emergency ten bucks, and head to a mountain top with your family, expecting some divine flying saucer to pick you all up, and fly you all to Heaven!!!
But, on the other hand, I recognize that what I am about to write may sound very similar, and it seems to me that it is premature of what I have been persuaded would likely be the case!!! I don't believe in, "shouting FIRE!!! in a crowded theatre!", as some famous Supreme Court Justice wrote (was it Oliver Wendell Holmes?) concerning the limits of free speech! But, I may be about to. "cry Fire!!!" it the midst of a crowded country, effecting roughly 310 million people (the population of the U.S.)!!! I certainly hope no dangerous panic will result from my efforts, but realistically I imagine I will be dismissed as a raging lunatic, who has finally, "gone off the deep end!" Well, so be it!!! Better for me to become the biggest fool in the world, than for what I believe may soon happen to occur without a warning to those who would otherwise prepare!!!
I have been writing for years that the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, and 39 seemed to be pending, for some time in the very near future! But, even I felt that there would be sufficient warning for believers, if they watched the developing current events, with the prophecy in mind, for indications of it's imminence! I am not so sure, now!!! The developments recently, in the Middle-East, leave me a bit concerned that the timetable may have just moved forward, or more likely my own understanding may simply have been supernaturally corrected, and we may not have much time left! I say this not concerning the Middle-East invasion, which God has promised to work out for Israel's protection, and ultimate victory, but for the apparently Nuclear attack that I had gathered to happen AFTER the conclusion of the war!!!
The part of the prophecy, in Ezekiel 39: 6, which talks about God sending, "fire (Nuclear???) upon Magog (probably Russia, who instigates this whole invasion), and, "among them that dwell carelessly in the isles (also translated as "coastlands", which Biblical scholars have long felt was America!!!) I assumed that this would come after the conclusion of the invasion, since it is described after the description of the war! But it does not have to be so!
I have written about my perplexity over nothing being said about Israel receiving aid from any allies, even with a backhanded reference to what might be America, which would have to be so described, since we did not exist, at the time the prophecy was given. But the silence of what would certainly happen, as long as America was still in existence (since Israel is America's best ally in the Middle-East), caused me much confusion! I hate to suggest it, but it is possible that we may not exist, even before the invasion!!!
With the recent sabre rattling of Iran, and the consequential deploying of the American Aircraft Carrier, and accompanying fleet, it makes me wonder if Russia, or some other communist ally, might preempt the invasion by "getting rid of " America's threat to disrupt the invasion!!! In the spirit of Joseph's words to his brothers, the communists would mean it for evil, "but God (would mean it) for good!" By allowing them to remove America's ability to come to Israel's defense, it would set up His Glory for helping Israel defeat the invaders, without any allied help (which would seem to be impossible, in worldly terms)!!!
So, where does that leave us??? If I am right, and I certainly hope I am being foolishly in error, and unnecessarily (but not irresponsibly) alarmist, then that means we, as a nation must make sure our "spiritual houses" are in order!!! As I have written before, there is some Biblical evidence that God may be planning the "Rapture" for some time before any Nuclear missiles touch down! If that's so, then we should all get on our knees, today, and repent of any unconfessed sin in our lives, as there may not be much time left to do so!!! (The rest of the salvation prayer is addressed in the heading at the top of each page for those who want the Lord to come into their hearts, forgive their sins, and take them home to be with him when they die [or, are "Raptured"]!!!) Worst case scenario; I may have totally misunderstood the meaning of the current situation, and may be guilty of some of the worst alarmist buffoonery, ever, by anyone!!! But, perhaps I would unnecessarily lead people to the Lord's eternal salvation! Where is the harm in that??? I would gladly accept the world's criticism if I am wrong, in that case!!!
BUT, IF I'M RIGHT?????????????????????????????
My main purpose in writing this blog has always been to call to attention, for Christians around the world, to various current events that seem to align with various Biblical prophecies, for the "End Times", or the "Last Days", as the Bible refers to them! As I am fully persuaded that we are well into this period, though I don't know exactly when it began, and I am certainly NOT about to try and predict the day, and time of the "end of the world"!!! So please don't sell your homes for an emergency ten bucks, and head to a mountain top with your family, expecting some divine flying saucer to pick you all up, and fly you all to Heaven!!!
But, on the other hand, I recognize that what I am about to write may sound very similar, and it seems to me that it is premature of what I have been persuaded would likely be the case!!! I don't believe in, "shouting FIRE!!! in a crowded theatre!", as some famous Supreme Court Justice wrote (was it Oliver Wendell Holmes?) concerning the limits of free speech! But, I may be about to. "cry Fire!!!" it the midst of a crowded country, effecting roughly 310 million people (the population of the U.S.)!!! I certainly hope no dangerous panic will result from my efforts, but realistically I imagine I will be dismissed as a raging lunatic, who has finally, "gone off the deep end!" Well, so be it!!! Better for me to become the biggest fool in the world, than for what I believe may soon happen to occur without a warning to those who would otherwise prepare!!!
I have been writing for years that the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, and 39 seemed to be pending, for some time in the very near future! But, even I felt that there would be sufficient warning for believers, if they watched the developing current events, with the prophecy in mind, for indications of it's imminence! I am not so sure, now!!! The developments recently, in the Middle-East, leave me a bit concerned that the timetable may have just moved forward, or more likely my own understanding may simply have been supernaturally corrected, and we may not have much time left! I say this not concerning the Middle-East invasion, which God has promised to work out for Israel's protection, and ultimate victory, but for the apparently Nuclear attack that I had gathered to happen AFTER the conclusion of the war!!!
The part of the prophecy, in Ezekiel 39: 6, which talks about God sending, "fire (Nuclear???) upon Magog (probably Russia, who instigates this whole invasion), and, "among them that dwell carelessly in the isles (also translated as "coastlands", which Biblical scholars have long felt was America!!!) I assumed that this would come after the conclusion of the invasion, since it is described after the description of the war! But it does not have to be so!
I have written about my perplexity over nothing being said about Israel receiving aid from any allies, even with a backhanded reference to what might be America, which would have to be so described, since we did not exist, at the time the prophecy was given. But the silence of what would certainly happen, as long as America was still in existence (since Israel is America's best ally in the Middle-East), caused me much confusion! I hate to suggest it, but it is possible that we may not exist, even before the invasion!!!
With the recent sabre rattling of Iran, and the consequential deploying of the American Aircraft Carrier, and accompanying fleet, it makes me wonder if Russia, or some other communist ally, might preempt the invasion by "getting rid of " America's threat to disrupt the invasion!!! In the spirit of Joseph's words to his brothers, the communists would mean it for evil, "but God (would mean it) for good!" By allowing them to remove America's ability to come to Israel's defense, it would set up His Glory for helping Israel defeat the invaders, without any allied help (which would seem to be impossible, in worldly terms)!!!
So, where does that leave us??? If I am right, and I certainly hope I am being foolishly in error, and unnecessarily (but not irresponsibly) alarmist, then that means we, as a nation must make sure our "spiritual houses" are in order!!! As I have written before, there is some Biblical evidence that God may be planning the "Rapture" for some time before any Nuclear missiles touch down! If that's so, then we should all get on our knees, today, and repent of any unconfessed sin in our lives, as there may not be much time left to do so!!! (The rest of the salvation prayer is addressed in the heading at the top of each page for those who want the Lord to come into their hearts, forgive their sins, and take them home to be with him when they die [or, are "Raptured"]!!!) Worst case scenario; I may have totally misunderstood the meaning of the current situation, and may be guilty of some of the worst alarmist buffoonery, ever, by anyone!!! But, perhaps I would unnecessarily lead people to the Lord's eternal salvation! Where is the harm in that??? I would gladly accept the world's criticism if I am wrong, in that case!!!
BUT, IF I'M RIGHT?????????????????????????????
Saturday, May 4, 2019
The Left Pushes For Corporate Censorship
This is just the latest attempt by the left to silence those who disagree with them. They are so desperate to silence us, because they see that our values are working, whereas 8 years of Obama's Socialism stagnated the economy, and threatened our security by insufficiently funding the Defense Department, and forced Hillary to squirm on the sidelines, blaming everybody else for losing the election! This is nothing less than an end run around the First Amendment, which bars discrimination for dissent within the government, so they attack the fundraising of those who disagree with them, to desperately silence them that way!!!
We have FACEBOOK supposedly censoring "harmful" posts on their servers, which "coincidentally" seem to be mostly conservative in nature. This has scared me into recognizing that I could be next, because whatever FACEBOOK deems important, GOOGLE tends to agree with, and vice versa! As this Blog is published by a subsidiary of GOOGLE, it seems we are in danger of some leftist antagonist being so offended by my conservative views, that they deem it important to squelch my ability to speak my mind! We have a tradition here in America of honoring the restrictions that the Constitution places upon the government, even though they legally do not restrict the private sector! I think the principal here is called, "the difference between right, and wrong"!!! We recognize that freedom of speech is a fundamental right for a free society, which means I must tolerate someone's right to speak out against me, if I want to preserve my right to disagree with their opinions!!! The left is frightened by free speech for everyone; they want to be able to say what they want, and silence those who disagree! This very paranoia shows the weakness of their arguments, because they fear that their opinions will not stand the scrutiny of the opposing views!!! Like their politics, they can't stand honest debate. They must rely upon lies, misinformation, manipulation of the truth, and propaganda, none of which can long stand the simple reasoning of the truth!!!
Now we have an effort to get MASTERCARD to block contributions of their patrons to conservative organizations! The Left realizes they can't win honestly, so they desperately try to cheat their way to victory! Again, I say that this is the, "end justifies the means" philosophy of desperate losers, who will do anything to regain power so they can control the economy, to enrich themselves, even if they end up bankrupting the rest of us!!!
So, it boils down to, in the upcoming election, which party do we want to vote for? The party that wants to be elected on the truth, or the one that wants to profess a bunch of lies, and hopes we are stupid enough to believe them?!!
I have settled this in my heart, and I hope the reader has also!!! The desperation of the Left, in seeking corporate help to silence Conservatives, smacks of the future European concept of "One-World" Socialist government, which will not only silence dissent, but will systematically starve it to death, through their computerized economic system that will not allow anyone to buy anything (including food), without the "Mark Of The Beast", which the Bible clearly forbids Christians to accept! The Democrats are rushing to promote the very concepts that will evolve into this very system, which will guarantee the participants an eternity in Hell!!! Gee! Deciding which party to support seems so difficult to decide upon!!!
UPDATE: (5/52019)--
Boy, those Russian hackers really keep on the move!!! Yesterday, before the above post was published, my server recorded 109 pageviews from the "new Russian colony" of the United Arab Emirates! I can't figure out why, but I remember (a couple of years ago) Russia was the only country that I received triple digit pageviews from! Then, after writing about my perplexity concerning this unusual attention, it stopped coming from Russia, and appeared everywhere else, a different country at a time. Now, Russia only reads one pageview at a time, supposedly. I don't know how they manage to get other nations to record their pageviews, but I don't doubt for a minute they are always originating from Russia! These guys are so clever about covering their "footprints"; they really fooled me, for all of about 30 seconds!!!
For one thing, no other non-Muslim nation will ever be accused by me of being prophesied as the instigator of a Middle-East invasion, and I'd guess the Muslim allies of Russia that are prophecied to aid Russia in a future invasion, probably don't care if I speculate about their involvement. Russia, on the other hand, cares about international public opinion, and is apparently watching me to see what else I write about their possible plans. This interest, itself, would seem to verify the truth of my speculation! If they were not planning to invade, why would they care about what some "crackpot blogger" writes about them??? If it were not true, the interest in my blog would slowly fizzle away! To date, there have been almost 31,500 pageviews of this blog!!! Some "fizzling", huh!!!
What I can't figure is why Russia, or anyone outside of the U.S., would be so interested in what I wrote on Friday, the day of the triple digit jump in my pageviews from the, "United Arab Emirates". I wrote about my concern for increased Corporate Censorship of other "Social Media" outlets, which seemed to be mostly conservative, in perspective. This is a dangerous trend for our nation, but sense when would Russia care about that??? I just can't figure it out!!!
We have FACEBOOK supposedly censoring "harmful" posts on their servers, which "coincidentally" seem to be mostly conservative in nature. This has scared me into recognizing that I could be next, because whatever FACEBOOK deems important, GOOGLE tends to agree with, and vice versa! As this Blog is published by a subsidiary of GOOGLE, it seems we are in danger of some leftist antagonist being so offended by my conservative views, that they deem it important to squelch my ability to speak my mind! We have a tradition here in America of honoring the restrictions that the Constitution places upon the government, even though they legally do not restrict the private sector! I think the principal here is called, "the difference between right, and wrong"!!! We recognize that freedom of speech is a fundamental right for a free society, which means I must tolerate someone's right to speak out against me, if I want to preserve my right to disagree with their opinions!!! The left is frightened by free speech for everyone; they want to be able to say what they want, and silence those who disagree! This very paranoia shows the weakness of their arguments, because they fear that their opinions will not stand the scrutiny of the opposing views!!! Like their politics, they can't stand honest debate. They must rely upon lies, misinformation, manipulation of the truth, and propaganda, none of which can long stand the simple reasoning of the truth!!!
Now we have an effort to get MASTERCARD to block contributions of their patrons to conservative organizations! The Left realizes they can't win honestly, so they desperately try to cheat their way to victory! Again, I say that this is the, "end justifies the means" philosophy of desperate losers, who will do anything to regain power so they can control the economy, to enrich themselves, even if they end up bankrupting the rest of us!!!
So, it boils down to, in the upcoming election, which party do we want to vote for? The party that wants to be elected on the truth, or the one that wants to profess a bunch of lies, and hopes we are stupid enough to believe them?!!
I have settled this in my heart, and I hope the reader has also!!! The desperation of the Left, in seeking corporate help to silence Conservatives, smacks of the future European concept of "One-World" Socialist government, which will not only silence dissent, but will systematically starve it to death, through their computerized economic system that will not allow anyone to buy anything (including food), without the "Mark Of The Beast", which the Bible clearly forbids Christians to accept! The Democrats are rushing to promote the very concepts that will evolve into this very system, which will guarantee the participants an eternity in Hell!!! Gee! Deciding which party to support seems so difficult to decide upon!!!
UPDATE: (5/52019)--
Boy, those Russian hackers really keep on the move!!! Yesterday, before the above post was published, my server recorded 109 pageviews from the "new Russian colony" of the United Arab Emirates! I can't figure out why, but I remember (a couple of years ago) Russia was the only country that I received triple digit pageviews from! Then, after writing about my perplexity concerning this unusual attention, it stopped coming from Russia, and appeared everywhere else, a different country at a time. Now, Russia only reads one pageview at a time, supposedly. I don't know how they manage to get other nations to record their pageviews, but I don't doubt for a minute they are always originating from Russia! These guys are so clever about covering their "footprints"; they really fooled me, for all of about 30 seconds!!!
For one thing, no other non-Muslim nation will ever be accused by me of being prophesied as the instigator of a Middle-East invasion, and I'd guess the Muslim allies of Russia that are prophecied to aid Russia in a future invasion, probably don't care if I speculate about their involvement. Russia, on the other hand, cares about international public opinion, and is apparently watching me to see what else I write about their possible plans. This interest, itself, would seem to verify the truth of my speculation! If they were not planning to invade, why would they care about what some "crackpot blogger" writes about them??? If it were not true, the interest in my blog would slowly fizzle away! To date, there have been almost 31,500 pageviews of this blog!!! Some "fizzling", huh!!!
What I can't figure is why Russia, or anyone outside of the U.S., would be so interested in what I wrote on Friday, the day of the triple digit jump in my pageviews from the, "United Arab Emirates". I wrote about my concern for increased Corporate Censorship of other "Social Media" outlets, which seemed to be mostly conservative, in perspective. This is a dangerous trend for our nation, but sense when would Russia care about that??? I just can't figure it out!!!
Friday, May 3, 2019
Covering My Rear, I Guess...
The following is merely my reaction to some developing paranoia concerning this blog.
Recently, the news reports are getting more, and more hysterical about GOOGLE's efforts to rid it's Social Media outlets of so-called "Hate Speech"! If this is a sincere effort on the part of honest people, then one can hardly object to it. But, one must be cautious about the perspective of whomever is chosen to discern between true "Hate Speech", and merely unpopular speech, especially that which the judge simply disagrees with. GOOGLE (actually FACEBOOK) has recently decided to arbitrarily ban certain "right wing" texts of "bastions of conservatism", such as that well known "conservative", Louis Farrakhan!!! [Correction: The news report that claimed Farrakhan was a "far right" speaker was from the Washington Post story about GOOGLE's (or, FACEBOOK's) crack down on "Hate Speech", not GOOGLE's designation.] He of the anti-Semitic blustering, over the past decades, in which he compares Jews to the Islamic Hate groups' references of their being related to pigs and apes, and recently comparing them to "termites". Such dehumanizing terms were fundamental in the Nazi German attempt to condition their society to the "correctness" of the genocidal extermination of Jews during World War 2!!!
Which illustrates the problem; What qualifies someone to serve as the judge of what should be censured, and what should not??? If this is the Leftist standard for what GOOGLE is prepared to base their judgement upon, then we all are in big trouble!!! Especially those (like yours truly!) who are published by a subsidiary of GOOGLE!!! How long before some idiot decides that my writing constitutes "Hate Speech", simply because they find my conclusions to be offensive! If I am right, these are not my words, but God's. Take your complaints to Him!!! If I am wrong, then I will have to endure the shame of being an idiot in the world's eyes, but the world, in general, has been such a poor judge of character, that I don't fear their judgement!
I have been writing for more than a decade from the premise that certain current events seem to indicate that Biblical prophecies, some as old as 2500 years ago, may be about to be fulfilled! I certainly can not say for sure that anything I have written is absolute fact. I merely speculate that these current events suggest the possibility that they may be about to unfold soon! If I am right, or not, my opinion cannot effect the outcome, one way, or another.
My most controversial, yet my most convinced belief, is the possible soon fulfillment of the "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion, described in Ezekiel 38, and 39! This is either absolutely correct, or pathetically in error; there can't be any other conclusion! Since I have no reputation to protect, as a Biblical scholar, or anything even close to that, I don't fear the humiliation of being wrong. I've been wrong about many things in my life, usually when I speak from my own foolish mind, without considering things from God's perspective!
Many academic positions on the fulfillment of prophecy come from the textbooks of the seminaries that taught the pastors. This works well, most of the time. But, the world has changed greatly over the last 2500 years, and even a seminary text written in the last century may not recognize the participants, God refers to. A prophecy that was given 2500 years ago, and spoken for the time that God calls the, "last days" is difficult for the people to understand, to whom it was originally given! The customs, values, and even the various countries people lived in changed often, giving different contexts to try and understand how the prophecy should fit into the world in which they lived. God referred to various countries by the name that the people of that day would recognize. But, today, if the prophecy is soon to be fulfilled, some of the countries carry different names. The prophecy names, "Persia", which we now know as Iran; it calls Libya, "Cush"; and Ethiopia, or perhaps Somalia, as "Put". There is some debate as to the main instigator of the invasion, "Magog". Some feel it is the region of present day Turkey, where the ancient tribe called "Magog" once settled. But, many of that same tribe eventually resettled in the area around Moscow, Russia, and the belligerence of the Russians fits the temper of the prophecy, especially the arrogance of Vladimir Putin (who may be the leader, "Gog" that the prophecy refers to).
Things have been happening, especially in the Middle-East that have not happened before, yet seem necessary for this prophecy to be fulfilled. For instance, Russia, while claiming to be helping their Syrian allies, has established a warm water port, and an air base, in northwestern Syria, which could be used to mobilize troops for just such an invasion (which the Bible says Russia will be the main instigator of). Russia has been desirous of such a warm water port since the Tsarist days of the 19th century! Yet, this is the first time in history that they have been able to accomplish it!
My concern about my writing is that the conclusion of this prophecy says that 83, and 1/3rd% of the invasion force will be destroyed, by God's miraculous help for Israel's efforts to resist this invasion. I certainly have no control over whether, or not, this will happen, or any other part of the prophecy. I merely comment on what the prophecy says, and leave it to the reader to decide if they think there is any credence to my reasoning. I certainly do not hate anyone who may foolishly decide to participate in this invasion, but if any were considering so, and decide against it because of what I have written, then, "Praise the Lord!!!", I may have just saved that person's life!
If this constitutes "Hate Speech", then I guess we will settle this in court! There are Christian attorneys who prosecute such First Amendment issues, and I guess this would qualify under both the free speech, and establishment of religion clauses. I would not hesitate to contact those attorneys!!! If God wants this to become a test case, then so be it!!!
"Not my will, but Thy will be done, on Earth, as it is in heaven!!!"
Recently, the news reports are getting more, and more hysterical about GOOGLE's efforts to rid it's Social Media outlets of so-called "Hate Speech"! If this is a sincere effort on the part of honest people, then one can hardly object to it. But, one must be cautious about the perspective of whomever is chosen to discern between true "Hate Speech", and merely unpopular speech, especially that which the judge simply disagrees with. GOOGLE (actually FACEBOOK) has recently decided to arbitrarily ban certain "right wing" texts of "bastions of conservatism", such as that well known "conservative", Louis Farrakhan!!! [Correction: The news report that claimed Farrakhan was a "far right" speaker was from the Washington Post story about GOOGLE's (or, FACEBOOK's) crack down on "Hate Speech", not GOOGLE's designation.] He of the anti-Semitic blustering, over the past decades, in which he compares Jews to the Islamic Hate groups' references of their being related to pigs and apes, and recently comparing them to "termites". Such dehumanizing terms were fundamental in the Nazi German attempt to condition their society to the "correctness" of the genocidal extermination of Jews during World War 2!!!
Which illustrates the problem; What qualifies someone to serve as the judge of what should be censured, and what should not??? If this is the Leftist standard for what GOOGLE is prepared to base their judgement upon, then we all are in big trouble!!! Especially those (like yours truly!) who are published by a subsidiary of GOOGLE!!! How long before some idiot decides that my writing constitutes "Hate Speech", simply because they find my conclusions to be offensive! If I am right, these are not my words, but God's. Take your complaints to Him!!! If I am wrong, then I will have to endure the shame of being an idiot in the world's eyes, but the world, in general, has been such a poor judge of character, that I don't fear their judgement!
I have been writing for more than a decade from the premise that certain current events seem to indicate that Biblical prophecies, some as old as 2500 years ago, may be about to be fulfilled! I certainly can not say for sure that anything I have written is absolute fact. I merely speculate that these current events suggest the possibility that they may be about to unfold soon! If I am right, or not, my opinion cannot effect the outcome, one way, or another.
My most controversial, yet my most convinced belief, is the possible soon fulfillment of the "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion, described in Ezekiel 38, and 39! This is either absolutely correct, or pathetically in error; there can't be any other conclusion! Since I have no reputation to protect, as a Biblical scholar, or anything even close to that, I don't fear the humiliation of being wrong. I've been wrong about many things in my life, usually when I speak from my own foolish mind, without considering things from God's perspective!
Many academic positions on the fulfillment of prophecy come from the textbooks of the seminaries that taught the pastors. This works well, most of the time. But, the world has changed greatly over the last 2500 years, and even a seminary text written in the last century may not recognize the participants, God refers to. A prophecy that was given 2500 years ago, and spoken for the time that God calls the, "last days" is difficult for the people to understand, to whom it was originally given! The customs, values, and even the various countries people lived in changed often, giving different contexts to try and understand how the prophecy should fit into the world in which they lived. God referred to various countries by the name that the people of that day would recognize. But, today, if the prophecy is soon to be fulfilled, some of the countries carry different names. The prophecy names, "Persia", which we now know as Iran; it calls Libya, "Cush"; and Ethiopia, or perhaps Somalia, as "Put". There is some debate as to the main instigator of the invasion, "Magog". Some feel it is the region of present day Turkey, where the ancient tribe called "Magog" once settled. But, many of that same tribe eventually resettled in the area around Moscow, Russia, and the belligerence of the Russians fits the temper of the prophecy, especially the arrogance of Vladimir Putin (who may be the leader, "Gog" that the prophecy refers to).
Things have been happening, especially in the Middle-East that have not happened before, yet seem necessary for this prophecy to be fulfilled. For instance, Russia, while claiming to be helping their Syrian allies, has established a warm water port, and an air base, in northwestern Syria, which could be used to mobilize troops for just such an invasion (which the Bible says Russia will be the main instigator of). Russia has been desirous of such a warm water port since the Tsarist days of the 19th century! Yet, this is the first time in history that they have been able to accomplish it!
My concern about my writing is that the conclusion of this prophecy says that 83, and 1/3rd% of the invasion force will be destroyed, by God's miraculous help for Israel's efforts to resist this invasion. I certainly have no control over whether, or not, this will happen, or any other part of the prophecy. I merely comment on what the prophecy says, and leave it to the reader to decide if they think there is any credence to my reasoning. I certainly do not hate anyone who may foolishly decide to participate in this invasion, but if any were considering so, and decide against it because of what I have written, then, "Praise the Lord!!!", I may have just saved that person's life!
If this constitutes "Hate Speech", then I guess we will settle this in court! There are Christian attorneys who prosecute such First Amendment issues, and I guess this would qualify under both the free speech, and establishment of religion clauses. I would not hesitate to contact those attorneys!!! If God wants this to become a test case, then so be it!!!
"Not my will, but Thy will be done, on Earth, as it is in heaven!!!"
Thursday, May 2, 2019
"Investigating The Investigators..."
It would almost be humorous, if it weren't so deadly serious! The tables have turned on those who perpetrated this hoax, accusing President Trump, and everyone associated with him, all the way back to his three-year-old nanny, of every felony in the book, supposedly to try and get him impeached! The real reason for their investigation (as I see it) was to irritate the President enough to get him to fire Special Counsel Mueller, and shut down the investigation, so that they could falsely accuse him of obstruction of justice!!! The President realized this, and did not do it, even though it was legitimately within his Constitutional power to do so. He realized this would be playing into their hands, and they would be screaming, "high crimes and misdemeanor", which is an impeachable offense!!! They could probably get him impeached, through their hostile House of Representatives, but there are too many Republicans in the Senate to convict him, and they know it! So, they probably wanted to drag out the proceedings, till the 2020 elections, hoping to convince the unsophisticated voters that Trump was guilty, simply because the Democrats were making so much fuss about it!!!
Just as Attorney General Barr said yesterday, when he appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee, " We have to stop using our criminal justice system, as a political weapon!" The Democrats have been squealing "like a stuck pig" for nearly two years, about Trump's supposed crimes, I think, to try and throw the spotlight away from their own guilt (and Hillary's), just as the arrested criminal screams "police brutality", to try and get a judge to throw his case out, because he knows they caught him "red handed", and that's the only way he can "beat the rap"!!! If we let them get away with this Hoax, without convicting those who behaved criminally, in what amounts to an attempted peaceful coup, they will surely try it again! And the next time it will probably not be so peaceful!!!
Have you noticed that they scream all the louder, whenever their charges are dismissed as the hoax they obviously are??? As the Attorney General answered the Senator's questions, yesterday, the angry Democrats on the committee, especially those who have announced they are running for President, in 2020, stopped questioning him, and began charging him, outrageously, with lying, and ignoring the truth to cover up Trump's "obvious guilt"!!! They are desperate to keep charging the President, no matter how obviously wrong they are, according to the old communist principal, that a lie repeated often enough (and loudly enough), to the point that it drowns out the opposition, will eventually become believed, at least by the more easily influenced, whom the Democrats are desperately hoping they can convince to vote for them. in 2020!!! That's the real basis of their political platform: Lie, scream. and rant long enough to convince those who will accept their deceptions without closely examining them all, and will presume they must be telling the "truth", simply because they hear it so much!!! They are hoping to convince all the simple-minded; especially as many illegal immigrants as they can get past President Trump's resistance, to vote illegally (though some Democrats are trying desperately to get that legalized, too) and any who might be naturally hostile to the sitting President, like convicted felons, in jail!!! Rather then try and come up with policies that are better than their opponents, they find it easier to deceive the less sophisticated voters, to win their votes by deception! Bill Clinton, and Obama did this, and Hillary nearly pulled it off, also! Let's hope we can keep these other rascals from doing the same thing!!!
As my title suggests, the "Investigation of the Investigators", of the past two years of "witch hunt", is beginning to take shape. But, if it drags on for two years, like the previous "investigation", it may not keep these idiots from pulling off their larcenous election victories, in the Presidency, and the Senate, and then we would have to turn over control of the whole government to those who obviously wish to destroy our Constitutional government, abolish the Constitution, and drive us into joining the European "One-World" Socialist system of Government, that is prophecied to become worse than Nazi Germany!!!
Just as Attorney General Barr said yesterday, when he appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee, " We have to stop using our criminal justice system, as a political weapon!" The Democrats have been squealing "like a stuck pig" for nearly two years, about Trump's supposed crimes, I think, to try and throw the spotlight away from their own guilt (and Hillary's), just as the arrested criminal screams "police brutality", to try and get a judge to throw his case out, because he knows they caught him "red handed", and that's the only way he can "beat the rap"!!! If we let them get away with this Hoax, without convicting those who behaved criminally, in what amounts to an attempted peaceful coup, they will surely try it again! And the next time it will probably not be so peaceful!!!
Have you noticed that they scream all the louder, whenever their charges are dismissed as the hoax they obviously are??? As the Attorney General answered the Senator's questions, yesterday, the angry Democrats on the committee, especially those who have announced they are running for President, in 2020, stopped questioning him, and began charging him, outrageously, with lying, and ignoring the truth to cover up Trump's "obvious guilt"!!! They are desperate to keep charging the President, no matter how obviously wrong they are, according to the old communist principal, that a lie repeated often enough (and loudly enough), to the point that it drowns out the opposition, will eventually become believed, at least by the more easily influenced, whom the Democrats are desperately hoping they can convince to vote for them. in 2020!!! That's the real basis of their political platform: Lie, scream. and rant long enough to convince those who will accept their deceptions without closely examining them all, and will presume they must be telling the "truth", simply because they hear it so much!!! They are hoping to convince all the simple-minded; especially as many illegal immigrants as they can get past President Trump's resistance, to vote illegally (though some Democrats are trying desperately to get that legalized, too) and any who might be naturally hostile to the sitting President, like convicted felons, in jail!!! Rather then try and come up with policies that are better than their opponents, they find it easier to deceive the less sophisticated voters, to win their votes by deception! Bill Clinton, and Obama did this, and Hillary nearly pulled it off, also! Let's hope we can keep these other rascals from doing the same thing!!!
As my title suggests, the "Investigation of the Investigators", of the past two years of "witch hunt", is beginning to take shape. But, if it drags on for two years, like the previous "investigation", it may not keep these idiots from pulling off their larcenous election victories, in the Presidency, and the Senate, and then we would have to turn over control of the whole government to those who obviously wish to destroy our Constitutional government, abolish the Constitution, and drive us into joining the European "One-World" Socialist system of Government, that is prophecied to become worse than Nazi Germany!!!
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