Saturday, June 20, 2015

Has Putin Become The World's Biggest "Welfare Momma"???

We all know that no one ever receives welfare payments that they are not legally qualified for. Riiiiiiiiiight!!! So, the trick is to get "legally qualified", no matter how absurd the reasoning may be behind your application. "Welfare Mothers" have been applying this principle for decades, here in America, often clouding the distinction between those who are legitimately qualified, and in need, from those who merely wish to take corrupt advantage of a thoroughly corrupt system, that doesn't track it's own trail of payments, because "it's only taxpayers' money, and not mine, so who cares?" This bureaucratic ambivalence is a direct consequence of a welfare state mentality, which sets up a "charitable concern" for those truly in need, when they are actually only interested in the permanent job creation of the bureaucracy that supposedly regulates the dispersment of benefits to the recipients. And the larger the bureaucracy (measured by the amount of taxpayer money expended thereon), the greater job security for the administering bureaucrats. The Obama administration has taken this practice to extremes, with the obvious reasoning being that the greater number of new bureaucratic jobs that are created by the Democratic administration, the more likely those new employees will perpetually vote for future Democratic candidates. In fact, you can bet that every new employee is carefully screened for their loyalty to the Democratic party.

We now see Russia's President Putin taking the most egregiously absurd position yet in demanding his "welfare", both from the U.S. government, and the governing bodies of international sport. While he is not screaming for his largess from the U.S., I'll bet it's only because he has enough confidence in the overall corrupt nature of our present government that he will receive his uninterrupted bailout money to fly our astronauts to the International Space Station, now that we have scrubbed the reusable Space Shuttle program, at least until we have developed the replacement system. This plan smells of corruption, but it's at least minimally defensible.

Then there's the flap over the International Soccer governing body (or F.I.F.A.), and the accusations of officials taking bribery money to award the future World Cup soccer championships to the highest bidder. Isn't it "coincidental" that Putin starts screaming "foul" as soon as the story breaks publicly, claiming that this is merely an American attempt to steal their World Cup award, for (I think) 2022. This may be true in part, but America could not even attempt to pressure for a re-vote on the issue unless it were easily proven that the Russian award was the result of such illegal bribery payments to the top F.I.F.A. officials, which would make their original awards null, and void. "Me thinks thou dost protest too much", Mr. Putin. That's how Hamlet would have viewed his clamoring. Shakespeare's original line was meant to convince the audience that the "protest" was tantamount to an admission of guilt! Is there some similarity here? I'll bet so! I've drawn the parallel before between Putin's behavior and that of an overgrown spoiled brat, and I think that description is most appropriate here. A brat screams his innocence the loudest when he knows he is caught "red-handed", and knows the punishment is unavoidable.

In an unrelated news item, today we have a story on Fox News that Wikileaks, the ...

[At this point, I experienced another great "koinkydink", as I like to refer to them. For the first time ever, I was interrupted (mid-sentence), and my computer began to shut down, on it's own, and then to force me to wait through a Microsoft Upgrade, with the necessary rebooting procedure, before I regained the use of my own computer. This would be normal behavior if I had tried to shut my computer down first, but it is not normal for Microsoft to interrupt my normal use to pre-empt it with their so-called "upgrades". I have to wonder if there might be some Russian "hacking" going on for all bloggers who dare to write something negative about their "Fearless Leader", to refer to the terms of "Boris, and Natasha" (from the "Rocky and Bullwinkle Show"). Ain't it pathetic how my mind works?]

As I was saying...Fox News reported today that Wikileaks was set to release some 500,000 new documents, that are supposedly Diplomatic messages from Saudi Arabian foreign missions. Now let's just pause a minute to consider a few facts... Wikileaks' founder recently fled the United States to the "safety" of Putin's Russia, in order to avoid arrest and prosecution for leaking American classified documents. Do you suppose Putin's pressure might be behind these new leaks??? We know he can't flee Putin's wrath as easily as he did America's. And why would he single out Saudi Arabia, unless the leaks would serve to embarrass their government, in the eyes of a potential Russian-Middle-East-nations confederation, like the one described in the Bible, in Ezekiel 38, & 39 (you knew that was coming, now didn't you?). I'll bet these documents will somehow serve to strengthen the forming of this confederation, though I can't imagine how. This has got Putin's fingerprints all over it. Why would Wikileaks' founder care about Saudi Arabian diplomatic messages, unless Putin were holding a Communist gun to his head. I wonder if Putin's guns are more comfortable than the threat of America's court system?

Perhaps the documents will show some behind-the-scenes negotiations between Israel, and Saudi Arabia, concerning their mutual fear of Iran's developing nuclear capabilities. In the sense that, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" diplomacy, it may be that Israel is negotiating the permission to fly it's jets over Saudi air-space, in the event that they feel it is necessary to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. They recognize that a nuclear powered Iran would attack Israel, first, then Saudi Arabia, second, and much to Obama's lunatic denial, America third!!! Somebody has got to do something to stop Iran, and we know we can't count on our Muslim President to be the one to do it!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

America's Finest Hour...What If We Weren't there???

I think God is allowing me to have trouble sleeping at night, so He can better use me for whatever purpose He has in mind. I seem to consistently have trouble getting through the early morning hours. It's not that I'm not tired enough to sleep, but that my mind seems to be more rested than the rest of my body. I hate to just lie there in bed, desperately waiting for sleep that is apparently not available, so I usually get up, watch a little T.V., and if that doesn't make me sleepy enough, I frequently think of something to write about in my blog. That usually polishes off a couple of hours, or so, after which I am ready to go back to sleep, just as the rest of the world around me is getting up.

This morning was no different. I couldn't sleep, so I tried desperately to find something interesting on the T.V. That's not easily done at 3:00, or 4:00 in the morning. Weeding through the endless stations of "infomercials", I finally settled on a History Channel tribute to the June 6th, 1944 "D-Day" Normandy Invasion of Nazi-occupied France. After watching several minutes of the show, and listening to the statistics of what the allied invasion force overcame, as well as the concern for what they very well could have faced, but by the Grace of God didn't have to, it became clear to me that this was "the finest hour", not only for the American troops, but for all the allied forces. I am convinced that this generation was no better than our own, but they knew the stakes were so high against them that the only way to defeat the world's most evil empires (both Nazi Germany and Japan) was their own selfless sacrifice on the battlefield. I don't think they were made of "better stuff" than we are, just that they had no choice but to measure up, or perish. Fortunately, enough of them decided to "measure up".

Which brings me to my point for today. What if there was no one to "measure up"; not in America, Britain, Free France, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, India, etc. No one! Bible prophecy talks of a time when there will be a World-wide evil Government that will make Nazi Germany look like pre-school. I think there is enough prophetic evidence to expect that Jesus will have already "Raptured" the Church (world-wide), and there will be no one to resist this evil, except for those who knew of the Gospel before the "Rapture", but did not ask Jesus into their hearts, to save their souls, until it was too late. They are apparently left with no choice but to refuse the Antichrist's "mark of the beast" system, which means they will face slow starvation, or arrest and execution as a consequence. Eventually, when the Lord determines that all who are pre-destined to be "Martyred" in this manner have been executed, He will determine that it is time for His final judgment of the whole earth. Apparently, His judgment will be so complete that He will not need any troops to die on a "D-Day-like" invasion. He will merely speak the Word, and the "Mountains will be brought low, and the valleys will be lifted up", probably like a giant farmer tilling his soil, and guess who He's going to use as fertilizer for the whole earth? That's right, everyone else left on the earth, who thought it was more convenient to accept the Antichrist's system, than to resist. Boy are they in for a big surprise! The sad thing about it is that these same people are probably alive today! They are probably the very people who ridiculed you, and me, when we tried to explain what the Bible prophecies say is soon to happen. It could literally happen at any moment, and we'd be gone, and they'd be left with the most bitter of choices: Stand up to the Antichrist"s system, which will carry a death penalty, with ultimate salvation, or wait comfortably for Jesus' ultimate judgment, and His permanent, eternal damnation! What a difficult choice, but one which will have to be made because when it's too late this time, it will be eternally too late!!!

Monday, June 1, 2015

What's Up With the World???

I can't figure what's going on. At least three times now I've checked my "pageviews" records for the day, and found statistics similar to yesterday's. "Zero for today, and 175 for yesterday (and Sunday is usually the slowest day for readership "stats")." There have been three times when I've gotten "stats" of multiple hundreds of pageviews in a single day. It fits no recognizable pattern, I can't discern any subject matter that consistently seems to strike a nerve, and they seem to come from different countries of origin. If a particular subject struck a nerve, and there was plenty of Prophetic word written about it, I would certainly do everything in my power to exhaust all possible examination of those scriptures. But, like I said, I can't discern any pattern here. I wonder if GOOGLE is playing games with me, trying to make my blog seem more important that it really is. If so, it's a waste of time, and effort, because there are only two people that have to care what I write about: me, and God. The rest of you are important, too, but if you pin me down to it, I'll keep writing even if none of you are reading my blog. I consider this to be a "labor of love", humble though it may be. But, if anyone can guess the reason for the unusual spikes in readership, I'd appreciate a comment.