Interesting developments in the Russia/Ukraine conflict lately. While Putin's Proxies, otherwise known as the "Russian Sympathizing Rebels" of Eastern Ukraine (who just happen to have all bought their Camo-Fatigue uniforms at the same store, probably located somewhere in Russia, and just happen to be superbly armed, with the latest Russian-made military weapons) continue to violate their recently negotiated cease-fire agreement with the Ukrainian government, our lily-livered president is busy with our timid European allies thinking up new and "painful" Diplomatic Sanctions with which to punish the Russians further. Boy, they really know how to "sock it to them", don't they! They really believe that driving the Russian economy into near bankruptcy will have a greater effect upon them than "boots on the ground" tactics will. I understand that responding with troops is impractical, but there are other ways to support the Ukrainian forces, which I am unaware of any movement in this regard. As the Russian economy swoons from the "double-whammy" of the sanctions, and the falling prices of oil, and Natural Gas, which are Russia's two primary sources of international export revenue, reports are now circulating that Putin has promised to prop up the economy without cutting expenditures for either the military, or social services. Since their bonds are now rated as "junk status" where does he plan to get the money to do all this "propping-up" with, one wonders?
Hmmmm, it seems like it might be a convenient time for a little invasion of the Middle-East, in order to take over those Saudi oil fields that are refusing to stop pumping until the international prices begin to rise again. Both the forcing of the prices to rise, and the added oil production capacity of the Middle-East oil reserves is one way that Putin can "prop up" his nation's economy, sanctions not withstanding. There's just one little problem with that, though. Israel could certainly be expected to come to the aid of their neighbors, regardless of their differences, in the face of such bold-faced aggression.
No problemmo! How about turning the Muslim terrorists loose against Israel, since they've been wanting to drive Israel into the Mediterranean Sea for decades. The only problem here is a little thing called "God"! If He exists, and He certainly does (whether Putin believes it, or not) He has promised to defend His people from just such an invasion, turning their evil intentions back on themselves, until some 83% of their invasion force is destroyed (in Ezekiel 38, & 39). So, all this blustering back and forth, between Putin, and Obama and the European allies, with their sanctions, may only serve to drive Russia into the Middle-East all the sooner. We'll see!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Monday, January 26, 2015
The Opening Salvo Of The Middle-East Invasion
In my last post, I admittedly erred in presuming that the forces attacking the Palace in the capital of Yemen were logically the Yemeni branch of Al Quaida which has been trying to unseat the Government for years. It was a very logical assumption, but wrong. In fact, the forces that staged the Coup were Shiite Muslims, with sympathies for the Iranian Government, if not the members of the Iranian army per se, portraying themselves as local civilians. That changes things completely, though not for us (in the west); it merely identifies a different enemy for us to prepare for. And forgive my myopia, but I can't help but see the Hand of God setting us up for the Russian invasion of the Middle-East, in this.
If it had been the Sunni terrorists of Al Quaida, it would not have been a surprise, merely an expected deterioration of the Middle-East situation. Even our covert military operations might not have been enough to save Yemen from an Al Quaida Coup. But the Shiite Coup, even if it is led by legitimate civilians, and not Iranian army soldiers in disguise, means that Iran is about to move on the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf States, which are controlled by predominantly Sunni Muslim governments. Perhaps the Gulf States will become so overwhelmed by an Iranian invasion that they will desperately accept help from anyone willing to offer it, and we know how reliable Obama will be in that kind of situation. They might be just desperate enough to accept aid from Putin's Russian military, who would just love to swoop down over the oil fields of the Middle-East, and offer protection from their own allies. No problem! At least not until the Arab countries asked Putin to give their oil fields back, then things could get a bit complicated. Fortunately, Jesus has already figured out how to defeat Putin's hegemony, and that entails saving Israel in the process. Could this be the opening salvo of the Russian invasion, which according to Ezekiel 38, & 39, will be led by a coalition of armed forces of Russian, Iranian (or "Persian"), Ethiopian (a close neighbor of Yemen), and Libyan armies? Who but God can say for sure. But I wouldn't be surprised if it all ties together somehow.
And to Mr. Anon Ymous (and I emphasize the "mouse" in this), your incredulous skepticism that I could actually "believe this stuff" is indicative not of your disbelief in my sanity, as much as it shows your ignorance, and perhaps your disbelief in the truth of the Bible, which predicts that all these things will come to pass, even if I am incorrect in judging the timing of it's prophetic fulfillment. And if I am correct, you will be astounded to be aware of my accuracy, but perhaps it will be too late for you to do anything about it! I suspect you read the heading lightly, underneath the Blog's Title, or perhaps not at all, and you have proven my cautionary words to be true, by default! I suggest you re-read them carefully, and apply them, and then check out the prophecies of Ezekiel 38, & 39, before you dismiss my views as raving lunacy. The stakes are too high for you to be in error here!
If it had been the Sunni terrorists of Al Quaida, it would not have been a surprise, merely an expected deterioration of the Middle-East situation. Even our covert military operations might not have been enough to save Yemen from an Al Quaida Coup. But the Shiite Coup, even if it is led by legitimate civilians, and not Iranian army soldiers in disguise, means that Iran is about to move on the oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf States, which are controlled by predominantly Sunni Muslim governments. Perhaps the Gulf States will become so overwhelmed by an Iranian invasion that they will desperately accept help from anyone willing to offer it, and we know how reliable Obama will be in that kind of situation. They might be just desperate enough to accept aid from Putin's Russian military, who would just love to swoop down over the oil fields of the Middle-East, and offer protection from their own allies. No problem! At least not until the Arab countries asked Putin to give their oil fields back, then things could get a bit complicated. Fortunately, Jesus has already figured out how to defeat Putin's hegemony, and that entails saving Israel in the process. Could this be the opening salvo of the Russian invasion, which according to Ezekiel 38, & 39, will be led by a coalition of armed forces of Russian, Iranian (or "Persian"), Ethiopian (a close neighbor of Yemen), and Libyan armies? Who but God can say for sure. But I wouldn't be surprised if it all ties together somehow.
And to Mr. Anon Ymous (and I emphasize the "mouse" in this), your incredulous skepticism that I could actually "believe this stuff" is indicative not of your disbelief in my sanity, as much as it shows your ignorance, and perhaps your disbelief in the truth of the Bible, which predicts that all these things will come to pass, even if I am incorrect in judging the timing of it's prophetic fulfillment. And if I am correct, you will be astounded to be aware of my accuracy, but perhaps it will be too late for you to do anything about it! I suspect you read the heading lightly, underneath the Blog's Title, or perhaps not at all, and you have proven my cautionary words to be true, by default! I suggest you re-read them carefully, and apply them, and then check out the prophecies of Ezekiel 38, & 39, before you dismiss my views as raving lunacy. The stakes are too high for you to be in error here!
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
The One-World Caliphate Conspiracy Continues
The story line on Fox News today is that French police have arrested some Chechen Muslims heading towards Paris with a cache of explosives, presumably to finish the job that the Charlie Hebdo terrorists started, when they murdered 12 people for publishing "blasphemous" cartoons of their "beloved prophet", Muhammed. Since the Magazine immediately published more incendiary cartoons the very next day, in defiance, it could only be expected that there would be more such bloody efforts to shut them down. The killing of two, or three terrorists will not stop this insanity (there are plenty more terrorists where they came from), and silly, provocative cartoons are likely to accomplish nothing more than the murderous killings of otherwise innocent people before it's all done. I recognize that the cartoon publishers feel that restraint will indicate that the terrorists were victorious, and that defiance is their way of "defeating" them. Well, congratulations! You've accomplished a lot with your provocation! And how many more unnecessary deaths will it take for you people to realize that it's not worth it?
I'm not saying we should not resist these insane murderers, I'm merely suggesting that we can choose our battles more carefully, and not provoke them over petty issues that will accomplish nothing more than inciting more bloodshed that does nothing but terrorize the innocent. That is really how the Terrorists win, and they could care less what the body count is in the process. A bit of self restraint until a really effective strategy presents itself would accomplish more. And remember, governments will not be able to end this conflict; this is spiritual warfare, and police and armies will only be able to apply Band-Aids to the bleeding until the Lord decides to end it Himself, and that probably won't happen until enough people get down on their knees and cry out to Him for relief from the evil that we have collectively allowed to overtake us. By trying to peacefully, and reasonably coexist with a doctrine that considers our forbearance to be weakness, we have given it the opportunity to fester until our governments can not contain their evil, and still hold true to the principles that they are bound by. The result will surely be a call from a more, and more desperate voting populace for changes to the freedoms that the terrorists are taking advantage of, until we end up with a One-World Dictatorship, like that of the coming European Confederation that will soon elect the Antichrist to deal with it. But it will take Jesus to bring a final end to it. All He's waiting for is for you, and I to decide which side we are going to line up with. Jesus' winning side, or the Antichrist's eternal defeat.
Meanwhile, Fox News continues to report that the most violent form of Al Quaida, the branch residing in Yemen, is attacking the government palace in their capital city in what is described as a coup attempt. If it is successful, we will see another Caliphate country established in the Middle-East, with the oil fields of Saudi Arabia resting halfway between them and I.S.I.S. in Iraq, tempting them to join forces. Looks like God is urging Putin to make his move to invade the Middle-East, before someone else does, first. Sit tight, folks. Looks like we may be in for a bumpy ride!
I'm not saying we should not resist these insane murderers, I'm merely suggesting that we can choose our battles more carefully, and not provoke them over petty issues that will accomplish nothing more than inciting more bloodshed that does nothing but terrorize the innocent. That is really how the Terrorists win, and they could care less what the body count is in the process. A bit of self restraint until a really effective strategy presents itself would accomplish more. And remember, governments will not be able to end this conflict; this is spiritual warfare, and police and armies will only be able to apply Band-Aids to the bleeding until the Lord decides to end it Himself, and that probably won't happen until enough people get down on their knees and cry out to Him for relief from the evil that we have collectively allowed to overtake us. By trying to peacefully, and reasonably coexist with a doctrine that considers our forbearance to be weakness, we have given it the opportunity to fester until our governments can not contain their evil, and still hold true to the principles that they are bound by. The result will surely be a call from a more, and more desperate voting populace for changes to the freedoms that the terrorists are taking advantage of, until we end up with a One-World Dictatorship, like that of the coming European Confederation that will soon elect the Antichrist to deal with it. But it will take Jesus to bring a final end to it. All He's waiting for is for you, and I to decide which side we are going to line up with. Jesus' winning side, or the Antichrist's eternal defeat.
Meanwhile, Fox News continues to report that the most violent form of Al Quaida, the branch residing in Yemen, is attacking the government palace in their capital city in what is described as a coup attempt. If it is successful, we will see another Caliphate country established in the Middle-East, with the oil fields of Saudi Arabia resting halfway between them and I.S.I.S. in Iraq, tempting them to join forces. Looks like God is urging Putin to make his move to invade the Middle-East, before someone else does, first. Sit tight, folks. Looks like we may be in for a bumpy ride!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Freedom Of Speech Has A Huge Cost
We've all seen the Red Neck Bumper-sticker philosophy slogan: "Freedom isn't free!", with an American flag pictured next to it, probably promoted by the N.R.A., or some other hyper-patriotic organization. My purpose is not to refute that slogan, but to expound upon it. Specifically, with regards to the concepts of freedom of speech, and of the Press, which are both preeminent guarantees of the American Constitution, as expressed famously in the First Amendment, of what has come to be known as the "Bill of Rights". We Americans often take these guarantees of our freedoms for granted, having lived our whole lives with their presumptive authority protecting us all. But these guarantees do not extend to the citizens of other nations, who do not reside within our boarders, unless their governments have vowed to uphold similar Constitutions, with likewise similar guarantees for their citizens.
Now, we are witnessing the struggle in France today, between those who presume these guarantees for all, and those who desire to restrict them. In the name of their false god, "Allah", which does not exist, and based upon the false teachings of their supposed prophet, they feel that they have the right, and according to these teachings, even the responsibility to restrict everyone else's freedom of speech, and their ability to print opinions they disagree with. Islam, like any other false religion, or cult, can not long exist, or prosper in a truly free society; it must, by it's very nature stamp out freedom of speech, especially within the mass-produced press, and the whole Media in general. It is a religion that seeks to enslave it's followers, and murder the rest of us, in order to ensure it's preeminence around the world. And, of course, the ultimate enslavement comes when their proponents commit "suicide by cop, or enemy soldier" and go to their supposed reward of 72 virgins, waiting for them in "Paradise", only to discover they are eternally locked in Hell, alone, except for the taunting voices of Demons, as they feel the pain of their "flesh" continually roasting in the Hellish fires, with their "internal organs" being eternally eaten of parasites. Of course, since they will not have any bodies to be consumed, they will merely experience the eternal pain, provided by God for their reward for their earthly behavior.
We, on the other hand can expect that if we are "martyred", which is another word for "murdered", having placed our faith in Jesus, as our Lord and Savior, we will immediately be "absent from the body, and present with the Lord" whom we know is residing in Heaven, and will soon bring Heaven down to a newly created Earth. This is the confidence of Christianity, and the great difference between us and those whom Satan has deluded into thinking they are doing their god a favor by killing those who disagree with them. One can only have pity for those who've bought into these lies of the Devil, and thrown their eternal souls away in the foolish belief that God will reward them for their evil ways. He will, but not at all the way they are expecting Him to!!!
For those who are not yet committed to either side in this conflict, they must at some point realize that freedom is not the same thing as license, and free speech does not give someone the "right" to express his immoral inclinations publicly, if they are oppressively offensive to others. Pornography, and Abortion are not Constitutionally guaranteed aspects of free speech, even as extended into the concept of "freedom of expression" (a concept that is not contained in the Constitution, no matter how many revered Supreme Court Justices pretend that it is so). They may be regrettably protected by a foolishly deluded voting populace, but the cost for this twisting of a righteous concept into a foolish lie will someday turn against that society in apparently unrelated forms, such as we see enveloping the Liberal states of western Europe, and the chaos that their values have brought upon them. They foolishly believe that protecting the "rights" of printed "rags", like "Charlie Hebdo", is the same thing as standing up for free speech. It's not. While these trashy publications may be legal, they should be driven out of business, by lack of interest, and poor sales, not by murdering those who publish them. It's a testimony to the weak social condition of the people of western Europe that they can not distinguish between the need for self-restraint, and the "rights" of offended parties to murder those who offend!
I have no doubt that God has allowed the people of France to bring about His preliminary judgment for their twisted form of morality by allowing them to accept the immigration of a people (namely, the North African Muslims), specifically to give them reason to repent, and purge their society of immorality, or He'll let those who are worse than they are to purge it from them. Thus, we see a society that foolishly believed their "live, and let live" non-judgmental values could peacefully coexist with Muslim Sharia law ruling various ghettos, called "no go zones", where the law of the land did not apply to the local residents, and their corrupt practices would stay confined to the limits of their ghettos. Well, we can see how that worked out for them. But, we'll see if western Europe recognizes what God is trying to show them, or if they will merely close ranks around a more oppressive government, and a totalitarian dictator, like the Antichrist!
Meanwhile, the people of America, and the rest of the world, stand in the balance, awaiting God's blessings or judgment accordingly, depending upon which way we choose; either to recognize that, "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance", and the personal restraints that that entails, or to confuse liberty with license, and suffer the consequences of our confusion.
Now, we are witnessing the struggle in France today, between those who presume these guarantees for all, and those who desire to restrict them. In the name of their false god, "Allah", which does not exist, and based upon the false teachings of their supposed prophet, they feel that they have the right, and according to these teachings, even the responsibility to restrict everyone else's freedom of speech, and their ability to print opinions they disagree with. Islam, like any other false religion, or cult, can not long exist, or prosper in a truly free society; it must, by it's very nature stamp out freedom of speech, especially within the mass-produced press, and the whole Media in general. It is a religion that seeks to enslave it's followers, and murder the rest of us, in order to ensure it's preeminence around the world. And, of course, the ultimate enslavement comes when their proponents commit "suicide by cop, or enemy soldier" and go to their supposed reward of 72 virgins, waiting for them in "Paradise", only to discover they are eternally locked in Hell, alone, except for the taunting voices of Demons, as they feel the pain of their "flesh" continually roasting in the Hellish fires, with their "internal organs" being eternally eaten of parasites. Of course, since they will not have any bodies to be consumed, they will merely experience the eternal pain, provided by God for their reward for their earthly behavior.
We, on the other hand can expect that if we are "martyred", which is another word for "murdered", having placed our faith in Jesus, as our Lord and Savior, we will immediately be "absent from the body, and present with the Lord" whom we know is residing in Heaven, and will soon bring Heaven down to a newly created Earth. This is the confidence of Christianity, and the great difference between us and those whom Satan has deluded into thinking they are doing their god a favor by killing those who disagree with them. One can only have pity for those who've bought into these lies of the Devil, and thrown their eternal souls away in the foolish belief that God will reward them for their evil ways. He will, but not at all the way they are expecting Him to!!!
For those who are not yet committed to either side in this conflict, they must at some point realize that freedom is not the same thing as license, and free speech does not give someone the "right" to express his immoral inclinations publicly, if they are oppressively offensive to others. Pornography, and Abortion are not Constitutionally guaranteed aspects of free speech, even as extended into the concept of "freedom of expression" (a concept that is not contained in the Constitution, no matter how many revered Supreme Court Justices pretend that it is so). They may be regrettably protected by a foolishly deluded voting populace, but the cost for this twisting of a righteous concept into a foolish lie will someday turn against that society in apparently unrelated forms, such as we see enveloping the Liberal states of western Europe, and the chaos that their values have brought upon them. They foolishly believe that protecting the "rights" of printed "rags", like "Charlie Hebdo", is the same thing as standing up for free speech. It's not. While these trashy publications may be legal, they should be driven out of business, by lack of interest, and poor sales, not by murdering those who publish them. It's a testimony to the weak social condition of the people of western Europe that they can not distinguish between the need for self-restraint, and the "rights" of offended parties to murder those who offend!
I have no doubt that God has allowed the people of France to bring about His preliminary judgment for their twisted form of morality by allowing them to accept the immigration of a people (namely, the North African Muslims), specifically to give them reason to repent, and purge their society of immorality, or He'll let those who are worse than they are to purge it from them. Thus, we see a society that foolishly believed their "live, and let live" non-judgmental values could peacefully coexist with Muslim Sharia law ruling various ghettos, called "no go zones", where the law of the land did not apply to the local residents, and their corrupt practices would stay confined to the limits of their ghettos. Well, we can see how that worked out for them. But, we'll see if western Europe recognizes what God is trying to show them, or if they will merely close ranks around a more oppressive government, and a totalitarian dictator, like the Antichrist!
Meanwhile, the people of America, and the rest of the world, stand in the balance, awaiting God's blessings or judgment accordingly, depending upon which way we choose; either to recognize that, "the price of freedom is eternal vigilance", and the personal restraints that that entails, or to confuse liberty with license, and suffer the consequences of our confusion.
Friday, January 9, 2015
Police Can't Stop Jihadists; But God Can...And Will!!!
I awoke this morning to find two hostage situations percolating in France, with the French police surrounding the well-armed Muslim Jihadists and waiting to negotiate the release of several hostages, or for the permission from their superiors to storm the buildings and kill the perpetrators, if they won't surrender. I listened to the media discussions of how "we" (meaning the authorities) can combat this relatively new form of international terrorism. Every expert offered very reasonable suggestions as to how to put an end to this insanity, with just one problem. They won't work!
This is exactly what Jesus meant when He said that our weapons can not be limited by carnal, or earthly principles. This warfare is of a spiritual nature and it will only be handled by spiritual means, when we have finally had enough of trying to fix it ourselves, by reasoning with wholly unreasonable people. You can not reason with someone that desperately wants to commit "suicide-by-cop", (which they consider to be "martyrdom"),and feels that taking as many innocent lives with them as they can will be credited to them as bonuses, when they get to their false concept of "Paradise", and meet their "72 virgins" who await them. It would serve them right if their "virgins" all turned out to be shriveled-up, ninety-year-old hags with warts on there noses, and endlessly nagging, and complaining dispositions, who would be frigid if they weren't so ugly as to turn their stomachs!!! Unfortunately, for them, their "Paradise" will certainly turn out to be what we Christians call Hell, and their situation will be much worse than the ugliest, nagging "virgin" could conceivably make it.
So, how do we combat this form of terrorism? The answer is simple. We don't, but Jesus will, when we've finally had enough of trying to do it ourselves, and failing miserably. We are witnessing a turning point for all of Humanity, whether to place our trust in God to deliver us from our own, collectively evil ways, or to reject Him and rely upon the feeble efforts of our Governments, which will only become more, and more internationally oppressive in an effort to combat our own evil, which is directed by Satan, and is spiritual in nature. The only way to finally end this evil is to call upon the One who has already defeated Satan, upon the cross and is merely waiting for all those who will receive His Lordship, to do so. In the meantime, we will see an increase in this kind of chaos, which Satan intends to use to demoralize us with, but God intends to use to show the world that we are desperately in need of a Holy, and all-powerful God to finally put an end to our evil ways. And He will, and very soon! First, (and I'm sorry to keep harping on the same issue, but) I can't help but see all this as leading up to the invasion of the Middle-East, because that will be God's way of revealing Himself to a largely unbelieving world, when He uses the unbridled hegemonistic greed of whomever is the Russian leader He refers to as "Gog", and I am convinced that he is referring to none other than Vladimir Putin, to believe that he can take over the Arab oil fields, to hold them hostage until the rest of the world submits to his authority. To do this he needs two things; first, he needs an unresponsive America, which is presently guaranteed with our yellow-bellied president having two more years to not be able to recognize the difference between evil, and good. Then he needs to neutralize Israel, which presents the only military threat to block his invasion of the Middle-East. So, if he can bring about a temporary truce between the warring factions who bitterly hate each other, but collectively hate Israel more, he can preoccupy Israel with their own self-defense, while he invades the Arab Gulf states, to take over their oil supplies. I suspect that God intends for this to be His way of bringing all the Muslim combatants into one area, so He can turn their hate-mongering ways against themselves, dissolving Putin's delicate treaty and turning their hatred against each other, until they've slaughtered up to 83% of their invasion force, in a panicked retreat. Russia's army will be so decimated by this that their leader (whether Putin survives, or not) will order a nuclear first strike against us, forcing our retaliation, and God's intervention in the form of his rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ around the world, before the missiles actually strike. Thus He will have revealed Himself to the unbelieving world, when it's too late for any but the Israeli Jews, who will have to endure another seven years of world-wide persecution, until Jesus returns to save them from Armageddon, perhaps after the children of the Muslim combatants destroyed in the Ezekiel 38, & 39 invasion have reached combative age, and seek Jihadist revenge for the deaths of their fathers. Then Jesus will finally put an end to their horrible evil ways, and establish his thousand-year millennial Kingdom. Until then, we can expect that man's best efforts will only douse the flames of terrorism locally, only to find them smoldering elsewhere.
What can we do about it? We can pray! And that begins with the calling upon Jesus to forgive us of all our sins, as stated in the heading under this Blog's Title. (see above) Then we will be that much closer to His solution to all our problems. How ironic that Hitler's "final solution" was to try and murder all the world's Jews, but Jesus' truly final solution will be to save them all!
This is exactly what Jesus meant when He said that our weapons can not be limited by carnal, or earthly principles. This warfare is of a spiritual nature and it will only be handled by spiritual means, when we have finally had enough of trying to fix it ourselves, by reasoning with wholly unreasonable people. You can not reason with someone that desperately wants to commit "suicide-by-cop", (which they consider to be "martyrdom"),and feels that taking as many innocent lives with them as they can will be credited to them as bonuses, when they get to their false concept of "Paradise", and meet their "72 virgins" who await them. It would serve them right if their "virgins" all turned out to be shriveled-up, ninety-year-old hags with warts on there noses, and endlessly nagging, and complaining dispositions, who would be frigid if they weren't so ugly as to turn their stomachs!!! Unfortunately, for them, their "Paradise" will certainly turn out to be what we Christians call Hell, and their situation will be much worse than the ugliest, nagging "virgin" could conceivably make it.
So, how do we combat this form of terrorism? The answer is simple. We don't, but Jesus will, when we've finally had enough of trying to do it ourselves, and failing miserably. We are witnessing a turning point for all of Humanity, whether to place our trust in God to deliver us from our own, collectively evil ways, or to reject Him and rely upon the feeble efforts of our Governments, which will only become more, and more internationally oppressive in an effort to combat our own evil, which is directed by Satan, and is spiritual in nature. The only way to finally end this evil is to call upon the One who has already defeated Satan, upon the cross and is merely waiting for all those who will receive His Lordship, to do so. In the meantime, we will see an increase in this kind of chaos, which Satan intends to use to demoralize us with, but God intends to use to show the world that we are desperately in need of a Holy, and all-powerful God to finally put an end to our evil ways. And He will, and very soon! First, (and I'm sorry to keep harping on the same issue, but) I can't help but see all this as leading up to the invasion of the Middle-East, because that will be God's way of revealing Himself to a largely unbelieving world, when He uses the unbridled hegemonistic greed of whomever is the Russian leader He refers to as "Gog", and I am convinced that he is referring to none other than Vladimir Putin, to believe that he can take over the Arab oil fields, to hold them hostage until the rest of the world submits to his authority. To do this he needs two things; first, he needs an unresponsive America, which is presently guaranteed with our yellow-bellied president having two more years to not be able to recognize the difference between evil, and good. Then he needs to neutralize Israel, which presents the only military threat to block his invasion of the Middle-East. So, if he can bring about a temporary truce between the warring factions who bitterly hate each other, but collectively hate Israel more, he can preoccupy Israel with their own self-defense, while he invades the Arab Gulf states, to take over their oil supplies. I suspect that God intends for this to be His way of bringing all the Muslim combatants into one area, so He can turn their hate-mongering ways against themselves, dissolving Putin's delicate treaty and turning their hatred against each other, until they've slaughtered up to 83% of their invasion force, in a panicked retreat. Russia's army will be so decimated by this that their leader (whether Putin survives, or not) will order a nuclear first strike against us, forcing our retaliation, and God's intervention in the form of his rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ around the world, before the missiles actually strike. Thus He will have revealed Himself to the unbelieving world, when it's too late for any but the Israeli Jews, who will have to endure another seven years of world-wide persecution, until Jesus returns to save them from Armageddon, perhaps after the children of the Muslim combatants destroyed in the Ezekiel 38, & 39 invasion have reached combative age, and seek Jihadist revenge for the deaths of their fathers. Then Jesus will finally put an end to their horrible evil ways, and establish his thousand-year millennial Kingdom. Until then, we can expect that man's best efforts will only douse the flames of terrorism locally, only to find them smoldering elsewhere.
What can we do about it? We can pray! And that begins with the calling upon Jesus to forgive us of all our sins, as stated in the heading under this Blog's Title. (see above) Then we will be that much closer to His solution to all our problems. How ironic that Hitler's "final solution" was to try and murder all the world's Jews, but Jesus' truly final solution will be to save them all!
Friday, January 2, 2015
Get Out Of Ukraine...Now!
I've been feeling a bit guilty, lately, about writing dispassionately concerning my views of the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecies, and how I believe Russian President Putin is the very leader that God refers to as "Gog", and that the recent developments in the Ukraine are directly tied to his eventual decision to invade the Middle-East in general, and Israel, in particular. I recognize that it is too easy for me to sit here, in America, and feel coldly dispassionate about an invasion of another nation, that is almost on the other side of the planet, whose people I have never met. Yet, as a Born-Again Christian I believe I have the Sprit of God residing in my heart, as the Bible clearly states, and that Jesus loves the Ukrainian people as much as He loves me, or anyone else, no matter where they reside on the planet. The reason God gave us His prophecies was to warn us of impending crises, before they occurred, so we could protect ourselves, as much as possible. I have been feeling it may soon be time for any Ukrainian Christians to literally "get the H____ out of Dodge", to coin an old American phrase that means to leave for safer territory as soon as possible.
I have noticed lately that the statistics for the readership of my blog has shown an increase in the "pageviews" from the Ukraine. Sometimes the stats show more readers from there than from America, my homeland, and naturally my own greatest interest in writing pertinent posts. I recognize that people living in the Ukraine can access the Internet as easily as we can, and they probably stumbled upon my blog simply by typing in the word "Ukraine" in their search engines, which came across my blog, since I have been writing so much lately about Putin's hegemonistic invasion of the Crimea, and subsequent annexation thereof. It is my opinion that a greedy dictator of Putin's nature will not be satisfied with the Crimean Peninsula, or even the eastern part of the Ukraine that is reputed to have Russian sympathies. He obviously wants it all. And the sympathies of the local citizens matter very little to him, one way, or the other. The sympathies of the Sudetenland didn't serve more than an excuse for Hitler to invade Chekoslavakia, from which he eventually moved into Poland, and then into Russia. Putin is merely travelling in reverse, with the same greedy intentions of world conquest, and domination. The invasion of Israel is merely a brief means-to-an-end diversion, in his opinion, I suspect. Unfortunately for him, God considers it to be of the highest significance, and will protect them miraculously, and to Putin's great chagrin, I'm sure.
So, it may be time for those living in the Ukraine to pack up, and get out now, if they can. Remember, the German Jews had many warnings of the diabolical nature of the Nazi's, and some immigrated to safer countries, while others stayed and were trapped in the concentration camps, and the Holocaust. I realize the apparent irresponsibility of my telling complete strangers to pack up and leave their homes simply because of my interpretation of coming events, which may, or may not come to pass as I imagine. But the alternative seems to me to be far worse; for me to believe that a potential tragedy may be about to occur, and to remain silent about it simply because the people effected are not known to me. They are known to Jesus, and He loves them, so my silence would not be pleasing to Him.
I have noticed lately that the statistics for the readership of my blog has shown an increase in the "pageviews" from the Ukraine. Sometimes the stats show more readers from there than from America, my homeland, and naturally my own greatest interest in writing pertinent posts. I recognize that people living in the Ukraine can access the Internet as easily as we can, and they probably stumbled upon my blog simply by typing in the word "Ukraine" in their search engines, which came across my blog, since I have been writing so much lately about Putin's hegemonistic invasion of the Crimea, and subsequent annexation thereof. It is my opinion that a greedy dictator of Putin's nature will not be satisfied with the Crimean Peninsula, or even the eastern part of the Ukraine that is reputed to have Russian sympathies. He obviously wants it all. And the sympathies of the local citizens matter very little to him, one way, or the other. The sympathies of the Sudetenland didn't serve more than an excuse for Hitler to invade Chekoslavakia, from which he eventually moved into Poland, and then into Russia. Putin is merely travelling in reverse, with the same greedy intentions of world conquest, and domination. The invasion of Israel is merely a brief means-to-an-end diversion, in his opinion, I suspect. Unfortunately for him, God considers it to be of the highest significance, and will protect them miraculously, and to Putin's great chagrin, I'm sure.
So, it may be time for those living in the Ukraine to pack up, and get out now, if they can. Remember, the German Jews had many warnings of the diabolical nature of the Nazi's, and some immigrated to safer countries, while others stayed and were trapped in the concentration camps, and the Holocaust. I realize the apparent irresponsibility of my telling complete strangers to pack up and leave their homes simply because of my interpretation of coming events, which may, or may not come to pass as I imagine. But the alternative seems to me to be far worse; for me to believe that a potential tragedy may be about to occur, and to remain silent about it simply because the people effected are not known to me. They are known to Jesus, and He loves them, so my silence would not be pleasing to Him.
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