I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving. And no apologies for directing our thanks to God, according to the original intent of the Pilgrim Separatists who are generally credited with celebrating the "first Thanksgiving", back in 1621, after reaping the bountiful first harvest of the colony's surviving members. They'd survived a horrible first year in which nearly half of their original party had died, either from starvation, or from various diseases commonly associated with malnutrition. So, it's easily understood why they were so grateful for their recent bounty, as it meant they needn't be concerned for their ability to survive the approaching Winter season, which could be very brutal, as the residents of that area can attest, today. They reportedly shared their celebration with the local Indian tribe, some 90 members of which came to help them eat their food, while supplying several deer to the larder to help extend the feast through a full three days. Though I'm sure the Pilgrims were grateful for their assistance, then, as well as for supplying some fish during there struggles with starvation, it is clear that the Indians were not the intended recipients of the Pilgrims thanks, as the "Politically Correct" historical revisionists of today would have us believe. God was the source of their provision, in their opinions, and therefore He was the recipient of their thanks, and they clearly, and openly admitted it.
Today, we suffer an intense assault upon the traditional roots of our historical beginnings, most of which we should be righteously proud, and Thanksgiving is one of them. The fact that the Pilgrims were helped greatly by the benevolence of Chief Massasoit, Squanto, and the members of the neighboring Wampanoag Indians should not be diminished, but to imply that they were the true source of the Pilgrims' thankfulness is to grossly misrepresent the truth, and that I believe, is the real intent of those who wish to revise historical facts into what they consider to be more convenient lies. They are not really concerned with crediting the Indians, as they truly are desperate that we don't realize that the Pilgrims wanted God to get all the praise, and thanksgiving, for having brought them through all their hardships and allowing them to survive. These people foolishly believe that any residual nationalistic pride in our heritage must be stamped out, for their concept of the "greater good" of international Socialism, which I believe will form the basis of the Antichrist's one-world economic, and political system, which is probably just around the corner from being instilled. You can read more about that in the Book of Revelation, and the consequences for willfully embracing that system.
So, as Christians today, I believe we have a responsibility to honor the righteous behavior of our founding fathers by at least recognizing the true nature of it, and resisting those who try to make it something it is not. This is not to ignore their many errors, such as the institution of slavery, which is credited to the Jamestown colony, and John Rolphe, specifically, whose one good act was to marry Pocahontas, followed by the evil of developing Tobacco as the nation's first "cash crop".
Let's give our thanks to God, and send "Political Correctness" back to Hell where it came from, and where it belongs.
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
From Kent State To Ferguson , Mo.; Same Spirit...
I've seen this before, almost 45 years ago, during my sophomore year at Kent State University. The same person was running amok then as today, in Ferguson, Mo., and I know his name!!! He was originally called Lucifer, the angel of light, until he rebelled against God when he and one third of the angels were defeated, and cast out of Heaven eternally. From then on, he was referred to as "satan", the deceiver, and he knows he is already judged by God, and he is just waiting for his sentence to be carried out. In the mean time, his best attempt at exacting revenge is to create as much chaos on earth as possible, and he does that with the help of instigators like those last night in Ferguson, Mo., and those who had a field day at Kent State on May 4th, 1970.
On that day, I was leaving my 11:00 to 11:50 class, in the Education building with one of my house-mates, when we ran into his roommate heading to his 12:00 class in the same building. He told us that a "rally" was being held on the "Commons" ( the area set aside for public speaking, between classroom buildings and dormitories), and we decided to go and check it out. We knew that the shortest way there would be to cut through the Student Union building across the street, so we did. As we exited the other side, we heard the sound of what we dismissed as fireworks, but turned out to be the sound of gun shots as a small band of Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on a group of rock-throwing demonstrators, killing 4, and wounding 9 others. Completely oblivious to any danger, we began to walk across the Commons directly into the path of the retreating band of Guardsmen that had just fired upon the students, putting ourselves in a perfect crossfire position between them and another small band of Guardsmen on the other side of the Journalism building. For some reason, this made us a bit nervous, and we decided to retrace our steps, and go the long way around the Commons, and the Journalism building, where we found the large crowd of students who had just been fired upon, in time to see the last ambulances carry away the dead and wounded. I was struck by a group of some 50, or so, strangers dressed in typical clothing of what we students would refer to as "hippy-types", with all the intended derogatory connotations implied. Kent State was at that time a very apathetic campus with about 21,000 students, who were mostly interested in doing only enough work to stay in school, to keep from getting drafted and sent to Viet Nam, and then to graduate and get a good job. We were not politically motivated, and those who wanted to make a "leftist", or anti-war statement by dressing up as "Hippies" were few enough in number that they were easily recognized, in such a large crowd of over-grown high school kids, as most of us were. As I said I was struck by these "hippy-types", simply because I had never seen any of them before, which convinced me that they were obviously not students, or at least not on our campus. The chances of my not recognizing any of them, from walking around campus was very remote, since their attire was as strange to us as clown costumes, and they stuck out like the proverbial "sore thumbs".
Anyway, these 50, or so, hippies were having a real good time on the steps of the Journalism building, apparently congratulating themselves, probably for their self-supposed efforts to start the "great American Communist Revolution", that they must have assumed would surely follow these atrocities. And I guess that many others expected that to follow as well, including the popular rock band of the day, "Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young" who wrote that classic tribute, "Four Dead In Ohio" to spur on the "Revolution", that never came. One of these hippies was so caught up in his exuberance that he took his home-made Viet Cong battle flag and proceeded to jump into the pool of blood, and brain tissue, that I later realized was the place where Jeffery Miller was killed, and proceeded to hop around in the bloody gore swinging his flag at the bits of brain tissue, and shouting something inaudible to me, which I presumed was some anti-war slogan. While the rest of us turned away in disgust, these punks continued their celebrations.
My point in recounting all this was not to gross out the reader, but to demonstrate that the same spirit of instigated chaos seems to be prevalent today, in Ferguson, Mo., and that people like the "Reverend" Al Sharpton, who's scheduled to make a public appearance there today, can be expected to exploit this for all the "leftist" publicity they can. I personally see no difference between what is happening now, and what happened 45 years ago. It's the same spirit at work here!!! And I know his name!
On that day, I was leaving my 11:00 to 11:50 class, in the Education building with one of my house-mates, when we ran into his roommate heading to his 12:00 class in the same building. He told us that a "rally" was being held on the "Commons" ( the area set aside for public speaking, between classroom buildings and dormitories), and we decided to go and check it out. We knew that the shortest way there would be to cut through the Student Union building across the street, so we did. As we exited the other side, we heard the sound of what we dismissed as fireworks, but turned out to be the sound of gun shots as a small band of Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on a group of rock-throwing demonstrators, killing 4, and wounding 9 others. Completely oblivious to any danger, we began to walk across the Commons directly into the path of the retreating band of Guardsmen that had just fired upon the students, putting ourselves in a perfect crossfire position between them and another small band of Guardsmen on the other side of the Journalism building. For some reason, this made us a bit nervous, and we decided to retrace our steps, and go the long way around the Commons, and the Journalism building, where we found the large crowd of students who had just been fired upon, in time to see the last ambulances carry away the dead and wounded. I was struck by a group of some 50, or so, strangers dressed in typical clothing of what we students would refer to as "hippy-types", with all the intended derogatory connotations implied. Kent State was at that time a very apathetic campus with about 21,000 students, who were mostly interested in doing only enough work to stay in school, to keep from getting drafted and sent to Viet Nam, and then to graduate and get a good job. We were not politically motivated, and those who wanted to make a "leftist", or anti-war statement by dressing up as "Hippies" were few enough in number that they were easily recognized, in such a large crowd of over-grown high school kids, as most of us were. As I said I was struck by these "hippy-types", simply because I had never seen any of them before, which convinced me that they were obviously not students, or at least not on our campus. The chances of my not recognizing any of them, from walking around campus was very remote, since their attire was as strange to us as clown costumes, and they stuck out like the proverbial "sore thumbs".
Anyway, these 50, or so, hippies were having a real good time on the steps of the Journalism building, apparently congratulating themselves, probably for their self-supposed efforts to start the "great American Communist Revolution", that they must have assumed would surely follow these atrocities. And I guess that many others expected that to follow as well, including the popular rock band of the day, "Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young" who wrote that classic tribute, "Four Dead In Ohio" to spur on the "Revolution", that never came. One of these hippies was so caught up in his exuberance that he took his home-made Viet Cong battle flag and proceeded to jump into the pool of blood, and brain tissue, that I later realized was the place where Jeffery Miller was killed, and proceeded to hop around in the bloody gore swinging his flag at the bits of brain tissue, and shouting something inaudible to me, which I presumed was some anti-war slogan. While the rest of us turned away in disgust, these punks continued their celebrations.
My point in recounting all this was not to gross out the reader, but to demonstrate that the same spirit of instigated chaos seems to be prevalent today, in Ferguson, Mo., and that people like the "Reverend" Al Sharpton, who's scheduled to make a public appearance there today, can be expected to exploit this for all the "leftist" publicity they can. I personally see no difference between what is happening now, and what happened 45 years ago. It's the same spirit at work here!!! And I know his name!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Obama Is Desperate To Be Impeached
I admit that I can not fathom this man's mind. He really does seem to be daring the House of Representatives to bring him up for Impeachment. The only reason I can guess why is that he is hoping to make the House so infuriated by his blatantly unconstitutional power grabs that they will foolishly try to impeach him now, rather than wait for the next Senate to be sworn in, because he knows this Senate would never convict him, while the next one will. I sense that he is desperately trying to anger them into losing their control, before he runs out of time at the holiday recess. Does he really think they're stupid enough to not see through this? Oh, wait. This is the guy who paid Mr. Gruber $2 million, in order to help him pass the "Obamacare" bill into law, for the "stupid American voters". Perhaps he feels the congress is just as "stupid"!!!
On the other hand, perhaps he realizes, as I speculated on July 27th, that his conviction would leave us with a President Joe Biden, who would only have to be some what conciliatory to Congress to be a serious candidate for re-election in 2016, and then he could finish the job of turning America into a Socialist state. The Constitution would certainly be revised in the process.
UPDATE-- Tuesday, 11/18/2014:
Perhaps I spoke too soon, when I lamented that I could not figure out what our Evil President was up to. Yes, "Evil", for what else can motivate a man to vow three times (once as Senator, and twice as President) to, "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, so help [him] God", and set about to personally destroy the values contained within that document? Today, a man who's wisdom I can rarely find fault with, Pat Robertson, explained it all with sickening clarity, on today's "700 Club". It all boils down to his presumed intention of giving amnesty to some 4.5 million illegal immigrants, to become legal citizens, just in time for them to legally vote (presumably for the most liberal Socialist-leaning Presidential candidate) in the 2016 election. Pat explained that the Republicans have promised to counter this with a series of budget bills that will defund the Government until he withdraws this Amnesty. He will then surely veto those bills, stating that he is willing to sign any bill that will "responsibly" fund the Government, but that the Republicans won't send him one. And he knows they won't send him one that he can sign, because they've promised not to, because he won't agree to a repeal of his Amnesty Law. So either way he makes the Republicans the "bad guys", hoping to sway the voters into voting them out of Congress, in 2016, for shutting down the government, along with restoring the Congress and the Presidency to his look-alike Socialist Democrats. Very clever, Mr. President. But remember the last three words of the vow that you swore when taking office: "so help [you] God". You obviously do not consider them to be important, but He does! And if He chooses to not disrupt your plans, somehow, he will certainly remember your evil ways, to reward you someday for them! May God have mercy upon your soul!!!
On the other hand, perhaps he realizes, as I speculated on July 27th, that his conviction would leave us with a President Joe Biden, who would only have to be some what conciliatory to Congress to be a serious candidate for re-election in 2016, and then he could finish the job of turning America into a Socialist state. The Constitution would certainly be revised in the process.
UPDATE-- Tuesday, 11/18/2014:
Perhaps I spoke too soon, when I lamented that I could not figure out what our Evil President was up to. Yes, "Evil", for what else can motivate a man to vow three times (once as Senator, and twice as President) to, "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, so help [him] God", and set about to personally destroy the values contained within that document? Today, a man who's wisdom I can rarely find fault with, Pat Robertson, explained it all with sickening clarity, on today's "700 Club". It all boils down to his presumed intention of giving amnesty to some 4.5 million illegal immigrants, to become legal citizens, just in time for them to legally vote (presumably for the most liberal Socialist-leaning Presidential candidate) in the 2016 election. Pat explained that the Republicans have promised to counter this with a series of budget bills that will defund the Government until he withdraws this Amnesty. He will then surely veto those bills, stating that he is willing to sign any bill that will "responsibly" fund the Government, but that the Republicans won't send him one. And he knows they won't send him one that he can sign, because they've promised not to, because he won't agree to a repeal of his Amnesty Law. So either way he makes the Republicans the "bad guys", hoping to sway the voters into voting them out of Congress, in 2016, for shutting down the government, along with restoring the Congress and the Presidency to his look-alike Socialist Democrats. Very clever, Mr. President. But remember the last three words of the vow that you swore when taking office: "so help [you] God". You obviously do not consider them to be important, but He does! And if He chooses to not disrupt your plans, somehow, he will certainly remember your evil ways, to reward you someday for them! May God have mercy upon your soul!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Obama Administration reLies On "Stupidity Of the American Voters" To Pass "Obama Care"
I don't know about you, but I really hate being lied to! Especially when it's done to get me to do something that the liar knows I wouldn't do if they told me the truth. But the Obama White House is apparently so obsessed with turning America into their Socialist utopian form of government, regardless of the Constitution, that they'll say anything to get it done. Then they'll rely on what they consider the, "stupidity of the American voter" to blindly accept what they're told, and allow their elected officials to pass laws that their Congressmen know the people wouldn't approve of, if they really knew what it meant. At least, that is what Jonathan Gruber said when explaining how the "ObamaCare" bill was rushed through Congress, when only Democrats were willing to pass it without really knowing what was in it. Or, as former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi put it, with a toothy smile, "we have to pass it so we can know what's in it". I'm glad she has such blind faith in the benevolence of the Obama Administration that she is quite willing to march lock-step with their directives and vote into law a bill that was intended to take money from those who were healthy to pay the expenses of those who are sick. This was the intent of the bill's architects, according to the testimony of one of them, Mr. Gruber. One would tend to feel reluctantly compassionate for the coverage of the sick, if this were the only way to do it, but the truth is that this does not really amount to welfare for the sick, and needy, but a permanent extension of the exorbitant medical bills that have been bankrupting people, especially the elderly, for years. Now, instead of sending the recipient of the Medical treatment a huge bill, or their insurance company, the bill will be paid, up front, by heavy taxes paid primarily by wealthy investors who will now have less money to invest in the stocks of companies, who will have less money to create jobs for the people. Where is the incentive for the huge drug companies, and producers of the medical equipment, to sell their products to Hospitals, and Doctors for cheaper prices, in order for them to pass on the savings to their patients? Talk about "stupidity"! Who is the real idiot here; the voters, or the people in the White House, who are stupid enough to think they can actually get away with this kind of intentional deception of the voters forever? Perhaps we are easily enough fooled into allowing bills like this to be passed, but how long do you think it will take the new Republican controlled Congress to vote it to be repealed? I'll give it till February, at the latest!!!
Perhaps we are fools, for electing these idiots into their respective seats of power, but the American voter is not "Stupid" enough to allow them to run "rough-shod" over us forever! And thank God the Constitution allows us to correct our mistakes, once we learn the truth! Wake up, Obama! That word "mistake" is apparently spelled "Democrat", as the "stupid American voter" figured out last Tuesday, with the help of some of your "brilliant" White House advisors. It is forgivable to be foolish, but stupid is more permanent!!!
Perhaps we are fools, for electing these idiots into their respective seats of power, but the American voter is not "Stupid" enough to allow them to run "rough-shod" over us forever! And thank God the Constitution allows us to correct our mistakes, once we learn the truth! Wake up, Obama! That word "mistake" is apparently spelled "Democrat", as the "stupid American voter" figured out last Tuesday, with the help of some of your "brilliant" White House advisors. It is forgivable to be foolish, but stupid is more permanent!!!
Monday, November 10, 2014
After The Photo Ops
President Obama showed his true colors, complete with the huge Yellow streak that runs down his back after the Congressional luncheon he served up to the Congressional leaders at the White House, Saturday. I guess his quip about wanting to drink some Bourbon with Senator Mitch McConnell, the presumed soon-to-be Majority Leader of the Senate that he will be dealing with in January, was intended to soothe the ruffled feathers of the Congressional leaders, who've had their lawmaking authority crippled for six years by this president who seems to think that his reelection in 2012 was not for the presidential office, but a coronation to the monarchy that was refused by George Washington and repudiated by the rest of our founding fathers. Somebody needs to explain to him exactly what the "Checks And Balances" of a Tri-Cameral Constitutional form of government means. Apparently, a Harvard education in Constitutional Law is not sufficient to teach him, or did he think it was to learn ways to get around the restrictions of his authority? Does he really think he can rule this country by fiat, or as he puts it, by limitless Executive Action? Doesn't he realize that America already has a king that he has three times sworn to "uphold", namely the Constitution, and it guarantees that all laws are made by Congress, and he is sworn to execute them, even the ones that he doesn't agree with. He does not have the authority to pick and chose the laws he wishes to enforce, and to effectively make his own laws, by declaring Executive Action, even if doing so is presumed to help his Democratic Party in future elections. But, his promise to declare Amnesty for illegal immigrants is tantamount to throwing fuel on the fire of the Immigration debate, even before the New Congress is sworn in, next January. He doesn't give a hoot about the welfare of these immigrants, as long as they can be expected to vote overwhelmingly Democratic. And he realizes that merely issuing work permits that do not permit them to vote may give them the means to better their lives, while going through proper procedures to apply for citizenship, but they will not give the Democrats an unfair, and unconstitutional advantage, at least in Presidential elections.
Thank God (literally) that these illegals apparently don't consider Mid-Term elections important enough to risk getting caught and deported back to their home countries, even though King Barak has told the I.C.E. officials not to deport them, unless they're convicted of a violent crime (which would preclude their voting ability, anyway). And the legal Democrats can be thanked for this election landslide, because they apparently decided that they should stay away in droves from the polls, as a way of showing their disapproval of the performances of the Democratic Senate, and King Barak himself.
I just wonder if he will voluntarily leave office in two years, or will the Secret Service have to throw him out of the White House, kicking and screaming all the way to Pennsylvania Avenue!!!
Thank God (literally) that these illegals apparently don't consider Mid-Term elections important enough to risk getting caught and deported back to their home countries, even though King Barak has told the I.C.E. officials not to deport them, unless they're convicted of a violent crime (which would preclude their voting ability, anyway). And the legal Democrats can be thanked for this election landslide, because they apparently decided that they should stay away in droves from the polls, as a way of showing their disapproval of the performances of the Democratic Senate, and King Barak himself.
I just wonder if he will voluntarily leave office in two years, or will the Secret Service have to throw him out of the White House, kicking and screaming all the way to Pennsylvania Avenue!!!
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Photo Ops At The White House
Now that the Mid-Term Elections are essentially over, it's time for the Congressional Leaders to meet with President Obama at the White House, for lunch yesterday. It's "photo op" time, and you can bet that there were a lot of toothy smiles, along with the nose-holding, and tooth gritting, as everybody lies about how much they can't wait to get to work and reach many compromises during the remaining Lame-Duck session before the holiday break, and how wonderfully they intend to cooperate during the next two years of the Republican-controlled Congress. Yeah, sure! Like that's really going to happen!
I doubt that anyone expects a Democratic-controlled, Lame-Duck Congress that has worked so hard to get nothing done for six years will all of a sudden change their tune, to compromise on important issues which the two parties disagree on so diametrically, when they know that they will only be leaving for a vacation season soon from which many will never return. Surely the Democrats are filled with magnanimous emotions toward their victorious Republican colleagues, and wish to cooperate with them, by showing they are truly willing to place the peoples' interests before their own bitterness, and actually pass some landmark legislation that will actually benefit the country. Yeah, right!!! Just like former Vice President Al Gore's Staff was so magnanimous when they cut all the telephone, and computer lines in their offices before leaving. And I'm sure President Alibi will stop looking for anyone else to blame for his failures, and will actually sign any good legislation that lands on his desk, let alone actually enforce the laws that he is Constitutionally bound to. Ain't Government grand!!!
But, as I wrote previously, Republicans must keep their "eyes on the prize", which is surely a Republican victory in the 2016 presidential election (remembering that this landslide victory was not a mandate for Republicans, but a clear repudiation of Obama's so-called "progressive" liberalism, which is merely the same old, warmed-over Socialism that has failed in so many, especially European countries), which I see as commensurate upon two key points. First, they must prove that they can accomplish something important for the people, but not try to accomplish everything that needs to be done in two years. This means that they must build a coalition in the Senate with at least twelve of the more "moderate" Democrats who are willing to vote to override Obama's expected tirade of vetoes of anything that they manage to pass. Secondly, this will probably necessitate the Republican willingness to agree to support legislation that they would normally find repugnant, but not catastrophic, in order to "buy" the Democratic support for their absolutely necessary legislation which Obama will certainly veto. Republicans must realize that all they have won is an opportunity to prove that their ideas can work, not a mandate to automatically implement their world view, as Obama mistakenly thought his reelection proved. If they can't accomplish some positive reasons for their reelections in the next two years, they'll be dumped just as fast as the Democrats were last Tuesday. Then we'll be looking at the same old cr*p for the next four, to eight years that we just repudiated Tuesday, when the Socialist-public-school-educated population votes their next Obama/Hillary look-alike into the White House. So, it's time to crawl, before we can walk, in 2016, or we'll waste this opportunity to right the American ship that the Democrats, and Obama have done their best to scuttle for the last six years.
I doubt that anyone expects a Democratic-controlled, Lame-Duck Congress that has worked so hard to get nothing done for six years will all of a sudden change their tune, to compromise on important issues which the two parties disagree on so diametrically, when they know that they will only be leaving for a vacation season soon from which many will never return. Surely the Democrats are filled with magnanimous emotions toward their victorious Republican colleagues, and wish to cooperate with them, by showing they are truly willing to place the peoples' interests before their own bitterness, and actually pass some landmark legislation that will actually benefit the country. Yeah, right!!! Just like former Vice President Al Gore's Staff was so magnanimous when they cut all the telephone, and computer lines in their offices before leaving. And I'm sure President Alibi will stop looking for anyone else to blame for his failures, and will actually sign any good legislation that lands on his desk, let alone actually enforce the laws that he is Constitutionally bound to. Ain't Government grand!!!
But, as I wrote previously, Republicans must keep their "eyes on the prize", which is surely a Republican victory in the 2016 presidential election (remembering that this landslide victory was not a mandate for Republicans, but a clear repudiation of Obama's so-called "progressive" liberalism, which is merely the same old, warmed-over Socialism that has failed in so many, especially European countries), which I see as commensurate upon two key points. First, they must prove that they can accomplish something important for the people, but not try to accomplish everything that needs to be done in two years. This means that they must build a coalition in the Senate with at least twelve of the more "moderate" Democrats who are willing to vote to override Obama's expected tirade of vetoes of anything that they manage to pass. Secondly, this will probably necessitate the Republican willingness to agree to support legislation that they would normally find repugnant, but not catastrophic, in order to "buy" the Democratic support for their absolutely necessary legislation which Obama will certainly veto. Republicans must realize that all they have won is an opportunity to prove that their ideas can work, not a mandate to automatically implement their world view, as Obama mistakenly thought his reelection proved. If they can't accomplish some positive reasons for their reelections in the next two years, they'll be dumped just as fast as the Democrats were last Tuesday. Then we'll be looking at the same old cr*p for the next four, to eight years that we just repudiated Tuesday, when the Socialist-public-school-educated population votes their next Obama/Hillary look-alike into the White House. So, it's time to crawl, before we can walk, in 2016, or we'll waste this opportunity to right the American ship that the Democrats, and Obama have done their best to scuttle for the last six years.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Hallelujah!!! America wins!
Pardon my exultation, but as much as the Democrats try to deny it, this election victory looks like a "landslide" to me! At least politically, viewed in Natural terms. But viewed in Biblical terms, my enthusiasm must remain rather tempered, by reality.
What seems on paper to be a Republican mandate must be correctly called a Democratic repudiation, and cautiously treated as such. Specifically, it is a repudiation of President Obama, and his foolish policies. For six years his administration has pushed his Socialist agenda through the Democratic-controlled Senate and been stymied by the Republican-controlled House, and with the exception of the horrendous mess referred to as "Obama-care" the result has been a do-nothing Congress, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has retaliated for the House's belligerence by sitting on every House bill that was sent to the Senate, and refusing to let the Senate to even consider voting on them. Now that will change for the better, but before the Republicans get too carried away with implementing their own Conservative agenda, they must remember that this is still the same country that voted Obama into office, and is quite capable of voting in a Hillary-type to replace him, in 2016. Before it can be considered a Republican mandate, the President must be removed, and replaced by the next Ronald Reagan. And if my reading of Biblical prophecy is accurate, it doesn't look like that's going to happen; at least not in time.
By "in time" I'm referring to the prophetic "clock" that I believe is ticking away toward fulfillment of the "Gog/Magog" Russian and allied Muslim nations' invasion of the Middle-East nations that will begin with the intent of wiping the Jewish state of Israel permanently off the face of the earth, but will end with God's intervention on behalf of His people to defeat in some manner the invasion force in the neighborhood of 83% of their troops. I'm convinced that the weak protest of the invasion recounted (in advance) in Ezekiel 38:13 where it is quoted as saying, "...have you come to take a great spoil?" is from an American administration that is so "lily-livered" that it is only concerned with finding an excuse to not retaliate with what it recognizes to be an obvious grab for all the Arab States' oil deposits (the fact that the English word "oil" rhymes with the English translation for the Hebrew word for "spoil" I do not consider to be a mere coincidence), which will certainly be blatantly denied, shows that the President in charge of that Administration would either be Obama, or someone just as bereft of honesty, as well as concern for the safety of Israel as he is. So, that either means that the Invasion occurs within the final two years of Obama's presidency, or worse, that he is followed by someone equally bereft of wisdom, and moral conviction as he is. Notice I said that Obama is lacking in wisdom, not intelligence, which are clearly different capacities. He is undeniably intelligent, yet some of the stupidest values imaginable have proceeded out of his mouth, as his intelligence has obviously been over-ruled by his emotional preference to believe that the truth is not what the real facts indicate to be reality. Therefore, we are stuck with a President who really believes that we all want his Socialist values, instead of our Constitutionally mandated Democratic Republican government, as the mid-term elections just proved, though he stubbornly refuses to recognize it.
So, either the Republicans in Congress try to find some way to compromise with Obama's twisted Socialist agenda, or I'm afraid he will simply be confrontational for the two remaining years of his term, and blame it all on the Republican Congress, setting us up for another Democratic presidency to follow him for anywhere from four to eight more years of similar polices. I don't know if the American Constitution can survive that!
What seems on paper to be a Republican mandate must be correctly called a Democratic repudiation, and cautiously treated as such. Specifically, it is a repudiation of President Obama, and his foolish policies. For six years his administration has pushed his Socialist agenda through the Democratic-controlled Senate and been stymied by the Republican-controlled House, and with the exception of the horrendous mess referred to as "Obama-care" the result has been a do-nothing Congress, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has retaliated for the House's belligerence by sitting on every House bill that was sent to the Senate, and refusing to let the Senate to even consider voting on them. Now that will change for the better, but before the Republicans get too carried away with implementing their own Conservative agenda, they must remember that this is still the same country that voted Obama into office, and is quite capable of voting in a Hillary-type to replace him, in 2016. Before it can be considered a Republican mandate, the President must be removed, and replaced by the next Ronald Reagan. And if my reading of Biblical prophecy is accurate, it doesn't look like that's going to happen; at least not in time.
By "in time" I'm referring to the prophetic "clock" that I believe is ticking away toward fulfillment of the "Gog/Magog" Russian and allied Muslim nations' invasion of the Middle-East nations that will begin with the intent of wiping the Jewish state of Israel permanently off the face of the earth, but will end with God's intervention on behalf of His people to defeat in some manner the invasion force in the neighborhood of 83% of their troops. I'm convinced that the weak protest of the invasion recounted (in advance) in Ezekiel 38:13 where it is quoted as saying, "...have you come to take a great spoil?" is from an American administration that is so "lily-livered" that it is only concerned with finding an excuse to not retaliate with what it recognizes to be an obvious grab for all the Arab States' oil deposits (the fact that the English word "oil" rhymes with the English translation for the Hebrew word for "spoil" I do not consider to be a mere coincidence), which will certainly be blatantly denied, shows that the President in charge of that Administration would either be Obama, or someone just as bereft of honesty, as well as concern for the safety of Israel as he is. So, that either means that the Invasion occurs within the final two years of Obama's presidency, or worse, that he is followed by someone equally bereft of wisdom, and moral conviction as he is. Notice I said that Obama is lacking in wisdom, not intelligence, which are clearly different capacities. He is undeniably intelligent, yet some of the stupidest values imaginable have proceeded out of his mouth, as his intelligence has obviously been over-ruled by his emotional preference to believe that the truth is not what the real facts indicate to be reality. Therefore, we are stuck with a President who really believes that we all want his Socialist values, instead of our Constitutionally mandated Democratic Republican government, as the mid-term elections just proved, though he stubbornly refuses to recognize it.
So, either the Republicans in Congress try to find some way to compromise with Obama's twisted Socialist agenda, or I'm afraid he will simply be confrontational for the two remaining years of his term, and blame it all on the Republican Congress, setting us up for another Democratic presidency to follow him for anywhere from four to eight more years of similar polices. I don't know if the American Constitution can survive that!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Is That The Sound Of F.D.R. Rolling Over?
I have long felt that all Liberals should be deeply ashamed of their views, mostly. And that includes all so-called "Libertarians" whom I feel are incorrectly lumped politically together with Conservatives, or the externally designated "Evangelicals", as a sub-category, (of which I obviously consider myself to be one). I believe that Libertarians can only agree with Evangelical Conservatives on one issue; that the size of the Federal government is too big, and spending must be drastically reduced. Aside from that, they try and feign neutrality on social issues, such as Abortion, and Homosexual "Marriage", but by so doing they reveal their tacit approval by having difficulty in condemning these issues. Also, their solution to the problem of wasteful spending is to cut back on all programs, including Defense, which is the one area where Government is most "efficient", in spite of the waste, and even the egregious fraud, which is regrettable, but affordable when considered against the option of not having the technology without it. It therefore must be maintained, as distasteful as it is, though the same kind of egregious waste and fraud in the Democrats' pet social welfare programs must be eliminated, or we'll have our "patriotic" Defense Corporations moving to other nations and selling their high-tech weapons systems to our enemies, who can't wait to use them against us. Talk about a "Nuclear Iran", can anybody but President Obama be comfortable with a "Nuclear I.S.I.S."? And how long before we would be blown off the face of the Earth, along with Israel, in either case?
This brings me to the Title of this post; and the image that long-dead former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt must be "rolling over in his grave", and probably J.F.K. is too, at the imbecilic views of today's Democratic Party leaders, who are trying their best to destroy America's financial and military prominence, with the stupid view that this is necessary for the development of other nation's advancement. They believe in the foolish Socialist concept that the world's economy is one big pie, and that if we reduce America's huge slice then the poorer nations will get a bigger piece. This is the Atheistic view that only Governments control the size of their nations' economies; not believing that God is ultimately in control, and certainly not believing that he has the capacity to enrich a nation's economy as He chooses, sometimes with wealth created "out of thin air" as a reward for their over-all obedience to His principles, or bring about a horrible financial collapse, such as happened in the 1930's, and is looming in our not-too-distant future, for their stupid disobedience to His values. Case in point: the "California Gold Rush", which mostly financed the Union efforts to end Slavery in our Civil War; and today's technological advancements in oil, and natural gas development, which have the capacity of making us "energy independent" in the next several years, unless the Democrats scuttle our efforts, as they are desperately trying to do, in order to wastefully throw more taxpayers' money after their pet projects for "clean energy sources", that so far have produced nothing but bankrupt companies, and rich former corporate executives who get away with shameful rip-offs of taxpayers' money. Yet, the Democrats stubbornly hold to their foolish beliefs, no matter how many facts seem to suggest the contrary. One has to suspect that some of these politicians who feign such martyred concern for the state of the world's ecological health are really more concerned with state of their own under-the-table "kick back" incomes, donated by these same Executives who've enriched themselves off of Government incentives to develop those "clean energy" corporations that are endlessly going belly-up, while their Directors and Executives make off with the Taxpayers' loot. At least with the Defense industry fraud, we eventually get something worthwhile to show for it. I'm not suggesting that we should by any means condone this illegal activity, just that our inability to stop it is no reason to drive these corporations to move to enemy countries that will not only condone, but encourage it. Comparative "world peace" demands that we hold our noses and endure what we are unable to prosecute successfully, at least until the Lord returns, and let Him repay those who've ripped us off for their own greedy purposes. In the mean time, let's keep our defenses strong, even if we have to deal with some shady characters along the way. When Christ returns, this will be unnecessary, since there will be no more war anyway.
This brings me to the Title of this post; and the image that long-dead former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt must be "rolling over in his grave", and probably J.F.K. is too, at the imbecilic views of today's Democratic Party leaders, who are trying their best to destroy America's financial and military prominence, with the stupid view that this is necessary for the development of other nation's advancement. They believe in the foolish Socialist concept that the world's economy is one big pie, and that if we reduce America's huge slice then the poorer nations will get a bigger piece. This is the Atheistic view that only Governments control the size of their nations' economies; not believing that God is ultimately in control, and certainly not believing that he has the capacity to enrich a nation's economy as He chooses, sometimes with wealth created "out of thin air" as a reward for their over-all obedience to His principles, or bring about a horrible financial collapse, such as happened in the 1930's, and is looming in our not-too-distant future, for their stupid disobedience to His values. Case in point: the "California Gold Rush", which mostly financed the Union efforts to end Slavery in our Civil War; and today's technological advancements in oil, and natural gas development, which have the capacity of making us "energy independent" in the next several years, unless the Democrats scuttle our efforts, as they are desperately trying to do, in order to wastefully throw more taxpayers' money after their pet projects for "clean energy sources", that so far have produced nothing but bankrupt companies, and rich former corporate executives who get away with shameful rip-offs of taxpayers' money. Yet, the Democrats stubbornly hold to their foolish beliefs, no matter how many facts seem to suggest the contrary. One has to suspect that some of these politicians who feign such martyred concern for the state of the world's ecological health are really more concerned with state of their own under-the-table "kick back" incomes, donated by these same Executives who've enriched themselves off of Government incentives to develop those "clean energy" corporations that are endlessly going belly-up, while their Directors and Executives make off with the Taxpayers' loot. At least with the Defense industry fraud, we eventually get something worthwhile to show for it. I'm not suggesting that we should by any means condone this illegal activity, just that our inability to stop it is no reason to drive these corporations to move to enemy countries that will not only condone, but encourage it. Comparative "world peace" demands that we hold our noses and endure what we are unable to prosecute successfully, at least until the Lord returns, and let Him repay those who've ripped us off for their own greedy purposes. In the mean time, let's keep our defenses strong, even if we have to deal with some shady characters along the way. When Christ returns, this will be unnecessary, since there will be no more war anyway.
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