Wednesday, June 27, 2018

More On "Spiritual Wickedness In High Places"

Regular readers of this column will recognize that the subjects of my posts tend to vary depending on whether breaking news stories click on my Biblical perspective, with regard to National, or International developments.  Nationally, I tend to rejoice with any political victory that strengthens the conservative values that support mostly (if not exclusively) Republican programs, whether the President proposes them, or Congress does it themselves.  It's not merely a Republican bias; I would gladly support a Democratic move toward righteousness, but I have yet to see one!  I will let you know when one happens.

Internationally, I tend to bore my readers with my almost obsessive  view of most international developments through there relationship to what I am convinced is the Russian, Iranian (and their other allies') buildup for the prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, prophecied in Ezekiel: 38, and 39.  While I believe there is plenty of evidence of their collective intentions, the fact that this invasion has not started yet must make it hard for others to place any credence in my views.  Yet, I can only call it like I see it, and leave it up to others to decide if they agree, or not.

Today, I am struck by reports of demonstrations throughout Iran, with thousands of people marching to protest the Iranian government's obsessive financial support of various rebellions in other Middle-Eastern countries, like Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and the Palestinian uprisings in Israel.  (Who would have ever expected the chants of, "death to America!",  during the Iran/Contra escapade of  the late 1980's, to become today's chants of, "death to Palestine!")  All this, while Iran's economy has become a "basket case", with inflation sky-rocketing, and shortages rampant!  International sanctions are largely to blame for the crisis, as with the Russian economy as well, and I wonder if the Government's reaction to the protests will be belligerence (which is typically their position),  or will the sanctions have the desired diplomatic effect, and bring rogue regimes to the negotiating table, in conciliatory humility?  (Why does the expression, "Fat chance!" seem to be rolling around in my head???)

Perhaps the basis of this alliance between Russia, and Iran has much to do with their belligerence at the painful effects of the sanctions, and their mutual desire to turn the effects back on the ''sanctioners'', such as the imagined conquest of the Arab oil fields that I have guessed may be their original intent, after they eliminate the threat of Israel possibly defeating their efforts.  If they were to succeed, they could easily embargo all the western nations that are heavily dependent upon the middle-eastern oil outputs, and even if America tried to fill the gap, the international cost of oil would be prohibitive, and a depression would certainly follow!  I think something like this may be the central motivation of these countries, and local public protests could serve to heighten their resolve to hurry their plans!

While I am certainly making no predictions that my imagination will definitely fit with God's prophecy, let's just say I wouldn't be surprised!!!  Whatever their motive, they will first attack Israel, and God will see to it that that will backfire in their faces, and the rest of my speculation will not come to pass!!!

Monday, June 25, 2018

"... We Wrestle Not Against Flesh And Blood..."

The title of this post many will recognize as from the Bible (Ephesians: 6, verse 12), which finishes with, "but, against...spiritual wickedness in high places".   I remember using this quote around election time, in 2016, when it looked debatable as to who our next president would be:  a criminal, whether convicted yet, or not; or, a man of questionable morality, but saying all the right things that this country needed to hear.  I admit I was quite perplexed, as I new I didn't want the former, but wasn't convinced that I could trust the latter!   Thank God that He knew which choice was best for us, and brought it to pass, even as a very near thing!!!

In my last post I stated that I thought the Democratic Party was the single most virulent anti-American movement in the world, today.  Not because they wish to undo the effects of Republican administrations, but because I believe their leaders want to dismantle the Constitution, and force us into joining the European, one-world Socialist government, that I believe they consider to be the last best hope for peace and prosperity for the world.  I allow that their intentions might be sincere, but their judgement is in terrible error, as the Bible prophecied, almost 2000 years ago, that such a movement would fail miserably when the people gave total control over to Satan's Antichrist, who will turn  the movement into a desperate anti-Christian tool of persecution, that the world has not seen the like of since the Romans fed them to the lions,  in the first century of the Church.

The Democrats, in their Socialist arrogance, obviously don't believe this, as they don't really believe in the Bible as a whole, except when the context can be twisted around to seem something that supports their particular view, usually in total disagreement with the intended context.  Hillary gave us a prime example recently, when she quoted Jesus' saying, "Suffer the little children to come unto me."  She twisted the word "Suffer", used by the Lord to mean, "allow", into the infliction of pain definition, in order to taunt President Trump for his recent decision to separate parents who cross our borders illegally, from their children (even though around 80% of the immigrant children arrive with no parents at all).  This reflects the Liberal tactic of trying to associate something they disagree with, with another, totally unrelated issue that they know most people find repugnant.  Rather than explain why they disapprove of the issue, they would rather try to associate it, so the unintelligent mind will understand that it is "bad", EVEN IF THEY CAN'T GRASP THE REAL ISSUE.  This demonstrates a very cynical view of their audience's intelligence, to say the least!!!

My main reason for believing that the Democrats wish to destroy our Constitutional government is the desperate hatred that they spout towards President Trump, and anyone who supports him, and conservatives in general.  This is not just disappointment in their candidate losing the election, they have lost before (with a whole lot less bitterness).  There seems to be a desperate outrage here, as if they counted on their hoped for victory to save them from the "evils" of our Republic, and bless them with the "eternal salvation" of their Socialist Utopia!  I don 't think anything less could bring about this level of vitriolic hatred, even with their hatred of Donald Trump!  There is clearly a spiritual level to their hatred, and I don't doubt that the Devil is in control of that!!!

Also,  even the brash negligence of Hillary Clinton's setting up a private, unsecured server to handle classified e-mails showed an arrogant confidence that she would not be prosecuted, even though she had to know that what she was doing was illegal.  If they won the election, they obviously intended to dismantle the Constitution, ridding themselves of  any culpability that they found inconvenient!   After losing the election, they expected their cronies in the F.B.I., and the Department of Justice to cover for them, until they can win the next elections!   God save us from that!!!

This is more than a Constitutional crisis!  It is a battle between the forces of good, and evil that will effect the entire world, one way or the other!!!  Which way we go will depend on how many of us pray, and how fervently!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Most Virulent Anti-American Force In The World

The Democratic Party, so-called; I believe they truly hate the Constitution, not because it is evil, but because it is not, and they don't even recognize this!   I strongly believe that most Democratic leaders are thoroughly convinced that the one-world Socialist government system that is being developed in Europe today is the real hope of world peace, and prosperity for the future.  Their motives may be sincere, but their judgement is in complete error!  The Bible makes it clear that this system,  which was prophecied to the Apostle John, almost 2000 years ago, in the book of Revelation (chapter 13) will fail miserably, because it's supporters will put their trust in one man, who will be given absolute power over them by Satan, himself,  and he will deceive his followers, and turn the world into his own blasphemous, anti-Christian, hate mongering domain, until Jesus decides that, "enough is enough", and it's time for Jesus to return to set up His own Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

The main reason for their foolish confusion is that they do not believe in the Biblical truths, with the overwhelming exception of one principle, which they are banking on as their last best hope to destroy America.  I say, "destroy America", because they foolishly believe that our comparative prosperity must be ended, and that through that the rest of the world will magically become more prosperous!  They correctly believe that our prosperity will not end until we voluntarily give up our Constitutional form of government, and join in their one-world Socialist system.

But, they do not recognize that the freedoms our Constitution guarantees is the absolute source of our comparative prosperity.  If they destroy our Constitutional government, they will merely have us accept the eventually bankrupt system of world-wide Socialism, that Europe  is wrestling with now.

The one Biblical principle I mentioned that they are desperately employing to accomplish their goal is the principle that Jesus articulated that, "a house divided against itself  can not stand."  And, boy howdy!!!  Have we ever become a "house divided against itself!!!"  If we can not change this condition soon, we will eventually destroy ourselves, from the inside, out!  And I don't believe we can change this by ourselves!  This is a spiritual condition that requires spiritual power to break it!

But, fortunately we have a source of spiritual power that is greater than the spiritual power of the enemy, in God Almighty, through His Son Jesus Christ!!!  If enough of us pray for the Revival that is prophecied for the End Times, God can change the hearts of even the most dedicated international Socialists, and ...yes,  that means there is even hope for the Clintons, and the Obamas, believe it, or not!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

America's Greedy Politicians Squabble While Latin Children Suffer

I realize that President Trump is trying to get some bipartisan cooperation from the Congressional Democrats, but I think there comes a time when a lost cause should be recognized for what it is.  Getting the Democrats to do anything even remotely righteous, as long as Trump is President, is apparently an impossibility, rating up there with moving mountains by faith!  God can get them to cooperate, and we must pray that He will, for their hate-mongering belligerence is beyond human tolerance!

For months now, we have the Democrats crying for relief for the "Dreamers", and over-all immigration reform, but their insincerity is nauseous to listen to!   President Trump wants the Democrats to do their job, and cooperate with the Republicans to pass legislation to fix the immigration problems, including the problem of breaking up families when the parents are arrested for illegally crossing our borders.   The Democrats are trying to force him to make an Executive Order to accomplish this, probably because they are still hoping that they will regain control of the Congress after the mid-term elections,  but it may be close enough that they would have difficulty overturning a law, but they hope Hillary will still be elected, in 2020, when she can over-rule an Executive Order, herself!

I know of no time in American history when a single party was so belligerently hostile to both the sitting President, and unwilling to pass anything he brought up to Congress, as today's Democrats are now behaving.  They are displaying a power-hungry sort of greed that has offended so many voters, that they voted for a different sort of President, in Donald Trump!   It boggles the mind to think that they believe this kind of belligerent pettiness will win those same voters to their side in future elections!   How many times must they be defeated before they catch on that the people are sick of this stuff!  Grow up and do your jobs, if you want to be re-elected!  Or we'll elect others who will do your job better than you will!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

I Give Up Trying To Figure It Out!

I have tried to understand what's going on with my irradic pageviewer numbers, as reported by my blog server, but I admit I am becoming confused, to the point of exasperation!  It used to be that my daily pageviewer numbers would spike from single digits, to triple digits, as recorded from Russia, whenever I would write something about God's prophecies that mention Russia, or rather the ancient tribes that settled in the area of present-day Moscow (the "Gog/Magog"' prophecies of Ezekiel: 38, and 39).  But after writing about that several times, I noticed  that that seems to have stopped lately.  Recently, I have noticed some inexplicable "spikes" in my pageviewer numbers, one from France (about 109, one day, about a month ago), and yesterday, one from the United Arab Emirates, (of over 100, as well).  I wrote nothing about either of these two countries, previous to the "spikes", and can't guess as to why the sudden interest in my blog.  (Unless Russian officials are traveling to other countries to hide their continued interest in what I write about them; but the "spikes" don't match any posts about Russia, either.)   I simply have no clue as to what's going on, and it's completely mystifying to me!

But the main purpose for my post today, is given with the caution that it should be taken "with a grain of salt", as I may be about to violate a principle that Jesus cautioned us about, twice (first, in Matthew 24; and again in Acts 1), about knowing the date of His return.  While I am not going to predict that, I may have figured out a clue revealing the date of the holocaust that seems to be prophecied to follow the end of the "Gog/Magog" invasion.  I tremble at declaring this as fact because Jesus' warnings would seem to preclude this also, considering that I have previously written that there is scriptural evidence to suggest that the seven year period that Israel will be burning the weapons from the invasion, may coincide with the seven-year tribulation period, that immediately precedes Jesus' return.  However, I throw this out for general consideration, cautioning that there is probably something I have not considered that will make the dates I mention to be inacurate, as I am just as prone to be mistaken as any other person who tries to fix dates of prophecies.

The prophecies of Revelation 6 (the last few verses), and Joel 2:20 (I am not sure of this verse, but it is close to that, anyway), both mention a day when,  "the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give her light."  I reasoned that this might refer to a solar eclipse which would be visible in Israel, since these prophecies were given to men who resided in Israel, or near there, at the time.  It does not say the moon will be darkened; I wonder if that means that it will give light from another source, perhaps a flash bright enough to temporarily blot out the sun's light.  A nuclear blast might turn the moon red, briefly, if the moon happened to pass between the sun, and those viewing it on earth, particularly in Israel.

The next solar eclipse, visible in Israel is scheduled for this coming July 27th!  After that there is not supposed to be another one, until 2020.  Am I saying that either of these dates will coincide with the prophecies?  No, I am not!  But it does give one pause to reflect, doesn't it!!!  Please do not sell your homes, and move to any mountain top, to await Jesus' return in a giant flying saucer to rapture His believers!!!  I am not predicting anything, merely mentioning some interesting points that may, and just as likely may not be relevant to this discussion.  The only thing I am predicting with certainty is that we all should, "look up, for (our) redemption draweth nigh"!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Rhetorical Cover Up Continues Apace

I don't understand how Liberals can stand to look in the mirror, when they make such blatant distortions of the truth, in front of millions of television viewers!

Today, watching the early discussions of Congressmen, and others who have begun to read the 568 page report from the Inspector General's investigation, I heard someone named Marsh, (I didn't catch her first name, but the footnote said she was former Secretary of State, John Kerry's senior staff advisor) say that the E-mail discussion between the F.B.I.'s lovebirds, Peter Strzok and Lisa  Page, in which he said, "No.  We will stop it.", was "clearly" in response to the Trump/Russia collusion investigation,  This, after the above statement was flashed across the screen, in answer to Page's question, "Trump won't ever get to be President will he?"  She had the temerity to "bold-face-lie" to the viewers, who had just read the obvious proof to the contrary, that this statement was not about Trump being elected!

Exactly how does she draw this conclusion, when the question directly asked about Trump's likelihood of being elected, and said nothing about the "Russia, Russia, Russia" investigation???  This seems to me to be symptomatic of someone who has become so accustomed to compulsively lying, to avoid facing an obvious truth, that they feel comfortable with a lie, no matter how blatant, whenever they are pinned down by uncomfortable conflicts.  The truly sad thing is that Democrats always use this kind of lying to make a point, as well as trying to connect whatever point they wish to disparage with reliable knee-jerk negatives that have nothing remotely to do with that point.  Such as, everything from a conservative, or Republican perspective, is either "Racist", "Homophobic", or "Sexist", etc., no mater how utterly far removed the issue is from these cliche' negative topics.  Guilt by association is their objective, and it shows a very low opinion of their audience, that they believe we are stupid enough to let them get away with it!

Biblically, I am reminded that we, "wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against...spiritual wickedness in high places."  This woman just confirmed this truth by demonstrating such a compulsive, and automatic, willingness to resort to absurd lies in the face of the truth!  When one lies constantly, they soon begin to rationalize that what they say is true, and begin to believe it, themselves, simply because they want it to be so.   Unfortunately, I think she is the "rule", in the Democratic party, rather than the "exception"!  Take Hillary, for example!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Or Maybe So... After All (A Retraction Of My Earlier Retraction)

I feel a little bit like that old nursery rhyme, "On again, off again. in again, Finnegan...", or however it goes.

How about saying, "Never mind...", concerning my last post's retraction of my FOX NEWS quote that the President had the authority to view the Inspector General's report of the Clinton E-mail investigation, before it is released to the public.  I felt we had waited long enough without any confirmation of such a necessary option. So, I assumed what I had heard was in error, and said so.

So, tonight, on FOX NEWS' evening SPECIAL REPORT show, it was announced that President Trump will be given a "briefing" of the report that is scheduled to be released to the public tomorrow.  What exactly that entails, I can't guess.  I keep hearing glowing remarks about the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, and his honesty and trustworthiness, but I can't help but be skeptical about anyone connected with the F.B.I., or the Department of (In?)Justice, lately.  How honest and thorough will Horowitz be in briefing the President, about what we have come to believe will be a lot of incriminating details, not only of Clinton's obstruction of justice, but of Horowitz's old cronies at the F.B.I., themselves committing obstruction, in trying to cover up hers.  Will he be honest, and tell the President all that went on, or will he simply hand the President 500 pages of redacted Magic Marker lines, from the top of each page, to the bottom (claiming "National Security" concerns) !!!

As the President has been saying a lot lately, "We'll see what happens!"

Monday, June 11, 2018

Or,...Maybe Not!!!

I hate printing retractions, but sometimes it's necessary, even when you write something with the best of intentions.  

My last post (on June 5th) was updated the next day, after I heard a reporter on FOX NEWS say that the President, "had the authority to review the Inspector General's (unredacted) report before it is released to the public."  I thought this was the perfect solution to the concerns that the hostile leaders of both the F.B.I., and the Department of Justice, might try to redact, or destroy. parts of the report that pointed legally incriminating culpability against them, if it were otherwise left up to them to approve it, as Assistant Attorney General Ron Rosenstein apparently has the authority to do.  It's such a shame that our federal officials can not be trusted to perform their duties honestly, simply because they disagree with the politics of the President!

But, obviously, my Update was incorrect, as we would surely have heard something by now about
President Trump doing just that, and we have not!  I can't imagine him neglecting such an important issue as this. considering how obviously the leftists (inside, and outside of government) have been "stonewalling" evidence of the covering up of Hillary Clinton's E-mail scandal, and illegal collusion with foreign agents to influence the 2016 election.

I expect the next big scandal will have something to do with trying to get the I.G. to testify before Congress as to what pertinent evidence was redacted from his report, and why!  He may have to testify behind closed doors for that.  But with God's help, the truth will finally be found out!!!

There has been speculation that they were holding the report to be release on some weekend when breaking news would seem to preempt the report in news worthiness. Now we hear that it will be released Thursday, three days after the President meets with the North Koreans, in Singapore, to discuss Denuclearization proceedings.  I guess the speculation is true, so the report must carry some very damning evidence that they are trying to soft peddle!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

"Trump Impatient With Delay Of Release Of I.G. Report..."

The above quote is from a FOX NEWS story indicating Trump's impatience with apparent stalling of the release of the I.G.'s report, indicating possible pressure from both the corrupt top brass of the F.B.I., and the D.O.J. to stall the release of the Inspector General's report on the investigation into Hillary Clinton's E-mail scandal.  The whole strategy of the left seems to be obstruction of everything that Trump tries to establish, and stall  everything that makes them look bad, until after the Mid-term elections, which they desperately hope will return control of Congress to the Democrats, who will throw out any reports of "Deep State" illegality.

This is the first story I've heard of the main concern I've been wrestling with for the past several months!  Is this I.G. really as "Independent" as they have been saying he is, considering that he is under the direction of the F.B.I., which is in turn under the "control" of the D.O.J.???

Considering that speculation has been rampant that the main subjects in the investigation into the improper handling of the Clinton investigation centers primarily upon these very "Top Brass" officials,  it would seem likely that they might try to obfuscate  the issue by stalling the release of the report until they have had sufficient time to review it's findings, and redact it of any "sensitive national security information" (translated:  anything that points to them of illegal behavior!!!).  This is a classic case of the, "inmates running the asylum"!!!

So, just how "independent" is this Inspector General, anyway?  Legally he should have enough independence to disobey these officials, and release it when it is ready, without letting the criminals,   "in sheep's clothing," redact away any proof of their illegal obstruction of justice.  But, I wonder if this I.G. has the "guts" to implicate former superiors, let alone implicate a former First Lady, and former Presidential candidate, herself, even if the guilt is overwhelming!!!

I realize that I seem to be rather obsessed with getting these people prosecuted. and convicted of anything they are truly guilty of,  but it is not these people that concern me.  It is the arrogance of the whole "Deep State" that needs to be exposed, and severely punished, before the corruption of our federal government becomes so rampant as to destroy the power of the Constitution, which I am convinced is the ultimate goal of the "Deep Staters"!  I believe they are confirmed International Socialists, who obsessively believe that the "One-World Government" system ( which is prophecied to become the power tool of Satan's Antichrist) is the material solution to all the world's problems, and that the destruction of our Constitutional government must happen, before America will voluntarily submit to this evil movement!  Therefore, the issue is not just Republican vs. Democrat, or even Conservative vs. Liberal, but purely Good vs. Evil, from a Biblical perspective!!!

I realize that God will win in the long run, but there is no guarantee that America will survive His ultimate judgement, and I believe that He has left that choice up to us.  If enough of us will truly resist this blatant move towards evil, He will help us overthrow these evil people, and bring this nation into His salvation, eventually.  Of course, we must primarily resist them through prayer, not only for our deliverance from their evil intentions, but also from their deliverance from their obsession with this evil concept.   Jesus commanded us to, "pray for those who despitefully use you, and persecute you...", and this seems to me to be a classic case of that!!!  Many of today's preachers have been expecting the great revival prophecied for the last days, and we sure seem to be fertile ground for just that!!!

UPDATE:  (6/6/2018)--

From FOX NEWS today-- "The President has the authority to review the  UNREDACTED I.G. REPORT, before it is released to the public."

If this is true, I certainly hope President Trump exercises this authority, and immediately reviews this report, in it's unredacted, untampered with, and unadulterated form before the F.B.I. decides that it must be flushed down the toilette, because of "National Security concerns"!!!