(Quote continued)..."they are made to be broken"!!!
So, we have a report of a Russian ally behaving as though their promised cease-fire was irrelevant...What a surprise!!!
Two days after a U.N.-negotiated cease fire between Syria, and their rebel opposition forces, established to evacuate civilians, and wounded from the Damascus suburb of Ghouti, we have two reports of continued Syrian bombing, with 14 killed in the first attack, and 10 more in the second. The U.N. Secretary General called for immediate honoring of the cease fire agreement, to which the logical expectation should be.."Yeah, riiiight!!!" We're dealing with Lenin's modern proteges here, who are about to embark on the wide-spread invasion of the entire Middle-East region that was prophecied 2500 years ago, by the prophet Ezekiel. At this point, I doubt very much if Russia cares very much what the U.N. has to say about any of their actions in Syria, and I don't think for a minute that Syria would send bombers out without Russian approval. Nor would the Turkish send out their jets without clearing it with the Russians, when they attacked the Kurdish forces in northern Syria recently. I expect they are using whatever tactics they can devise in order to mop up whatever resistance remains in Syria, in preparation for the real invasion, which may shortly follow! If the U.N. is stupid enough to think they can get Russia, and their allies to honor a cease fire, which will draw their enemies out into the open, that's just another opportunity to blast their enemies to you-know-where, as far as Russia is concerned.
So much for their "Pie-Crust Promises"!!!
So, when will the rest of the American troops be withdrawn from Iraq, and Syria, which I am convinced must happen before the actual invasion begins? It seems to me to be the only thing left that needs to happen, to set the stage for the "Gog/Magog" invasion that the prophet Ezekiel described, in Ezekiel: 38, and 39, because there is no mention of anything that can remotely be ascribed to American aid to Israel, when they are attacked by this invasion force. I can't imagine America being in the region, and not coming to the aid of their best ally in the Middle-East!
Again, I am not making any predictions about when this can be expected to begin, but it looks very imminent, to say the least!!!
UPDATE: (3/4/2018)--
Having said, "...it looks very imminent..." I find reports of Russia's Putin bragging to his fellow communists that Russia now has Nuclear missiles that are virtually impregnable to being shot down, once they are launched. Gee...! I wonder whom he is trying to scare with that kind of warning???
It would seem to me that he is trying to scare America away from coming to the aid of their allies, like Israel, if they were ever attacked by Russia, or it's allies! Does that sound like he is planning something like that, and he wants to scare off any thoughts of retaliation??? I can't imagine what would motivate him to do that, unless he's planning something like an invasion of the Middle-East, in general, and Israel in particular; as per the Ezekiel: 38, and 39, "Gog/Magog" Prophecy!!!
His blustering claims, coupled with the belligerent Iranian aircraft violations of Israeli air space would seem to suggest that they are ready to try and start something, and they just want to scare America into staying out of whatever develops. I don't think "scare tactics" will work, but it appears from the prophecy that something will keep America from coming to the aid of their best ally in the Middle-East. Perhaps Israel will defeat the invasion so quickly that America doesn't have time to act, in coming to their aid!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Shut Down The Department Of Education Now!!!
I don't mean to sound hysterical, though this is becoming a pet peeve of mine, among domestic issues. The Department of Education is not doing their job, and if it were a private corporation with as dismal a track record, their C.E.O. (are you listening, Donald Trump???) would clean house with multiple firings, and forced retirements. I suspect that the problem has less to do with bureaucratic incompetence, and more to do with a "Deep State" conspiracy to "Dummy Down" our school systems, in order to make our work force less competitive with the other nations of the world. Throw in the Government Employees' Contract, which has built-in restrictions that make it so time-consuming to try to fire an incompetent employee as to be virtually impossible. Incompetence is rewarded with Union protection, so why should an employee strive for excellence in their job?
If my suspicions are correct, then the Department Of Education should be shut down immediately, and control of the pubic schools should be returned to the states, along with the taxpayers' money to fund them. And, the colleges should not be subsidized by easily obtained, government-backed student loans, which do not depend solely on a student's demonstrable excellence. A college education should not be considered a right of passage, but a blessing that should be greatly desired, and competed for.
The statistics show that the average college graduate has an unrealistic view of their readiness to perform on the job at a high level. The FOX NEWS @ Night show, hosted by Shannon Bream recently had, as a guest interviewee, Rick Harrison, of the "Pawn Stars" television show, and they discussed some statistics (though I don't know the source) that showed some 90% of seniors in colleges feel they are ready to perform their future jobs at a high level, while only 43% of future employers tend to agree! Similar percentage variances were charted showing their differing opinions of readiness of their communication skills. The point is the our youth are being fed an educational diet of Pablum, instead of the diet of Porter House Steak that their parents are paying for!!!
As far as actual skills needed on the job, such as reading ability, our graduates are ranked, pathetically, in the 20th, to 40th percentile, compared to students from other countries! When I was growing up, my teachers made a big deal about how our local school system was rated #1 in the country! I don't know if that was true, or not, but I wonder if those teachers would say the same thing today.
I remember reading a book, years ago, called "Why Johnny Can't Read", and it's main point was the intentional dummy-down effect of many public schools, in order to make the slower students feel better about themselves. I suspect that attitude has fermented within the "Deep State" bureaucracy, until we now have a "One World Socialist" conspiracy to dummy-down American public schools, in order to make the excellence of foreign countries' students seem to be that much brighter, and therefore those students will be more sought after by interested employers. This goes along with the fundamental Socialist ideal that in order to make a poor country wealthier, you must take money from the wealthier countries. Similarly, in order to make poorer countries' students more in demand for employment, you make the education process for the wealthier countries (like us, as in "U.S.") less demanding, thereby graduating students who are less competitive on the job. This is much easier than trying to raise the standards of education within the poorer countries. Socialists don't care if the net result is less efficiency on the job, whomever is doing it. The "One Worlders", and the "Deep Staters" only care about the statistical percentage of employment for each country, as a testament of their "success" at making the world "better" for all their good little Socialists.
And when the Antichrist eventually takes over the "One World" government system, I'm sure he will be pleased to reward all these pro-dummy-down bureaucrats, which will make his job easier, trying to make all the world's people get along with each other... except for those pesky Christians, who insist upon obeying God in all things! They won't even receive a computerized Mark (of the Beast) on their hands in order to control all financial transactions, around the world! So, let them starve to death, when they can't buy food...I guess that will teach them!!!
So, is this the goal of the Department of Education??? I don't know, but I strongly suspect so!
If my suspicions are correct, then the Department Of Education should be shut down immediately, and control of the pubic schools should be returned to the states, along with the taxpayers' money to fund them. And, the colleges should not be subsidized by easily obtained, government-backed student loans, which do not depend solely on a student's demonstrable excellence. A college education should not be considered a right of passage, but a blessing that should be greatly desired, and competed for.
The statistics show that the average college graduate has an unrealistic view of their readiness to perform on the job at a high level. The FOX NEWS @ Night show, hosted by Shannon Bream recently had, as a guest interviewee, Rick Harrison, of the "Pawn Stars" television show, and they discussed some statistics (though I don't know the source) that showed some 90% of seniors in colleges feel they are ready to perform their future jobs at a high level, while only 43% of future employers tend to agree! Similar percentage variances were charted showing their differing opinions of readiness of their communication skills. The point is the our youth are being fed an educational diet of Pablum, instead of the diet of Porter House Steak that their parents are paying for!!!
As far as actual skills needed on the job, such as reading ability, our graduates are ranked, pathetically, in the 20th, to 40th percentile, compared to students from other countries! When I was growing up, my teachers made a big deal about how our local school system was rated #1 in the country! I don't know if that was true, or not, but I wonder if those teachers would say the same thing today.
I remember reading a book, years ago, called "Why Johnny Can't Read", and it's main point was the intentional dummy-down effect of many public schools, in order to make the slower students feel better about themselves. I suspect that attitude has fermented within the "Deep State" bureaucracy, until we now have a "One World Socialist" conspiracy to dummy-down American public schools, in order to make the excellence of foreign countries' students seem to be that much brighter, and therefore those students will be more sought after by interested employers. This goes along with the fundamental Socialist ideal that in order to make a poor country wealthier, you must take money from the wealthier countries. Similarly, in order to make poorer countries' students more in demand for employment, you make the education process for the wealthier countries (like us, as in "U.S.") less demanding, thereby graduating students who are less competitive on the job. This is much easier than trying to raise the standards of education within the poorer countries. Socialists don't care if the net result is less efficiency on the job, whomever is doing it. The "One Worlders", and the "Deep Staters" only care about the statistical percentage of employment for each country, as a testament of their "success" at making the world "better" for all their good little Socialists.
And when the Antichrist eventually takes over the "One World" government system, I'm sure he will be pleased to reward all these pro-dummy-down bureaucrats, which will make his job easier, trying to make all the world's people get along with each other... except for those pesky Christians, who insist upon obeying God in all things! They won't even receive a computerized Mark (of the Beast) on their hands in order to control all financial transactions, around the world! So, let them starve to death, when they can't buy food...I guess that will teach them!!!
So, is this the goal of the Department of Education??? I don't know, but I strongly suspect so!
Friday, February 23, 2018
Hannity Slams "Deep State" At CPAC Convention
I wonder if God's fingerprints are becoming visible on the issue of Trump campaign collusion with Russia, in the 2016 election? Throughout history, especially in the Old Testament era, God's people have routinely trusted in his protection from the attacks of their enemies. Frequently their trust has not only resulted in His miraculous deliverance from those attacks, but also in a turn-about where the attackers end up destroyed by God, in precisely the same manner that they intended to destroy His people.
We now are experiencing a slanderous verbal attack against the entire Trump administration by the Leftist "Main Stream Media", and the Democratic Party, with the so-called Mueller investigation leading the way, apparently trying desperately to uncover evidence of Trump/Russian collusion, and apparently finding none, after almost eighteen months of investigating. At the same time, there seems to be an unconscionable effort to ignore the Democratic (and Hillary Clinton campaign's) obvious collusion with an unregistered foreign agent (acting as an intermediator with Russian agents) to create a phony dossier of outright lies about the Trump campaign, in order to throw the election in Hillary's favor. The evidence is almost overwhelming, yet the Mueller investigation does nothing about it! When will they actually indict someone from the real conspiracy, and quit this obsessive quest to find impeachable evidence against Trump???
At some point, Attorney General Sessions should close their investigation down, and fire those investigators who can be proven to have ignored the facts, while trying to create a false collusion conspiracy scenario! If he will do this, I will rescind my former call to fire him for his do-nothing performance, to date, but if he will not then it only adds fuel to the fire of my opinion. It must not be Trump's firing of the Mueller Commission, because the Democrats would claim that Trump fired them because they were getting too close to the truth, which is exactly the opposite of reality!
In any case, some sense of reality must soon prevail over Washington, D.C., in spite of the "Deep State" efforts to obfuscate the issues! We seem to be at a critical stage in a battle between those who want the truth to prevail, and those who believe (as the Russians have professed for over a century) the a propaganda lie, spoken often enough, with insufficient arguments to the contrary, will eventually become accepted as "truth". It may take some form of Divine Intervention, to counter this propaganda effort, fomented by the Left, and especially the "Main Stream Media", and that may well be coming soon!!! Perhaps some of the "Deep Staters" will miraculously spend time in jail!!!
We now are experiencing a slanderous verbal attack against the entire Trump administration by the Leftist "Main Stream Media", and the Democratic Party, with the so-called Mueller investigation leading the way, apparently trying desperately to uncover evidence of Trump/Russian collusion, and apparently finding none, after almost eighteen months of investigating. At the same time, there seems to be an unconscionable effort to ignore the Democratic (and Hillary Clinton campaign's) obvious collusion with an unregistered foreign agent (acting as an intermediator with Russian agents) to create a phony dossier of outright lies about the Trump campaign, in order to throw the election in Hillary's favor. The evidence is almost overwhelming, yet the Mueller investigation does nothing about it! When will they actually indict someone from the real conspiracy, and quit this obsessive quest to find impeachable evidence against Trump???
At some point, Attorney General Sessions should close their investigation down, and fire those investigators who can be proven to have ignored the facts, while trying to create a false collusion conspiracy scenario! If he will do this, I will rescind my former call to fire him for his do-nothing performance, to date, but if he will not then it only adds fuel to the fire of my opinion. It must not be Trump's firing of the Mueller Commission, because the Democrats would claim that Trump fired them because they were getting too close to the truth, which is exactly the opposite of reality!
In any case, some sense of reality must soon prevail over Washington, D.C., in spite of the "Deep State" efforts to obfuscate the issues! We seem to be at a critical stage in a battle between those who want the truth to prevail, and those who believe (as the Russians have professed for over a century) the a propaganda lie, spoken often enough, with insufficient arguments to the contrary, will eventually become accepted as "truth". It may take some form of Divine Intervention, to counter this propaganda effort, fomented by the Left, and especially the "Main Stream Media", and that may well be coming soon!!! Perhaps some of the "Deep Staters" will miraculously spend time in jail!!!
"How Do You Solve Evil In Society???"
The title was taken from a quote by Eric Trump during an interview on FOX's "Ingraham Angle", with host Laura Ingraham. I realize the point was rhetorical, in a discussion of gun control, and the outlandish charges against the Trump administration, by the political Left. But, it struck me that it broached a larger issue than was part of the discussion. There is indeed one way to "staunch the bleeding" in a world that wants peace and safety, and seems to have a steady diet of violence, and bloodshed all around them, endlessly!
Holy Ghost revival can happen in America today, even as it happened before, both before the American Revolution, and the Civil War. I don't remember all the details of these great revivals, and there may have been another preceding the first World War. But what I do remember is the characteristic repentance of sin, and evil practices that framed all of these movements! Each was followed shortly by some of the most violent days in our nation's history, and who's to say if we are not soon to be in another such desperate struggle for the safety of our nation, and our very lives, and those of our families!
I do remember stories about these Revivals, when prisons were uncharacteristically empty, and bars were closing for lack of business. Extrapolate that into today's crises, and I think we could see an end to our schools being targeted by murderous, deranged shooters, and international terrorists would try their evil on other countries, but avoid America, because it was too hard to keep secret their intentions when so many people were so easily alerted by improper behavior (not to mention the warnings of an all-knowing God); which completely contradicts the callous indifference of the F.B.I., in there treatment of the many warnings of the deranged shooter in the Parkland, Florida episode, and the behavior of the sheriff's deputy who waited outside the school, while the shooting was going on, instead of entering the building, and trying to take the shooter down! God can motivate normal people to do extraordinary things in critical situations, but He's not going to do it unless they first come to know Him.
So, before the readers simply brush this off as some "pie-in -the -sky, by-and-by", utopian pipe dream, I would argue that we have enough precedents in our history to know that it can happen today, on a larger scale, because of a much larger population. But, it begins with one person...YOU!!!
And if enough of the "YOU"'s out there begin to "pester" God (otherwise known as prevailing prayer) about the evil in our land, He will respond in a miraculous way! And, if another greater evil follows, we will be better able to handle that, as our ancestors did before us! But, I would not want to face that kind of evil without the Lord's help, and that may be where we are now!
Holy Ghost revival can happen in America today, even as it happened before, both before the American Revolution, and the Civil War. I don't remember all the details of these great revivals, and there may have been another preceding the first World War. But what I do remember is the characteristic repentance of sin, and evil practices that framed all of these movements! Each was followed shortly by some of the most violent days in our nation's history, and who's to say if we are not soon to be in another such desperate struggle for the safety of our nation, and our very lives, and those of our families!
I do remember stories about these Revivals, when prisons were uncharacteristically empty, and bars were closing for lack of business. Extrapolate that into today's crises, and I think we could see an end to our schools being targeted by murderous, deranged shooters, and international terrorists would try their evil on other countries, but avoid America, because it was too hard to keep secret their intentions when so many people were so easily alerted by improper behavior (not to mention the warnings of an all-knowing God); which completely contradicts the callous indifference of the F.B.I., in there treatment of the many warnings of the deranged shooter in the Parkland, Florida episode, and the behavior of the sheriff's deputy who waited outside the school, while the shooting was going on, instead of entering the building, and trying to take the shooter down! God can motivate normal people to do extraordinary things in critical situations, but He's not going to do it unless they first come to know Him.
So, before the readers simply brush this off as some "pie-in -the -sky, by-and-by", utopian pipe dream, I would argue that we have enough precedents in our history to know that it can happen today, on a larger scale, because of a much larger population. But, it begins with one person...YOU!!!
And if enough of the "YOU"'s out there begin to "pester" God (otherwise known as prevailing prayer) about the evil in our land, He will respond in a miraculous way! And, if another greater evil follows, we will be better able to handle that, as our ancestors did before us! But, I would not want to face that kind of evil without the Lord's help, and that may be where we are now!
Monday, February 19, 2018
Did God Allow The Parkland, Fla. Shooting?
We live in what strikes me as a particularly perilous time, here in America. At the same time, I recognize that what I'm about to say may seem a bit callous, and cruelly irreverent concerning the tragic shooting of seventeen students at the high school, in Parkland, Fla. I don't mean to trivialize the horror of their innocent slaughter in any way, but I wonder if God allowed this to happen, in order to wake us up to the potential threat we are facing, as a whole nation.
In the wake of this tragedy, we have heard unrelenting charges of the F.B.I.'s lack of response to very detailed warnings about the shooter. There were warnings about his social media boasting about wanting to commit a shooting at a school, precisely as the one he eventually did. Also there were warnings about his boasting of the guns he had been able to purchase. Yet the F.B.I. is accused of turning a deaf ear to these tips, for one reason or another, rather than making even a cursory investigation, which may have prevented the shooting from happening. If this is all true, it represents a level of incompetence on a mind-blowing scale, that I find difficult to believe about the F.B.I., based on the stellar reputation they have built over the years. This kind of criminal activity should be initially handled by the mid-level F.B.I. agents, who have contributed to the very reputation I just referred to. These are not the Obama administration appointees, and their like, who have been bogging down the entire criminal justice system with an apparently bogus investigation into supposed Russian collusion with the Trump election campaign, based upon the charges made by a dossier that was commissioned by the Clinton campaign (for $12 million), which relied heavily upon lies, by Russian spies, which in turn was never challenged by any F.B.I. investigation! Do we see a pattern here? The F.B.I. relying upon a document that is full of lies, and using it to base it's investigation into a bogus political witch hunt, while perhaps squelching any investigation into the shooter of 17 students after credible warnings had been received! I'm not saying the appointees did squelch it, but that seems more likely than that the veteran agents below them would have discounted the tips, unless ordered to do so, by their superiors.
Is this God's way of answering prayers for the deliverance of our F.B.I. from the blatant politicization that the Obama Administration created, and left us with an uncharacteristic level of incompetence??? It is of course a pity that innocent lives would necessarily be lost, in order to draw attention to the corruption of one of the most important agencies of the federal government. But, perhaps an internal investigation will be able to lay blame on whomever is responsible for this kind of dereliction, which may facilitate a necessary house-cleaning, primarily at the top!
In the wake of this tragedy, we have heard unrelenting charges of the F.B.I.'s lack of response to very detailed warnings about the shooter. There were warnings about his social media boasting about wanting to commit a shooting at a school, precisely as the one he eventually did. Also there were warnings about his boasting of the guns he had been able to purchase. Yet the F.B.I. is accused of turning a deaf ear to these tips, for one reason or another, rather than making even a cursory investigation, which may have prevented the shooting from happening. If this is all true, it represents a level of incompetence on a mind-blowing scale, that I find difficult to believe about the F.B.I., based on the stellar reputation they have built over the years. This kind of criminal activity should be initially handled by the mid-level F.B.I. agents, who have contributed to the very reputation I just referred to. These are not the Obama administration appointees, and their like, who have been bogging down the entire criminal justice system with an apparently bogus investigation into supposed Russian collusion with the Trump election campaign, based upon the charges made by a dossier that was commissioned by the Clinton campaign (for $12 million), which relied heavily upon lies, by Russian spies, which in turn was never challenged by any F.B.I. investigation! Do we see a pattern here? The F.B.I. relying upon a document that is full of lies, and using it to base it's investigation into a bogus political witch hunt, while perhaps squelching any investigation into the shooter of 17 students after credible warnings had been received! I'm not saying the appointees did squelch it, but that seems more likely than that the veteran agents below them would have discounted the tips, unless ordered to do so, by their superiors.
Is this God's way of answering prayers for the deliverance of our F.B.I. from the blatant politicization that the Obama Administration created, and left us with an uncharacteristic level of incompetence??? It is of course a pity that innocent lives would necessarily be lost, in order to draw attention to the corruption of one of the most important agencies of the federal government. But, perhaps an internal investigation will be able to lay blame on whomever is responsible for this kind of dereliction, which may facilitate a necessary house-cleaning, primarily at the top!
Friday, February 16, 2018
Russian Interest In My Blog Is Truly Baffling!!!
I admit it ! I just don't get it! I guess I can see why average Russian citizens would be curious about whatever I write about their country. And I suppose I can understand why loyal Putin followers, and Kremlin officials might be concerned about some American idiot who has the gall to believe that a so-called "prophecy", supposedly given by his God (which all good communists know for a fact that He doesn't exist!) some 2500 years ago, could actually be about to be fulfilled.
But, if they write me off as a blithering lunatic, why does their unusual interest in my blog continue? And how do they account for the facts that their own military buildup, in Syria, and their cooperation with Iran, in turning Syria into a base of operations, seemingly for the provoking of hostilities with Israel, does coincide perfectly with the invasion that the Prophet Ezekiel saw in the vision that God gave him!!! Frankly, when I am convinced that I am reading something that was written by someone whom I consider to be a blithering idiot, or even a lunatic (like something written in Hollywood, or New York City), I stop reading it, and find something more agreeable to read! (And, I remember not to return for more of the same.) So why do they keep coming back??? And why especially when I don't write something about Russia, or one of their Middle-East allies???
This week's tally of pageviews that my blog server says originated from Russia comes to 168, with 31 from yesterday, when I wrote nothing about them! This may seem small when considering how many computers must be active in Russia, but considering that I usually get anywhere from 1, to 3 pageviews from any other non-American country, daily, this is quite unusual! Are they so amazed that someone could be so "stupid" as to believe what I write, that they must return to re-read it all? If this is stupidity, may I never recover from it!!! And, as to my lunacy, they are apparently about to disprove that charge for me, themselves, when they execute their lunatic invasion, even though I have tirelessly warned them through my blog that a nearly total disaster awaits them, upon invading Israel!!! The destruction of 83 and 1/3rd of their invasion force, plus their leader, as well (who may be Putin, himself), I have written clearly about, repeatedly! What does it take to get through to these people!!! Are their egos so massive that they honestly believe they can defeat God on the battlefield???
But, like I said before, when God hardens someone's heart, like He did with Egypt's Pharaoh, no warning to the contrary seems to have any effect on deterring their greedy, vain, determination to carry out what God has placed in their hearts to do. He allows this so that He will receive the glory, when He destroys Israel's enemies!!!
But, if they write me off as a blithering lunatic, why does their unusual interest in my blog continue? And how do they account for the facts that their own military buildup, in Syria, and their cooperation with Iran, in turning Syria into a base of operations, seemingly for the provoking of hostilities with Israel, does coincide perfectly with the invasion that the Prophet Ezekiel saw in the vision that God gave him!!! Frankly, when I am convinced that I am reading something that was written by someone whom I consider to be a blithering idiot, or even a lunatic (like something written in Hollywood, or New York City), I stop reading it, and find something more agreeable to read! (And, I remember not to return for more of the same.) So why do they keep coming back??? And why especially when I don't write something about Russia, or one of their Middle-East allies???
This week's tally of pageviews that my blog server says originated from Russia comes to 168, with 31 from yesterday, when I wrote nothing about them! This may seem small when considering how many computers must be active in Russia, but considering that I usually get anywhere from 1, to 3 pageviews from any other non-American country, daily, this is quite unusual! Are they so amazed that someone could be so "stupid" as to believe what I write, that they must return to re-read it all? If this is stupidity, may I never recover from it!!! And, as to my lunacy, they are apparently about to disprove that charge for me, themselves, when they execute their lunatic invasion, even though I have tirelessly warned them through my blog that a nearly total disaster awaits them, upon invading Israel!!! The destruction of 83 and 1/3rd of their invasion force, plus their leader, as well (who may be Putin, himself), I have written clearly about, repeatedly! What does it take to get through to these people!!! Are their egos so massive that they honestly believe they can defeat God on the battlefield???
But, like I said before, when God hardens someone's heart, like He did with Egypt's Pharaoh, no warning to the contrary seems to have any effect on deterring their greedy, vain, determination to carry out what God has placed in their hearts to do. He allows this so that He will receive the glory, when He destroys Israel's enemies!!!
Sunday, February 11, 2018
It's Time For Trump To Fire Sessions!!!
The case against the Obama administration lackeys is well defined, already! There should have already been prosecutions, by now. And yet our do-nothing Attorney General continues to sit on his hands, and not prosecute these bums! President Trump wants action, and it's clear Sessions doesn't have the stomach to do what needs to be done! So why is he still in office??? Fire the S.O.B., now, and appoint someone who has the guts to do what obviously needs to be done!
It seems apparent that Obama spent eight years trying to appoint people to top positions in the F.B.I., and the Justice Department who were not only loyal to his administration, but were absolutely willing to risk law-breaking to keep a Republican, and Trump in particular, from winning the election, and to resist him even after he won. Both of these bureaucracies need to have someone do some legal "House-Cleaning", and fire the incompetent ones, and throw the law breakers in jail!
I guess Sessions is more concerned about his legacy after he leaves office, not wanting to be remembered as the Attorney General who fired several members directly under him, so soon after taking office. But, history is smart enough to recognize the difference between getting rid of the former administration's appointees, and cleaning house of a bunch of cronies that misuse their authority, for political reasons, both actively, and by refusing to act when it is called for!
The bulk of the people at these two bureaus are the same people who have served honorably, at their jobs for years, laying aside their personal political views, and merely investigating , and prosecuting violations of Constitutional, and Federal laws. But, Obama has obviously tried to "pack" these bureaus with people who would rather break the law, than serve this President! It's like Franklin D. Roosevelt, when he threatened to "pack" the Supreme Court with extra Justices, who were sympathetic to his views, to negate the opposition of the sitting justices. The difference is that Roosevelt never went through with his threat. Obama is evil enough to go through with his plans to subvert the authority of the elected President, even after his term is over.
How long are we going to put up with these unconstitutional shenanigans, and get around to throwing these rascals out! And the ones who deserve jail time should get what they deserve!!!
But we need an Attorney General with the guts to get this thing started!!!
UPDATE: (2/13/2018)--
A brief reflexion on the above post... I tried to reason why Attorney General Sessions might rationalize that it was proper for him to stall any prosecutions of the Obama "Deep Staters" that are encumbering the top (mostly political appointments) of both the F.B.I., and the D.O.J. The only thing I can surmise would be that he was trying to protect his own job, should the Democrats regain control of the Congress, in the election next November, which would tend to suggest that they might well win back the Presidency, in 2020.
Attorney Generals have been kept on by succeeding Administrations, if the newly-elected incumbent feels they have done a good job before their election. The idea of firing the opposing party's appointees would not bode well for job security, should the opposition regain the presidency. That is the traditional view of the federal bureaucracy, but this case is different.
F.B.I. agents, and D.O.J. attorneys, and prosecutors, are supposed to be able to lay aside their political views, and determine the validity of legitimate prosecution, based upon their expertise in both Constitutional, and Federal law. Either the intentional prosecution of obviously innocent people, or (in this case) the refusal to prosecute apparently guilty parties would constitute intentional obstruction of justice, which is at least grounds for firing. And, in this case we have people trying to defeat the intentions of President Trump, even after he was elected!
Sessions can't have it both ways; either prosecute the law breakers, and fire the ones who used their offices to try and keep Trump from being elected, or get out of the way, and let someone else who will take over!!!
It seems apparent that Obama spent eight years trying to appoint people to top positions in the F.B.I., and the Justice Department who were not only loyal to his administration, but were absolutely willing to risk law-breaking to keep a Republican, and Trump in particular, from winning the election, and to resist him even after he won. Both of these bureaucracies need to have someone do some legal "House-Cleaning", and fire the incompetent ones, and throw the law breakers in jail!
I guess Sessions is more concerned about his legacy after he leaves office, not wanting to be remembered as the Attorney General who fired several members directly under him, so soon after taking office. But, history is smart enough to recognize the difference between getting rid of the former administration's appointees, and cleaning house of a bunch of cronies that misuse their authority, for political reasons, both actively, and by refusing to act when it is called for!
The bulk of the people at these two bureaus are the same people who have served honorably, at their jobs for years, laying aside their personal political views, and merely investigating , and prosecuting violations of Constitutional, and Federal laws. But, Obama has obviously tried to "pack" these bureaus with people who would rather break the law, than serve this President! It's like Franklin D. Roosevelt, when he threatened to "pack" the Supreme Court with extra Justices, who were sympathetic to his views, to negate the opposition of the sitting justices. The difference is that Roosevelt never went through with his threat. Obama is evil enough to go through with his plans to subvert the authority of the elected President, even after his term is over.
How long are we going to put up with these unconstitutional shenanigans, and get around to throwing these rascals out! And the ones who deserve jail time should get what they deserve!!!
But we need an Attorney General with the guts to get this thing started!!!
UPDATE: (2/13/2018)--
A brief reflexion on the above post... I tried to reason why Attorney General Sessions might rationalize that it was proper for him to stall any prosecutions of the Obama "Deep Staters" that are encumbering the top (mostly political appointments) of both the F.B.I., and the D.O.J. The only thing I can surmise would be that he was trying to protect his own job, should the Democrats regain control of the Congress, in the election next November, which would tend to suggest that they might well win back the Presidency, in 2020.
Attorney Generals have been kept on by succeeding Administrations, if the newly-elected incumbent feels they have done a good job before their election. The idea of firing the opposing party's appointees would not bode well for job security, should the opposition regain the presidency. That is the traditional view of the federal bureaucracy, but this case is different.
F.B.I. agents, and D.O.J. attorneys, and prosecutors, are supposed to be able to lay aside their political views, and determine the validity of legitimate prosecution, based upon their expertise in both Constitutional, and Federal law. Either the intentional prosecution of obviously innocent people, or (in this case) the refusal to prosecute apparently guilty parties would constitute intentional obstruction of justice, which is at least grounds for firing. And, in this case we have people trying to defeat the intentions of President Trump, even after he was elected!
Sessions can't have it both ways; either prosecute the law breakers, and fire the ones who used their offices to try and keep Trump from being elected, or get out of the way, and let someone else who will take over!!!
Saturday, February 10, 2018
The First Exchange Between Israel's Military And Iran...
Are these the semi-official "opening salvos" of the "Gog/Magog" invasion???
Early this morning, according to FOX NEWS, the Israeli military shot down an Iranian drone they said was violating their sovereign air space. Of course Iran denied this, though this is a typical way of provoking conflict that is deniable, in order to supposedly establish a basis for a future full-scale invasion. Apparently, this has happened before, though this is the first time Israel has shot down a drone. They backed it up by sending their Air Force jets into Syrian air space to destroy the base from which the drone was launched. Syria, in turn shot down one of Israel's jets, which managed to land in Israeli territory, with one pilot uninjured, but the other seriously injured. This seems to me to be more serious than a little squabbling over border security! I suspect that Iran wants to "bloody Israel's nose", in order to pick a fight with them. This kind of border conflict could go on for quite some time, until people around the world get tired of trying to remember who started it all. That's when the all out invasion will probably start, most likely with Syria bombarding Israel with some sort of poison gas; Sarin gas, or Chlorine gas, or maybe both!
I'd say it's about time for Israeli citizens to lay aside their pride, and start carrying their gas masks with them, in their briefcases when they go to work, or wives in their jumbo-sized purses, next to the refrigerator, or the computer, and children should carry theirs to school, in their back-packs, or on their belts when they walk the dog...do they make gas masks for pets? I dunno!
Seriously folks, there is no need to panic, but it is time to start planning for something unexpected to happen any day... Did I really just say "unexpected", after God warned them about it 2500 years ago!
Early this morning, according to FOX NEWS, the Israeli military shot down an Iranian drone they said was violating their sovereign air space. Of course Iran denied this, though this is a typical way of provoking conflict that is deniable, in order to supposedly establish a basis for a future full-scale invasion. Apparently, this has happened before, though this is the first time Israel has shot down a drone. They backed it up by sending their Air Force jets into Syrian air space to destroy the base from which the drone was launched. Syria, in turn shot down one of Israel's jets, which managed to land in Israeli territory, with one pilot uninjured, but the other seriously injured. This seems to me to be more serious than a little squabbling over border security! I suspect that Iran wants to "bloody Israel's nose", in order to pick a fight with them. This kind of border conflict could go on for quite some time, until people around the world get tired of trying to remember who started it all. That's when the all out invasion will probably start, most likely with Syria bombarding Israel with some sort of poison gas; Sarin gas, or Chlorine gas, or maybe both!
I'd say it's about time for Israeli citizens to lay aside their pride, and start carrying their gas masks with them, in their briefcases when they go to work, or wives in their jumbo-sized purses, next to the refrigerator, or the computer, and children should carry theirs to school, in their back-packs, or on their belts when they walk the dog...do they make gas masks for pets? I dunno!
Seriously folks, there is no need to panic, but it is time to start planning for something unexpected to happen any day... Did I really just say "unexpected", after God warned them about it 2500 years ago!
Friday, February 9, 2018
Iran Is Trying To Take Over Iraq Through Politics, Now
Iran has supposedly put down their weapons, in favor of politics, in the Iraqi elections. This is just another move to establish Iraq as Iranian territory, and I'll bet that if it is not sufficiently successful, they will pick up their arms again, and attack the ruling government in Iraq, just as they attacked I.S.I.S., before. Their interests have nothing to do with preserving Iraq's sovereignty, but rather the furtherance of their long held desire to build a revision of the ancient Persian Empire, by taking over the territory now belonging to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and eventually Israel itself!
FOX NEWS is reporting that various Shiite militia groups have joined forces to create a Shia Muslim political party to challenge legally for the ruling party position, in Iraq. If they are successful, how long should one expect them to wait before allowing the Shiite dominated government of Iran to annex them into Iranian territory??? And, afterwards they will probably try the same technique in taking over Syria, and Lebanon. Syria has been very close to Iran for decades, and Lebanon is also dominated by Shiite Muslims. These would easily be engulfed in this neo-Persian movement...but Israel would not!!! (" No problem! Lets just join with the Russians to conquer Israel, and after we drive all the Jews of Israel into the Mediterranean Sea, in a genocidal purge, we'll pay Russia back by helping them conquer the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf State Emirates. After all these Emirates are run by Sunni Muslim families, which we Shiites consider to be heretic!!!") This is a conversation that I heard within my own imagination, but I wouldn't be surprised if it actually took place, somewhere in Iraq!
I continue to see abundant signs of the prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion being set up all over the Middle-East, and am tempted to say it can't wait much longer! But I won't. The world doesn't need any more self-proclaimed neo-prophets, and I'm not about to try and predict that far into the future. But it does seem to be shaping up, doesn't it?
Also, these so-called political parties are warning that if the U.S. does not withdraw ALL of our troops from Iraq, we are risking armed resistance from the militias that formed these political groups. Sounds like both Russia, and Iran are anxious for America to get out, so they can get on with their business. Gee...I wonder what that business would be???
UPDATE: 2/10/2018--
Again, it happened again! This time only 25 "pageviews" from Russia, but still a bit unusual. But, I guess they are not quite so interested when the subject of my post is only about their ally, Iran, rather than Russia itself. Still, their unusual interest tends to legitimize my position about their future plans for the Middle-East! It seems to express a paranoia about how I came to know of their "secret" plans.
Some "secret"!!! God revealed it to the Prophet Ezekiel some 2500 years ago!!! And the Israelis have had the option to believe it, or not, ever since! Are the Russians actually dumbfounded that someone could believe God's Word all these years???
UPDATE: (2/10/2018)--
...And again,...and...Today, after saying yesterday that the Russian "pageviews" were less than it used to be, I noticed that the total for the week, attributed to Russia was now over triple digits (127), which is in line with the earlier Russian interest, when I wrote about them. The difference here is that I wrote about Iran, not Russia. But, I guess they are interested in anything I have to say about them, or their allies.
FOX NEWS is reporting that various Shiite militia groups have joined forces to create a Shia Muslim political party to challenge legally for the ruling party position, in Iraq. If they are successful, how long should one expect them to wait before allowing the Shiite dominated government of Iran to annex them into Iranian territory??? And, afterwards they will probably try the same technique in taking over Syria, and Lebanon. Syria has been very close to Iran for decades, and Lebanon is also dominated by Shiite Muslims. These would easily be engulfed in this neo-Persian movement...but Israel would not!!! (" No problem! Lets just join with the Russians to conquer Israel, and after we drive all the Jews of Israel into the Mediterranean Sea, in a genocidal purge, we'll pay Russia back by helping them conquer the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf State Emirates. After all these Emirates are run by Sunni Muslim families, which we Shiites consider to be heretic!!!") This is a conversation that I heard within my own imagination, but I wouldn't be surprised if it actually took place, somewhere in Iraq!
I continue to see abundant signs of the prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion being set up all over the Middle-East, and am tempted to say it can't wait much longer! But I won't. The world doesn't need any more self-proclaimed neo-prophets, and I'm not about to try and predict that far into the future. But it does seem to be shaping up, doesn't it?
Also, these so-called political parties are warning that if the U.S. does not withdraw ALL of our troops from Iraq, we are risking armed resistance from the militias that formed these political groups. Sounds like both Russia, and Iran are anxious for America to get out, so they can get on with their business. Gee...I wonder what that business would be???
UPDATE: 2/10/2018--
Again, it happened again! This time only 25 "pageviews" from Russia, but still a bit unusual. But, I guess they are not quite so interested when the subject of my post is only about their ally, Iran, rather than Russia itself. Still, their unusual interest tends to legitimize my position about their future plans for the Middle-East! It seems to express a paranoia about how I came to know of their "secret" plans.
Some "secret"!!! God revealed it to the Prophet Ezekiel some 2500 years ago!!! And the Israelis have had the option to believe it, or not, ever since! Are the Russians actually dumbfounded that someone could believe God's Word all these years???
UPDATE: (2/10/2018)--
...And again,...and...Today, after saying yesterday that the Russian "pageviews" were less than it used to be, I noticed that the total for the week, attributed to Russia was now over triple digits (127), which is in line with the earlier Russian interest, when I wrote about them. The difference here is that I wrote about Iran, not Russia. But, I guess they are interested in anything I have to say about them, or their allies.
Monday, February 5, 2018
FOX NEWS Reports U.S. Troops Being Re-Deployed From Iraq, To Afghanistan,,,
These reports seem to be preliminary, and I'm not sure of the scale of this, but it does seem to be consistent with my prediction that the Trump Administration would soon find some reason to move troops out of Iraq, now that I.S.I.S .has been mostly driven out of there. I previously stated that I felt Russia would try to pressure us to get out of the theatre, because they wouldn't dare invade Israel, if there was a ready American defense force in the region that would surely aid Israel's defense. I speculated that there might be a behind-the-scenes agreement to reign in North Korea's government, of their bellicose threats to the U.S., and our allies, if Trump would withdraw our troops from the region. But since the original I.S.I.S. invasion was brought on by the void left by Obama's foolish withdrawal of our forces, Trump couldn't seem to be doing the same thing! Therefore the professed goal is to provide additional support for our troops in Afghanistan at a time when retreating I.S.I.S. forces are themselves joining with the Taliban forces there.
All this seems to further set the stage for Russia, Iran, and various other Muslim countries' forces to invade Israel according to the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy. It would seem necessary for them to get American troops out of the region, at least until they feel they are too firmly entrenched for us to do anything to stop them. But, they apparently don't consider Israel's military enough of a threat, themselves, which will prove to be a disastrous miscalculation on their part, when God causes Israel to destroy their forces up to 83,and 1/3 rd. %!!!
So, am I now ready to predict that the so-called "Gog/Magog" Middle-East Invasion is about ready to start??? Not at all! I will probably hold off making that call until the first Russian, or Iranian tanks approach the Israeli border! I have said before that I don't wish to seem to be promoting myself as some kind of modern-day prophet. My predictions are merely based on the apparent logic of current events seeming to unfold in line with the prophecy that was given 2500 year ago, and is yet to be fulfilled. I leave it to the reader to determine if there seems to be any truth to my logic!
UPDATE: 2/8/2018--
There it goes again!!! I know my readers must be getting tired of my accounting of the dramatic increases in my daily "pageviews", reported by my blog server, each time I write something about Russia, and especially about their apparently making preparations for what could only logically seem to be the fulfillment of the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, prophecied by the prophet Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago.
But it happened again today!!! Not like it used to happen, when I would get over 100 daily increases listed as originating in Russia. But, 44 "pageviews", from Russia today, especially when all of those from America this week total only 4 more than that, indicates some kind of unusual interest that I can not imagine an explanation for, other than what I wrote above!
This, coupled with the rather dramatic trip that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently took to Russia, in response to the 80-100,000 troop Iranian buildup in Syria, which lies upon Israel's northern border, lets me know that I am not alone in believing that Russia is planning something like this prophetic invasion, in which Iran is called out as one of Russia's main allies. Perhaps they think that world public opinion will be less outraged if the invasion begins at the hands of Iranian forces, perhaps with the chemical weapons that Syria is known to be stockpiling.
I suspect that Netanyahu's trip was in the same vane as a local cop crawling out on a skyscraper ledge, desperately imploring a suicidal person not to do it! He probably wanted to let Putin know that any invasion will not be at all secret; the details being thoroughly relayed by God 2500 years ago. Israel has been supplying gas masks to their citizens for decades, for just such a possibility. And, if this invasion force uses chemical weapons against Israel, in violation of International Law, then Israel should not be condemned (though they probably will be, anyway!) for resorting to their also condemned stockpile of Neutron Nuclear devises, as a last resort!
This, coupled with a prophecied earthquake, will likely throw the invasion force into a panicked retreat, which will probably be resisted by some, as the Bible says that, "every man's sword" (or modern weapon) "will be against his brother" (or, comrade in arms). The result will be an overwhelming victory for Israel, and the near total destruction (83, and 1/3rd%) of the invasion forces!!! But, just like the belligerence of Pharaoh, when God hardened his heart in order to be glorified when He destroyed the Egyptian Army, in the Red Sea, I suspect that Putin's ego is too massive to be moved by any warning that Netanyahu might give him about the certain doom of any such invasion!!! So, God will be glorified in this fiasco, as He was then!!!
All this seems to further set the stage for Russia, Iran, and various other Muslim countries' forces to invade Israel according to the Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecy. It would seem necessary for them to get American troops out of the region, at least until they feel they are too firmly entrenched for us to do anything to stop them. But, they apparently don't consider Israel's military enough of a threat, themselves, which will prove to be a disastrous miscalculation on their part, when God causes Israel to destroy their forces up to 83,and 1/3 rd. %!!!
So, am I now ready to predict that the so-called "Gog/Magog" Middle-East Invasion is about ready to start??? Not at all! I will probably hold off making that call until the first Russian, or Iranian tanks approach the Israeli border! I have said before that I don't wish to seem to be promoting myself as some kind of modern-day prophet. My predictions are merely based on the apparent logic of current events seeming to unfold in line with the prophecy that was given 2500 year ago, and is yet to be fulfilled. I leave it to the reader to determine if there seems to be any truth to my logic!
UPDATE: 2/8/2018--
There it goes again!!! I know my readers must be getting tired of my accounting of the dramatic increases in my daily "pageviews", reported by my blog server, each time I write something about Russia, and especially about their apparently making preparations for what could only logically seem to be the fulfillment of the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, prophecied by the prophet Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago.
But it happened again today!!! Not like it used to happen, when I would get over 100 daily increases listed as originating in Russia. But, 44 "pageviews", from Russia today, especially when all of those from America this week total only 4 more than that, indicates some kind of unusual interest that I can not imagine an explanation for, other than what I wrote above!
This, coupled with the rather dramatic trip that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently took to Russia, in response to the 80-100,000 troop Iranian buildup in Syria, which lies upon Israel's northern border, lets me know that I am not alone in believing that Russia is planning something like this prophetic invasion, in which Iran is called out as one of Russia's main allies. Perhaps they think that world public opinion will be less outraged if the invasion begins at the hands of Iranian forces, perhaps with the chemical weapons that Syria is known to be stockpiling.
I suspect that Netanyahu's trip was in the same vane as a local cop crawling out on a skyscraper ledge, desperately imploring a suicidal person not to do it! He probably wanted to let Putin know that any invasion will not be at all secret; the details being thoroughly relayed by God 2500 years ago. Israel has been supplying gas masks to their citizens for decades, for just such a possibility. And, if this invasion force uses chemical weapons against Israel, in violation of International Law, then Israel should not be condemned (though they probably will be, anyway!) for resorting to their also condemned stockpile of Neutron Nuclear devises, as a last resort!
This, coupled with a prophecied earthquake, will likely throw the invasion force into a panicked retreat, which will probably be resisted by some, as the Bible says that, "every man's sword" (or modern weapon) "will be against his brother" (or, comrade in arms). The result will be an overwhelming victory for Israel, and the near total destruction (83, and 1/3rd%) of the invasion forces!!! But, just like the belligerence of Pharaoh, when God hardened his heart in order to be glorified when He destroyed the Egyptian Army, in the Red Sea, I suspect that Putin's ego is too massive to be moved by any warning that Netanyahu might give him about the certain doom of any such invasion!!! So, God will be glorified in this fiasco, as He was then!!!
Friday, February 2, 2018
A Bit Of Revision To My Expectations Of "Gog/Magog"...
For years I have been expecting that the prophecy of Ezekiel: 38, and 39 referred to the "Gog/Magog" Middle-East invasion as beginning as the appearance of a "cloud" swooping over the "mountains of Israel", seemed to refer to either a massive invasion of armaments, such as tanks, and troop carriers, or a form of toxic chemical warfare being spread upon the invasion path, to minimize resistance, and bring about total capitulation of their enemies, in this case, Israel! Perhaps a combination of the two is a more practical expectation, for the beginning of the invasion.
But, since Syria, one of the invading allies, has demonstrated a predisposition to use chemical weapons against rebels within their own country, and Sarin gas in particular, I logically presumed that that would be part of their advance operation.
But, news reports are now claiming that Syria is producing stockpiles of Chlorine gas, every bit as toxic as Sarin gas, but affecting the victims in different ways. Does the account of victims, in Jeremiah: 4, verse 19, relate to this type of gas attack? One can only speculate, but the description of someone complaining of stomach and abdominal pain, and rapid heart palpitations, does seem to describe the suffering that accompanies Chlorine gas exposure, coupled with the victim's concern that the noise of battle is surrounding him. It seems that this victim realizes that his services are soon to be required to defend his nation from external attack, yet he realizes that he is too debilitated to respond. This sounds like exactly what the intent will be for the users of chemical weapons upon Israel. Not so much the killing of their invasion foes, as the temporary debilitation of them, so as to render them useless in any defense against the invasion forces. And the fact that Chlorine gas, like Sarin gas, also is heavier than air, and seeks the lowest point to collect in, seems to agree with Jesus' prophetic warning in Matthew:24, that those who are effected by this invasion should not come down from their housetops, and those who are in the field should not return home, but flee to the mountain tops. This does not take into account that Israel has been making gas masks available for the public, for decades, presumably because many see this prophecy as on the verge of fulfillment!
But, the fact that international law considers Chemical weapons to be "illegal", relieves Israel of any international guilt for retaliating with another "illegal" weapons system that seems to be described as employed in this conflict; namely Neutron Nuclear devices (bombs, artillery shells, or missiles), which is apparently enough to cause the invaders to retreat in panic!!! The end of it all will be an overwhelming victory for Israel, and the total destruction of 83, and 1/3rd % of the invasion force!!!
This is how God plans to be "Glorified", upon the "mountains of Israel"!!!
But, since Syria, one of the invading allies, has demonstrated a predisposition to use chemical weapons against rebels within their own country, and Sarin gas in particular, I logically presumed that that would be part of their advance operation.
But, news reports are now claiming that Syria is producing stockpiles of Chlorine gas, every bit as toxic as Sarin gas, but affecting the victims in different ways. Does the account of victims, in Jeremiah: 4, verse 19, relate to this type of gas attack? One can only speculate, but the description of someone complaining of stomach and abdominal pain, and rapid heart palpitations, does seem to describe the suffering that accompanies Chlorine gas exposure, coupled with the victim's concern that the noise of battle is surrounding him. It seems that this victim realizes that his services are soon to be required to defend his nation from external attack, yet he realizes that he is too debilitated to respond. This sounds like exactly what the intent will be for the users of chemical weapons upon Israel. Not so much the killing of their invasion foes, as the temporary debilitation of them, so as to render them useless in any defense against the invasion forces. And the fact that Chlorine gas, like Sarin gas, also is heavier than air, and seeks the lowest point to collect in, seems to agree with Jesus' prophetic warning in Matthew:24, that those who are effected by this invasion should not come down from their housetops, and those who are in the field should not return home, but flee to the mountain tops. This does not take into account that Israel has been making gas masks available for the public, for decades, presumably because many see this prophecy as on the verge of fulfillment!
But, the fact that international law considers Chemical weapons to be "illegal", relieves Israel of any international guilt for retaliating with another "illegal" weapons system that seems to be described as employed in this conflict; namely Neutron Nuclear devices (bombs, artillery shells, or missiles), which is apparently enough to cause the invaders to retreat in panic!!! The end of it all will be an overwhelming victory for Israel, and the total destruction of 83, and 1/3rd % of the invasion force!!!
This is how God plans to be "Glorified", upon the "mountains of Israel"!!!
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