I have been remiss in not expounding on the apparently miraculous "coincidences" of the so-called "Blood Moon" eclipses, one of which appeared a couple weeks ago, for those areas that were not as overcast as mine. I was not able to witness this one, but I did see the one that happened last April. The real significance of them is that there will be two more next year, coinciding with the Jewish Festivals of Passover, and Yom Kippur. "So what", you might say. After all, why should Christians care about the significance of Jewish holidays?
Remember not only are the Jews God's chosen people, and not only was Jesus a Jew also, but He was never a Christian! By definition, a Christian is a follower of Christ, and Christ is the Son Of God. God uses symbols that are significant to His people to show all His believers what He is about to do. These "Tetrarchs", or a combination of four Blood Moons appearing in consecutive years has only happened historically three times in the so-called "Christian Era", each coinciding with significant events to the Jewish people. First, in 1492, when not only did Columbus "sail the ocean blue", but his benefactors, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, first kicked all the Jews out of Spain. This was done at the pain of death for those who tried to remain, of which it has been rumored that Columbus was one, himself supposedly a Jew, from the northern province of Catalan, or Castile, I forget which. He is reputed to have only spoken to the King and Queen in Italian, with a very heavy Spanish accent, and had his words translated in order to maintain his ruse of being Italian, for fear his request for funding of an expedition to "the Indies" would be rejected purely on anti-Semitic grounds. If that had happened we would all be waiting for the Vikings to re-discover America, still.
The second Blood Moon tetrarch happened in 1948, coinciding with the United Nations vote to re-establish the nation of Israel as the Jewish homeland, though her neighbors strongly objected then, and still contest it today. That's all right because God is about to settle the issue soon, as I've expounded upon at length, according to His prophecy in the Bible, in Ezekiel 38, & 39. (Please refer to the afore-mentioned accounts by checking out the archive section on the lower right of this page.) Thirdly, we have record of a Blood Moon tetrarch occurring in 1967, coinciding with the Israeli re-capturing of East Jerusalem, at the end of the "Six-Day War".
Perhaps the real significance of all this is as follows: God has sent these cosmic phenomena to coincide with major events that deeply effected the lives of His chosen people. Since I am convinced that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecy may well be about to be fulfilled, and that the Angelic "Rapture" of the church of Jesus Christ may immediately follow it's conclusion, I believe that we as believers should not dismiss them as pretty things to lose a little sleep over. The way current events are shaping up around the world, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Lord was trying to warn us of the coming "Gog/Magog" Russian Invasion of the Middle-East, perhaps around the summer of 2015. It fits the symbolism, since the Blood Moon coinciding with next Passover is around the traditional time of year when the Nations of the area would do their fighting against their enemies, and God's promise to miraculously deliver His people will be on a scale of His deliverance of the Hebrew Children through the Red Sea, which the Passover commemorates, and the festival of Yom Kippur and the Day Of Atonement commemorates God's forgiveness of all his peoples' sins, and restoring them to His righteous favor. I can't think of a more dramatic way for Him to demonstrate his forgiveness than the destruction of 83% of an army that was bent on the annihilation of every Jew in Israel, as is prophecied in Ezekiel 38, & 39. Perhaps Jesus was being literal when He told His disciples to, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh."
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
"Can Obama Get A Grip?"
My choice for a title of this post was borrowed from the front page headline of Thursday's New York Post, and I was struck by the similarity to the title of my last post, from last Friday. My swollen ego immediately presumed that somebody in New York read my post, but the law of averages quickly brought me back to earth. I guess it's enough that somebody in New York actually agrees with my opinion, enough to express it similarly. Perhaps there is still hope for that city, after all. I'd about given up on the Socialist capital of western Democracy. Perhaps I should consider running for Mayor some time. Well, maybe not.
Anyway, it's clear that Obama, personally, and his Administration, collectively, are absolutely clueless about what it takes to run a free government without running amok and leaving office with the country in far worse shape than when they found it. These people are supposed to know how to lead this nation, and let the polls fall as they may. Instead they seem to make bad decision, after bad decision, only to make some trumped-up excuse for reversing course after the polls indicate that the people are outraged at their collective lunacy, and demand that they do the right thing. They're supposed to be the leaders, instead of the followers of the people.
A case in point, the C.D.C.'s calling for no travel bans for the west African nations that are on the verge of exporting the Ebola Virus internationally. The collective outrage at the stupidity of this official position is growing to the point that it's only a matter of time before the administration claims some excuse for the necessity of reversing this decision. And I expect that will likely come before the Mid-term Elections, as Obama's own party members in the Senate will demand a reversal to the common sense position, or predict that the Republicans will not only take control of the Congress, but may well send every single Democrat home, for a permanent vacation. Next, the Obama White House is probably desperately hoping they can hold out until after the elections before they are forced to reverse their "no boots on the ground" edict, and send in the Marines, to stop I.S.I.S. in Iraq and Syria, or at least a few divisions of the Army Reserve. One can only guess as to how many head decapitations are acceptable to these people before they realize what it will take to put an end to this bestiality. Or, as the New York Post put it so succinctly, what will it take for this White House to "get a grip"?
Anyway, it's clear that Obama, personally, and his Administration, collectively, are absolutely clueless about what it takes to run a free government without running amok and leaving office with the country in far worse shape than when they found it. These people are supposed to know how to lead this nation, and let the polls fall as they may. Instead they seem to make bad decision, after bad decision, only to make some trumped-up excuse for reversing course after the polls indicate that the people are outraged at their collective lunacy, and demand that they do the right thing. They're supposed to be the leaders, instead of the followers of the people.
A case in point, the C.D.C.'s calling for no travel bans for the west African nations that are on the verge of exporting the Ebola Virus internationally. The collective outrage at the stupidity of this official position is growing to the point that it's only a matter of time before the administration claims some excuse for the necessity of reversing this decision. And I expect that will likely come before the Mid-term Elections, as Obama's own party members in the Senate will demand a reversal to the common sense position, or predict that the Republicans will not only take control of the Congress, but may well send every single Democrat home, for a permanent vacation. Next, the Obama White House is probably desperately hoping they can hold out until after the elections before they are forced to reverse their "no boots on the ground" edict, and send in the Marines, to stop I.S.I.S. in Iraq and Syria, or at least a few divisions of the Army Reserve. One can only guess as to how many head decapitations are acceptable to these people before they realize what it will take to put an end to this bestiality. Or, as the New York Post put it so succinctly, what will it take for this White House to "get a grip"?
Friday, October 10, 2014
Can Obama Catch A Clue?
An interesting comment speculated on FOX NEWS, today. "Is it time to think about expelling Turkey from N.A.T.O.?" Duh!!! It's way past time if you ask me! But, rest assured that just as soon as they are expelled they'll ally themselves with Russia's Putin and his greedy desires for Mid-East conquest. America has been soliciting Turkish assistance in their anti-I.S.I.S. air campaign, while Turkey has reputedly resisted cooperation unless America agrees to join in the effort to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria. But I strongly suspect that the real reason is because they have more to gain by supporting I.S.I.S. than by cooperating with us. The main "boots on the ground" fighting force taking the fight to the I.S.I.S. terrorists are the Kurds of northern Iraq. They have been in conflict with the Turkish government for decades over territory claimed by both the Kurds, and the Turks in northeastern Turkey, with sometimes bloody consequences. It may seem very convenient for the Turks to allow the I.S.I.S. rebel forces to conquer their hated Kurdish enemies, especially since their black-market oil shipments were reputed to have been shipped across the border to Turkey, a process that could be expected to increase if I.S.I.S. were to conquer the oil fields that are presently controlled by the Kurds.
The Kurdish forces are capable fighters, but they are running low on weapons, and ammunition, which America has promised to re-supply, but stubbornly insists on doing so through the new Iraqi government, which has kept the arms for their own incompetent forces instead of giving them to the Kurds, as they have been known to do before. How incredibly stupid of the Obama administration to keep sending good armaments to the incompetent Iraqi army, knowing that they can be counted upon to desert their posts when the fighting gets tough, and leave all their weapons and ammunition for I.S.I.S. to loot once they have conquered Baghdad. Just another example of Obama failing to catch a common sense clue, when it's obvious to everyone else!
The Kurdish forces are capable fighters, but they are running low on weapons, and ammunition, which America has promised to re-supply, but stubbornly insists on doing so through the new Iraqi government, which has kept the arms for their own incompetent forces instead of giving them to the Kurds, as they have been known to do before. How incredibly stupid of the Obama administration to keep sending good armaments to the incompetent Iraqi army, knowing that they can be counted upon to desert their posts when the fighting gets tough, and leave all their weapons and ammunition for I.S.I.S. to loot once they have conquered Baghdad. Just another example of Obama failing to catch a common sense clue, when it's obvious to everyone else!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
I.S.I.S. Slauhgters More People While America Bombs Empty Buildings
This is not the way to win a war, people. While I.S.I.S. insurgents run rampant across northern Iraq, and Syria, America and our "allies" are diligently bombing the heck out of empty buildings, from all the reports I've heard. We need a president with the guts to put the "boots on the ground" necessary to kill these barbaric sons-of-you-know-what, and as quickly as possible. But I strongly suspect that President Obama is running for re-election, and doesn't want to offend his constituency, the I.S.I.S. terrorists. Since he can't legally be re-elected president in America I wonder if he's being soft on I.S.I.S. just in case they should successfully establish their "caliphate" in the Middle-east, and might need a figure-head President who has international credibility to soothe diplomatic concerns for them later.
I've stated before that I believe that Obama is a "closet Muslim", unwilling to admit it while in office, but I expect he will shout it from the "house tops" once his term ends. The only reason I am not calling for his impeachment, for which there is ample cause to successfully convict, is that that would leave us with a worse president in Joe Biden, who would only have to sit quietly for two years before the idiots on the left voted him into office, and probably for eight years. As I've said Obama is very smart, it's just that his heart has no wisdom, because he chooses to believe in wrong principles. But, Biden is worse, because he has no principles other than getting elected, and he's a classic idiot on top of that. So, we're better off waiting for Obama to get out of town, in two years, and go try and get elected President of the "caliphate" if they'll have him, and we can elect a real President hopefully with some character, and wisdom, to go along with intelligence. May God help us in the mean time, while we pray that Obama doesn't screw things up too much, internationally, since replacing him with Biden would make things a lot worse.
I've stated before that I believe that Obama is a "closet Muslim", unwilling to admit it while in office, but I expect he will shout it from the "house tops" once his term ends. The only reason I am not calling for his impeachment, for which there is ample cause to successfully convict, is that that would leave us with a worse president in Joe Biden, who would only have to sit quietly for two years before the idiots on the left voted him into office, and probably for eight years. As I've said Obama is very smart, it's just that his heart has no wisdom, because he chooses to believe in wrong principles. But, Biden is worse, because he has no principles other than getting elected, and he's a classic idiot on top of that. So, we're better off waiting for Obama to get out of town, in two years, and go try and get elected President of the "caliphate" if they'll have him, and we can elect a real President hopefully with some character, and wisdom, to go along with intelligence. May God help us in the mean time, while we pray that Obama doesn't screw things up too much, internationally, since replacing him with Biden would make things a lot worse.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Is America Being Judged By God?
God judges people in two ways. First, He protects those who love him, and obey his commandments from those who don't, and those who wish to harm those who do. Second he judges those who descended from His obedient believers, but have strayed from the ways of their ancestors, or were once obedient but have strayed from their former faith, and obedience. I strongly suspect that we in America today, along with many other people around the world, fit into this second category. We descended from a people that He brought out of persecution in various countries, primarily European, and have enjoyed the prosperity that comes from His provision for a people that was predominantly obedient to his principles. While His judgment for those who belligerently hate Him, and His people, can be very swift, and thorough, like I believe the Russian Armies of "Gog", and their Muslim allies are rushing head-long to experience (as described in Ezekiel 38, & 39; and which I have expounded upon at length), His judgment for the second type can be slow, and incremental, creating both the opportunity for repentance for those who are sensitive enough to recognize His Hand in the details of His judgment, before they experience worse disastrous judgment, and also the opportunity for those who stubbornly prefer to chalk their troubles up to blind "coincidence" that merely must be endured until everything is all right again. Then when something worse befalls them they are twice as dumbfounded as to the cause.
As I said, America was founded by peoples who knew what it was like to live in countries that either hated God outright and anyone who loved Him, or mostly hated those who believed in a form of obedience that differed from their own beliefs. Even when their children sinned God gave them time to repent, without judging them as a nation, such as when we introduced slavery into our lifestyle, He gave us nearly two hundred, and fifty years to see the evil in that, before He purged us of that with the bloodiest war in our nation's history. Today, we still have those who refuse to learn from that horrible error: we have White Klansmen-types who believe that black people are inherently inferior, and must be kept down, contrasted by Blacks who believe, as our brilliant President seems to, that we as a country must eternally pay for the sins of our fathers, and that today's descendants of the former slaves are to be the perpetual recipients of that debt, simply because they exist. The concept of righteous entitlement is universally held by many Blacks, when all they are truly entitled to is the Constitutional right to freedom of opportunity to lawfully earn for themselves whatever happiness the Declaration of Independence describes for them, not that the Government is obligated to purchase it for them, and if it can't, or won't, that they have the moral right to steal enough for themselves. We are so collectively bound up in our separate forms of greed that we may be facing a race-war in the not-too-distant future, and indeed the recent beheading in Oklahoma may have stemmed from that kind of race-based hatred when a young Black man presumably found the teachings of the Koran to be more convenient to his selfish prejudices, and if some white woman dared to argue with him, she would be worthy of beheading, according to his newly held beliefs. I don't know if his victims were white, but I strongly suspect that they were, and that they may have been arguing from a Biblical perspective, as the Book of Revelation speaks of a time when believers will pay for their faith with their heads, and be rewarded for their faith in heaven. And I don't mean with 72 virgins, as the suicide bombers of the Muslim Terrorists seem to use as their motivation. One has to hope that they receive 72 of the oldest, and ugliest, naggingest, crones God ever created to spend the rest of eternity listening to, as punishment for their sins!
So, my point is that we have plenty to repent of, in America, not only our racial prejudices, but abortion, sexual immorality, crime of every kind, both violent and non-violent, and allowing our government to run an endless bill of inflationary spending, to the point of making our currency all but worthless.
As I said, God may be giving us time to repent of our collective sins, whether we supported the sinful acts of our government, or were simply unable to stop it. If we are going to be judged as a nation, we can rest assured that He knows who tried to resist these sinful actions, and who supported them, and will somehow mete out His judgment accordingly. But the pain of it all will be felt by all of us, to some degree, and the sad thing is that it is all so unnecessary. I'm certainly not trying to suggest that America was holy in the past, but that our populace had an overwhelming understanding of the difference between right and wrong, even if they didn't always apply those beliefs to their own lives, they steadfastly kept their government for running rampantly out of control, as we have today.
The only question remains, will America wake up, and repent, before God's judgment destroys what's left of America as we know it? The Bible talks of incremental judgment, in the form of plagues of disease, such as Ebola, and now the Enterovirus that is infecting our school-aged children. There is also the threat of invasion of our enemies, such as the drug-cartels' easy access across our southern borders, not to mention the obvious threat of I.S.I.S. terrorists, and a Nuclear Iran. These may be coincidences, if you prefer to believe so, but I do not!!!
As I said, America was founded by peoples who knew what it was like to live in countries that either hated God outright and anyone who loved Him, or mostly hated those who believed in a form of obedience that differed from their own beliefs. Even when their children sinned God gave them time to repent, without judging them as a nation, such as when we introduced slavery into our lifestyle, He gave us nearly two hundred, and fifty years to see the evil in that, before He purged us of that with the bloodiest war in our nation's history. Today, we still have those who refuse to learn from that horrible error: we have White Klansmen-types who believe that black people are inherently inferior, and must be kept down, contrasted by Blacks who believe, as our brilliant President seems to, that we as a country must eternally pay for the sins of our fathers, and that today's descendants of the former slaves are to be the perpetual recipients of that debt, simply because they exist. The concept of righteous entitlement is universally held by many Blacks, when all they are truly entitled to is the Constitutional right to freedom of opportunity to lawfully earn for themselves whatever happiness the Declaration of Independence describes for them, not that the Government is obligated to purchase it for them, and if it can't, or won't, that they have the moral right to steal enough for themselves. We are so collectively bound up in our separate forms of greed that we may be facing a race-war in the not-too-distant future, and indeed the recent beheading in Oklahoma may have stemmed from that kind of race-based hatred when a young Black man presumably found the teachings of the Koran to be more convenient to his selfish prejudices, and if some white woman dared to argue with him, she would be worthy of beheading, according to his newly held beliefs. I don't know if his victims were white, but I strongly suspect that they were, and that they may have been arguing from a Biblical perspective, as the Book of Revelation speaks of a time when believers will pay for their faith with their heads, and be rewarded for their faith in heaven. And I don't mean with 72 virgins, as the suicide bombers of the Muslim Terrorists seem to use as their motivation. One has to hope that they receive 72 of the oldest, and ugliest, naggingest, crones God ever created to spend the rest of eternity listening to, as punishment for their sins!
So, my point is that we have plenty to repent of, in America, not only our racial prejudices, but abortion, sexual immorality, crime of every kind, both violent and non-violent, and allowing our government to run an endless bill of inflationary spending, to the point of making our currency all but worthless.
As I said, God may be giving us time to repent of our collective sins, whether we supported the sinful acts of our government, or were simply unable to stop it. If we are going to be judged as a nation, we can rest assured that He knows who tried to resist these sinful actions, and who supported them, and will somehow mete out His judgment accordingly. But the pain of it all will be felt by all of us, to some degree, and the sad thing is that it is all so unnecessary. I'm certainly not trying to suggest that America was holy in the past, but that our populace had an overwhelming understanding of the difference between right and wrong, even if they didn't always apply those beliefs to their own lives, they steadfastly kept their government for running rampantly out of control, as we have today.
The only question remains, will America wake up, and repent, before God's judgment destroys what's left of America as we know it? The Bible talks of incremental judgment, in the form of plagues of disease, such as Ebola, and now the Enterovirus that is infecting our school-aged children. There is also the threat of invasion of our enemies, such as the drug-cartels' easy access across our southern borders, not to mention the obvious threat of I.S.I.S. terrorists, and a Nuclear Iran. These may be coincidences, if you prefer to believe so, but I do not!!!
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