No, I am not referring to that bastion of Pagan celebration we call "Halloween"! I am referring to the real holiday celebration that should take place annually, on that date (and even more so tomorrow), but generally doesn't. Instead of dressing up like witches, ghosts, and goblins, we should reverently celebrate something that might be called, "Happy Reformation Day"!!!
On October 31st, in the year 1517 (500 years ago, tomorrow), history tells us that a 33 year old monk, named Martin Luther, reputedly nailed a list of 95 objections to the common practices of the Catholic Church, known as his "95 Theses", to the church door, in Wittenberg, Germany. Thus began what is today referred to as the, "Protestant Reformation".
Among his "95 Theses" was the concept that salvation, and eternal forgiveness of sins, was not a matter of Priestly absolution, or something that could be earned by one's good works, but was solely a free gift of God, for the confession of Jesus Christ as one's personal Lord, and Savior, and receiving His forgiveness for all of your sins! It further dismissed the practice of purchasing the salvation of deceased loved ones from the Church, and their release from "Purgatory" unto Heaven, a practice that was common in Luther's time, as the Church tried to raise money for Vatican repairs.
It also started the concept that the Bible should be translated into the common vernacular, and as such should be the final authority in instructing Christian living. The idea that the Church Priests were not the final authority for Christians, was considered blasphemous in his day, for which people were routinely burned to death, at the stake!
In a time when Bible reading has become considered frivolous, and even pointless, perhaps a different celebration set for October 31st of each year might cause some reconsideration of people's values.
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Friday, October 27, 2017
The Blatant Gall of the Obama Democrats...
...And especially the Clintons!!!
The scandal continues to unfold...The only thing I can guess is that they were so sure that Hillary would win, in 2016, that they needn't fear prosecution from her Justice department; and between then and when Hillary's certain 2020 re-election term ended, in 2024, she would surely have completed the overthrow (with voluntary public support) of our Constitutional government, in order to throw us headlong into the European system of One World Government, that the Antichrist will eventually use to come to World Domination (for seven years only).
Surprise, surprise!!! Hillary lost!!!
Now those Democratic idiots have to scramble desperately to figure out some way to throw the Trump Administration's Justice Department off the scent of their blatant conspiracy, not only to throw the election in Hillary's favor, but to eventually destroy our Constitutional sovereignty. "Wait ...I've got it...Let's use Russian propaganda lies to create a false accusation of the Trump campaign's supposed collusion with the Russians to dig up dirt on the Democrats, in order to throw the election for the Republicans! Yeah!...That's the ticket!!! Either we'll stall any investigation into our own collusion with the Russians, or we may create enough outrage from all those idiots in the voting public to get Trump impeached!!! Yeah that's what we'll do!.." (Caution: The above statement was recorded only in my own imagination, and does not reflect the opinions of anyone else...perhaps??? But, I wouldn't be surprised if something similar was discussed behind closed doors, of the Democratic principals involved!)
While they were at it, they (meaning the Clintons, probably with Obama Administration approval, and cooperation) decided to sell the corporate rights to 20% of America's uranium deposits to the Russians, apparently for a series of bribes to these same principals. Again, they didn't fear prosecution, because they believed that the Constitution would be legally abolished soon, one way or another. These people are not merely anti-American, they are desperately pro-One World Government!!! After all, they probably don't put any credence in the Biblical warnings about the eventual evil of the One World Government movement, nor the caution about God's ultimate destruction of all those who willingly support it! They probably wouldn't be caught dead even reading a Bible, in the first place, and they most likely consider those of us who do to be irrelevant buffoons, anyway!
I guess it's time for your friendly, neighborhood buffoon to sign off for today!!!
The scandal continues to unfold...The only thing I can guess is that they were so sure that Hillary would win, in 2016, that they needn't fear prosecution from her Justice department; and between then and when Hillary's certain 2020 re-election term ended, in 2024, she would surely have completed the overthrow (with voluntary public support) of our Constitutional government, in order to throw us headlong into the European system of One World Government, that the Antichrist will eventually use to come to World Domination (for seven years only).
Surprise, surprise!!! Hillary lost!!!
Now those Democratic idiots have to scramble desperately to figure out some way to throw the Trump Administration's Justice Department off the scent of their blatant conspiracy, not only to throw the election in Hillary's favor, but to eventually destroy our Constitutional sovereignty. "Wait ...I've got it...Let's use Russian propaganda lies to create a false accusation of the Trump campaign's supposed collusion with the Russians to dig up dirt on the Democrats, in order to throw the election for the Republicans! Yeah!...That's the ticket!!! Either we'll stall any investigation into our own collusion with the Russians, or we may create enough outrage from all those idiots in the voting public to get Trump impeached!!! Yeah that's what we'll do!.." (Caution: The above statement was recorded only in my own imagination, and does not reflect the opinions of anyone else...perhaps??? But, I wouldn't be surprised if something similar was discussed behind closed doors, of the Democratic principals involved!)
While they were at it, they (meaning the Clintons, probably with Obama Administration approval, and cooperation) decided to sell the corporate rights to 20% of America's uranium deposits to the Russians, apparently for a series of bribes to these same principals. Again, they didn't fear prosecution, because they believed that the Constitution would be legally abolished soon, one way or another. These people are not merely anti-American, they are desperately pro-One World Government!!! After all, they probably don't put any credence in the Biblical warnings about the eventual evil of the One World Government movement, nor the caution about God's ultimate destruction of all those who willingly support it! They probably wouldn't be caught dead even reading a Bible, in the first place, and they most likely consider those of us who do to be irrelevant buffoons, anyway!
I guess it's time for your friendly, neighborhood buffoon to sign off for today!!!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
I Sense God's Fingerprints All Over This Scandal!
We have been subjected to months of endless mainstream media diatribes about the Trump administration's "collusion" with Russian attempts to influence our elections, and other supposed scandals, endlessly foistered upon our psyches, "ad nauseum"! This seems to be nothing, more, nor less, than typical Leftist propaganda, which is considered useful by the Left, when they find a lie to be more convenient than the truth. So far there has been no sufficient evidence to back up their innuendo; but the propagandists never need proof to back up their charges. They believe that a lie, spoken often enough, without contrary evidence, will be believed by the majority of the people. Their cynical view of the people, is so insulting!!! That's how idiots like Congresswoman Wilson, and Maxine Waters got elected, and manage to stay in office, so far; but their lying ways will bring them down, eventually.
But, God has told us, in the Bible. that there is no sin that will not eventually be exposed, no matter how carefully it is covered up. Take the recent "casting couch" sex scandals that have exposed the horrible practices of Billionaire Harvey Weinstein, and before that the charges of drug-induced molestations, and even rape, against Bill Cosby. The "dirty little secrets" that have been apparently "open secrets" in Hollywood, for years, have recently proven that no amount of financial assets can protect anyone from God's principles, no matter how hard they try!
Now we have the "turn-about-is-fair-play" Democratic scandals about the Clintons colluding with Russian "proxy corporations" to purchase up to 20% of our nation's uranium deposits, and ship it overseas, to end up,,,,gee, I can't guess where! Probably to Russia, first, and then, perhaps, Iran, or even North Korea! They will no doubt be used to create nuclear weapons to potentially be used against America, or our allies. If these are not criminal acts, and even treasonous, I don't know what is!
This is precisely the way God protects His people. He lets them seemingly be on the brink of absolute destruction, and then dramatically" turns the tables" on their enemies, often bringing the same destruction upon them, that they had intended to bring upon those whom God wants to protect! The point is not necessarily that these people are "holier-than-thou", but that their principle positions are perhaps holier. Essentially, it's not that, "God is on our side" but that we are on God's side!!! When a people stands for righteousness, they will have God's help, eventually, though we may have to experience great stress along the way. He wants us to persevere, against all odds, trusting that we will be victorious in Him, ultimately!
There are numerous examples of this, historically. The American Revolution, when a bunch of angry rebels took on the foremost military power in the world, at that time. They nearly were defeated, at first, until their rag-tag Army became an efficient fighting force, and was eventually reinforced with the long-promised, but late to show up French Army, and Navy, which turned the tide of battle at Yorktown, Va. Again, in 1812, when that same foe tried again, and even marched on the nation's capital, even burning down the White House, only to be defeated at New Orleans! In the Civil War, the incompetence of the Union forces was pathetically obvious in both the first, and second battles of Bull Run, but they persevered in their stand for righteousness, until they were eventually victorious, at Appomattox, Va. Again, in World Wars I, and II, the allies started out miserably (the British Army was hopelessly trapped at Dunkirk, to start W.W. II), only to be eventually victorious, not because we were better people, but because our principles were more in line with God's righteousness, than Germany's, especially the Nazi's!!!
Over, and over, again He eventually brings the victory to those who stand for His righteousness, sometimes using righteous believers, like Moses (when Pharaoh's Army trapped the Israelites against the sea, they were surely facing total annihilation), King David, and later George Washington, and Abe Lincoln. At other times, he uses leaders of personally questionable moral principles, like womanizing F.D.R.; and alcoholic, and cigar-puffing U.S. Grant, and later, Winston Churchill. That's why I have no trouble supporting Donald Trump, in spite of his reputation for groping women, and pre-election philandering. (The Democrats looked the other way for the philandering of F.D.R., and J.F.K.; why should Trump be different, except that he's not of their Party. It seems that womanizing, and philandering are excusable for Democrats, but it becomes sinful only when one is a Republican.) As long as he behaves himself, while in office, and stands for righteousness on behalf of the American people (which, so far, I believe he has!), I will support him! Just as soon as he starts to turn away from Biblical principles, and tries to drag this country along with him, as such, I will denounce him vociferously, and resist him any way I can.
That is precisely why I can't bring myself to vote for a Democrat, like Obama, or the Clintons! And now we are beginning to see the wisdom in keeping these S.O.B.'s out of office!!! When I find a Democrat who seems to stand for righteousness, regardless of his personal morality, I'll let you know! It hasn't happened yet!!!
But, God has told us, in the Bible. that there is no sin that will not eventually be exposed, no matter how carefully it is covered up. Take the recent "casting couch" sex scandals that have exposed the horrible practices of Billionaire Harvey Weinstein, and before that the charges of drug-induced molestations, and even rape, against Bill Cosby. The "dirty little secrets" that have been apparently "open secrets" in Hollywood, for years, have recently proven that no amount of financial assets can protect anyone from God's principles, no matter how hard they try!
Now we have the "turn-about-is-fair-play" Democratic scandals about the Clintons colluding with Russian "proxy corporations" to purchase up to 20% of our nation's uranium deposits, and ship it overseas, to end up,,,,gee, I can't guess where! Probably to Russia, first, and then, perhaps, Iran, or even North Korea! They will no doubt be used to create nuclear weapons to potentially be used against America, or our allies. If these are not criminal acts, and even treasonous, I don't know what is!
This is precisely the way God protects His people. He lets them seemingly be on the brink of absolute destruction, and then dramatically" turns the tables" on their enemies, often bringing the same destruction upon them, that they had intended to bring upon those whom God wants to protect! The point is not necessarily that these people are "holier-than-thou", but that their principle positions are perhaps holier. Essentially, it's not that, "God is on our side" but that we are on God's side!!! When a people stands for righteousness, they will have God's help, eventually, though we may have to experience great stress along the way. He wants us to persevere, against all odds, trusting that we will be victorious in Him, ultimately!
There are numerous examples of this, historically. The American Revolution, when a bunch of angry rebels took on the foremost military power in the world, at that time. They nearly were defeated, at first, until their rag-tag Army became an efficient fighting force, and was eventually reinforced with the long-promised, but late to show up French Army, and Navy, which turned the tide of battle at Yorktown, Va. Again, in 1812, when that same foe tried again, and even marched on the nation's capital, even burning down the White House, only to be defeated at New Orleans! In the Civil War, the incompetence of the Union forces was pathetically obvious in both the first, and second battles of Bull Run, but they persevered in their stand for righteousness, until they were eventually victorious, at Appomattox, Va. Again, in World Wars I, and II, the allies started out miserably (the British Army was hopelessly trapped at Dunkirk, to start W.W. II), only to be eventually victorious, not because we were better people, but because our principles were more in line with God's righteousness, than Germany's, especially the Nazi's!!!
Over, and over, again He eventually brings the victory to those who stand for His righteousness, sometimes using righteous believers, like Moses (when Pharaoh's Army trapped the Israelites against the sea, they were surely facing total annihilation), King David, and later George Washington, and Abe Lincoln. At other times, he uses leaders of personally questionable moral principles, like womanizing F.D.R.; and alcoholic, and cigar-puffing U.S. Grant, and later, Winston Churchill. That's why I have no trouble supporting Donald Trump, in spite of his reputation for groping women, and pre-election philandering. (The Democrats looked the other way for the philandering of F.D.R., and J.F.K.; why should Trump be different, except that he's not of their Party. It seems that womanizing, and philandering are excusable for Democrats, but it becomes sinful only when one is a Republican.) As long as he behaves himself, while in office, and stands for righteousness on behalf of the American people (which, so far, I believe he has!), I will support him! Just as soon as he starts to turn away from Biblical principles, and tries to drag this country along with him, as such, I will denounce him vociferously, and resist him any way I can.
That is precisely why I can't bring myself to vote for a Democrat, like Obama, or the Clintons! And now we are beginning to see the wisdom in keeping these S.O.B.'s out of office!!! When I find a Democrat who seems to stand for righteousness, regardless of his personal morality, I'll let you know! It hasn't happened yet!!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Unconstitutional Censorship Of My Blog???
I can only wonder!!! I can't prove it, but the circumstantial evidence is enough to make me gag!
For almost a year, I have been wrestling with the system malfunctioning of my blog server, which is a subsidiary of GOOGLE. It has been one problem after another...from trouble signing in, to problems composing a draft, before publishing, to my recent multiple difficulties in returning to my rough draft, in order to edit it properly.
I am such a lousy typist that the only way I can express myself, at all intelligently, is to be able to successfully edit my rough draft, before publishing it, and to return to it later, for further editing, as there are always mistakes the were not detected before publishing. My present inability to edit through the proper method, along with the other various malfunctions at my blog, over the past year, has me fairly well convinced that this is intentional human "error", rather than computer problems, simply because of the repeated new errors that "mysteriously" crop up to replace any corrected ones.
I can't imagine any way that my own computer illiteracy could accidentally bring about this series of malfunctions, therefor I am left to conclude that some employee, either at BLOGSPOT, my server, or BLOGGER, its parent corporation, or GOOGLE the parent corporation of both, is intentionally harassing me with this series of malfunctioning problems, apparently because they don't approve of my blog's content! If this were officially approved by the corporate directors, I would sue immediately, on First Amendment, Constitutional grounds, as this would constitute violations of the "Freedom Of Speech", "...Press", and "...Exercise Of Religion" clauses of the First Amendment, and there are several Christian Legal Funds that regularly prosecute such cases, and usually win! I suspect that the heads of these corporations are ignorant of this kind of apparent harassment going on within their corporation, but it's past time already for them to trace down the culprit, who must leave some kind of signature on my blog, repeatedly over the last year, which will establish their guilt. Continued failure to do so will constitute complicity, as I see it, and force me to respond accordingly! I truly hope this will not be necessary, but I am fed up with the continued problems!!!
For almost a year, I have been wrestling with the system malfunctioning of my blog server, which is a subsidiary of GOOGLE. It has been one problem after another...from trouble signing in, to problems composing a draft, before publishing, to my recent multiple difficulties in returning to my rough draft, in order to edit it properly.
I am such a lousy typist that the only way I can express myself, at all intelligently, is to be able to successfully edit my rough draft, before publishing it, and to return to it later, for further editing, as there are always mistakes the were not detected before publishing. My present inability to edit through the proper method, along with the other various malfunctions at my blog, over the past year, has me fairly well convinced that this is intentional human "error", rather than computer problems, simply because of the repeated new errors that "mysteriously" crop up to replace any corrected ones.
I can't imagine any way that my own computer illiteracy could accidentally bring about this series of malfunctions, therefor I am left to conclude that some employee, either at BLOGSPOT, my server, or BLOGGER, its parent corporation, or GOOGLE the parent corporation of both, is intentionally harassing me with this series of malfunctioning problems, apparently because they don't approve of my blog's content! If this were officially approved by the corporate directors, I would sue immediately, on First Amendment, Constitutional grounds, as this would constitute violations of the "Freedom Of Speech", "...Press", and "...Exercise Of Religion" clauses of the First Amendment, and there are several Christian Legal Funds that regularly prosecute such cases, and usually win! I suspect that the heads of these corporations are ignorant of this kind of apparent harassment going on within their corporation, but it's past time already for them to trace down the culprit, who must leave some kind of signature on my blog, repeatedly over the last year, which will establish their guilt. Continued failure to do so will constitute complicity, as I see it, and force me to respond accordingly! I truly hope this will not be necessary, but I am fed up with the continued problems!!!
Monday, October 16, 2017
What Is Russia Up To???
I don't know what the Russians think I am,...some kind of dangerous anti-Marxist, or what? I suppose I am an anti-Marxist, but to consider my blog as "dangerous" to anyone, for any reason, seems laughable to me! Talk about Paranoia!!!
But then I guess perhaps in the sense of ,"the pen is mightier than the sword"..., perhaps they should fear someone writing about them from the comparative safety of a country which Constitutionally guarantees such First Amendment rights as free speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion!
But the strange thing is that I don't think I have written anything about Russia, recently. So why the double-digit bounce in the number of daily "pageviews" my blog server reports are from Russia, lately???
I can only guess at two reasons... One, perhaps my blog is unusually popular with the Russian people, because, as an American I am able to speak the truth without fear of government persecution, at least so far! I realize the Constitutional-hating so-called "Progressives" would love to see that changed, so that all Constitutional guarantees would only apply to those who believe as they do! While I might like the reverse, I recognize that my bias is as Constitutionally restrained as theirs is.
The other explanation is unfortunately more likely, though just as perplexing: That the Russian government thinks my blog is so dangerous that they must keep tabs on the "dangerous" things I have to say about them. That would be somewhat flattering, if true, but why the recent jump in "pageviews", when I have mostly written about the ideological strife between Conservative, and Liberal (or "Progressive") American politics? I have trouble believing that either the Russian people, or their government, should be so fascinated by my opinions concerning America's turbulent political system (especially in the Congress). So why the jump in "pageviews"??? I admit that I have no clue!
I have tried to alert the F.B.I. in the past, when I noticed strange fluctuations in my readership from Russia. To date I have heard nothing back from them (they probably have written me off as some crazy paranoiac who is imagining the whole thing), but I have no way of determining if they are likewise keeping track of my blog, since their possible "pageviews" would be indistinguishable from other American "pageviews". Let's hope they are keeping track, without involving Mr. Mueller's special council investigation!!!
But then I guess perhaps in the sense of ,"the pen is mightier than the sword"..., perhaps they should fear someone writing about them from the comparative safety of a country which Constitutionally guarantees such First Amendment rights as free speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion!
But the strange thing is that I don't think I have written anything about Russia, recently. So why the double-digit bounce in the number of daily "pageviews" my blog server reports are from Russia, lately???
I can only guess at two reasons... One, perhaps my blog is unusually popular with the Russian people, because, as an American I am able to speak the truth without fear of government persecution, at least so far! I realize the Constitutional-hating so-called "Progressives" would love to see that changed, so that all Constitutional guarantees would only apply to those who believe as they do! While I might like the reverse, I recognize that my bias is as Constitutionally restrained as theirs is.
The other explanation is unfortunately more likely, though just as perplexing: That the Russian government thinks my blog is so dangerous that they must keep tabs on the "dangerous" things I have to say about them. That would be somewhat flattering, if true, but why the recent jump in "pageviews", when I have mostly written about the ideological strife between Conservative, and Liberal (or "Progressive") American politics? I have trouble believing that either the Russian people, or their government, should be so fascinated by my opinions concerning America's turbulent political system (especially in the Congress). So why the jump in "pageviews"??? I admit that I have no clue!
I have tried to alert the F.B.I. in the past, when I noticed strange fluctuations in my readership from Russia. To date I have heard nothing back from them (they probably have written me off as some crazy paranoiac who is imagining the whole thing), but I have no way of determining if they are likewise keeping track of my blog, since their possible "pageviews" would be indistinguishable from other American "pageviews". Let's hope they are keeping track, without involving Mr. Mueller's special council investigation!!!
Friday, October 13, 2017
Conservative Republicans Take On The Establishment
An interesting story in Thursday's USA TODAY reported that many wealthy donors to the Republican Party, particularly of the Conservative wing, are about fed up with the Congressional leaders of the party, and their "inability" (or is it unwillingness?) to push President Trump's agenda through the Congress. In particular, they are dismayed by their inability to "Repeal and Replace" the "Obamacare" health insurance debacle that the Republican ticket ran against in the last election, and many candidates were supposedly "champing at the bits" to overturn. The report said that there would be careful scrutiny of their efforts to pass Trump's tax reform legislation, before the end of this year, with implied threats to get it done, "or else!!!"
Speculation was that the wealthy donors were planning to throw their money behind any conservative opponent that might challenge some of these Party leaders who are belligerently stalling the "Trump Agenda". What a refreshing idea, if you ask me! It's past time for some of these "wolves-in-sheep's-clothing", so-called "Establishment Republicans" to either get thrown out of office, or move over to the Democratic Party (where they belong) to see if their constituents will re-elect them as Democrats! We will then see if the Republicans can keep their majorities in both houses of Congress, without them, or not!
I think it's high time for the Republican Party to stop "leaning towards" conservatism, and stand for conservative values, openly, and without apology. I don't think for a moment that sending these Establishment Republicans to the Democratic Party would moderate the Democrats at all. Instead the (hopefully, former) Republicans would more vocally support the liberal causes they now quietly support by voting down opposite views. (I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually voted for John McCain, in his presidential run, thinking that he was an alternative to a Democratic candidate. Boy, was I wrong about that!!!)
Speculation was that the wealthy donors were planning to throw their money behind any conservative opponent that might challenge some of these Party leaders who are belligerently stalling the "Trump Agenda". What a refreshing idea, if you ask me! It's past time for some of these "wolves-in-sheep's-clothing", so-called "Establishment Republicans" to either get thrown out of office, or move over to the Democratic Party (where they belong) to see if their constituents will re-elect them as Democrats! We will then see if the Republicans can keep their majorities in both houses of Congress, without them, or not!
I think it's high time for the Republican Party to stop "leaning towards" conservatism, and stand for conservative values, openly, and without apology. I don't think for a moment that sending these Establishment Republicans to the Democratic Party would moderate the Democrats at all. Instead the (hopefully, former) Republicans would more vocally support the liberal causes they now quietly support by voting down opposite views. (I'm embarrassed to admit that I actually voted for John McCain, in his presidential run, thinking that he was an alternative to a Democratic candidate. Boy, was I wrong about that!!!)
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Talk About Impossible Dreams!!!
I came across a story, or rather a "Promo" for tomorrow's show, on the 700 Club, today, that just blew me away! I'll certainly be watching tomorrow, and I think every Christian should do likewise!
It was a report about "Pro-Life Democrats" trying to influence their own party from the inside! Can you believe it??? Talk about "impossible"!!! The Bible says that with God, "all things are possible". Well these people are biting off a big challenge for God to prove just that!!! One might well say that they are trying to prove that there is, "intelligent life within the Democratic party"! For decades I have been convinced that that was not true! But, if they can make a difference among that bastion of international socialism, which I believe is the format that the future Antichrist will use to rise to power (perhaps even now, for all we know), then more power to them!!! Anything that will frustrate the perversion of the believers that almost "blasphemously" refer to themselves as "Progressives" is fine by me!!! (Progressive into political depravity, is about all I can see for them!) And I am convinced that their main intention for their efforts to seize control of all three branches of our Constitutional form of government, is to declare our Constitution as obsolete, and voluntarily give up our sovereignty to join in the Antichrist's "One World System Of Government"!
Therefore, perhaps their efforts will be futile, no matter how well intended, because (after all) the Antichrist is the Devil's minion, and the Devil is God's Devil!!! God has prophecied that the Antichrist will gain world-wide government control, for the final seven-year period, before Jesus returns, to establish His 1000-year reign of His "Millennial Kingdom", when He will destroy all the evil of the world, along with the Antichrist, and those who voluntarily follow him!!!
So, God can not allow us to keep the Antichrist from coming to power (for it would be contrary to His prophecied word), but their is no reason that America must be a voluntary part of the Antichrist's system! So, I guess America's future hangs in the balance, and any effort to reverse the influence of the so-called "Progressives" has to be applauded, and counted as real Progress!!!
It was a report about "Pro-Life Democrats" trying to influence their own party from the inside! Can you believe it??? Talk about "impossible"!!! The Bible says that with God, "all things are possible". Well these people are biting off a big challenge for God to prove just that!!! One might well say that they are trying to prove that there is, "intelligent life within the Democratic party"! For decades I have been convinced that that was not true! But, if they can make a difference among that bastion of international socialism, which I believe is the format that the future Antichrist will use to rise to power (perhaps even now, for all we know), then more power to them!!! Anything that will frustrate the perversion of the believers that almost "blasphemously" refer to themselves as "Progressives" is fine by me!!! (Progressive into political depravity, is about all I can see for them!) And I am convinced that their main intention for their efforts to seize control of all three branches of our Constitutional form of government, is to declare our Constitution as obsolete, and voluntarily give up our sovereignty to join in the Antichrist's "One World System Of Government"!
Therefore, perhaps their efforts will be futile, no matter how well intended, because (after all) the Antichrist is the Devil's minion, and the Devil is God's Devil!!! God has prophecied that the Antichrist will gain world-wide government control, for the final seven-year period, before Jesus returns, to establish His 1000-year reign of His "Millennial Kingdom", when He will destroy all the evil of the world, along with the Antichrist, and those who voluntarily follow him!!!
So, God can not allow us to keep the Antichrist from coming to power (for it would be contrary to His prophecied word), but their is no reason that America must be a voluntary part of the Antichrist's system! So, I guess America's future hangs in the balance, and any effort to reverse the influence of the so-called "Progressives" has to be applauded, and counted as real Progress!!!
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