This is probably how Putin plans to conquer the Ukraine. First, he blitzes his way into the Crimean Peninsula. Then, we have several months of his Special Forces Paratroops masquerading as militant pro-Russian rebels attacking police, and army bases in eastern Ukraine to establish a "desire of the local population" to have Russian, rather than Ukrainian rule. Now, we have Russian troops, including heavy artillery, and anti-aircraft missiles storming across the border, presumably to establish a Russian "land bridge" that they can use to transport supplies to and from Russia. And Voila!!! Russia now has the warm-water shipping port that they have coveted since the days of their 1917 Revolution.
Then they'll probably stockpile their troops and armaments for a year, or so, while they wait to see what the West's response will be. Then, after they have calculated the effects of the West's wimpy sanctions, they can be expected to finish the job of conquering the rest of the Ukraine, before they get on with the Invasion of Israel, which I believe will be Putin's way of countering the effects of any sanctions, by conquering the Arabian Oil Deposits after neutralizing Israel, so he can force the West to rescind their sanctions, or face an oil embargo that will make 1973 look like a picnic!
Clearly Putin's preference would be to keep playing this sort of "reverse blitz" operation until he has req-conquered all of the former Soviet Union Satellite nations, but the overwhelmingly wimpy response from Obama, and our N.A.T.O. allies, with their diplomatic trade sanctions will force him to move against Israel, and the Arab oil states before he attempts the rest of the conquests. The sanctions will serve as no deterrent for his Ukrainian invasion, but they will eventually be painful, unless he can give the sanctioning countries some reason to rescind them. Like, maybe conquering three-fourths of the world's oil reserves, and turning off the spigots until the world comes crawling to him, with intentions of rescinding the sanctions. Then he won't need to invade those former satellite countries, they'll come begging him to take them back. I'm satisfied that this plan seems plausible to Putin, and fits with the prophecy of Ezekiel 38,&39. There must be some very lucrative reason for him to invade Israel. Russian anti-Semitism has always been high, but that is not enough for him to risk a world war between America, and the western European nations, against his army, for that alone. But, the ability to hold the world at bay while he dictates terms for peace has always been what the Kremlin has dreamed of, and Putin especially. It would seem to be too tantalizing of an opportunity to pass up.
Thank Heaven that God has other plans than to let Putin run rough-shod over His people, Israel, and He'll save the Arab oil fields, as well, though I wonder if the Arabs will still be in control of them, afterwards. For more on what I believe God's plans are for Putin's army, and those of his allies, check out my post from June, 25 of this year.
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Has America Become A Nation of Cowardly Wimps?
Obama apparently thinks so, and Putin seems to agree. Have you noticed that Republican wars, since World War II, have been very bloody, but winnable, while Democratic wars drag on until America has had a belly full, and then they bail. With the exception of Viet Nam, which was started by a Republican, drawn-out by two Democratic Administrations, and bailed out by a Democratic Congress, when they determined that the American people had had a belly full of it, and they simply cut off the funding of the war effort, which resulted in the shameless retreat of American forces, before they were about to run out of ammunition.
My point is not to make a political statement; but to point out that Putin and I.S.I.S. both view us as powerful enemies who do not have the stomach for war. That is why I.S.I.S. tries to frighten us with the brutal display of a beheading of a captured Journalist and the threat of more, if we continue our air strikes against their positions near the Mosul dam in Iraq. And now Obama is making gestures from the golf courses of Martha's Vinyard that seem to be preliminary to an announcement that he was kidding about no more American "boots on the ground" in Iraq, except for the original 300 advisers, and the additional 300 advisors. He must know that he has to kill I.S.I.S., and not deal with these murderous barbarians diplomatically, and the only way to effectively do that is by sending enough "boots on the ground" to get the job done. Either he will have to send enough weapons to the Kurdish troops, which will endanger Turkey due to their long-standing territorial dispute with the Kurds, or he will have to send American troops.
Either way, Obama will have to eat some political "crow" first, for his portrayal of I.S.I.S. as an Al Quaida "Jayvee", when his top officials now acknowledge that they are far more sophisticated then Al Quida was before 911, and for his blustering about the Bush Administration's dragging on of the war in his original election bid, along with his promises to end the war, once elected. He now finds himself in a precarious position of, "damned-if-you-do, or damned-if-you-don't", in deciding whether to send more troops, or not. It would be funny to watch him squirm, if the consequences of a wrong decision were not so perilous. And he has proven that he is eminently capable of making just that, if his Foreign Policy record is to be judged.
UPDATE: 5:00 pm. ET.
I posted the above at noon, today, and later heard the media reports that the White House is issuing statements that their efforts to stop I.S.I.S. will not be contained by borders. At first this did not register, but upon reflection, I realized that this was serving notice to Russian President Putin that they realistically mean to push the I.S.I.S insurgents back into Syria, and kill them there. This might be used as an excuse by Putin to send in more troops to Syria, Russia's Mid-East ally, to protect the Assad regime from imagined American aggression once the terrorists are defeated. This could further his plans to invade Israel from Syrian territory, Israel's neighbor to the immediate north.
My point is not to make a political statement; but to point out that Putin and I.S.I.S. both view us as powerful enemies who do not have the stomach for war. That is why I.S.I.S. tries to frighten us with the brutal display of a beheading of a captured Journalist and the threat of more, if we continue our air strikes against their positions near the Mosul dam in Iraq. And now Obama is making gestures from the golf courses of Martha's Vinyard that seem to be preliminary to an announcement that he was kidding about no more American "boots on the ground" in Iraq, except for the original 300 advisers, and the additional 300 advisors. He must know that he has to kill I.S.I.S., and not deal with these murderous barbarians diplomatically, and the only way to effectively do that is by sending enough "boots on the ground" to get the job done. Either he will have to send enough weapons to the Kurdish troops, which will endanger Turkey due to their long-standing territorial dispute with the Kurds, or he will have to send American troops.
Either way, Obama will have to eat some political "crow" first, for his portrayal of I.S.I.S. as an Al Quaida "Jayvee", when his top officials now acknowledge that they are far more sophisticated then Al Quida was before 911, and for his blustering about the Bush Administration's dragging on of the war in his original election bid, along with his promises to end the war, once elected. He now finds himself in a precarious position of, "damned-if-you-do, or damned-if-you-don't", in deciding whether to send more troops, or not. It would be funny to watch him squirm, if the consequences of a wrong decision were not so perilous. And he has proven that he is eminently capable of making just that, if his Foreign Policy record is to be judged.
UPDATE: 5:00 pm. ET.
I posted the above at noon, today, and later heard the media reports that the White House is issuing statements that their efforts to stop I.S.I.S. will not be contained by borders. At first this did not register, but upon reflection, I realized that this was serving notice to Russian President Putin that they realistically mean to push the I.S.I.S insurgents back into Syria, and kill them there. This might be used as an excuse by Putin to send in more troops to Syria, Russia's Mid-East ally, to protect the Assad regime from imagined American aggression once the terrorists are defeated. This could further his plans to invade Israel from Syrian territory, Israel's neighbor to the immediate north.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Are The "Six Seals" Just Around The Corner???
I am tremendously glad that I am not a prophet, as I have stated many times. Prophets have historically been used of God to warn His people of dangerous times to come. Their reward for their obedience to God has often been the ridicule of man, at least, and sometimes imprisonment, as with Jeremiah. Never the less, they spoke what God told them to say, as not to do so would be far more terrible than conceivable.
I am not saying that God told me to say anything, but He may have caused me to say something about what He has already revealed. It's the account of the beginning of the awful destruction that He prophecied through the apostle John, in Revelation Chapter Six, and that I'm beginning to suspect that it may be about to come to pass sooner, rather than later. I admit that the imagery is rather obscure, and since it was delivered in a heavenly vision nearly 2000 years ago, God seems to have intended it to be so, in order to keep His believers from panicking, before the time drew near. And if I'm correct, there is no need for His people to panic now. While the "Six Seals" account begins ominously, the "Seventh Seal", of Revelation 8 ultimately implies the most glorious happening of all time, referred to as "the Rapture" of the Church of Jesus Christ (all of those who believe in Him).
The opening of the "Seals" of Revelation Six is indeed ominous; an account of war, and conquest that apparently has never happened yet upon the earth, and perhaps may not come to fruition completely, as I suspect it may refer to the conflagration that will occur when "Gog" (whom I have already stated that I believe could well be President Putin, of Russia) begins to invade the Middle-East, as recounted in Ezekiel 38, &39. His purpose will probably be to conquer the "Gulf Oil Reserves" of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, and the other Emirates, but to do so he must defeat Israel, the only Mid-East power that can, and surely would resist his efforts to do so. I've already speculated that his motive for doing so may be to thwart the financial sanctions inflicted upon Russia as punishment for conquering all of the Ukraine, which can't be long in coming. His long-term goal is the re-establishing of the Soviet Union Bloc under his control (and eventually the rest of the world, too). But the sanctions will delay further conquests, until he can embargo three-fourths of the world's oil supplies until the sanctions are repealed. However, God has chosen this blatant act of hegemonistic arrogance to demonstrate that He is still in control of the world, and that He will still protect His people, Israel, when he defeats the invading armies (Russian, and their Muslim allies), causing 83% of them to be destroyed, "upon the mountains of Israel".
I have written previously that I can't believe in the necessity of the sealing of the 144,000 witnesses in Revelation 7, unless the estimated 100 million, or more, Christian believers have already been "raptured" by the Lord's heavenly Angels to meet Him in the air, thereby leaving no believing witnesses to tell the world about the "Rapture" that has just occurred. They will be needed to explain that Hollywood's explanation is not true; that Martians did not kidnap them, and take them back to Mars to work as slaves, or serve as food for a starving planet of Zombies, or Vampires, or the like. These 144,000 witnesses will probably be people who have heard, or even read the Gospels, but did not believe it, until it was too late. They are left with the only option for their salvation being to suffer execution for witnessing the doom due the rest of the survivors on planet Earth, once the Lord returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, "for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away" (Rev. 21:1).
If I'm right, we who believe will be on the Earth for the first eleven verses of Revelation 6, until the missiles are fired from Russia, with the obvious response of American Nuclear Retaliation, (or even vice versa) but before they detonate upon their targets, with the "Rapture" occurring simultaneously with the sealing of the 144,000 witnesses, of Revelation 7. But, we may have to endure the trying times leading up to this point, as the Invasion of the Middle-East by Russian, and Muslim Nation's armies will certainly send investors in the global financial markets into a world-wide financial panic that will make the "Great Depression" seem like a party by comparison. There will likely be massive businesses collapsing into bankruptcies, and groceries will sky-rocket in price, for the stores that remain solvent, requiring a full-day's wages for enough food to survive for the duration. Obviously, unemployment will be rampant, so people will have to dip into savings just to eat, and I won't even guess what the Banks will do with our accounts!!! But, take heart, for this Mid-East invasion seems to be short-lived, and afterwards we'll all be in Heaven with the Lord, and the Bankers can have all our money, and see if it will do them any good! Maybe they can buy themselves a luxury suite in Hell, (or, maybe not)!
(For more details on my thoughts concerning the Mid-East Invasion that will certainly come, and probably sooner, rather than later,
see my post for last April 21, in the archives list to the right. As always, comments are welcome, but you must click the "No Comments" area below. I know it's confusing, but that's the way it's set up.)
I am not saying that God told me to say anything, but He may have caused me to say something about what He has already revealed. It's the account of the beginning of the awful destruction that He prophecied through the apostle John, in Revelation Chapter Six, and that I'm beginning to suspect that it may be about to come to pass sooner, rather than later. I admit that the imagery is rather obscure, and since it was delivered in a heavenly vision nearly 2000 years ago, God seems to have intended it to be so, in order to keep His believers from panicking, before the time drew near. And if I'm correct, there is no need for His people to panic now. While the "Six Seals" account begins ominously, the "Seventh Seal", of Revelation 8 ultimately implies the most glorious happening of all time, referred to as "the Rapture" of the Church of Jesus Christ (all of those who believe in Him).
The opening of the "Seals" of Revelation Six is indeed ominous; an account of war, and conquest that apparently has never happened yet upon the earth, and perhaps may not come to fruition completely, as I suspect it may refer to the conflagration that will occur when "Gog" (whom I have already stated that I believe could well be President Putin, of Russia) begins to invade the Middle-East, as recounted in Ezekiel 38, &39. His purpose will probably be to conquer the "Gulf Oil Reserves" of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, and the other Emirates, but to do so he must defeat Israel, the only Mid-East power that can, and surely would resist his efforts to do so. I've already speculated that his motive for doing so may be to thwart the financial sanctions inflicted upon Russia as punishment for conquering all of the Ukraine, which can't be long in coming. His long-term goal is the re-establishing of the Soviet Union Bloc under his control (and eventually the rest of the world, too). But the sanctions will delay further conquests, until he can embargo three-fourths of the world's oil supplies until the sanctions are repealed. However, God has chosen this blatant act of hegemonistic arrogance to demonstrate that He is still in control of the world, and that He will still protect His people, Israel, when he defeats the invading armies (Russian, and their Muslim allies), causing 83% of them to be destroyed, "upon the mountains of Israel".
I have written previously that I can't believe in the necessity of the sealing of the 144,000 witnesses in Revelation 7, unless the estimated 100 million, or more, Christian believers have already been "raptured" by the Lord's heavenly Angels to meet Him in the air, thereby leaving no believing witnesses to tell the world about the "Rapture" that has just occurred. They will be needed to explain that Hollywood's explanation is not true; that Martians did not kidnap them, and take them back to Mars to work as slaves, or serve as food for a starving planet of Zombies, or Vampires, or the like. These 144,000 witnesses will probably be people who have heard, or even read the Gospels, but did not believe it, until it was too late. They are left with the only option for their salvation being to suffer execution for witnessing the doom due the rest of the survivors on planet Earth, once the Lord returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, "for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away" (Rev. 21:1).
If I'm right, we who believe will be on the Earth for the first eleven verses of Revelation 6, until the missiles are fired from Russia, with the obvious response of American Nuclear Retaliation, (or even vice versa) but before they detonate upon their targets, with the "Rapture" occurring simultaneously with the sealing of the 144,000 witnesses, of Revelation 7. But, we may have to endure the trying times leading up to this point, as the Invasion of the Middle-East by Russian, and Muslim Nation's armies will certainly send investors in the global financial markets into a world-wide financial panic that will make the "Great Depression" seem like a party by comparison. There will likely be massive businesses collapsing into bankruptcies, and groceries will sky-rocket in price, for the stores that remain solvent, requiring a full-day's wages for enough food to survive for the duration. Obviously, unemployment will be rampant, so people will have to dip into savings just to eat, and I won't even guess what the Banks will do with our accounts!!! But, take heart, for this Mid-East invasion seems to be short-lived, and afterwards we'll all be in Heaven with the Lord, and the Bankers can have all our money, and see if it will do them any good! Maybe they can buy themselves a luxury suite in Hell, (or, maybe not)!
(For more details on my thoughts concerning the Mid-East Invasion that will certainly come, and probably sooner, rather than later,
see my post for last April 21, in the archives list to the right. As always, comments are welcome, but you must click the "No Comments" area below. I know it's confusing, but that's the way it's set up.)
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