Listening, today, to the FOX NEWS discussion of why the Republican candidates seem to be obsessing on the Ronald Reagan legacy, and frequently referencing his name in their campaign speeches, I was struck by the thought of why is this such a difficult concept for the media pundits to understand? Are they really so blind that they can't see that America is fed up with the status quo establishment Republicans, pretending to be Conservatives, while really being moderate Liberals; "conservative" only by comparison to the most dedicated Socialists in the Democratic party? They are compromisers, especially the Congressmen, who have spent years trying to finesse deals with the Liberal Democrats, that have bent far too much in favor of the Liberal positions, just so they could claim they got "the best deal they could get", rather than fight for an issue that the people really felt comfortable with. This kind of cowardly politics has run it's course and people are fed up with it! American politics has been split in two, almost like being cut with a two-edged sword, like the gospel is referred to in the Bible. I'm not suggesting that there has been anywhere near enough of a Christian revival in this country to effect the over-all politics of the people, in a positive sense. But perhaps there has been enough revival for the Righteous in the Lord to let their politicians know that they expect a bit more representative government, than just the deceptive rhetoric that gets someone elected, so they can govern according to their own biases.
The "wisdom" of Donald Trump is being able to recognize this fact, and to manipulate this angst to his advantage by implying a willingness to be the kind of President that Ronald Reagan was (whether he is sincere, or not, I can't safely tell, yet). But his practice of promising results that people want, without specifics as to how he plans to accomplish them, will only carry him so far. Sooner, or later he'll have to come up with some details, and they will need to stand up to expert scrutiny, or his candidacy will swoon faster than it took off, in the beginning.
Bernie Sanders is trying to do the same, from the Socialist side. He has caught on to the popular angst, he has just misjudged (I hope) the collective gullibility of the American voting populace, believing they are foolish enough to believe that all he has to do is pay everybody all the money they want out of the endless resources of the Federal Treasury, and there will be plenty left over afterward! Are we stupid enough to believe that??? I hope not, but frankly I'm not sure! There seems to be a lot of mindless Liberalism floating around on Main Street, U.S.A.!
It's possible that God is planning a sort of "reverse psychology" revival, for us, by letting us have the lunatics run the asylum, until even the most die-hard Socialists are ready to concede that it doesn't work. Unfortunately, we'll probably have to undergo a hyper-inflationary depression that will make the one that Germany went through in the late 1920's look like a picnic. That one brought Adolph Hitler to power. Perhaps this one will be used by the Antichrist to come to power, by cancelling the worthless hyper-inflated currencies, worldwide, and creating a gold-backed computer currency in their place, that will require a chip to be place (hypodermically under the skin of the customer's hand (see Revelation 13)!!! Guess how that turns out!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Monday, February 22, 2016
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Murphy's President???
I don't know who "Murphy" is, or was, but if he really did make the famous quote attributed to him, then he must have been blessed with some profound wisdom! He is attributed as saying, "Anything that can happen, will". This is generally quoted in a negative, even foreboding context, and I feel it is most appropriate today.
Yesterday, I expounded upon my fears that President Obama and the Democrats in Congress will immediately try to nominate some horribly Leftist candidate to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court left by the death of Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. My concerns were not for the immediate future, because I believed that any nominee would have to be grilled by the Senate, and be officially approved by them before his appointment would be confirmed. I felt confident that the Senate had enough conservative members to prevent any outlandish Socialist Justice to be appointed, at least until after Obama leaves office. After he is gone, it's up to the voters in America to elect someone trustworthy enough to not appoint some lamebrain Liberal to the Court, who might tip the balance to the liberal side for decades. While I'm pessimistic as to the wisdom of the majority of the voters in America today, I was unaware of an even more immediate threat to the stability of the Supreme Court.
On today's "700 CLUB" the C.B.N. News department ran a piece discussing this same issue. I was horrified to learn that any Federal judge, who has already passed a similar grilling by the Senate, and been approved for a lower court position, for which conservative Senators traditionally approve "qualified" jurists, even if they have demonstrated an outrageous Liberal bias, for fear of retaliation when a conservative appointee, who is similarly qualified, but with a demonstrably conservative view is rejected, simply because of his conservative opinions. I did not realize, until today that a Senate approval for a lower court was good for a later approval to the Supreme Court (this is something that Congress should immediately change, even if it takes a Constitutional Amendment)! But you can surely bet that Obama knows this! And as I said yesterday, I'll bet he's foaming at the mouth, just dying to appoint some lunatic Leftest Federal Judge (of which there are many around the country) to fill Scalia's seat. I truly grieve for the safety of our Constitutional form of government in the hands of this "Obama-nable President", and his White House staff, and bureaucratic appointments. Now you can add potential Supreme Court Nominees to the evil equation!!!
I'm sure that any Liberals who may read this post will think I'm just some paranoid whacko-nut, spouting-off about political grievances, just because I don't like Liberal politicians in the White House, Congress, or the Supreme Court. While this is partly true, a careful study of Biblical prophecy will reveal a much more dangerous concern, that not only is pronounced as a possibility, but a certainty!!! The only variable in this equation is; will America voluntarily participate in this prophecied system, and if so, how many of us will be literally doomed to eternal damnation for doing so??? (For more on this, read Revelation 13, and see if this fits.)
Yesterday, I expounded upon my fears that President Obama and the Democrats in Congress will immediately try to nominate some horribly Leftist candidate to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court left by the death of Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. My concerns were not for the immediate future, because I believed that any nominee would have to be grilled by the Senate, and be officially approved by them before his appointment would be confirmed. I felt confident that the Senate had enough conservative members to prevent any outlandish Socialist Justice to be appointed, at least until after Obama leaves office. After he is gone, it's up to the voters in America to elect someone trustworthy enough to not appoint some lamebrain Liberal to the Court, who might tip the balance to the liberal side for decades. While I'm pessimistic as to the wisdom of the majority of the voters in America today, I was unaware of an even more immediate threat to the stability of the Supreme Court.
On today's "700 CLUB" the C.B.N. News department ran a piece discussing this same issue. I was horrified to learn that any Federal judge, who has already passed a similar grilling by the Senate, and been approved for a lower court position, for which conservative Senators traditionally approve "qualified" jurists, even if they have demonstrated an outrageous Liberal bias, for fear of retaliation when a conservative appointee, who is similarly qualified, but with a demonstrably conservative view is rejected, simply because of his conservative opinions. I did not realize, until today that a Senate approval for a lower court was good for a later approval to the Supreme Court (this is something that Congress should immediately change, even if it takes a Constitutional Amendment)! But you can surely bet that Obama knows this! And as I said yesterday, I'll bet he's foaming at the mouth, just dying to appoint some lunatic Leftest Federal Judge (of which there are many around the country) to fill Scalia's seat. I truly grieve for the safety of our Constitutional form of government in the hands of this "Obama-nable President", and his White House staff, and bureaucratic appointments. Now you can add potential Supreme Court Nominees to the evil equation!!!
I'm sure that any Liberals who may read this post will think I'm just some paranoid whacko-nut, spouting-off about political grievances, just because I don't like Liberal politicians in the White House, Congress, or the Supreme Court. While this is partly true, a careful study of Biblical prophecy will reveal a much more dangerous concern, that not only is pronounced as a possibility, but a certainty!!! The only variable in this equation is; will America voluntarily participate in this prophecied system, and if so, how many of us will be literally doomed to eternal damnation for doing so??? (For more on this, read Revelation 13, and see if this fits.)
Monday, February 15, 2016
The Battle Lines Are Drawn...
And now the fight begins!!! I can't think of an issue for American politics that is more ideologically purist, for both Conservatives, and Idiots...I mean Democrats (sorry, kind of..., or maybe not!), than what we're about to experience for the rest of this year, at least.
The death of Antonin Scalia is about to have ramifications that will effect this country for decades (should the Lord tarry, of course). He was perhaps the most reliably Conservative member of the Supreme Court since his appointment by Ronald Reagan, in 1986. Not only will his influence be sorely missed on the Court, but now the battle begins over his replacement. And I do mean "battle"!!! I remember when Reagan was faced with the prospect of making an appointment to replace a Liberal justice, how all the Democrats screamed about how it behooved him to appoint a Liberal Justice to replace the one who had passed, in order to keep a "sense of balance" on the Court. I wonder if Obama can likewise be counted on to appoint a Conservative Justice to replace Scalia's Conservative view of the Constitution? Fat chance, huh! Scalia was a Strict Constructionist, meaning if the Constitution didn't expressly give the Court authority to decide on an issue, he would vote for "no decision", one way or another.
Unfortunately, our President is a "strict deconstructionist", seeking every means possible to skirt around his Constitutionally limited authority (mostly through trumped-up "Executive Orders"), when he can't get Congress to pass laws that he favors. Can we really expect him to lay aside his perverse values and replace Scalia with another Strict Constructionist, in order to maintain a "sense of balance" on this Court. I think not! He's probably foaming at the mouth thinking about the opportunity to appoint another die-hard Liberal to the Court, to throw the Court into a state of Liberal imbalance for decades!
Fortunately, there are enough truly Conservative Republicans in the Senate to block the confirmation of any of his outrageous appointments, until he leaves office, next year. [UPDATE: Check the post for tomorrow to find my correction of the previous inaccurate statement!!!] Unfortunately, his replacement, I expect, will be another fool (sorry, sort of) that's just as deconstructionist as Obama is. Then you can expect those Conservative Senators to eventually cave-in and confirm whatever buffoon is appointed by the new President, probably the same buffoon that Obama tries to appoint. This will be the Liberals' way of "sticking it to" the Conservative Senators, who will try to block Obama's appointment.
As usual, I try to imagine God's hand in all this. I'm not saying he had something against Scalia. On the contrary, Scalia's likely in a much better place than we are, right now. I suspect God simply took him home so he could see what our collective reaction would be. And I don't think He'll be pleased with what we settle for! I think the consequences will eventually be horrendous, one way or another, and God will use this somehow to discern between those who will trust Him to get us out of the mess the we will create for ourselves, and those who will prefer to wallow in it!
As I said previously, America is about to be weighed in the balance!!! May God have mercy on us all!
The death of Antonin Scalia is about to have ramifications that will effect this country for decades (should the Lord tarry, of course). He was perhaps the most reliably Conservative member of the Supreme Court since his appointment by Ronald Reagan, in 1986. Not only will his influence be sorely missed on the Court, but now the battle begins over his replacement. And I do mean "battle"!!! I remember when Reagan was faced with the prospect of making an appointment to replace a Liberal justice, how all the Democrats screamed about how it behooved him to appoint a Liberal Justice to replace the one who had passed, in order to keep a "sense of balance" on the Court. I wonder if Obama can likewise be counted on to appoint a Conservative Justice to replace Scalia's Conservative view of the Constitution? Fat chance, huh! Scalia was a Strict Constructionist, meaning if the Constitution didn't expressly give the Court authority to decide on an issue, he would vote for "no decision", one way or another.
Unfortunately, our President is a "strict deconstructionist", seeking every means possible to skirt around his Constitutionally limited authority (mostly through trumped-up "Executive Orders"), when he can't get Congress to pass laws that he favors. Can we really expect him to lay aside his perverse values and replace Scalia with another Strict Constructionist, in order to maintain a "sense of balance" on this Court. I think not! He's probably foaming at the mouth thinking about the opportunity to appoint another die-hard Liberal to the Court, to throw the Court into a state of Liberal imbalance for decades!
Fortunately, there are enough truly Conservative Republicans in the Senate to block the confirmation of any of his outrageous appointments, until he leaves office, next year. [UPDATE: Check the post for tomorrow to find my correction of the previous inaccurate statement!!!] Unfortunately, his replacement, I expect, will be another fool (sorry, sort of) that's just as deconstructionist as Obama is. Then you can expect those Conservative Senators to eventually cave-in and confirm whatever buffoon is appointed by the new President, probably the same buffoon that Obama tries to appoint. This will be the Liberals' way of "sticking it to" the Conservative Senators, who will try to block Obama's appointment.
As usual, I try to imagine God's hand in all this. I'm not saying he had something against Scalia. On the contrary, Scalia's likely in a much better place than we are, right now. I suspect God simply took him home so he could see what our collective reaction would be. And I don't think He'll be pleased with what we settle for! I think the consequences will eventually be horrendous, one way or another, and God will use this somehow to discern between those who will trust Him to get us out of the mess the we will create for ourselves, and those who will prefer to wallow in it!
As I said previously, America is about to be weighed in the balance!!! May God have mercy on us all!
Saturday, February 13, 2016
America: Weighed In The Balance...Found Wanting???
Last night I watched the most disgusting News Expose show in recent memory, if not longer. This time, for there have been many times previously, it was not because of the immoral slant of the major media outlets that have consistently worked overtime to blatantly distort the truth, in order to persuade a gullible viewing audience, for their own perverse agenda at the time. This time it was Fox News reporting on the state of America's political polarization into factions, on both the Left, and the Right, that are demonstrating that they are each quite "fed-up" with the way the establishment parties have destroyed our trust in the American political system. It was "disgusting", for once not because it was a blatant pack of media corporate lies, but because it was the obvious truth!!! And, true to the old adage ("the truth hurts"), there are times when the truth is so painful that is literally "disgusting"!
The show was called "VOTER REVOLT", and it began with the outrage of the mostly youthful Leftist demonstrators, who are ironically supporters of the anti-youthful Socialist candidate, Bernie Sanders, who in his seventies has struck a nerve that can probably be traced back to the Leftist education that most young students are force-fed, as I was, from their days at pre-school, through 12 years of Public Education, and topped off with the blatant Socialist agenda that passes for "Higher Education" on most college campuses today. It took me several years after that indoctrination/education to come to the brilliant conclusion that I had been fed a pack of lies, and that our Founding Fathers had the right idea all along. I can only wonder how many of the students of each class per year ever reach the same conclusion. I suspect it is pathetically few! In my case it took a conversion experience, referred to as being "Born Again", and a careful examination of the scriptures of the Bible to overcome the lies I had been force-fed in the public schools ( when I realized that the principles of the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution were remarkably consistent with the principles of the Bible, I realized that they were either both right, or both wrong, and guess which conclusion I came to?). The official censure of Bible reading in schools was not traditional. I do remember the Bible being read to my classes, up until the early sixties (I just didn't listen!), when that was put a stop to by our "Civil Libertarians", through the "wisdom" of the Supreme Court. I guess you could say that may have been the starting point of the moral decline of America's government. I personally think the whole Department of Education should be abolished, and the education of our children should be left up to the State, and local governments, who will respond to the interests of the parents (and I am not impressed with the the P.T.A.'s performance, historically, either).
The show went on to discuss the "Black Lives Matter" movement, which may have some relevance, with the performance of some of the police actions lately, but not all that they have been protesting. It seems that the organizers of this movement would have us believe that, "ONLY Black Lives Matter", and they are outraged when any black is shot by the police, regardless of the apparent guilt of the suspect, and their attempt to resist arrest, or escape police. However, I am not suggesting that we should condone the execution of a young man, who may, or may not be carrying a gun; it doesn't take sixteen shots to bring down a fleeing suspect, no matter what the color of his skin!
Then their was an examination of the more "establishment" Democratic voters who have been supporting Hillary Clinton, no matter how obviously incompetent her performance was in the State Department, just because she represents the Democratic "business-as-usual" wing of the Undeclared Socialists in America. Thanks to Obama's mangling of the Constitution over the past seven years, and his projected increased efforts to do so over the next year, coupled with her own illegal incompetence, she seems finally to be losing ground within her own party. Amazingly, even Democrats seem to have a threshold for incompetence in government, though they have been nauseatingly tolerant with Obama.
On the Republican side, the show examined Trump's anti-establishment popularity (which, in my opinion has a remarkable resemblance to the rise of Hitler and Mussolini during the 1930's). [I don't mean that their platforms were similar, but their techniques were identical. They simply "test the wind" for whatever issues are of greatest concern to their desired constituency, and offer general solutions, without specifics in order to dupe their followers into supporting them. (I am already on record as stating that I think Trump looks like Mussolini [actually, they are both bald!]), whenever he is listening to someone state an opinion that he obviously disagrees with. His lower lip juts out far enough for him to trip over, if he's not careful. And with his propensity to put his foot in his mouth, I think he will soon have difficulty with walking and talking both!)] Perhaps Trump is more honest than I suspect he is, but he seems to be absolutely dripping with ego, and frankly that kind of personality scares the "willies" out of me! I will sit out the election if he is the best choice to vote for, and I've never done that before.
Finally, the show dealt with a rebellion of sorts that I can identify with: the Evangelical voters, primarily among the Republican constituency. The show interviewed Franklin Graham, Billy Graham's son, and the unofficial spokesman for the concerns of the Evangelical voters, who are tired of the Republican Party's apparent presumption that they will vote for whatever establishment candidate that is chosen (by mostly Wall Street lobbyists), simply because he is "better than the Democratic alternative". Franklin said that the deciding factor in his standing against the establishment candidates (and that probably includes Trump, even if he is using his own money to finance his campaign) was when the Republican majority Congress decided to pass a bill fully funding "Planned Parenthood" (in spite of recent scandals) demonstrating a lack of concern for the interests of the Evangelical voters, or their likelihood to vote them out of office soon. If Ted Cruz is not the Republican winner of the primary elections, I would not be surprised if the Evangelicals stayed home "in droves" for the general election, just to show the Republican Party that they can not win without them. And if Ted Cruz is the Republican nominee, I'd expect Trump (ever the overgrown spoiled brat) to take his multi-billion dollar "football", and go home to start a third party candidacy. Either way, I don't see any Republican victory in November. There is just too much anti-establishment angst in American politics today! And the sad thing is that Obama brought this underlying angst to the surface; and America's reaction will probably be to elect some Socialist, whether Bernie, or some Democrat who pretends not to be a Socialist (when they are), to give us even more of the same!!! I've stated before that Obama's "carte blanche" treatment from Congress, and probably the Supreme Court, in allowing his wholly unconstitutional use of Executive Orders to begin turning this country's government into a Socialist State, could never have happened before this century. This leads me to suspect that God is allowing us to have, "the government we deserve, rather than the one we need", because of the spiritual deadness in which we have allowed this country to become, so the Anti-Christ can come to power over his one-world government, and really screw things up! Then God will judge those who foolishly embrace his system, while He rescues those of us who will remain faithful to Him.
I know which side I'll be on! How about you???
The show was called "VOTER REVOLT", and it began with the outrage of the mostly youthful Leftist demonstrators, who are ironically supporters of the anti-youthful Socialist candidate, Bernie Sanders, who in his seventies has struck a nerve that can probably be traced back to the Leftist education that most young students are force-fed, as I was, from their days at pre-school, through 12 years of Public Education, and topped off with the blatant Socialist agenda that passes for "Higher Education" on most college campuses today. It took me several years after that indoctrination/education to come to the brilliant conclusion that I had been fed a pack of lies, and that our Founding Fathers had the right idea all along. I can only wonder how many of the students of each class per year ever reach the same conclusion. I suspect it is pathetically few! In my case it took a conversion experience, referred to as being "Born Again", and a careful examination of the scriptures of the Bible to overcome the lies I had been force-fed in the public schools ( when I realized that the principles of the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution were remarkably consistent with the principles of the Bible, I realized that they were either both right, or both wrong, and guess which conclusion I came to?). The official censure of Bible reading in schools was not traditional. I do remember the Bible being read to my classes, up until the early sixties (I just didn't listen!), when that was put a stop to by our "Civil Libertarians", through the "wisdom" of the Supreme Court. I guess you could say that may have been the starting point of the moral decline of America's government. I personally think the whole Department of Education should be abolished, and the education of our children should be left up to the State, and local governments, who will respond to the interests of the parents (and I am not impressed with the the P.T.A.'s performance, historically, either).
The show went on to discuss the "Black Lives Matter" movement, which may have some relevance, with the performance of some of the police actions lately, but not all that they have been protesting. It seems that the organizers of this movement would have us believe that, "ONLY Black Lives Matter", and they are outraged when any black is shot by the police, regardless of the apparent guilt of the suspect, and their attempt to resist arrest, or escape police. However, I am not suggesting that we should condone the execution of a young man, who may, or may not be carrying a gun; it doesn't take sixteen shots to bring down a fleeing suspect, no matter what the color of his skin!
Then their was an examination of the more "establishment" Democratic voters who have been supporting Hillary Clinton, no matter how obviously incompetent her performance was in the State Department, just because she represents the Democratic "business-as-usual" wing of the Undeclared Socialists in America. Thanks to Obama's mangling of the Constitution over the past seven years, and his projected increased efforts to do so over the next year, coupled with her own illegal incompetence, she seems finally to be losing ground within her own party. Amazingly, even Democrats seem to have a threshold for incompetence in government, though they have been nauseatingly tolerant with Obama.
On the Republican side, the show examined Trump's anti-establishment popularity (which, in my opinion has a remarkable resemblance to the rise of Hitler and Mussolini during the 1930's). [I don't mean that their platforms were similar, but their techniques were identical. They simply "test the wind" for whatever issues are of greatest concern to their desired constituency, and offer general solutions, without specifics in order to dupe their followers into supporting them. (I am already on record as stating that I think Trump looks like Mussolini [actually, they are both bald!]), whenever he is listening to someone state an opinion that he obviously disagrees with. His lower lip juts out far enough for him to trip over, if he's not careful. And with his propensity to put his foot in his mouth, I think he will soon have difficulty with walking and talking both!)] Perhaps Trump is more honest than I suspect he is, but he seems to be absolutely dripping with ego, and frankly that kind of personality scares the "willies" out of me! I will sit out the election if he is the best choice to vote for, and I've never done that before.
Finally, the show dealt with a rebellion of sorts that I can identify with: the Evangelical voters, primarily among the Republican constituency. The show interviewed Franklin Graham, Billy Graham's son, and the unofficial spokesman for the concerns of the Evangelical voters, who are tired of the Republican Party's apparent presumption that they will vote for whatever establishment candidate that is chosen (by mostly Wall Street lobbyists), simply because he is "better than the Democratic alternative". Franklin said that the deciding factor in his standing against the establishment candidates (and that probably includes Trump, even if he is using his own money to finance his campaign) was when the Republican majority Congress decided to pass a bill fully funding "Planned Parenthood" (in spite of recent scandals) demonstrating a lack of concern for the interests of the Evangelical voters, or their likelihood to vote them out of office soon. If Ted Cruz is not the Republican winner of the primary elections, I would not be surprised if the Evangelicals stayed home "in droves" for the general election, just to show the Republican Party that they can not win without them. And if Ted Cruz is the Republican nominee, I'd expect Trump (ever the overgrown spoiled brat) to take his multi-billion dollar "football", and go home to start a third party candidacy. Either way, I don't see any Republican victory in November. There is just too much anti-establishment angst in American politics today! And the sad thing is that Obama brought this underlying angst to the surface; and America's reaction will probably be to elect some Socialist, whether Bernie, or some Democrat who pretends not to be a Socialist (when they are), to give us even more of the same!!! I've stated before that Obama's "carte blanche" treatment from Congress, and probably the Supreme Court, in allowing his wholly unconstitutional use of Executive Orders to begin turning this country's government into a Socialist State, could never have happened before this century. This leads me to suspect that God is allowing us to have, "the government we deserve, rather than the one we need", because of the spiritual deadness in which we have allowed this country to become, so the Anti-Christ can come to power over his one-world government, and really screw things up! Then God will judge those who foolishly embrace his system, while He rescues those of us who will remain faithful to Him.
I know which side I'll be on! How about you???
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Much Ado About Nothing?
Hooray, and Hallelujah!!! Ted Cruz won the Iowa Caucus! So what? Does this mean anything really? Unfortunately, I suspect not. Previous Iowa Caucus winners have included Pat Robertson, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee, all very respected Born-Again Christians, which is a big "Plus" in heavily Evangelical Iowa. Yet, none of them succeeded much after Iowa. Ted Cruz is either a devout Born-Again Christian, or a superb actor, having memorized all the right cliches to turn on an Evangelical audience, after growing up in a Baptist preacher's home. I remain a bit skeptical, for now, due to the reputation of P.K.'s (or, Preacher's Kids), and their excessively tolerant parental upbringing leading them to be "demons", wrapped in Faith-based clothing. I will reserve judgement for now, but he seems pretty genuine, as far as I can tell.
I like Cruz, and I might even vote for him as president, in November. But I think he will not win the election, not because he's not good enough, but because he is. I truly expect this election to go to some jerk, like Trump (that over-grown spoiled brat, who can't stand not getting his way; do we really want him to throw a tantrum, in the same room with the launch-button for America's Nuclear Arsenal?) or worse to one of those idiots running as a Democrat! May God have mercy on us, but I think we're going to get the President we deserve, rather than the one we need, and boy do we need a good one, after the one we've got now! I really feel that part of God's judgement for the world, as well as an America that has grown spiritually complacent with "the way things are going", living in blissful denial at the way we've allowed our leaders to screw things up, thinking that it will all work out fine, eventually. Well, it will! But it's going to get a lot worse before that, and perhaps many of us will not survive to see things work out better.
I think we can kiss America goodbye, at least the one we're used to. I really don't think we could have elected a president like Obama at any time during the last century, and I'm not trying to make any kind of racial slur against him. I don't care about the color of his skin. But his heart seems to be black as coal, and that has nothing to do with his race. His political views are more in tune with members of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida, than with our Constitutional form of government, of the last 227 years. The very fact that America has declined spiritually enough to not recognize him for who he is ("wolf in sheep's clothing"???) makes me fear that we will elect someone just as bad in his place, come November.
How could Hillary Clinton escape scandal sufficient to scuttle her campaign, let alone criminal indictment, after she purposely allowed Top Secret intelligence information to be sent to her over an unsecured cell phone line, in a society worried about the ramifications, like the paranoia of the "Cold War era"??? She was knowledgeable enough about world affairs to realize that those documents might be classified after the fact (or did she tell the senders to be sure there were no secret designations on the documents, just to give her legal "deniability"?) , and therefore she had to have known that what she was doing was dangerous to our National Security. But she apparently considered her own convenience to be more important than our National Security.
The truly sad thing about all this is not so much Hillary's negligence as Secretary of State, but the apparent lack of concern of the Democratic voters of this country, highly-educated, through the illiterate, alike, that they actually want her kind of gross negligence to be President, for the next 4, to 8 years! To think that she actually won in Iowa yesterday, no matter how narrowly, is unfathomable to me. And even if she hadn't, who would have beaten her? The only openly admitted Socialist candidate to ever have a realistic chance at being elected President of this country, in it's history! Does this sound like God is letting us warm up to the idea of allowing a one-world Socialist leader to take over our government, along with the rest of the world? The Bible clearly prophecies about just this, in Revelation 13, and I don't see how this could happen if America were still the pre-eminent geo-political, economic, and military force in the world. I envision a sort of perverse, "[we] must decrease, so that he can increase" scenario. God is going to give us all one last chance to choose sides, with those who prefer the Antichrist's system (with it's "mark of the Beast" economy) having a very long time (eternity) to come to regret their choice. We who stand for the Lord will ultimately prevail, but I grieve for the rest of us, and it seems like that may be the most of us!
I like Cruz, and I might even vote for him as president, in November. But I think he will not win the election, not because he's not good enough, but because he is. I truly expect this election to go to some jerk, like Trump (that over-grown spoiled brat, who can't stand not getting his way; do we really want him to throw a tantrum, in the same room with the launch-button for America's Nuclear Arsenal?) or worse to one of those idiots running as a Democrat! May God have mercy on us, but I think we're going to get the President we deserve, rather than the one we need, and boy do we need a good one, after the one we've got now! I really feel that part of God's judgement for the world, as well as an America that has grown spiritually complacent with "the way things are going", living in blissful denial at the way we've allowed our leaders to screw things up, thinking that it will all work out fine, eventually. Well, it will! But it's going to get a lot worse before that, and perhaps many of us will not survive to see things work out better.
I think we can kiss America goodbye, at least the one we're used to. I really don't think we could have elected a president like Obama at any time during the last century, and I'm not trying to make any kind of racial slur against him. I don't care about the color of his skin. But his heart seems to be black as coal, and that has nothing to do with his race. His political views are more in tune with members of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida, than with our Constitutional form of government, of the last 227 years. The very fact that America has declined spiritually enough to not recognize him for who he is ("wolf in sheep's clothing"???) makes me fear that we will elect someone just as bad in his place, come November.
How could Hillary Clinton escape scandal sufficient to scuttle her campaign, let alone criminal indictment, after she purposely allowed Top Secret intelligence information to be sent to her over an unsecured cell phone line, in a society worried about the ramifications, like the paranoia of the "Cold War era"??? She was knowledgeable enough about world affairs to realize that those documents might be classified after the fact (or did she tell the senders to be sure there were no secret designations on the documents, just to give her legal "deniability"?) , and therefore she had to have known that what she was doing was dangerous to our National Security. But she apparently considered her own convenience to be more important than our National Security.
The truly sad thing about all this is not so much Hillary's negligence as Secretary of State, but the apparent lack of concern of the Democratic voters of this country, highly-educated, through the illiterate, alike, that they actually want her kind of gross negligence to be President, for the next 4, to 8 years! To think that she actually won in Iowa yesterday, no matter how narrowly, is unfathomable to me. And even if she hadn't, who would have beaten her? The only openly admitted Socialist candidate to ever have a realistic chance at being elected President of this country, in it's history! Does this sound like God is letting us warm up to the idea of allowing a one-world Socialist leader to take over our government, along with the rest of the world? The Bible clearly prophecies about just this, in Revelation 13, and I don't see how this could happen if America were still the pre-eminent geo-political, economic, and military force in the world. I envision a sort of perverse, "[we] must decrease, so that he can increase" scenario. God is going to give us all one last chance to choose sides, with those who prefer the Antichrist's system (with it's "mark of the Beast" economy) having a very long time (eternity) to come to regret their choice. We who stand for the Lord will ultimately prevail, but I grieve for the rest of us, and it seems like that may be the most of us!
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