I just read an article in the Washington Post that implied that all the financial problems of the shrinking middle class would be solved if Congress would simply require all employers to pay overtime to all workers below a certain income level, based proportionally on the economic statistics of what our parents received, some forty years ago. That, combined with the demanded raise of the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour would solve all the financial problems of the middle class, and everything would be "hunky-dory", or whatever.
The article was calling for "us" to "stick it to the 1%" of the population that is considered to be obscenely rich, and therefore the economic enemies of everybody else. The writer is apparently a true, card-carrying socialist who believes that economics is merely a matter of divvying up the "money pie" more fairly between the "haves", and the "have nots". These people don't consider that money is created by thrift, and hard work, combined with the risks involved in determining which businesses can produce valued products and services, most efficiently, considering the afore mentioned principles. We need to stop trying to take money away from the rich, through Socialist legislation, and provide the Free Market opportunities for the rich to give it away themselves. They will either waste it upon their profligate life-styles, or they will invest it if they are not ready to spend it, either wisely, which will create jobs for others to earn better wages, or unwisely, in which case their money will simply change ownership, until it winds up in the hands of someone who will invest it wisely. This is how God "redistributes" the wealth in a truly free economy, and it seems that Socialists are so busy being jealous of the "filthy rich" that they want the Legislature to pre-empt God, and take their money away from them now, giving greedy politicians, and lobbyists the opportunity to skim off surplus graft in the process. In doing so, we only create another level of wasteful spenders, making it that much longer for the money to work it's way through the economy till it winds up in the hands of wise investors. That's how we end up with economic depressions, and recessions, which cause the middle class workers to demand more legislation to spread the economic "pie" a bit more "fairly", which keeps the cycle spinning, endlessly. If we will simply get Government out of the way, then economic pressures will cause incomes to even out naturally, as (what Adam Smith referred to the "invisible hand of God") directs money to flow to the most efficient producers.
And don't worry about the obscenely wealthy 1%. None of them have ever figured a way to take it with them, when they die, though some, pathetically, have tried, like the Egyptian Pharoahs, and the proverbial heiress, whose will demanded that she was to be buried inside her beloved Rolls Royce. God will repay them for their lifestyles, whether in Heaven, or hell, and their bank accounts will not influence Him, like it may some corrupt legislators.
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Before The "Cold War" Becomes Hot, Will We Have Cyber Warfare?
Is cyber warfare the next phase of East/West conflict? Only God knows, but I suspect He might allow it to build cultural, and political animosity until it reaches the point where hatred becomes violent enough for the real thing, instead of merely virtual conflict. So far, we have warfare limited to the international Geeks who probably played computer war games when they were kids, and learned that whole populations could be wiped out with the click of a key, with no mess to clean up afterwards. How long before these same Geeks are put in control of their respective nations' Nuclear missiles, which merely need to have their buttons pushed to truly wipe out whole populations? (See Revelation 6: 13, if you think this is unlikely to happen!)
I'm telling you folks, it not only can happen, but if you believe as I do that the Book of Revelation is truly prophetic, you will believe that it will happen, and the elements of the scenario are just about in place! All we need is for some Russian meglo-maniac, like Putin, to get fed up with western sanctions, and O.P.E.C. intransigence, to decide that the best thing for his country is to invade the Middle-East to take over the Saudi Arabian, and other Gulf State nations' oil reserves, and close their spigots until the price of oil rebounds to a profitable level, and, (oh!), while he's at it perhaps keep the spigots closed a bit longer to ruin the economies of America, and the other Western allies. After all there is no one around to put up a serious resistance to this hegemonistic move. The U.S. is led by the most whimpy, and indecisive government in their history, and they fit the bill for the ones whom God prophesied in Ezekiel 38, as responding with the diplomatically cowardly response to the Russian invasion of, "have you come to take a great spoil?" Biblical eschatologists have long believed that this response came from some future American/Saudi alliance. Well folks, the future may be just around the corner, as they say. The only real threat of military resistance to a Russian invasion would be from Israel, and Putin might feel an alliance with various Muslim nations such as Syria, and Iran, and others, might keep them busy while the Russians concentrate on the Gulf States. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls off some kind of temporary truce between the warring factions of Syria, and the I.S.I.S. rebels and other Sunni rebels, like Al Qaida, because the prophesies of Ezekiel 38, & 39 suggest that the bulk of the destruction of the invading forces (to the tune of 83%) will result from the various factions fighting among themselves. We know that the Shiites, of Iran, Lebanon, and others hate the Sunnis, and vice versa, but they each hate Israel much more. They might be tempted to come together long enough to destroy Israel, and when God helps Israel defend themselves, they might turn against each other in a panicked retreat. This all fits the scenario set forth in God's prophesies, let's just wait and see if it all pans out that way.
But if it begins to develop in any way as I've described, the uptake on all this is that it's quite likely that whomever is in charge of the retreating Russian forces, whether it's Putin or some general, may well order a Nuclear First Strike upon America, as described in Revelation 6, and beyond. It seems that the Lord's Rapture of the whole church of believers may well follow this order, but (Revelation 7 suggests that) perhaps it will occur before the missiles actually strike. Russia has long been reputed to believe it can survive a Nuclear war with an "acceptable" number of casualties, due to it's vast underground network of tunnels that serve as subways today, but can double as fall-out shelters, if needed. Perhaps this is the basis of "Gog's" forces going underground, for a thousand years, to be released as Satan's army after the thousand-year millennium of the Lord. They may have enough freeze-dried food stored to last their population for a few months, and they may be able to come out of their holes long enough after that to cultivate crops of three-headed vegetables, with eyes and ears, and tend their herds of walking, grazing fish, long enough to survive a thousand years! Perhaps they can make quick above-ground efforts to raise their perverse produce, without becoming too irradiated, but who would want to live on a diet of vegetables that talk, etc.?
Meanwhile, while Satan's final army is living under ground, we will live forever in the "new Heaven and a new Earth" that Jesus will create for us, and it will be above ground, and we'll eat fruit from trees of "Life", described in the latter chapters of Revelation. This is why I do not fear the aftermath of "Gog's" invasion of Israel, or any Nuclear Holocaust that may follow. All I can do is remember the words of Jesus when He said, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!! Let the Russian Cyber Geeks eat their walking vegetables, and their herds of fish-cattle, if they so choose!
I'm telling you folks, it not only can happen, but if you believe as I do that the Book of Revelation is truly prophetic, you will believe that it will happen, and the elements of the scenario are just about in place! All we need is for some Russian meglo-maniac, like Putin, to get fed up with western sanctions, and O.P.E.C. intransigence, to decide that the best thing for his country is to invade the Middle-East to take over the Saudi Arabian, and other Gulf State nations' oil reserves, and close their spigots until the price of oil rebounds to a profitable level, and, (oh!), while he's at it perhaps keep the spigots closed a bit longer to ruin the economies of America, and the other Western allies. After all there is no one around to put up a serious resistance to this hegemonistic move. The U.S. is led by the most whimpy, and indecisive government in their history, and they fit the bill for the ones whom God prophesied in Ezekiel 38, as responding with the diplomatically cowardly response to the Russian invasion of, "have you come to take a great spoil?" Biblical eschatologists have long believed that this response came from some future American/Saudi alliance. Well folks, the future may be just around the corner, as they say. The only real threat of military resistance to a Russian invasion would be from Israel, and Putin might feel an alliance with various Muslim nations such as Syria, and Iran, and others, might keep them busy while the Russians concentrate on the Gulf States. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls off some kind of temporary truce between the warring factions of Syria, and the I.S.I.S. rebels and other Sunni rebels, like Al Qaida, because the prophesies of Ezekiel 38, & 39 suggest that the bulk of the destruction of the invading forces (to the tune of 83%) will result from the various factions fighting among themselves. We know that the Shiites, of Iran, Lebanon, and others hate the Sunnis, and vice versa, but they each hate Israel much more. They might be tempted to come together long enough to destroy Israel, and when God helps Israel defend themselves, they might turn against each other in a panicked retreat. This all fits the scenario set forth in God's prophesies, let's just wait and see if it all pans out that way.
But if it begins to develop in any way as I've described, the uptake on all this is that it's quite likely that whomever is in charge of the retreating Russian forces, whether it's Putin or some general, may well order a Nuclear First Strike upon America, as described in Revelation 6, and beyond. It seems that the Lord's Rapture of the whole church of believers may well follow this order, but (Revelation 7 suggests that) perhaps it will occur before the missiles actually strike. Russia has long been reputed to believe it can survive a Nuclear war with an "acceptable" number of casualties, due to it's vast underground network of tunnels that serve as subways today, but can double as fall-out shelters, if needed. Perhaps this is the basis of "Gog's" forces going underground, for a thousand years, to be released as Satan's army after the thousand-year millennium of the Lord. They may have enough freeze-dried food stored to last their population for a few months, and they may be able to come out of their holes long enough after that to cultivate crops of three-headed vegetables, with eyes and ears, and tend their herds of walking, grazing fish, long enough to survive a thousand years! Perhaps they can make quick above-ground efforts to raise their perverse produce, without becoming too irradiated, but who would want to live on a diet of vegetables that talk, etc.?
Meanwhile, while Satan's final army is living under ground, we will live forever in the "new Heaven and a new Earth" that Jesus will create for us, and it will be above ground, and we'll eat fruit from trees of "Life", described in the latter chapters of Revelation. This is why I do not fear the aftermath of "Gog's" invasion of Israel, or any Nuclear Holocaust that may follow. All I can do is remember the words of Jesus when He said, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!! Let the Russian Cyber Geeks eat their walking vegetables, and their herds of fish-cattle, if they so choose!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
God Is Turning The Ruble Into Rubble
Get me!!! Mr. Lazy Blogger actually posting twice in the same day! But just as someone will dial "911" on the phone, or yell "fire!" when his neighbor's house is burning, I am likewise capable of responding to "desperate times" by taking "desperate measures".
For the better part of five years I've been writing that I believe the Biblical prophecy in Ezekiel 38, & 39 was not fulfilled in ancient times, but was for some time that was most likely to happen soon. But, not claiming to be a Prophet myself, I was not interested in risking the wrath of God by trying to stamp a date on when I expected this to come to pass. And I'm still not. However, I am smart enough to recognize what the blind can "see" happening in the world around us, and I have the common sense of a three-year-old when it comes to recognizing that we are entering perilous times. I would be remiss if I didn't try to warn others of the peril we're facing in the near future, whether they wish to heed my warning, or not. In the book of Ezekiel, in the 33rd chapter, God makes it clear that He holds us responsible for choosing to warn others, or not to, when we recognize a "clear and present danger" approaching. If we choose to hold our peace, He will hold us responsible for the lives lost that could have been saved by our timely warning. I will not choose this course of action, no matter what kind of a fool I may appear to be to others, if I scream, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling...", and nothing happens. But if the "sky" really does fall, as in a Nuclear Holocaust (see Revelation 6: 13), and I choose to save my reputation and others die, needlessly, God would be just in holding me accountable for their deaths.
This is the awesome responsibility that causes me to write the things I do, even if they don't turn out the way I imagine they will. Such is the case now, when I heard on today's "700 Club" that the equivalent of the Federal Reserve Chairman, in Russia, just raised interest rates for the Ruble to an astounding 17% in response to the decision by Saudi Arabia to not curtail production in order to drive prices up to a level for Russia to finance their economy. Oil is currently selling at 60 dollars per barrel, and Russia needs the price to rise to 100 dollars per barrel to keep their economy from going into recession. All this means that the "natural fluctuations" of the price of oil is giving Putin a heck of an incentive to invade the Middle-East, conquer their oil fields and turn off the spigots himself. There is just one problem with this plan; those pesky Israeli's would surely resist. So, to keep them busy he might call upon his Muslim allies, Syria, and Iran and any others who wish to help wipe out Israel, to keep them from interfering with his plans. And I'm sure there are many who would just love to help.
I've written extensively before on how that is prophesied to turn out. (Check out the "Archives" section in the lower right column of this page.)
Things are beginning to heat up fast, and soon it may well be time to say, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!!
For the better part of five years I've been writing that I believe the Biblical prophecy in Ezekiel 38, & 39 was not fulfilled in ancient times, but was for some time that was most likely to happen soon. But, not claiming to be a Prophet myself, I was not interested in risking the wrath of God by trying to stamp a date on when I expected this to come to pass. And I'm still not. However, I am smart enough to recognize what the blind can "see" happening in the world around us, and I have the common sense of a three-year-old when it comes to recognizing that we are entering perilous times. I would be remiss if I didn't try to warn others of the peril we're facing in the near future, whether they wish to heed my warning, or not. In the book of Ezekiel, in the 33rd chapter, God makes it clear that He holds us responsible for choosing to warn others, or not to, when we recognize a "clear and present danger" approaching. If we choose to hold our peace, He will hold us responsible for the lives lost that could have been saved by our timely warning. I will not choose this course of action, no matter what kind of a fool I may appear to be to others, if I scream, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling...", and nothing happens. But if the "sky" really does fall, as in a Nuclear Holocaust (see Revelation 6: 13), and I choose to save my reputation and others die, needlessly, God would be just in holding me accountable for their deaths.
This is the awesome responsibility that causes me to write the things I do, even if they don't turn out the way I imagine they will. Such is the case now, when I heard on today's "700 Club" that the equivalent of the Federal Reserve Chairman, in Russia, just raised interest rates for the Ruble to an astounding 17% in response to the decision by Saudi Arabia to not curtail production in order to drive prices up to a level for Russia to finance their economy. Oil is currently selling at 60 dollars per barrel, and Russia needs the price to rise to 100 dollars per barrel to keep their economy from going into recession. All this means that the "natural fluctuations" of the price of oil is giving Putin a heck of an incentive to invade the Middle-East, conquer their oil fields and turn off the spigots himself. There is just one problem with this plan; those pesky Israeli's would surely resist. So, to keep them busy he might call upon his Muslim allies, Syria, and Iran and any others who wish to help wipe out Israel, to keep them from interfering with his plans. And I'm sure there are many who would just love to help.
I've written extensively before on how that is prophesied to turn out. (Check out the "Archives" section in the lower right column of this page.)
Things are beginning to heat up fast, and soon it may well be time to say, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!!
Hallelujah, Sec. of State Kerry Proclaims Peace In The MId-East!
Our wonderful State Department is at it again! They presume that peace can be obtained by simply getting the warring principals to declare it so. So when Sec. Kerry meets in London with the Palestinian representative of the Arab League, we can know that true, and lasting peace is just around the corner!
Don't hold your breath! Even though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been instructed to attend the meeting by the Israeli Knesset, you can bet that nothing more will come of it than in the past, when Israel agrees to cede West Bank territory to the Palestinians in exchange for more flimsy assurances that there will be no more murders of their citizens in the future. Which of course we all know is a lie. But you can bet that Sec. Kerry will crow from the rooftops about what a wonderful development this will be, now that true and lasting peace has finally come to the Middle-East! And we have the assurance of Sec. Kerry, and the reliability of the Obama Administration to back it up!
I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. I am sick of all the Diplomatic bluster that comes from the White House, and the State Department while they try to remain "neutral" in this conflict. This conflict boils down to one single issue: Is there a God in Heaven, and does He rule the earth? If so, then He has the right to give this land to whomever He chooses, and He has promised it to the Jews, forever. Like it, or not, anyone who rebels against that promise is rebelling against God, not dissenting mankind. And they can rebel against Him for only so long, before His judgment will swiftly overtake them; and Ezekiel 38, & 39 details His judgment which appears to be soon visited upon the armies of "Gog" (probably Putin), and his Muslim allies. The only thing I can't figure out is which faction of Muslim lunatics he will ally himself to. It would seem more logical that his existing alliance with Syrian President Assad, and his Iranian, and Lebanese terrorist allies would be the basis for this alliance, but since all these Muslim lunatics hate Israel more than they even hate each other, I can only imagine some kind of temporary truce between them, for the "greater good" of accomplishing their long-desired genocidal holocaust upon Israel. Perhaps God will allow this flimsy peace treaty to be reached for them to come together "upon the mountains of Israel" (see Ezekiel 38), where He will cause them to panic at Israel's strong defense, and begin to fight among themselves, only to finish His plan to destroy 83% of the invading armies. What a shame that the armies of Putin's (or "Gog's") Russia will have to be slaughtered, as well. One wonders if any Bible-believing Christians will be caught up in this fiasco, simply because they were conscripted into the Russian Army, and had no choice but to go where Putin sends them. Perhaps they can read this blog, since I have readers from Russia reported as "pageview" statistics daily. I have no idea who these people are; perhaps they are from the present-day equivalent of the former K.G.B., but frankly, God loves them as much as any of us. And perhaps He is warning them that a temporary term in a Russian prison, for refusing to participate in any Israeli invasion, would be far better than to go against God, and receive His eternal judgment! [I use the term "temporary" as I believe there is significant Biblical evidence that retreating Russian Commanders will unleash a Nuclear Holocaust against us, with consequential retaliation, but that God may well intervene to "rapture" the whole body of Christian believers, before the missiles touch down. And if I'm wrong about the "rapture", then a Nuclear death would be preferable to a post-Nuclear existence.] For that matter, I have readers from those Muslim nations that are likely to participate in the invasion also. Perhaps God can use this blog to warn any would-be terrorists of the foolishness of trying to go against His people, and move them to repent, in Jesus' name, before it's too late. After all, God has plenty of room in Heaven for even K.G.B./G.R.U. agents, and former Muslim terrorists, but that is conditioned upon their repentance and asking of forgiveness in Jesus' name!
Let us pray that it will be so!
Don't hold your breath! Even though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been instructed to attend the meeting by the Israeli Knesset, you can bet that nothing more will come of it than in the past, when Israel agrees to cede West Bank territory to the Palestinians in exchange for more flimsy assurances that there will be no more murders of their citizens in the future. Which of course we all know is a lie. But you can bet that Sec. Kerry will crow from the rooftops about what a wonderful development this will be, now that true and lasting peace has finally come to the Middle-East! And we have the assurance of Sec. Kerry, and the reliability of the Obama Administration to back it up!
I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. I am sick of all the Diplomatic bluster that comes from the White House, and the State Department while they try to remain "neutral" in this conflict. This conflict boils down to one single issue: Is there a God in Heaven, and does He rule the earth? If so, then He has the right to give this land to whomever He chooses, and He has promised it to the Jews, forever. Like it, or not, anyone who rebels against that promise is rebelling against God, not dissenting mankind. And they can rebel against Him for only so long, before His judgment will swiftly overtake them; and Ezekiel 38, & 39 details His judgment which appears to be soon visited upon the armies of "Gog" (probably Putin), and his Muslim allies. The only thing I can't figure out is which faction of Muslim lunatics he will ally himself to. It would seem more logical that his existing alliance with Syrian President Assad, and his Iranian, and Lebanese terrorist allies would be the basis for this alliance, but since all these Muslim lunatics hate Israel more than they even hate each other, I can only imagine some kind of temporary truce between them, for the "greater good" of accomplishing their long-desired genocidal holocaust upon Israel. Perhaps God will allow this flimsy peace treaty to be reached for them to come together "upon the mountains of Israel" (see Ezekiel 38), where He will cause them to panic at Israel's strong defense, and begin to fight among themselves, only to finish His plan to destroy 83% of the invading armies. What a shame that the armies of Putin's (or "Gog's") Russia will have to be slaughtered, as well. One wonders if any Bible-believing Christians will be caught up in this fiasco, simply because they were conscripted into the Russian Army, and had no choice but to go where Putin sends them. Perhaps they can read this blog, since I have readers from Russia reported as "pageview" statistics daily. I have no idea who these people are; perhaps they are from the present-day equivalent of the former K.G.B., but frankly, God loves them as much as any of us. And perhaps He is warning them that a temporary term in a Russian prison, for refusing to participate in any Israeli invasion, would be far better than to go against God, and receive His eternal judgment! [I use the term "temporary" as I believe there is significant Biblical evidence that retreating Russian Commanders will unleash a Nuclear Holocaust against us, with consequential retaliation, but that God may well intervene to "rapture" the whole body of Christian believers, before the missiles touch down. And if I'm wrong about the "rapture", then a Nuclear death would be preferable to a post-Nuclear existence.] For that matter, I have readers from those Muslim nations that are likely to participate in the invasion also. Perhaps God can use this blog to warn any would-be terrorists of the foolishness of trying to go against His people, and move them to repent, in Jesus' name, before it's too late. After all, God has plenty of room in Heaven for even K.G.B./G.R.U. agents, and former Muslim terrorists, but that is conditioned upon their repentance and asking of forgiveness in Jesus' name!
Let us pray that it will be so!
Monday, December 15, 2014
When Did The "Cold War" End?
Ronald Reagan is credited with ending the "Cold War" with Russia by forcing their economy into a severe depression through building a strong military system in America, which had to be countered in Russia's building a military they couldn't afford. Now we have Putin blustering about the need to re-build the Soviet System, and his efforts to re-annex the Ukraine is just the first step in his plan. I said earlier that I felt the American and European sanctions might drive him into the Middle-East invasion predicted by God in Ezekiel 38, & 39, and a piece on today's "700 Club" T.V. show confirmed my suspicions that the Saudi Arabian, and other O.P.E.C. oil nations seem to be willing to let the price of oil continue to decline, with the hopes that some American corporations can not produce profits at these rates, even with the new "Fracking" technology. The piece explained that some American companies might go bankrupt, but that others would not. It further explained that Russia was being hurt far worse than we are. So, if Saudi Arabia is refusing to close the spigots, to drive the price higher, Putin might just decide to seize their oil fields, and close them himself. Of course, Israel would certainly defend the Saudi's and the Emirates, but an alliance with Israel's Muslim enemies would counter that well enough, at least he might think so. But don't count out God, which I'm sure Putin can't bring himself to consider. This is the perfect set-up plan to tempt someone like Putin into committing such a fatal mistake, as He said He would do, in Ezekiel 38, when He said He would put "hooks in [Putin's] jaws", drawing up the image of a horse with a "bit", shaped like hooks, being turned in a different direction by it's rider (God, in this case). Is the current drop in oil prices, along with Saudi Arabia's stubborn policy, combined with our sanctions the "hooks" that God will use to bring "Gog" (or Putin) into the Middle East invasion that will end in God's causing 83% of the invasion force to be destroyed? Who but God knows, but I have to wonder!
It looks like the "Cold War" might just be about to start heating up real soon!!!
It looks like the "Cold War" might just be about to start heating up real soon!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Terrorist Don't Play by The Rules, Therefore Don"t Apply The Rules To Them
The Democrats and other Liberals just don't get it. There is a significant difference between our own citizens who are accused of crimes, and terrorists from foreign countries who commit heinous criminal acts against our citizens, here, or on foreign soil. They don't honor our Constitutional rights for our citizens when they blow us up with car bombs, I.E.D.'s, and commandeer passenger Jet planes to fly them into New York skyscrapers. It may be unpleasant to say so, but their actions disqualify them from our Constitutional self-restraints. Our citizens are expected to abide by the laws of their countries when we travel abroad, so when they choose to break our laws especially in committing murders, and gruesome beheadings of our citizens, we can not apply Constitutional constraints, or even moral compassion to their wellbeing. The only thing that terrorists understand is more terror against them, in the form of swift retribution for their actions. We need to hold to the principle that there is a difference between the way we treat our citizens, and the way our enemies can expect us to treat them if they do not at least respect our basic civil rights, as long as we are not breaking the laws of their countries.
The Congressional Democrats who are exorcising their sour grapes after losing the Mid-Term elections are showing their small-minded lack of concern for the safety of our citizens, here and abroad, by releasing classified documents today that record the C.I.A.'s legal, though unpleasant interrogation methods that were used against captured terrorists, in order to obtain valuable intelligence that led to the capture of other terrorists, the defeat of intended terrorist acts, and even the eventual killing of Osama Bin Laden. By doing so, they have intensified the risk of terrorist retribution against the officials who legally carried out these interrogations, in our country, our armed forces, foreign service, and private citizens travelling in foreign countries, not to mention the officials of other countries who cooperated with us in doing so.
[At this point, I took a break in writing this post to watch the "700 Club" show on television. I thought it was very appropriate that one of the segments on today's show was about women learning to protect themselves from violent attacks using various Martial Arts techniques, that I was taught as a child were frowned upon and called, "dirty fighting", but we all know are very effective on assailants; such as a backhanded elbow to the assailant's nose, or worse a strong knee kick to the groin. Technically this is breaking the law against "Assault and Battery", but if it gives her the opportunity to escape her attacker there is not a court in the land that would convict her, out of sympathy for the "rights" of the poor would-be rapist, or murderer. I think there is a good parallel here between the Constitutional rights of our citizens, verses any compassion we might feel for the "poor" terrorists, who simply want to kill us because we disagree with their beliefs. Most average Liberal Democrats, and Republicans, whether Moderate, or Conservative I think can agree with that. It's such a shame that the selfish, sour-grapes Democrats in Congress apparently feel their interests in "sticking it" to the next Congress are more important than the risk of people dying, for their efforts to defeat those who believe 911 was a just cause.]
The Congressional Democrats who are exorcising their sour grapes after losing the Mid-Term elections are showing their small-minded lack of concern for the safety of our citizens, here and abroad, by releasing classified documents today that record the C.I.A.'s legal, though unpleasant interrogation methods that were used against captured terrorists, in order to obtain valuable intelligence that led to the capture of other terrorists, the defeat of intended terrorist acts, and even the eventual killing of Osama Bin Laden. By doing so, they have intensified the risk of terrorist retribution against the officials who legally carried out these interrogations, in our country, our armed forces, foreign service, and private citizens travelling in foreign countries, not to mention the officials of other countries who cooperated with us in doing so.
[At this point, I took a break in writing this post to watch the "700 Club" show on television. I thought it was very appropriate that one of the segments on today's show was about women learning to protect themselves from violent attacks using various Martial Arts techniques, that I was taught as a child were frowned upon and called, "dirty fighting", but we all know are very effective on assailants; such as a backhanded elbow to the assailant's nose, or worse a strong knee kick to the groin. Technically this is breaking the law against "Assault and Battery", but if it gives her the opportunity to escape her attacker there is not a court in the land that would convict her, out of sympathy for the "rights" of the poor would-be rapist, or murderer. I think there is a good parallel here between the Constitutional rights of our citizens, verses any compassion we might feel for the "poor" terrorists, who simply want to kill us because we disagree with their beliefs. Most average Liberal Democrats, and Republicans, whether Moderate, or Conservative I think can agree with that. It's such a shame that the selfish, sour-grapes Democrats in Congress apparently feel their interests in "sticking it" to the next Congress are more important than the risk of people dying, for their efforts to defeat those who believe 911 was a just cause.]
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Justice Requires Submission First, Resistance Risks Death
The real issue in both the Ferguson, Mo. case and the New York City case of real, or imagined Police brutality is not the guilt, or innocence, of either the arresting officers, or the suspects, but whether the suspects had a right to resist arrest at all. In my opinion, they did not have that right, which they reputedly chose to do, and in the New York City case, we all clearly saw on video that Garner was resisting, regardless of whether he should have been arrested, or not. He was almost twice the apparent size of the first two officers who tried to handcuff him, and he immediately began to struggle with them, which precipitated the gang-tackling of the other three officers who were then assisting in arresting him for the crime of resisting arrest, not for the misdemeanor of selling cigarettes on the street. If he had not resisted, he would likely be alive today, and at worst be forced to pay a ridiculous fine, which would probably be reversed upon appeal, laying the groundwork for the abolishing of the stupid law he was intentionally breaking. The point was that by resisting he was refusing to abide by the legal system that the police were bound to enforce, whether they approved of the laws or not. In that case he renounced his legal right of protection from the risk of excessive force used against him in the effort to arrest him. The officer should be rebuked for using poor judgment in applying the choke-hold too long, or too hard, but the legal responsibility for putting him in the position to make that judgment call rests with the resistor himself. You don't have the right to protect yourself from the risk of excessive force, because of a legal system that you are renouncing by resisting arrest.
The Civil Rights Movement got it's fame and it's past successes from the concept of non-violent resistance, which brought the central issue from the arrest to the legality of the laws that were being resisted. When the legal issue shifted to the righteousness of the laws on the books, the courts found them to be unconstitutional, and they were mostly overturned. But Mr. Garner was guilty of resisting arrest, against policemen whose safety was at least initially at risk, at which point the officers can be excused for deciding to use greater force, though it was poorly executed. The responsibility for this lies with him, for the issue now becomes one of resisting arrest, not of selling cigarettes illegally.
In the case of Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Mo., we can only use the testimony of the witnesses, since there was no video for us to view of the incident. Since there were conflicting accounts of whether he was shot down in "cold blood", or whether the officer was legitimately defending himself from an assault by a young man who was trying to shoot him with his own gun, and was easily twice his size as well, the Grand Jury decided that there was not enough evidence to bring the officer up on charges. That is not the same thing as an acquittal. The officer may well be guilty, but the Grand Jury did not think the evidence was sufficient enough to decide either way. The law protects the guilty, as well as the innocent until the evidence of guilt is overwhelming. But the violent protesters in Ferguson were not interested in legal evidence, nor the rule of law that protects us all, in most cases. We can not have anarchy overruling law if we are to be protected from the oppression that these protesters claim were used against the principals in these cases.
The concept of "non-violent protest" is effective, as both Gandhi, and Martin Luther King have proved. But today's protesters are unwilling to use the legal system to improve itself, from within. They'd rather scrap the system, believing that people like Al Sharpton can create a better one than our Founding Fathers did. Martin Luther King must be "rolling over in his grave", along with our Founding Fathers.
The Civil Rights Movement got it's fame and it's past successes from the concept of non-violent resistance, which brought the central issue from the arrest to the legality of the laws that were being resisted. When the legal issue shifted to the righteousness of the laws on the books, the courts found them to be unconstitutional, and they were mostly overturned. But Mr. Garner was guilty of resisting arrest, against policemen whose safety was at least initially at risk, at which point the officers can be excused for deciding to use greater force, though it was poorly executed. The responsibility for this lies with him, for the issue now becomes one of resisting arrest, not of selling cigarettes illegally.
In the case of Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Mo., we can only use the testimony of the witnesses, since there was no video for us to view of the incident. Since there were conflicting accounts of whether he was shot down in "cold blood", or whether the officer was legitimately defending himself from an assault by a young man who was trying to shoot him with his own gun, and was easily twice his size as well, the Grand Jury decided that there was not enough evidence to bring the officer up on charges. That is not the same thing as an acquittal. The officer may well be guilty, but the Grand Jury did not think the evidence was sufficient enough to decide either way. The law protects the guilty, as well as the innocent until the evidence of guilt is overwhelming. But the violent protesters in Ferguson were not interested in legal evidence, nor the rule of law that protects us all, in most cases. We can not have anarchy overruling law if we are to be protected from the oppression that these protesters claim were used against the principals in these cases.
The concept of "non-violent protest" is effective, as both Gandhi, and Martin Luther King have proved. But today's protesters are unwilling to use the legal system to improve itself, from within. They'd rather scrap the system, believing that people like Al Sharpton can create a better one than our Founding Fathers did. Martin Luther King must be "rolling over in his grave", along with our Founding Fathers.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Putin's Russian Foreign Policy Is All "Fracked Up"!
On July 30th I published my opinion that Russia's President Putin was soon to be tempted into moving his armies into the Middle-East, along with various allies which seem to be all predominantly Muslim nations. I speculated that President Obama's wimpy response of diplomatic sanctions would eventually become painful enough to force some counter-measure that would negate them, or cause the western nations to soften them. Today, an interview of former assistant National Security Advisor, K. T. McFarland, on Fox News, informed us that Russia has just agreed with Turkey to build it's Gas Pipeline through it's territory rather than through western Europe, by way of the Ukraine. This is not because of sanctions, but rather because of the precipitous drop in the oil and gas prices due to the development of new "Fracking" technology, and the fact that the U.S. realistically plans to be energy independent within the next five years. Because Russia is dependent upon it's revenues from selling oil, and Natural Gas on the international market, it can not bear the drop in prices and still carry out the hegemonistic policies of Putin's obvious intentions of re-acquiring the former Soviet satellite nations under Russian control. So, if the prices are expected to go lower, and stay lower for the fore-see-able future, his only option is to sell more of it. If he can't do so out of his own oil fields, it might seem tempting to him to steal somebody else's oil fields, like maybe... Saudi Arabia's and the other oil Emirates'? Of course he'd have to eliminate the threat of Israeli intervention, first, which brings us right back to my belief that this is the impetus for his Ezekiel 38, & 39, "Gog/Magog" Invasion of Israel, which I've expounded upon at length already.
I see the Hand of God in all this, how about you???
I see the Hand of God in all this, how about you???
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