I just read an article in the Washington Post that implied that all the financial problems of the shrinking middle class would be solved if Congress would simply require all employers to pay overtime to all workers below a certain income level, based proportionally on the economic statistics of what our parents received, some forty years ago. That, combined with the demanded raise of the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour would solve all the financial problems of the middle class, and everything would be "hunky-dory", or whatever.
The article was calling for "us" to "stick it to the 1%" of the population that is considered to be obscenely rich, and therefore the economic enemies of everybody else. The writer is apparently a true, card-carrying socialist who believes that economics is merely a matter of divvying up the "money pie" more fairly between the "haves", and the "have nots". These people don't consider that money is created by thrift, and hard work, combined with the risks involved in determining which businesses can produce valued products and services, most efficiently, considering the afore mentioned principles. We need to stop trying to take money away from the rich, through Socialist legislation, and provide the Free Market opportunities for the rich to give it away themselves. They will either waste it upon their profligate life-styles, or they will invest it if they are not ready to spend it, either wisely, which will create jobs for others to earn better wages, or unwisely, in which case their money will simply change ownership, until it winds up in the hands of someone who will invest it wisely. This is how God "redistributes" the wealth in a truly free economy, and it seems that Socialists are so busy being jealous of the "filthy rich" that they want the Legislature to pre-empt God, and take their money away from them now, giving greedy politicians, and lobbyists the opportunity to skim off surplus graft in the process. In doing so, we only create another level of wasteful spenders, making it that much longer for the money to work it's way through the economy till it winds up in the hands of wise investors. That's how we end up with economic depressions, and recessions, which cause the middle class workers to demand more legislation to spread the economic "pie" a bit more "fairly", which keeps the cycle spinning, endlessly. If we will simply get Government out of the way, then economic pressures will cause incomes to even out naturally, as (what Adam Smith referred to the "invisible hand of God") directs money to flow to the most efficient producers.
And don't worry about the obscenely wealthy 1%. None of them have ever figured a way to take it with them, when they die, though some, pathetically, have tried, like the Egyptian Pharoahs, and the proverbial heiress, whose will demanded that she was to be buried inside her beloved Rolls Royce. God will repay them for their lifestyles, whether in Heaven, or hell, and their bank accounts will not influence Him, like it may some corrupt legislators.
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Before The "Cold War" Becomes Hot, Will We Have Cyber Warfare?
Is cyber warfare the next phase of East/West conflict? Only God knows, but I suspect He might allow it to build cultural, and political animosity until it reaches the point where hatred becomes violent enough for the real thing, instead of merely virtual conflict. So far, we have warfare limited to the international Geeks who probably played computer war games when they were kids, and learned that whole populations could be wiped out with the click of a key, with no mess to clean up afterwards. How long before these same Geeks are put in control of their respective nations' Nuclear missiles, which merely need to have their buttons pushed to truly wipe out whole populations? (See Revelation 6: 13, if you think this is unlikely to happen!)
I'm telling you folks, it not only can happen, but if you believe as I do that the Book of Revelation is truly prophetic, you will believe that it will happen, and the elements of the scenario are just about in place! All we need is for some Russian meglo-maniac, like Putin, to get fed up with western sanctions, and O.P.E.C. intransigence, to decide that the best thing for his country is to invade the Middle-East to take over the Saudi Arabian, and other Gulf State nations' oil reserves, and close their spigots until the price of oil rebounds to a profitable level, and, (oh!), while he's at it perhaps keep the spigots closed a bit longer to ruin the economies of America, and the other Western allies. After all there is no one around to put up a serious resistance to this hegemonistic move. The U.S. is led by the most whimpy, and indecisive government in their history, and they fit the bill for the ones whom God prophesied in Ezekiel 38, as responding with the diplomatically cowardly response to the Russian invasion of, "have you come to take a great spoil?" Biblical eschatologists have long believed that this response came from some future American/Saudi alliance. Well folks, the future may be just around the corner, as they say. The only real threat of military resistance to a Russian invasion would be from Israel, and Putin might feel an alliance with various Muslim nations such as Syria, and Iran, and others, might keep them busy while the Russians concentrate on the Gulf States. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls off some kind of temporary truce between the warring factions of Syria, and the I.S.I.S. rebels and other Sunni rebels, like Al Qaida, because the prophesies of Ezekiel 38, & 39 suggest that the bulk of the destruction of the invading forces (to the tune of 83%) will result from the various factions fighting among themselves. We know that the Shiites, of Iran, Lebanon, and others hate the Sunnis, and vice versa, but they each hate Israel much more. They might be tempted to come together long enough to destroy Israel, and when God helps Israel defend themselves, they might turn against each other in a panicked retreat. This all fits the scenario set forth in God's prophesies, let's just wait and see if it all pans out that way.
But if it begins to develop in any way as I've described, the uptake on all this is that it's quite likely that whomever is in charge of the retreating Russian forces, whether it's Putin or some general, may well order a Nuclear First Strike upon America, as described in Revelation 6, and beyond. It seems that the Lord's Rapture of the whole church of believers may well follow this order, but (Revelation 7 suggests that) perhaps it will occur before the missiles actually strike. Russia has long been reputed to believe it can survive a Nuclear war with an "acceptable" number of casualties, due to it's vast underground network of tunnels that serve as subways today, but can double as fall-out shelters, if needed. Perhaps this is the basis of "Gog's" forces going underground, for a thousand years, to be released as Satan's army after the thousand-year millennium of the Lord. They may have enough freeze-dried food stored to last their population for a few months, and they may be able to come out of their holes long enough after that to cultivate crops of three-headed vegetables, with eyes and ears, and tend their herds of walking, grazing fish, long enough to survive a thousand years! Perhaps they can make quick above-ground efforts to raise their perverse produce, without becoming too irradiated, but who would want to live on a diet of vegetables that talk, etc.?
Meanwhile, while Satan's final army is living under ground, we will live forever in the "new Heaven and a new Earth" that Jesus will create for us, and it will be above ground, and we'll eat fruit from trees of "Life", described in the latter chapters of Revelation. This is why I do not fear the aftermath of "Gog's" invasion of Israel, or any Nuclear Holocaust that may follow. All I can do is remember the words of Jesus when He said, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!! Let the Russian Cyber Geeks eat their walking vegetables, and their herds of fish-cattle, if they so choose!
I'm telling you folks, it not only can happen, but if you believe as I do that the Book of Revelation is truly prophetic, you will believe that it will happen, and the elements of the scenario are just about in place! All we need is for some Russian meglo-maniac, like Putin, to get fed up with western sanctions, and O.P.E.C. intransigence, to decide that the best thing for his country is to invade the Middle-East to take over the Saudi Arabian, and other Gulf State nations' oil reserves, and close their spigots until the price of oil rebounds to a profitable level, and, (oh!), while he's at it perhaps keep the spigots closed a bit longer to ruin the economies of America, and the other Western allies. After all there is no one around to put up a serious resistance to this hegemonistic move. The U.S. is led by the most whimpy, and indecisive government in their history, and they fit the bill for the ones whom God prophesied in Ezekiel 38, as responding with the diplomatically cowardly response to the Russian invasion of, "have you come to take a great spoil?" Biblical eschatologists have long believed that this response came from some future American/Saudi alliance. Well folks, the future may be just around the corner, as they say. The only real threat of military resistance to a Russian invasion would be from Israel, and Putin might feel an alliance with various Muslim nations such as Syria, and Iran, and others, might keep them busy while the Russians concentrate on the Gulf States. I wouldn't be surprised if he pulls off some kind of temporary truce between the warring factions of Syria, and the I.S.I.S. rebels and other Sunni rebels, like Al Qaida, because the prophesies of Ezekiel 38, & 39 suggest that the bulk of the destruction of the invading forces (to the tune of 83%) will result from the various factions fighting among themselves. We know that the Shiites, of Iran, Lebanon, and others hate the Sunnis, and vice versa, but they each hate Israel much more. They might be tempted to come together long enough to destroy Israel, and when God helps Israel defend themselves, they might turn against each other in a panicked retreat. This all fits the scenario set forth in God's prophesies, let's just wait and see if it all pans out that way.
But if it begins to develop in any way as I've described, the uptake on all this is that it's quite likely that whomever is in charge of the retreating Russian forces, whether it's Putin or some general, may well order a Nuclear First Strike upon America, as described in Revelation 6, and beyond. It seems that the Lord's Rapture of the whole church of believers may well follow this order, but (Revelation 7 suggests that) perhaps it will occur before the missiles actually strike. Russia has long been reputed to believe it can survive a Nuclear war with an "acceptable" number of casualties, due to it's vast underground network of tunnels that serve as subways today, but can double as fall-out shelters, if needed. Perhaps this is the basis of "Gog's" forces going underground, for a thousand years, to be released as Satan's army after the thousand-year millennium of the Lord. They may have enough freeze-dried food stored to last their population for a few months, and they may be able to come out of their holes long enough after that to cultivate crops of three-headed vegetables, with eyes and ears, and tend their herds of walking, grazing fish, long enough to survive a thousand years! Perhaps they can make quick above-ground efforts to raise their perverse produce, without becoming too irradiated, but who would want to live on a diet of vegetables that talk, etc.?
Meanwhile, while Satan's final army is living under ground, we will live forever in the "new Heaven and a new Earth" that Jesus will create for us, and it will be above ground, and we'll eat fruit from trees of "Life", described in the latter chapters of Revelation. This is why I do not fear the aftermath of "Gog's" invasion of Israel, or any Nuclear Holocaust that may follow. All I can do is remember the words of Jesus when He said, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!! Let the Russian Cyber Geeks eat their walking vegetables, and their herds of fish-cattle, if they so choose!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
God Is Turning The Ruble Into Rubble
Get me!!! Mr. Lazy Blogger actually posting twice in the same day! But just as someone will dial "911" on the phone, or yell "fire!" when his neighbor's house is burning, I am likewise capable of responding to "desperate times" by taking "desperate measures".
For the better part of five years I've been writing that I believe the Biblical prophecy in Ezekiel 38, & 39 was not fulfilled in ancient times, but was for some time that was most likely to happen soon. But, not claiming to be a Prophet myself, I was not interested in risking the wrath of God by trying to stamp a date on when I expected this to come to pass. And I'm still not. However, I am smart enough to recognize what the blind can "see" happening in the world around us, and I have the common sense of a three-year-old when it comes to recognizing that we are entering perilous times. I would be remiss if I didn't try to warn others of the peril we're facing in the near future, whether they wish to heed my warning, or not. In the book of Ezekiel, in the 33rd chapter, God makes it clear that He holds us responsible for choosing to warn others, or not to, when we recognize a "clear and present danger" approaching. If we choose to hold our peace, He will hold us responsible for the lives lost that could have been saved by our timely warning. I will not choose this course of action, no matter what kind of a fool I may appear to be to others, if I scream, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling...", and nothing happens. But if the "sky" really does fall, as in a Nuclear Holocaust (see Revelation 6: 13), and I choose to save my reputation and others die, needlessly, God would be just in holding me accountable for their deaths.
This is the awesome responsibility that causes me to write the things I do, even if they don't turn out the way I imagine they will. Such is the case now, when I heard on today's "700 Club" that the equivalent of the Federal Reserve Chairman, in Russia, just raised interest rates for the Ruble to an astounding 17% in response to the decision by Saudi Arabia to not curtail production in order to drive prices up to a level for Russia to finance their economy. Oil is currently selling at 60 dollars per barrel, and Russia needs the price to rise to 100 dollars per barrel to keep their economy from going into recession. All this means that the "natural fluctuations" of the price of oil is giving Putin a heck of an incentive to invade the Middle-East, conquer their oil fields and turn off the spigots himself. There is just one problem with this plan; those pesky Israeli's would surely resist. So, to keep them busy he might call upon his Muslim allies, Syria, and Iran and any others who wish to help wipe out Israel, to keep them from interfering with his plans. And I'm sure there are many who would just love to help.
I've written extensively before on how that is prophesied to turn out. (Check out the "Archives" section in the lower right column of this page.)
Things are beginning to heat up fast, and soon it may well be time to say, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!!
For the better part of five years I've been writing that I believe the Biblical prophecy in Ezekiel 38, & 39 was not fulfilled in ancient times, but was for some time that was most likely to happen soon. But, not claiming to be a Prophet myself, I was not interested in risking the wrath of God by trying to stamp a date on when I expected this to come to pass. And I'm still not. However, I am smart enough to recognize what the blind can "see" happening in the world around us, and I have the common sense of a three-year-old when it comes to recognizing that we are entering perilous times. I would be remiss if I didn't try to warn others of the peril we're facing in the near future, whether they wish to heed my warning, or not. In the book of Ezekiel, in the 33rd chapter, God makes it clear that He holds us responsible for choosing to warn others, or not to, when we recognize a "clear and present danger" approaching. If we choose to hold our peace, He will hold us responsible for the lives lost that could have been saved by our timely warning. I will not choose this course of action, no matter what kind of a fool I may appear to be to others, if I scream, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling...", and nothing happens. But if the "sky" really does fall, as in a Nuclear Holocaust (see Revelation 6: 13), and I choose to save my reputation and others die, needlessly, God would be just in holding me accountable for their deaths.
This is the awesome responsibility that causes me to write the things I do, even if they don't turn out the way I imagine they will. Such is the case now, when I heard on today's "700 Club" that the equivalent of the Federal Reserve Chairman, in Russia, just raised interest rates for the Ruble to an astounding 17% in response to the decision by Saudi Arabia to not curtail production in order to drive prices up to a level for Russia to finance their economy. Oil is currently selling at 60 dollars per barrel, and Russia needs the price to rise to 100 dollars per barrel to keep their economy from going into recession. All this means that the "natural fluctuations" of the price of oil is giving Putin a heck of an incentive to invade the Middle-East, conquer their oil fields and turn off the spigots himself. There is just one problem with this plan; those pesky Israeli's would surely resist. So, to keep them busy he might call upon his Muslim allies, Syria, and Iran and any others who wish to help wipe out Israel, to keep them from interfering with his plans. And I'm sure there are many who would just love to help.
I've written extensively before on how that is prophesied to turn out. (Check out the "Archives" section in the lower right column of this page.)
Things are beginning to heat up fast, and soon it may well be time to say, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh"!!!
Hallelujah, Sec. of State Kerry Proclaims Peace In The MId-East!
Our wonderful State Department is at it again! They presume that peace can be obtained by simply getting the warring principals to declare it so. So when Sec. Kerry meets in London with the Palestinian representative of the Arab League, we can know that true, and lasting peace is just around the corner!
Don't hold your breath! Even though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been instructed to attend the meeting by the Israeli Knesset, you can bet that nothing more will come of it than in the past, when Israel agrees to cede West Bank territory to the Palestinians in exchange for more flimsy assurances that there will be no more murders of their citizens in the future. Which of course we all know is a lie. But you can bet that Sec. Kerry will crow from the rooftops about what a wonderful development this will be, now that true and lasting peace has finally come to the Middle-East! And we have the assurance of Sec. Kerry, and the reliability of the Obama Administration to back it up!
I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. I am sick of all the Diplomatic bluster that comes from the White House, and the State Department while they try to remain "neutral" in this conflict. This conflict boils down to one single issue: Is there a God in Heaven, and does He rule the earth? If so, then He has the right to give this land to whomever He chooses, and He has promised it to the Jews, forever. Like it, or not, anyone who rebels against that promise is rebelling against God, not dissenting mankind. And they can rebel against Him for only so long, before His judgment will swiftly overtake them; and Ezekiel 38, & 39 details His judgment which appears to be soon visited upon the armies of "Gog" (probably Putin), and his Muslim allies. The only thing I can't figure out is which faction of Muslim lunatics he will ally himself to. It would seem more logical that his existing alliance with Syrian President Assad, and his Iranian, and Lebanese terrorist allies would be the basis for this alliance, but since all these Muslim lunatics hate Israel more than they even hate each other, I can only imagine some kind of temporary truce between them, for the "greater good" of accomplishing their long-desired genocidal holocaust upon Israel. Perhaps God will allow this flimsy peace treaty to be reached for them to come together "upon the mountains of Israel" (see Ezekiel 38), where He will cause them to panic at Israel's strong defense, and begin to fight among themselves, only to finish His plan to destroy 83% of the invading armies. What a shame that the armies of Putin's (or "Gog's") Russia will have to be slaughtered, as well. One wonders if any Bible-believing Christians will be caught up in this fiasco, simply because they were conscripted into the Russian Army, and had no choice but to go where Putin sends them. Perhaps they can read this blog, since I have readers from Russia reported as "pageview" statistics daily. I have no idea who these people are; perhaps they are from the present-day equivalent of the former K.G.B., but frankly, God loves them as much as any of us. And perhaps He is warning them that a temporary term in a Russian prison, for refusing to participate in any Israeli invasion, would be far better than to go against God, and receive His eternal judgment! [I use the term "temporary" as I believe there is significant Biblical evidence that retreating Russian Commanders will unleash a Nuclear Holocaust against us, with consequential retaliation, but that God may well intervene to "rapture" the whole body of Christian believers, before the missiles touch down. And if I'm wrong about the "rapture", then a Nuclear death would be preferable to a post-Nuclear existence.] For that matter, I have readers from those Muslim nations that are likely to participate in the invasion also. Perhaps God can use this blog to warn any would-be terrorists of the foolishness of trying to go against His people, and move them to repent, in Jesus' name, before it's too late. After all, God has plenty of room in Heaven for even K.G.B./G.R.U. agents, and former Muslim terrorists, but that is conditioned upon their repentance and asking of forgiveness in Jesus' name!
Let us pray that it will be so!
Don't hold your breath! Even though Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been instructed to attend the meeting by the Israeli Knesset, you can bet that nothing more will come of it than in the past, when Israel agrees to cede West Bank territory to the Palestinians in exchange for more flimsy assurances that there will be no more murders of their citizens in the future. Which of course we all know is a lie. But you can bet that Sec. Kerry will crow from the rooftops about what a wonderful development this will be, now that true and lasting peace has finally come to the Middle-East! And we have the assurance of Sec. Kerry, and the reliability of the Obama Administration to back it up!
I'm sorry, but I just don't buy it. I am sick of all the Diplomatic bluster that comes from the White House, and the State Department while they try to remain "neutral" in this conflict. This conflict boils down to one single issue: Is there a God in Heaven, and does He rule the earth? If so, then He has the right to give this land to whomever He chooses, and He has promised it to the Jews, forever. Like it, or not, anyone who rebels against that promise is rebelling against God, not dissenting mankind. And they can rebel against Him for only so long, before His judgment will swiftly overtake them; and Ezekiel 38, & 39 details His judgment which appears to be soon visited upon the armies of "Gog" (probably Putin), and his Muslim allies. The only thing I can't figure out is which faction of Muslim lunatics he will ally himself to. It would seem more logical that his existing alliance with Syrian President Assad, and his Iranian, and Lebanese terrorist allies would be the basis for this alliance, but since all these Muslim lunatics hate Israel more than they even hate each other, I can only imagine some kind of temporary truce between them, for the "greater good" of accomplishing their long-desired genocidal holocaust upon Israel. Perhaps God will allow this flimsy peace treaty to be reached for them to come together "upon the mountains of Israel" (see Ezekiel 38), where He will cause them to panic at Israel's strong defense, and begin to fight among themselves, only to finish His plan to destroy 83% of the invading armies. What a shame that the armies of Putin's (or "Gog's") Russia will have to be slaughtered, as well. One wonders if any Bible-believing Christians will be caught up in this fiasco, simply because they were conscripted into the Russian Army, and had no choice but to go where Putin sends them. Perhaps they can read this blog, since I have readers from Russia reported as "pageview" statistics daily. I have no idea who these people are; perhaps they are from the present-day equivalent of the former K.G.B., but frankly, God loves them as much as any of us. And perhaps He is warning them that a temporary term in a Russian prison, for refusing to participate in any Israeli invasion, would be far better than to go against God, and receive His eternal judgment! [I use the term "temporary" as I believe there is significant Biblical evidence that retreating Russian Commanders will unleash a Nuclear Holocaust against us, with consequential retaliation, but that God may well intervene to "rapture" the whole body of Christian believers, before the missiles touch down. And if I'm wrong about the "rapture", then a Nuclear death would be preferable to a post-Nuclear existence.] For that matter, I have readers from those Muslim nations that are likely to participate in the invasion also. Perhaps God can use this blog to warn any would-be terrorists of the foolishness of trying to go against His people, and move them to repent, in Jesus' name, before it's too late. After all, God has plenty of room in Heaven for even K.G.B./G.R.U. agents, and former Muslim terrorists, but that is conditioned upon their repentance and asking of forgiveness in Jesus' name!
Let us pray that it will be so!
Monday, December 15, 2014
When Did The "Cold War" End?
Ronald Reagan is credited with ending the "Cold War" with Russia by forcing their economy into a severe depression through building a strong military system in America, which had to be countered in Russia's building a military they couldn't afford. Now we have Putin blustering about the need to re-build the Soviet System, and his efforts to re-annex the Ukraine is just the first step in his plan. I said earlier that I felt the American and European sanctions might drive him into the Middle-East invasion predicted by God in Ezekiel 38, & 39, and a piece on today's "700 Club" T.V. show confirmed my suspicions that the Saudi Arabian, and other O.P.E.C. oil nations seem to be willing to let the price of oil continue to decline, with the hopes that some American corporations can not produce profits at these rates, even with the new "Fracking" technology. The piece explained that some American companies might go bankrupt, but that others would not. It further explained that Russia was being hurt far worse than we are. So, if Saudi Arabia is refusing to close the spigots, to drive the price higher, Putin might just decide to seize their oil fields, and close them himself. Of course, Israel would certainly defend the Saudi's and the Emirates, but an alliance with Israel's Muslim enemies would counter that well enough, at least he might think so. But don't count out God, which I'm sure Putin can't bring himself to consider. This is the perfect set-up plan to tempt someone like Putin into committing such a fatal mistake, as He said He would do, in Ezekiel 38, when He said He would put "hooks in [Putin's] jaws", drawing up the image of a horse with a "bit", shaped like hooks, being turned in a different direction by it's rider (God, in this case). Is the current drop in oil prices, along with Saudi Arabia's stubborn policy, combined with our sanctions the "hooks" that God will use to bring "Gog" (or Putin) into the Middle East invasion that will end in God's causing 83% of the invasion force to be destroyed? Who but God knows, but I have to wonder!
It looks like the "Cold War" might just be about to start heating up real soon!!!
It looks like the "Cold War" might just be about to start heating up real soon!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Terrorist Don't Play by The Rules, Therefore Don"t Apply The Rules To Them
The Democrats and other Liberals just don't get it. There is a significant difference between our own citizens who are accused of crimes, and terrorists from foreign countries who commit heinous criminal acts against our citizens, here, or on foreign soil. They don't honor our Constitutional rights for our citizens when they blow us up with car bombs, I.E.D.'s, and commandeer passenger Jet planes to fly them into New York skyscrapers. It may be unpleasant to say so, but their actions disqualify them from our Constitutional self-restraints. Our citizens are expected to abide by the laws of their countries when we travel abroad, so when they choose to break our laws especially in committing murders, and gruesome beheadings of our citizens, we can not apply Constitutional constraints, or even moral compassion to their wellbeing. The only thing that terrorists understand is more terror against them, in the form of swift retribution for their actions. We need to hold to the principle that there is a difference between the way we treat our citizens, and the way our enemies can expect us to treat them if they do not at least respect our basic civil rights, as long as we are not breaking the laws of their countries.
The Congressional Democrats who are exorcising their sour grapes after losing the Mid-Term elections are showing their small-minded lack of concern for the safety of our citizens, here and abroad, by releasing classified documents today that record the C.I.A.'s legal, though unpleasant interrogation methods that were used against captured terrorists, in order to obtain valuable intelligence that led to the capture of other terrorists, the defeat of intended terrorist acts, and even the eventual killing of Osama Bin Laden. By doing so, they have intensified the risk of terrorist retribution against the officials who legally carried out these interrogations, in our country, our armed forces, foreign service, and private citizens travelling in foreign countries, not to mention the officials of other countries who cooperated with us in doing so.
[At this point, I took a break in writing this post to watch the "700 Club" show on television. I thought it was very appropriate that one of the segments on today's show was about women learning to protect themselves from violent attacks using various Martial Arts techniques, that I was taught as a child were frowned upon and called, "dirty fighting", but we all know are very effective on assailants; such as a backhanded elbow to the assailant's nose, or worse a strong knee kick to the groin. Technically this is breaking the law against "Assault and Battery", but if it gives her the opportunity to escape her attacker there is not a court in the land that would convict her, out of sympathy for the "rights" of the poor would-be rapist, or murderer. I think there is a good parallel here between the Constitutional rights of our citizens, verses any compassion we might feel for the "poor" terrorists, who simply want to kill us because we disagree with their beliefs. Most average Liberal Democrats, and Republicans, whether Moderate, or Conservative I think can agree with that. It's such a shame that the selfish, sour-grapes Democrats in Congress apparently feel their interests in "sticking it" to the next Congress are more important than the risk of people dying, for their efforts to defeat those who believe 911 was a just cause.]
The Congressional Democrats who are exorcising their sour grapes after losing the Mid-Term elections are showing their small-minded lack of concern for the safety of our citizens, here and abroad, by releasing classified documents today that record the C.I.A.'s legal, though unpleasant interrogation methods that were used against captured terrorists, in order to obtain valuable intelligence that led to the capture of other terrorists, the defeat of intended terrorist acts, and even the eventual killing of Osama Bin Laden. By doing so, they have intensified the risk of terrorist retribution against the officials who legally carried out these interrogations, in our country, our armed forces, foreign service, and private citizens travelling in foreign countries, not to mention the officials of other countries who cooperated with us in doing so.
[At this point, I took a break in writing this post to watch the "700 Club" show on television. I thought it was very appropriate that one of the segments on today's show was about women learning to protect themselves from violent attacks using various Martial Arts techniques, that I was taught as a child were frowned upon and called, "dirty fighting", but we all know are very effective on assailants; such as a backhanded elbow to the assailant's nose, or worse a strong knee kick to the groin. Technically this is breaking the law against "Assault and Battery", but if it gives her the opportunity to escape her attacker there is not a court in the land that would convict her, out of sympathy for the "rights" of the poor would-be rapist, or murderer. I think there is a good parallel here between the Constitutional rights of our citizens, verses any compassion we might feel for the "poor" terrorists, who simply want to kill us because we disagree with their beliefs. Most average Liberal Democrats, and Republicans, whether Moderate, or Conservative I think can agree with that. It's such a shame that the selfish, sour-grapes Democrats in Congress apparently feel their interests in "sticking it" to the next Congress are more important than the risk of people dying, for their efforts to defeat those who believe 911 was a just cause.]
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Justice Requires Submission First, Resistance Risks Death
The real issue in both the Ferguson, Mo. case and the New York City case of real, or imagined Police brutality is not the guilt, or innocence, of either the arresting officers, or the suspects, but whether the suspects had a right to resist arrest at all. In my opinion, they did not have that right, which they reputedly chose to do, and in the New York City case, we all clearly saw on video that Garner was resisting, regardless of whether he should have been arrested, or not. He was almost twice the apparent size of the first two officers who tried to handcuff him, and he immediately began to struggle with them, which precipitated the gang-tackling of the other three officers who were then assisting in arresting him for the crime of resisting arrest, not for the misdemeanor of selling cigarettes on the street. If he had not resisted, he would likely be alive today, and at worst be forced to pay a ridiculous fine, which would probably be reversed upon appeal, laying the groundwork for the abolishing of the stupid law he was intentionally breaking. The point was that by resisting he was refusing to abide by the legal system that the police were bound to enforce, whether they approved of the laws or not. In that case he renounced his legal right of protection from the risk of excessive force used against him in the effort to arrest him. The officer should be rebuked for using poor judgment in applying the choke-hold too long, or too hard, but the legal responsibility for putting him in the position to make that judgment call rests with the resistor himself. You don't have the right to protect yourself from the risk of excessive force, because of a legal system that you are renouncing by resisting arrest.
The Civil Rights Movement got it's fame and it's past successes from the concept of non-violent resistance, which brought the central issue from the arrest to the legality of the laws that were being resisted. When the legal issue shifted to the righteousness of the laws on the books, the courts found them to be unconstitutional, and they were mostly overturned. But Mr. Garner was guilty of resisting arrest, against policemen whose safety was at least initially at risk, at which point the officers can be excused for deciding to use greater force, though it was poorly executed. The responsibility for this lies with him, for the issue now becomes one of resisting arrest, not of selling cigarettes illegally.
In the case of Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Mo., we can only use the testimony of the witnesses, since there was no video for us to view of the incident. Since there were conflicting accounts of whether he was shot down in "cold blood", or whether the officer was legitimately defending himself from an assault by a young man who was trying to shoot him with his own gun, and was easily twice his size as well, the Grand Jury decided that there was not enough evidence to bring the officer up on charges. That is not the same thing as an acquittal. The officer may well be guilty, but the Grand Jury did not think the evidence was sufficient enough to decide either way. The law protects the guilty, as well as the innocent until the evidence of guilt is overwhelming. But the violent protesters in Ferguson were not interested in legal evidence, nor the rule of law that protects us all, in most cases. We can not have anarchy overruling law if we are to be protected from the oppression that these protesters claim were used against the principals in these cases.
The concept of "non-violent protest" is effective, as both Gandhi, and Martin Luther King have proved. But today's protesters are unwilling to use the legal system to improve itself, from within. They'd rather scrap the system, believing that people like Al Sharpton can create a better one than our Founding Fathers did. Martin Luther King must be "rolling over in his grave", along with our Founding Fathers.
The Civil Rights Movement got it's fame and it's past successes from the concept of non-violent resistance, which brought the central issue from the arrest to the legality of the laws that were being resisted. When the legal issue shifted to the righteousness of the laws on the books, the courts found them to be unconstitutional, and they were mostly overturned. But Mr. Garner was guilty of resisting arrest, against policemen whose safety was at least initially at risk, at which point the officers can be excused for deciding to use greater force, though it was poorly executed. The responsibility for this lies with him, for the issue now becomes one of resisting arrest, not of selling cigarettes illegally.
In the case of Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Mo., we can only use the testimony of the witnesses, since there was no video for us to view of the incident. Since there were conflicting accounts of whether he was shot down in "cold blood", or whether the officer was legitimately defending himself from an assault by a young man who was trying to shoot him with his own gun, and was easily twice his size as well, the Grand Jury decided that there was not enough evidence to bring the officer up on charges. That is not the same thing as an acquittal. The officer may well be guilty, but the Grand Jury did not think the evidence was sufficient enough to decide either way. The law protects the guilty, as well as the innocent until the evidence of guilt is overwhelming. But the violent protesters in Ferguson were not interested in legal evidence, nor the rule of law that protects us all, in most cases. We can not have anarchy overruling law if we are to be protected from the oppression that these protesters claim were used against the principals in these cases.
The concept of "non-violent protest" is effective, as both Gandhi, and Martin Luther King have proved. But today's protesters are unwilling to use the legal system to improve itself, from within. They'd rather scrap the system, believing that people like Al Sharpton can create a better one than our Founding Fathers did. Martin Luther King must be "rolling over in his grave", along with our Founding Fathers.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Putin's Russian Foreign Policy Is All "Fracked Up"!
On July 30th I published my opinion that Russia's President Putin was soon to be tempted into moving his armies into the Middle-East, along with various allies which seem to be all predominantly Muslim nations. I speculated that President Obama's wimpy response of diplomatic sanctions would eventually become painful enough to force some counter-measure that would negate them, or cause the western nations to soften them. Today, an interview of former assistant National Security Advisor, K. T. McFarland, on Fox News, informed us that Russia has just agreed with Turkey to build it's Gas Pipeline through it's territory rather than through western Europe, by way of the Ukraine. This is not because of sanctions, but rather because of the precipitous drop in the oil and gas prices due to the development of new "Fracking" technology, and the fact that the U.S. realistically plans to be energy independent within the next five years. Because Russia is dependent upon it's revenues from selling oil, and Natural Gas on the international market, it can not bear the drop in prices and still carry out the hegemonistic policies of Putin's obvious intentions of re-acquiring the former Soviet satellite nations under Russian control. So, if the prices are expected to go lower, and stay lower for the fore-see-able future, his only option is to sell more of it. If he can't do so out of his own oil fields, it might seem tempting to him to steal somebody else's oil fields, like maybe... Saudi Arabia's and the other oil Emirates'? Of course he'd have to eliminate the threat of Israeli intervention, first, which brings us right back to my belief that this is the impetus for his Ezekiel 38, & 39, "Gog/Magog" Invasion of Israel, which I've expounded upon at length already.
I see the Hand of God in all this, how about you???
I see the Hand of God in all this, how about you???
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Let's Send "Political Corectness" To Hell, Where It Belongs
I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving. And no apologies for directing our thanks to God, according to the original intent of the Pilgrim Separatists who are generally credited with celebrating the "first Thanksgiving", back in 1621, after reaping the bountiful first harvest of the colony's surviving members. They'd survived a horrible first year in which nearly half of their original party had died, either from starvation, or from various diseases commonly associated with malnutrition. So, it's easily understood why they were so grateful for their recent bounty, as it meant they needn't be concerned for their ability to survive the approaching Winter season, which could be very brutal, as the residents of that area can attest, today. They reportedly shared their celebration with the local Indian tribe, some 90 members of which came to help them eat their food, while supplying several deer to the larder to help extend the feast through a full three days. Though I'm sure the Pilgrims were grateful for their assistance, then, as well as for supplying some fish during there struggles with starvation, it is clear that the Indians were not the intended recipients of the Pilgrims thanks, as the "Politically Correct" historical revisionists of today would have us believe. God was the source of their provision, in their opinions, and therefore He was the recipient of their thanks, and they clearly, and openly admitted it.
Today, we suffer an intense assault upon the traditional roots of our historical beginnings, most of which we should be righteously proud, and Thanksgiving is one of them. The fact that the Pilgrims were helped greatly by the benevolence of Chief Massasoit, Squanto, and the members of the neighboring Wampanoag Indians should not be diminished, but to imply that they were the true source of the Pilgrims' thankfulness is to grossly misrepresent the truth, and that I believe, is the real intent of those who wish to revise historical facts into what they consider to be more convenient lies. They are not really concerned with crediting the Indians, as they truly are desperate that we don't realize that the Pilgrims wanted God to get all the praise, and thanksgiving, for having brought them through all their hardships and allowing them to survive. These people foolishly believe that any residual nationalistic pride in our heritage must be stamped out, for their concept of the "greater good" of international Socialism, which I believe will form the basis of the Antichrist's one-world economic, and political system, which is probably just around the corner from being instilled. You can read more about that in the Book of Revelation, and the consequences for willfully embracing that system.
So, as Christians today, I believe we have a responsibility to honor the righteous behavior of our founding fathers by at least recognizing the true nature of it, and resisting those who try to make it something it is not. This is not to ignore their many errors, such as the institution of slavery, which is credited to the Jamestown colony, and John Rolphe, specifically, whose one good act was to marry Pocahontas, followed by the evil of developing Tobacco as the nation's first "cash crop".
Let's give our thanks to God, and send "Political Correctness" back to Hell where it came from, and where it belongs.
Today, we suffer an intense assault upon the traditional roots of our historical beginnings, most of which we should be righteously proud, and Thanksgiving is one of them. The fact that the Pilgrims were helped greatly by the benevolence of Chief Massasoit, Squanto, and the members of the neighboring Wampanoag Indians should not be diminished, but to imply that they were the true source of the Pilgrims' thankfulness is to grossly misrepresent the truth, and that I believe, is the real intent of those who wish to revise historical facts into what they consider to be more convenient lies. They are not really concerned with crediting the Indians, as they truly are desperate that we don't realize that the Pilgrims wanted God to get all the praise, and thanksgiving, for having brought them through all their hardships and allowing them to survive. These people foolishly believe that any residual nationalistic pride in our heritage must be stamped out, for their concept of the "greater good" of international Socialism, which I believe will form the basis of the Antichrist's one-world economic, and political system, which is probably just around the corner from being instilled. You can read more about that in the Book of Revelation, and the consequences for willfully embracing that system.
So, as Christians today, I believe we have a responsibility to honor the righteous behavior of our founding fathers by at least recognizing the true nature of it, and resisting those who try to make it something it is not. This is not to ignore their many errors, such as the institution of slavery, which is credited to the Jamestown colony, and John Rolphe, specifically, whose one good act was to marry Pocahontas, followed by the evil of developing Tobacco as the nation's first "cash crop".
Let's give our thanks to God, and send "Political Correctness" back to Hell where it came from, and where it belongs.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
From Kent State To Ferguson , Mo.; Same Spirit...
I've seen this before, almost 45 years ago, during my sophomore year at Kent State University. The same person was running amok then as today, in Ferguson, Mo., and I know his name!!! He was originally called Lucifer, the angel of light, until he rebelled against God when he and one third of the angels were defeated, and cast out of Heaven eternally. From then on, he was referred to as "satan", the deceiver, and he knows he is already judged by God, and he is just waiting for his sentence to be carried out. In the mean time, his best attempt at exacting revenge is to create as much chaos on earth as possible, and he does that with the help of instigators like those last night in Ferguson, Mo., and those who had a field day at Kent State on May 4th, 1970.
On that day, I was leaving my 11:00 to 11:50 class, in the Education building with one of my house-mates, when we ran into his roommate heading to his 12:00 class in the same building. He told us that a "rally" was being held on the "Commons" ( the area set aside for public speaking, between classroom buildings and dormitories), and we decided to go and check it out. We knew that the shortest way there would be to cut through the Student Union building across the street, so we did. As we exited the other side, we heard the sound of what we dismissed as fireworks, but turned out to be the sound of gun shots as a small band of Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on a group of rock-throwing demonstrators, killing 4, and wounding 9 others. Completely oblivious to any danger, we began to walk across the Commons directly into the path of the retreating band of Guardsmen that had just fired upon the students, putting ourselves in a perfect crossfire position between them and another small band of Guardsmen on the other side of the Journalism building. For some reason, this made us a bit nervous, and we decided to retrace our steps, and go the long way around the Commons, and the Journalism building, where we found the large crowd of students who had just been fired upon, in time to see the last ambulances carry away the dead and wounded. I was struck by a group of some 50, or so, strangers dressed in typical clothing of what we students would refer to as "hippy-types", with all the intended derogatory connotations implied. Kent State was at that time a very apathetic campus with about 21,000 students, who were mostly interested in doing only enough work to stay in school, to keep from getting drafted and sent to Viet Nam, and then to graduate and get a good job. We were not politically motivated, and those who wanted to make a "leftist", or anti-war statement by dressing up as "Hippies" were few enough in number that they were easily recognized, in such a large crowd of over-grown high school kids, as most of us were. As I said I was struck by these "hippy-types", simply because I had never seen any of them before, which convinced me that they were obviously not students, or at least not on our campus. The chances of my not recognizing any of them, from walking around campus was very remote, since their attire was as strange to us as clown costumes, and they stuck out like the proverbial "sore thumbs".
Anyway, these 50, or so, hippies were having a real good time on the steps of the Journalism building, apparently congratulating themselves, probably for their self-supposed efforts to start the "great American Communist Revolution", that they must have assumed would surely follow these atrocities. And I guess that many others expected that to follow as well, including the popular rock band of the day, "Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young" who wrote that classic tribute, "Four Dead In Ohio" to spur on the "Revolution", that never came. One of these hippies was so caught up in his exuberance that he took his home-made Viet Cong battle flag and proceeded to jump into the pool of blood, and brain tissue, that I later realized was the place where Jeffery Miller was killed, and proceeded to hop around in the bloody gore swinging his flag at the bits of brain tissue, and shouting something inaudible to me, which I presumed was some anti-war slogan. While the rest of us turned away in disgust, these punks continued their celebrations.
My point in recounting all this was not to gross out the reader, but to demonstrate that the same spirit of instigated chaos seems to be prevalent today, in Ferguson, Mo., and that people like the "Reverend" Al Sharpton, who's scheduled to make a public appearance there today, can be expected to exploit this for all the "leftist" publicity they can. I personally see no difference between what is happening now, and what happened 45 years ago. It's the same spirit at work here!!! And I know his name!
On that day, I was leaving my 11:00 to 11:50 class, in the Education building with one of my house-mates, when we ran into his roommate heading to his 12:00 class in the same building. He told us that a "rally" was being held on the "Commons" ( the area set aside for public speaking, between classroom buildings and dormitories), and we decided to go and check it out. We knew that the shortest way there would be to cut through the Student Union building across the street, so we did. As we exited the other side, we heard the sound of what we dismissed as fireworks, but turned out to be the sound of gun shots as a small band of Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on a group of rock-throwing demonstrators, killing 4, and wounding 9 others. Completely oblivious to any danger, we began to walk across the Commons directly into the path of the retreating band of Guardsmen that had just fired upon the students, putting ourselves in a perfect crossfire position between them and another small band of Guardsmen on the other side of the Journalism building. For some reason, this made us a bit nervous, and we decided to retrace our steps, and go the long way around the Commons, and the Journalism building, where we found the large crowd of students who had just been fired upon, in time to see the last ambulances carry away the dead and wounded. I was struck by a group of some 50, or so, strangers dressed in typical clothing of what we students would refer to as "hippy-types", with all the intended derogatory connotations implied. Kent State was at that time a very apathetic campus with about 21,000 students, who were mostly interested in doing only enough work to stay in school, to keep from getting drafted and sent to Viet Nam, and then to graduate and get a good job. We were not politically motivated, and those who wanted to make a "leftist", or anti-war statement by dressing up as "Hippies" were few enough in number that they were easily recognized, in such a large crowd of over-grown high school kids, as most of us were. As I said I was struck by these "hippy-types", simply because I had never seen any of them before, which convinced me that they were obviously not students, or at least not on our campus. The chances of my not recognizing any of them, from walking around campus was very remote, since their attire was as strange to us as clown costumes, and they stuck out like the proverbial "sore thumbs".
Anyway, these 50, or so, hippies were having a real good time on the steps of the Journalism building, apparently congratulating themselves, probably for their self-supposed efforts to start the "great American Communist Revolution", that they must have assumed would surely follow these atrocities. And I guess that many others expected that to follow as well, including the popular rock band of the day, "Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young" who wrote that classic tribute, "Four Dead In Ohio" to spur on the "Revolution", that never came. One of these hippies was so caught up in his exuberance that he took his home-made Viet Cong battle flag and proceeded to jump into the pool of blood, and brain tissue, that I later realized was the place where Jeffery Miller was killed, and proceeded to hop around in the bloody gore swinging his flag at the bits of brain tissue, and shouting something inaudible to me, which I presumed was some anti-war slogan. While the rest of us turned away in disgust, these punks continued their celebrations.
My point in recounting all this was not to gross out the reader, but to demonstrate that the same spirit of instigated chaos seems to be prevalent today, in Ferguson, Mo., and that people like the "Reverend" Al Sharpton, who's scheduled to make a public appearance there today, can be expected to exploit this for all the "leftist" publicity they can. I personally see no difference between what is happening now, and what happened 45 years ago. It's the same spirit at work here!!! And I know his name!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Obama Is Desperate To Be Impeached
I admit that I can not fathom this man's mind. He really does seem to be daring the House of Representatives to bring him up for Impeachment. The only reason I can guess why is that he is hoping to make the House so infuriated by his blatantly unconstitutional power grabs that they will foolishly try to impeach him now, rather than wait for the next Senate to be sworn in, because he knows this Senate would never convict him, while the next one will. I sense that he is desperately trying to anger them into losing their control, before he runs out of time at the holiday recess. Does he really think they're stupid enough to not see through this? Oh, wait. This is the guy who paid Mr. Gruber $2 million, in order to help him pass the "Obamacare" bill into law, for the "stupid American voters". Perhaps he feels the congress is just as "stupid"!!!
On the other hand, perhaps he realizes, as I speculated on July 27th, that his conviction would leave us with a President Joe Biden, who would only have to be some what conciliatory to Congress to be a serious candidate for re-election in 2016, and then he could finish the job of turning America into a Socialist state. The Constitution would certainly be revised in the process.
UPDATE-- Tuesday, 11/18/2014:
Perhaps I spoke too soon, when I lamented that I could not figure out what our Evil President was up to. Yes, "Evil", for what else can motivate a man to vow three times (once as Senator, and twice as President) to, "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, so help [him] God", and set about to personally destroy the values contained within that document? Today, a man who's wisdom I can rarely find fault with, Pat Robertson, explained it all with sickening clarity, on today's "700 Club". It all boils down to his presumed intention of giving amnesty to some 4.5 million illegal immigrants, to become legal citizens, just in time for them to legally vote (presumably for the most liberal Socialist-leaning Presidential candidate) in the 2016 election. Pat explained that the Republicans have promised to counter this with a series of budget bills that will defund the Government until he withdraws this Amnesty. He will then surely veto those bills, stating that he is willing to sign any bill that will "responsibly" fund the Government, but that the Republicans won't send him one. And he knows they won't send him one that he can sign, because they've promised not to, because he won't agree to a repeal of his Amnesty Law. So either way he makes the Republicans the "bad guys", hoping to sway the voters into voting them out of Congress, in 2016, for shutting down the government, along with restoring the Congress and the Presidency to his look-alike Socialist Democrats. Very clever, Mr. President. But remember the last three words of the vow that you swore when taking office: "so help [you] God". You obviously do not consider them to be important, but He does! And if He chooses to not disrupt your plans, somehow, he will certainly remember your evil ways, to reward you someday for them! May God have mercy upon your soul!!!
On the other hand, perhaps he realizes, as I speculated on July 27th, that his conviction would leave us with a President Joe Biden, who would only have to be some what conciliatory to Congress to be a serious candidate for re-election in 2016, and then he could finish the job of turning America into a Socialist state. The Constitution would certainly be revised in the process.
UPDATE-- Tuesday, 11/18/2014:
Perhaps I spoke too soon, when I lamented that I could not figure out what our Evil President was up to. Yes, "Evil", for what else can motivate a man to vow three times (once as Senator, and twice as President) to, "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, so help [him] God", and set about to personally destroy the values contained within that document? Today, a man who's wisdom I can rarely find fault with, Pat Robertson, explained it all with sickening clarity, on today's "700 Club". It all boils down to his presumed intention of giving amnesty to some 4.5 million illegal immigrants, to become legal citizens, just in time for them to legally vote (presumably for the most liberal Socialist-leaning Presidential candidate) in the 2016 election. Pat explained that the Republicans have promised to counter this with a series of budget bills that will defund the Government until he withdraws this Amnesty. He will then surely veto those bills, stating that he is willing to sign any bill that will "responsibly" fund the Government, but that the Republicans won't send him one. And he knows they won't send him one that he can sign, because they've promised not to, because he won't agree to a repeal of his Amnesty Law. So either way he makes the Republicans the "bad guys", hoping to sway the voters into voting them out of Congress, in 2016, for shutting down the government, along with restoring the Congress and the Presidency to his look-alike Socialist Democrats. Very clever, Mr. President. But remember the last three words of the vow that you swore when taking office: "so help [you] God". You obviously do not consider them to be important, but He does! And if He chooses to not disrupt your plans, somehow, he will certainly remember your evil ways, to reward you someday for them! May God have mercy upon your soul!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Obama Administration reLies On "Stupidity Of the American Voters" To Pass "Obama Care"
I don't know about you, but I really hate being lied to! Especially when it's done to get me to do something that the liar knows I wouldn't do if they told me the truth. But the Obama White House is apparently so obsessed with turning America into their Socialist utopian form of government, regardless of the Constitution, that they'll say anything to get it done. Then they'll rely on what they consider the, "stupidity of the American voter" to blindly accept what they're told, and allow their elected officials to pass laws that their Congressmen know the people wouldn't approve of, if they really knew what it meant. At least, that is what Jonathan Gruber said when explaining how the "ObamaCare" bill was rushed through Congress, when only Democrats were willing to pass it without really knowing what was in it. Or, as former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi put it, with a toothy smile, "we have to pass it so we can know what's in it". I'm glad she has such blind faith in the benevolence of the Obama Administration that she is quite willing to march lock-step with their directives and vote into law a bill that was intended to take money from those who were healthy to pay the expenses of those who are sick. This was the intent of the bill's architects, according to the testimony of one of them, Mr. Gruber. One would tend to feel reluctantly compassionate for the coverage of the sick, if this were the only way to do it, but the truth is that this does not really amount to welfare for the sick, and needy, but a permanent extension of the exorbitant medical bills that have been bankrupting people, especially the elderly, for years. Now, instead of sending the recipient of the Medical treatment a huge bill, or their insurance company, the bill will be paid, up front, by heavy taxes paid primarily by wealthy investors who will now have less money to invest in the stocks of companies, who will have less money to create jobs for the people. Where is the incentive for the huge drug companies, and producers of the medical equipment, to sell their products to Hospitals, and Doctors for cheaper prices, in order for them to pass on the savings to their patients? Talk about "stupidity"! Who is the real idiot here; the voters, or the people in the White House, who are stupid enough to think they can actually get away with this kind of intentional deception of the voters forever? Perhaps we are easily enough fooled into allowing bills like this to be passed, but how long do you think it will take the new Republican controlled Congress to vote it to be repealed? I'll give it till February, at the latest!!!
Perhaps we are fools, for electing these idiots into their respective seats of power, but the American voter is not "Stupid" enough to allow them to run "rough-shod" over us forever! And thank God the Constitution allows us to correct our mistakes, once we learn the truth! Wake up, Obama! That word "mistake" is apparently spelled "Democrat", as the "stupid American voter" figured out last Tuesday, with the help of some of your "brilliant" White House advisors. It is forgivable to be foolish, but stupid is more permanent!!!
Perhaps we are fools, for electing these idiots into their respective seats of power, but the American voter is not "Stupid" enough to allow them to run "rough-shod" over us forever! And thank God the Constitution allows us to correct our mistakes, once we learn the truth! Wake up, Obama! That word "mistake" is apparently spelled "Democrat", as the "stupid American voter" figured out last Tuesday, with the help of some of your "brilliant" White House advisors. It is forgivable to be foolish, but stupid is more permanent!!!
Monday, November 10, 2014
After The Photo Ops
President Obama showed his true colors, complete with the huge Yellow streak that runs down his back after the Congressional luncheon he served up to the Congressional leaders at the White House, Saturday. I guess his quip about wanting to drink some Bourbon with Senator Mitch McConnell, the presumed soon-to-be Majority Leader of the Senate that he will be dealing with in January, was intended to soothe the ruffled feathers of the Congressional leaders, who've had their lawmaking authority crippled for six years by this president who seems to think that his reelection in 2012 was not for the presidential office, but a coronation to the monarchy that was refused by George Washington and repudiated by the rest of our founding fathers. Somebody needs to explain to him exactly what the "Checks And Balances" of a Tri-Cameral Constitutional form of government means. Apparently, a Harvard education in Constitutional Law is not sufficient to teach him, or did he think it was to learn ways to get around the restrictions of his authority? Does he really think he can rule this country by fiat, or as he puts it, by limitless Executive Action? Doesn't he realize that America already has a king that he has three times sworn to "uphold", namely the Constitution, and it guarantees that all laws are made by Congress, and he is sworn to execute them, even the ones that he doesn't agree with. He does not have the authority to pick and chose the laws he wishes to enforce, and to effectively make his own laws, by declaring Executive Action, even if doing so is presumed to help his Democratic Party in future elections. But, his promise to declare Amnesty for illegal immigrants is tantamount to throwing fuel on the fire of the Immigration debate, even before the New Congress is sworn in, next January. He doesn't give a hoot about the welfare of these immigrants, as long as they can be expected to vote overwhelmingly Democratic. And he realizes that merely issuing work permits that do not permit them to vote may give them the means to better their lives, while going through proper procedures to apply for citizenship, but they will not give the Democrats an unfair, and unconstitutional advantage, at least in Presidential elections.
Thank God (literally) that these illegals apparently don't consider Mid-Term elections important enough to risk getting caught and deported back to their home countries, even though King Barak has told the I.C.E. officials not to deport them, unless they're convicted of a violent crime (which would preclude their voting ability, anyway). And the legal Democrats can be thanked for this election landslide, because they apparently decided that they should stay away in droves from the polls, as a way of showing their disapproval of the performances of the Democratic Senate, and King Barak himself.
I just wonder if he will voluntarily leave office in two years, or will the Secret Service have to throw him out of the White House, kicking and screaming all the way to Pennsylvania Avenue!!!
Thank God (literally) that these illegals apparently don't consider Mid-Term elections important enough to risk getting caught and deported back to their home countries, even though King Barak has told the I.C.E. officials not to deport them, unless they're convicted of a violent crime (which would preclude their voting ability, anyway). And the legal Democrats can be thanked for this election landslide, because they apparently decided that they should stay away in droves from the polls, as a way of showing their disapproval of the performances of the Democratic Senate, and King Barak himself.
I just wonder if he will voluntarily leave office in two years, or will the Secret Service have to throw him out of the White House, kicking and screaming all the way to Pennsylvania Avenue!!!
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Photo Ops At The White House
Now that the Mid-Term Elections are essentially over, it's time for the Congressional Leaders to meet with President Obama at the White House, for lunch yesterday. It's "photo op" time, and you can bet that there were a lot of toothy smiles, along with the nose-holding, and tooth gritting, as everybody lies about how much they can't wait to get to work and reach many compromises during the remaining Lame-Duck session before the holiday break, and how wonderfully they intend to cooperate during the next two years of the Republican-controlled Congress. Yeah, sure! Like that's really going to happen!
I doubt that anyone expects a Democratic-controlled, Lame-Duck Congress that has worked so hard to get nothing done for six years will all of a sudden change their tune, to compromise on important issues which the two parties disagree on so diametrically, when they know that they will only be leaving for a vacation season soon from which many will never return. Surely the Democrats are filled with magnanimous emotions toward their victorious Republican colleagues, and wish to cooperate with them, by showing they are truly willing to place the peoples' interests before their own bitterness, and actually pass some landmark legislation that will actually benefit the country. Yeah, right!!! Just like former Vice President Al Gore's Staff was so magnanimous when they cut all the telephone, and computer lines in their offices before leaving. And I'm sure President Alibi will stop looking for anyone else to blame for his failures, and will actually sign any good legislation that lands on his desk, let alone actually enforce the laws that he is Constitutionally bound to. Ain't Government grand!!!
But, as I wrote previously, Republicans must keep their "eyes on the prize", which is surely a Republican victory in the 2016 presidential election (remembering that this landslide victory was not a mandate for Republicans, but a clear repudiation of Obama's so-called "progressive" liberalism, which is merely the same old, warmed-over Socialism that has failed in so many, especially European countries), which I see as commensurate upon two key points. First, they must prove that they can accomplish something important for the people, but not try to accomplish everything that needs to be done in two years. This means that they must build a coalition in the Senate with at least twelve of the more "moderate" Democrats who are willing to vote to override Obama's expected tirade of vetoes of anything that they manage to pass. Secondly, this will probably necessitate the Republican willingness to agree to support legislation that they would normally find repugnant, but not catastrophic, in order to "buy" the Democratic support for their absolutely necessary legislation which Obama will certainly veto. Republicans must realize that all they have won is an opportunity to prove that their ideas can work, not a mandate to automatically implement their world view, as Obama mistakenly thought his reelection proved. If they can't accomplish some positive reasons for their reelections in the next two years, they'll be dumped just as fast as the Democrats were last Tuesday. Then we'll be looking at the same old cr*p for the next four, to eight years that we just repudiated Tuesday, when the Socialist-public-school-educated population votes their next Obama/Hillary look-alike into the White House. So, it's time to crawl, before we can walk, in 2016, or we'll waste this opportunity to right the American ship that the Democrats, and Obama have done their best to scuttle for the last six years.
I doubt that anyone expects a Democratic-controlled, Lame-Duck Congress that has worked so hard to get nothing done for six years will all of a sudden change their tune, to compromise on important issues which the two parties disagree on so diametrically, when they know that they will only be leaving for a vacation season soon from which many will never return. Surely the Democrats are filled with magnanimous emotions toward their victorious Republican colleagues, and wish to cooperate with them, by showing they are truly willing to place the peoples' interests before their own bitterness, and actually pass some landmark legislation that will actually benefit the country. Yeah, right!!! Just like former Vice President Al Gore's Staff was so magnanimous when they cut all the telephone, and computer lines in their offices before leaving. And I'm sure President Alibi will stop looking for anyone else to blame for his failures, and will actually sign any good legislation that lands on his desk, let alone actually enforce the laws that he is Constitutionally bound to. Ain't Government grand!!!
But, as I wrote previously, Republicans must keep their "eyes on the prize", which is surely a Republican victory in the 2016 presidential election (remembering that this landslide victory was not a mandate for Republicans, but a clear repudiation of Obama's so-called "progressive" liberalism, which is merely the same old, warmed-over Socialism that has failed in so many, especially European countries), which I see as commensurate upon two key points. First, they must prove that they can accomplish something important for the people, but not try to accomplish everything that needs to be done in two years. This means that they must build a coalition in the Senate with at least twelve of the more "moderate" Democrats who are willing to vote to override Obama's expected tirade of vetoes of anything that they manage to pass. Secondly, this will probably necessitate the Republican willingness to agree to support legislation that they would normally find repugnant, but not catastrophic, in order to "buy" the Democratic support for their absolutely necessary legislation which Obama will certainly veto. Republicans must realize that all they have won is an opportunity to prove that their ideas can work, not a mandate to automatically implement their world view, as Obama mistakenly thought his reelection proved. If they can't accomplish some positive reasons for their reelections in the next two years, they'll be dumped just as fast as the Democrats were last Tuesday. Then we'll be looking at the same old cr*p for the next four, to eight years that we just repudiated Tuesday, when the Socialist-public-school-educated population votes their next Obama/Hillary look-alike into the White House. So, it's time to crawl, before we can walk, in 2016, or we'll waste this opportunity to right the American ship that the Democrats, and Obama have done their best to scuttle for the last six years.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Hallelujah!!! America wins!
Pardon my exultation, but as much as the Democrats try to deny it, this election victory looks like a "landslide" to me! At least politically, viewed in Natural terms. But viewed in Biblical terms, my enthusiasm must remain rather tempered, by reality.
What seems on paper to be a Republican mandate must be correctly called a Democratic repudiation, and cautiously treated as such. Specifically, it is a repudiation of President Obama, and his foolish policies. For six years his administration has pushed his Socialist agenda through the Democratic-controlled Senate and been stymied by the Republican-controlled House, and with the exception of the horrendous mess referred to as "Obama-care" the result has been a do-nothing Congress, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has retaliated for the House's belligerence by sitting on every House bill that was sent to the Senate, and refusing to let the Senate to even consider voting on them. Now that will change for the better, but before the Republicans get too carried away with implementing their own Conservative agenda, they must remember that this is still the same country that voted Obama into office, and is quite capable of voting in a Hillary-type to replace him, in 2016. Before it can be considered a Republican mandate, the President must be removed, and replaced by the next Ronald Reagan. And if my reading of Biblical prophecy is accurate, it doesn't look like that's going to happen; at least not in time.
By "in time" I'm referring to the prophetic "clock" that I believe is ticking away toward fulfillment of the "Gog/Magog" Russian and allied Muslim nations' invasion of the Middle-East nations that will begin with the intent of wiping the Jewish state of Israel permanently off the face of the earth, but will end with God's intervention on behalf of His people to defeat in some manner the invasion force in the neighborhood of 83% of their troops. I'm convinced that the weak protest of the invasion recounted (in advance) in Ezekiel 38:13 where it is quoted as saying, "...have you come to take a great spoil?" is from an American administration that is so "lily-livered" that it is only concerned with finding an excuse to not retaliate with what it recognizes to be an obvious grab for all the Arab States' oil deposits (the fact that the English word "oil" rhymes with the English translation for the Hebrew word for "spoil" I do not consider to be a mere coincidence), which will certainly be blatantly denied, shows that the President in charge of that Administration would either be Obama, or someone just as bereft of honesty, as well as concern for the safety of Israel as he is. So, that either means that the Invasion occurs within the final two years of Obama's presidency, or worse, that he is followed by someone equally bereft of wisdom, and moral conviction as he is. Notice I said that Obama is lacking in wisdom, not intelligence, which are clearly different capacities. He is undeniably intelligent, yet some of the stupidest values imaginable have proceeded out of his mouth, as his intelligence has obviously been over-ruled by his emotional preference to believe that the truth is not what the real facts indicate to be reality. Therefore, we are stuck with a President who really believes that we all want his Socialist values, instead of our Constitutionally mandated Democratic Republican government, as the mid-term elections just proved, though he stubbornly refuses to recognize it.
So, either the Republicans in Congress try to find some way to compromise with Obama's twisted Socialist agenda, or I'm afraid he will simply be confrontational for the two remaining years of his term, and blame it all on the Republican Congress, setting us up for another Democratic presidency to follow him for anywhere from four to eight more years of similar polices. I don't know if the American Constitution can survive that!
What seems on paper to be a Republican mandate must be correctly called a Democratic repudiation, and cautiously treated as such. Specifically, it is a repudiation of President Obama, and his foolish policies. For six years his administration has pushed his Socialist agenda through the Democratic-controlled Senate and been stymied by the Republican-controlled House, and with the exception of the horrendous mess referred to as "Obama-care" the result has been a do-nothing Congress, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has retaliated for the House's belligerence by sitting on every House bill that was sent to the Senate, and refusing to let the Senate to even consider voting on them. Now that will change for the better, but before the Republicans get too carried away with implementing their own Conservative agenda, they must remember that this is still the same country that voted Obama into office, and is quite capable of voting in a Hillary-type to replace him, in 2016. Before it can be considered a Republican mandate, the President must be removed, and replaced by the next Ronald Reagan. And if my reading of Biblical prophecy is accurate, it doesn't look like that's going to happen; at least not in time.
By "in time" I'm referring to the prophetic "clock" that I believe is ticking away toward fulfillment of the "Gog/Magog" Russian and allied Muslim nations' invasion of the Middle-East nations that will begin with the intent of wiping the Jewish state of Israel permanently off the face of the earth, but will end with God's intervention on behalf of His people to defeat in some manner the invasion force in the neighborhood of 83% of their troops. I'm convinced that the weak protest of the invasion recounted (in advance) in Ezekiel 38:13 where it is quoted as saying, "...have you come to take a great spoil?" is from an American administration that is so "lily-livered" that it is only concerned with finding an excuse to not retaliate with what it recognizes to be an obvious grab for all the Arab States' oil deposits (the fact that the English word "oil" rhymes with the English translation for the Hebrew word for "spoil" I do not consider to be a mere coincidence), which will certainly be blatantly denied, shows that the President in charge of that Administration would either be Obama, or someone just as bereft of honesty, as well as concern for the safety of Israel as he is. So, that either means that the Invasion occurs within the final two years of Obama's presidency, or worse, that he is followed by someone equally bereft of wisdom, and moral conviction as he is. Notice I said that Obama is lacking in wisdom, not intelligence, which are clearly different capacities. He is undeniably intelligent, yet some of the stupidest values imaginable have proceeded out of his mouth, as his intelligence has obviously been over-ruled by his emotional preference to believe that the truth is not what the real facts indicate to be reality. Therefore, we are stuck with a President who really believes that we all want his Socialist values, instead of our Constitutionally mandated Democratic Republican government, as the mid-term elections just proved, though he stubbornly refuses to recognize it.
So, either the Republicans in Congress try to find some way to compromise with Obama's twisted Socialist agenda, or I'm afraid he will simply be confrontational for the two remaining years of his term, and blame it all on the Republican Congress, setting us up for another Democratic presidency to follow him for anywhere from four to eight more years of similar polices. I don't know if the American Constitution can survive that!
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Is That The Sound Of F.D.R. Rolling Over?
I have long felt that all Liberals should be deeply ashamed of their views, mostly. And that includes all so-called "Libertarians" whom I feel are incorrectly lumped politically together with Conservatives, or the externally designated "Evangelicals", as a sub-category, (of which I obviously consider myself to be one). I believe that Libertarians can only agree with Evangelical Conservatives on one issue; that the size of the Federal government is too big, and spending must be drastically reduced. Aside from that, they try and feign neutrality on social issues, such as Abortion, and Homosexual "Marriage", but by so doing they reveal their tacit approval by having difficulty in condemning these issues. Also, their solution to the problem of wasteful spending is to cut back on all programs, including Defense, which is the one area where Government is most "efficient", in spite of the waste, and even the egregious fraud, which is regrettable, but affordable when considered against the option of not having the technology without it. It therefore must be maintained, as distasteful as it is, though the same kind of egregious waste and fraud in the Democrats' pet social welfare programs must be eliminated, or we'll have our "patriotic" Defense Corporations moving to other nations and selling their high-tech weapons systems to our enemies, who can't wait to use them against us. Talk about a "Nuclear Iran", can anybody but President Obama be comfortable with a "Nuclear I.S.I.S."? And how long before we would be blown off the face of the Earth, along with Israel, in either case?
This brings me to the Title of this post; and the image that long-dead former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt must be "rolling over in his grave", and probably J.F.K. is too, at the imbecilic views of today's Democratic Party leaders, who are trying their best to destroy America's financial and military prominence, with the stupid view that this is necessary for the development of other nation's advancement. They believe in the foolish Socialist concept that the world's economy is one big pie, and that if we reduce America's huge slice then the poorer nations will get a bigger piece. This is the Atheistic view that only Governments control the size of their nations' economies; not believing that God is ultimately in control, and certainly not believing that he has the capacity to enrich a nation's economy as He chooses, sometimes with wealth created "out of thin air" as a reward for their over-all obedience to His principles, or bring about a horrible financial collapse, such as happened in the 1930's, and is looming in our not-too-distant future, for their stupid disobedience to His values. Case in point: the "California Gold Rush", which mostly financed the Union efforts to end Slavery in our Civil War; and today's technological advancements in oil, and natural gas development, which have the capacity of making us "energy independent" in the next several years, unless the Democrats scuttle our efforts, as they are desperately trying to do, in order to wastefully throw more taxpayers' money after their pet projects for "clean energy sources", that so far have produced nothing but bankrupt companies, and rich former corporate executives who get away with shameful rip-offs of taxpayers' money. Yet, the Democrats stubbornly hold to their foolish beliefs, no matter how many facts seem to suggest the contrary. One has to suspect that some of these politicians who feign such martyred concern for the state of the world's ecological health are really more concerned with state of their own under-the-table "kick back" incomes, donated by these same Executives who've enriched themselves off of Government incentives to develop those "clean energy" corporations that are endlessly going belly-up, while their Directors and Executives make off with the Taxpayers' loot. At least with the Defense industry fraud, we eventually get something worthwhile to show for it. I'm not suggesting that we should by any means condone this illegal activity, just that our inability to stop it is no reason to drive these corporations to move to enemy countries that will not only condone, but encourage it. Comparative "world peace" demands that we hold our noses and endure what we are unable to prosecute successfully, at least until the Lord returns, and let Him repay those who've ripped us off for their own greedy purposes. In the mean time, let's keep our defenses strong, even if we have to deal with some shady characters along the way. When Christ returns, this will be unnecessary, since there will be no more war anyway.
This brings me to the Title of this post; and the image that long-dead former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt must be "rolling over in his grave", and probably J.F.K. is too, at the imbecilic views of today's Democratic Party leaders, who are trying their best to destroy America's financial and military prominence, with the stupid view that this is necessary for the development of other nation's advancement. They believe in the foolish Socialist concept that the world's economy is one big pie, and that if we reduce America's huge slice then the poorer nations will get a bigger piece. This is the Atheistic view that only Governments control the size of their nations' economies; not believing that God is ultimately in control, and certainly not believing that he has the capacity to enrich a nation's economy as He chooses, sometimes with wealth created "out of thin air" as a reward for their over-all obedience to His principles, or bring about a horrible financial collapse, such as happened in the 1930's, and is looming in our not-too-distant future, for their stupid disobedience to His values. Case in point: the "California Gold Rush", which mostly financed the Union efforts to end Slavery in our Civil War; and today's technological advancements in oil, and natural gas development, which have the capacity of making us "energy independent" in the next several years, unless the Democrats scuttle our efforts, as they are desperately trying to do, in order to wastefully throw more taxpayers' money after their pet projects for "clean energy sources", that so far have produced nothing but bankrupt companies, and rich former corporate executives who get away with shameful rip-offs of taxpayers' money. Yet, the Democrats stubbornly hold to their foolish beliefs, no matter how many facts seem to suggest the contrary. One has to suspect that some of these politicians who feign such martyred concern for the state of the world's ecological health are really more concerned with state of their own under-the-table "kick back" incomes, donated by these same Executives who've enriched themselves off of Government incentives to develop those "clean energy" corporations that are endlessly going belly-up, while their Directors and Executives make off with the Taxpayers' loot. At least with the Defense industry fraud, we eventually get something worthwhile to show for it. I'm not suggesting that we should by any means condone this illegal activity, just that our inability to stop it is no reason to drive these corporations to move to enemy countries that will not only condone, but encourage it. Comparative "world peace" demands that we hold our noses and endure what we are unable to prosecute successfully, at least until the Lord returns, and let Him repay those who've ripped us off for their own greedy purposes. In the mean time, let's keep our defenses strong, even if we have to deal with some shady characters along the way. When Christ returns, this will be unnecessary, since there will be no more war anyway.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Biood Moons: Round Two
I have been remiss in not expounding on the apparently miraculous "coincidences" of the so-called "Blood Moon" eclipses, one of which appeared a couple weeks ago, for those areas that were not as overcast as mine. I was not able to witness this one, but I did see the one that happened last April. The real significance of them is that there will be two more next year, coinciding with the Jewish Festivals of Passover, and Yom Kippur. "So what", you might say. After all, why should Christians care about the significance of Jewish holidays?
Remember not only are the Jews God's chosen people, and not only was Jesus a Jew also, but He was never a Christian! By definition, a Christian is a follower of Christ, and Christ is the Son Of God. God uses symbols that are significant to His people to show all His believers what He is about to do. These "Tetrarchs", or a combination of four Blood Moons appearing in consecutive years has only happened historically three times in the so-called "Christian Era", each coinciding with significant events to the Jewish people. First, in 1492, when not only did Columbus "sail the ocean blue", but his benefactors, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, first kicked all the Jews out of Spain. This was done at the pain of death for those who tried to remain, of which it has been rumored that Columbus was one, himself supposedly a Jew, from the northern province of Catalan, or Castile, I forget which. He is reputed to have only spoken to the King and Queen in Italian, with a very heavy Spanish accent, and had his words translated in order to maintain his ruse of being Italian, for fear his request for funding of an expedition to "the Indies" would be rejected purely on anti-Semitic grounds. If that had happened we would all be waiting for the Vikings to re-discover America, still.
The second Blood Moon tetrarch happened in 1948, coinciding with the United Nations vote to re-establish the nation of Israel as the Jewish homeland, though her neighbors strongly objected then, and still contest it today. That's all right because God is about to settle the issue soon, as I've expounded upon at length, according to His prophecy in the Bible, in Ezekiel 38, & 39. (Please refer to the afore-mentioned accounts by checking out the archive section on the lower right of this page.) Thirdly, we have record of a Blood Moon tetrarch occurring in 1967, coinciding with the Israeli re-capturing of East Jerusalem, at the end of the "Six-Day War".
Perhaps the real significance of all this is as follows: God has sent these cosmic phenomena to coincide with major events that deeply effected the lives of His chosen people. Since I am convinced that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecy may well be about to be fulfilled, and that the Angelic "Rapture" of the church of Jesus Christ may immediately follow it's conclusion, I believe that we as believers should not dismiss them as pretty things to lose a little sleep over. The way current events are shaping up around the world, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Lord was trying to warn us of the coming "Gog/Magog" Russian Invasion of the Middle-East, perhaps around the summer of 2015. It fits the symbolism, since the Blood Moon coinciding with next Passover is around the traditional time of year when the Nations of the area would do their fighting against their enemies, and God's promise to miraculously deliver His people will be on a scale of His deliverance of the Hebrew Children through the Red Sea, which the Passover commemorates, and the festival of Yom Kippur and the Day Of Atonement commemorates God's forgiveness of all his peoples' sins, and restoring them to His righteous favor. I can't think of a more dramatic way for Him to demonstrate his forgiveness than the destruction of 83% of an army that was bent on the annihilation of every Jew in Israel, as is prophecied in Ezekiel 38, & 39. Perhaps Jesus was being literal when He told His disciples to, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh."
Remember not only are the Jews God's chosen people, and not only was Jesus a Jew also, but He was never a Christian! By definition, a Christian is a follower of Christ, and Christ is the Son Of God. God uses symbols that are significant to His people to show all His believers what He is about to do. These "Tetrarchs", or a combination of four Blood Moons appearing in consecutive years has only happened historically three times in the so-called "Christian Era", each coinciding with significant events to the Jewish people. First, in 1492, when not only did Columbus "sail the ocean blue", but his benefactors, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, first kicked all the Jews out of Spain. This was done at the pain of death for those who tried to remain, of which it has been rumored that Columbus was one, himself supposedly a Jew, from the northern province of Catalan, or Castile, I forget which. He is reputed to have only spoken to the King and Queen in Italian, with a very heavy Spanish accent, and had his words translated in order to maintain his ruse of being Italian, for fear his request for funding of an expedition to "the Indies" would be rejected purely on anti-Semitic grounds. If that had happened we would all be waiting for the Vikings to re-discover America, still.
The second Blood Moon tetrarch happened in 1948, coinciding with the United Nations vote to re-establish the nation of Israel as the Jewish homeland, though her neighbors strongly objected then, and still contest it today. That's all right because God is about to settle the issue soon, as I've expounded upon at length, according to His prophecy in the Bible, in Ezekiel 38, & 39. (Please refer to the afore-mentioned accounts by checking out the archive section on the lower right of this page.) Thirdly, we have record of a Blood Moon tetrarch occurring in 1967, coinciding with the Israeli re-capturing of East Jerusalem, at the end of the "Six-Day War".
Perhaps the real significance of all this is as follows: God has sent these cosmic phenomena to coincide with major events that deeply effected the lives of His chosen people. Since I am convinced that the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecy may well be about to be fulfilled, and that the Angelic "Rapture" of the church of Jesus Christ may immediately follow it's conclusion, I believe that we as believers should not dismiss them as pretty things to lose a little sleep over. The way current events are shaping up around the world, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Lord was trying to warn us of the coming "Gog/Magog" Russian Invasion of the Middle-East, perhaps around the summer of 2015. It fits the symbolism, since the Blood Moon coinciding with next Passover is around the traditional time of year when the Nations of the area would do their fighting against their enemies, and God's promise to miraculously deliver His people will be on a scale of His deliverance of the Hebrew Children through the Red Sea, which the Passover commemorates, and the festival of Yom Kippur and the Day Of Atonement commemorates God's forgiveness of all his peoples' sins, and restoring them to His righteous favor. I can't think of a more dramatic way for Him to demonstrate his forgiveness than the destruction of 83% of an army that was bent on the annihilation of every Jew in Israel, as is prophecied in Ezekiel 38, & 39. Perhaps Jesus was being literal when He told His disciples to, "look up, for your redemption draweth nigh."
Friday, October 17, 2014
"Can Obama Get A Grip?"
My choice for a title of this post was borrowed from the front page headline of Thursday's New York Post, and I was struck by the similarity to the title of my last post, from last Friday. My swollen ego immediately presumed that somebody in New York read my post, but the law of averages quickly brought me back to earth. I guess it's enough that somebody in New York actually agrees with my opinion, enough to express it similarly. Perhaps there is still hope for that city, after all. I'd about given up on the Socialist capital of western Democracy. Perhaps I should consider running for Mayor some time. Well, maybe not.
Anyway, it's clear that Obama, personally, and his Administration, collectively, are absolutely clueless about what it takes to run a free government without running amok and leaving office with the country in far worse shape than when they found it. These people are supposed to know how to lead this nation, and let the polls fall as they may. Instead they seem to make bad decision, after bad decision, only to make some trumped-up excuse for reversing course after the polls indicate that the people are outraged at their collective lunacy, and demand that they do the right thing. They're supposed to be the leaders, instead of the followers of the people.
A case in point, the C.D.C.'s calling for no travel bans for the west African nations that are on the verge of exporting the Ebola Virus internationally. The collective outrage at the stupidity of this official position is growing to the point that it's only a matter of time before the administration claims some excuse for the necessity of reversing this decision. And I expect that will likely come before the Mid-term Elections, as Obama's own party members in the Senate will demand a reversal to the common sense position, or predict that the Republicans will not only take control of the Congress, but may well send every single Democrat home, for a permanent vacation. Next, the Obama White House is probably desperately hoping they can hold out until after the elections before they are forced to reverse their "no boots on the ground" edict, and send in the Marines, to stop I.S.I.S. in Iraq and Syria, or at least a few divisions of the Army Reserve. One can only guess as to how many head decapitations are acceptable to these people before they realize what it will take to put an end to this bestiality. Or, as the New York Post put it so succinctly, what will it take for this White House to "get a grip"?
Anyway, it's clear that Obama, personally, and his Administration, collectively, are absolutely clueless about what it takes to run a free government without running amok and leaving office with the country in far worse shape than when they found it. These people are supposed to know how to lead this nation, and let the polls fall as they may. Instead they seem to make bad decision, after bad decision, only to make some trumped-up excuse for reversing course after the polls indicate that the people are outraged at their collective lunacy, and demand that they do the right thing. They're supposed to be the leaders, instead of the followers of the people.
A case in point, the C.D.C.'s calling for no travel bans for the west African nations that are on the verge of exporting the Ebola Virus internationally. The collective outrage at the stupidity of this official position is growing to the point that it's only a matter of time before the administration claims some excuse for the necessity of reversing this decision. And I expect that will likely come before the Mid-term Elections, as Obama's own party members in the Senate will demand a reversal to the common sense position, or predict that the Republicans will not only take control of the Congress, but may well send every single Democrat home, for a permanent vacation. Next, the Obama White House is probably desperately hoping they can hold out until after the elections before they are forced to reverse their "no boots on the ground" edict, and send in the Marines, to stop I.S.I.S. in Iraq and Syria, or at least a few divisions of the Army Reserve. One can only guess as to how many head decapitations are acceptable to these people before they realize what it will take to put an end to this bestiality. Or, as the New York Post put it so succinctly, what will it take for this White House to "get a grip"?
Friday, October 10, 2014
Can Obama Catch A Clue?
An interesting comment speculated on FOX NEWS, today. "Is it time to think about expelling Turkey from N.A.T.O.?" Duh!!! It's way past time if you ask me! But, rest assured that just as soon as they are expelled they'll ally themselves with Russia's Putin and his greedy desires for Mid-East conquest. America has been soliciting Turkish assistance in their anti-I.S.I.S. air campaign, while Turkey has reputedly resisted cooperation unless America agrees to join in the effort to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria. But I strongly suspect that the real reason is because they have more to gain by supporting I.S.I.S. than by cooperating with us. The main "boots on the ground" fighting force taking the fight to the I.S.I.S. terrorists are the Kurds of northern Iraq. They have been in conflict with the Turkish government for decades over territory claimed by both the Kurds, and the Turks in northeastern Turkey, with sometimes bloody consequences. It may seem very convenient for the Turks to allow the I.S.I.S. rebel forces to conquer their hated Kurdish enemies, especially since their black-market oil shipments were reputed to have been shipped across the border to Turkey, a process that could be expected to increase if I.S.I.S. were to conquer the oil fields that are presently controlled by the Kurds.
The Kurdish forces are capable fighters, but they are running low on weapons, and ammunition, which America has promised to re-supply, but stubbornly insists on doing so through the new Iraqi government, which has kept the arms for their own incompetent forces instead of giving them to the Kurds, as they have been known to do before. How incredibly stupid of the Obama administration to keep sending good armaments to the incompetent Iraqi army, knowing that they can be counted upon to desert their posts when the fighting gets tough, and leave all their weapons and ammunition for I.S.I.S. to loot once they have conquered Baghdad. Just another example of Obama failing to catch a common sense clue, when it's obvious to everyone else!
The Kurdish forces are capable fighters, but they are running low on weapons, and ammunition, which America has promised to re-supply, but stubbornly insists on doing so through the new Iraqi government, which has kept the arms for their own incompetent forces instead of giving them to the Kurds, as they have been known to do before. How incredibly stupid of the Obama administration to keep sending good armaments to the incompetent Iraqi army, knowing that they can be counted upon to desert their posts when the fighting gets tough, and leave all their weapons and ammunition for I.S.I.S. to loot once they have conquered Baghdad. Just another example of Obama failing to catch a common sense clue, when it's obvious to everyone else!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
I.S.I.S. Slauhgters More People While America Bombs Empty Buildings
This is not the way to win a war, people. While I.S.I.S. insurgents run rampant across northern Iraq, and Syria, America and our "allies" are diligently bombing the heck out of empty buildings, from all the reports I've heard. We need a president with the guts to put the "boots on the ground" necessary to kill these barbaric sons-of-you-know-what, and as quickly as possible. But I strongly suspect that President Obama is running for re-election, and doesn't want to offend his constituency, the I.S.I.S. terrorists. Since he can't legally be re-elected president in America I wonder if he's being soft on I.S.I.S. just in case they should successfully establish their "caliphate" in the Middle-east, and might need a figure-head President who has international credibility to soothe diplomatic concerns for them later.
I've stated before that I believe that Obama is a "closet Muslim", unwilling to admit it while in office, but I expect he will shout it from the "house tops" once his term ends. The only reason I am not calling for his impeachment, for which there is ample cause to successfully convict, is that that would leave us with a worse president in Joe Biden, who would only have to sit quietly for two years before the idiots on the left voted him into office, and probably for eight years. As I've said Obama is very smart, it's just that his heart has no wisdom, because he chooses to believe in wrong principles. But, Biden is worse, because he has no principles other than getting elected, and he's a classic idiot on top of that. So, we're better off waiting for Obama to get out of town, in two years, and go try and get elected President of the "caliphate" if they'll have him, and we can elect a real President hopefully with some character, and wisdom, to go along with intelligence. May God help us in the mean time, while we pray that Obama doesn't screw things up too much, internationally, since replacing him with Biden would make things a lot worse.
I've stated before that I believe that Obama is a "closet Muslim", unwilling to admit it while in office, but I expect he will shout it from the "house tops" once his term ends. The only reason I am not calling for his impeachment, for which there is ample cause to successfully convict, is that that would leave us with a worse president in Joe Biden, who would only have to sit quietly for two years before the idiots on the left voted him into office, and probably for eight years. As I've said Obama is very smart, it's just that his heart has no wisdom, because he chooses to believe in wrong principles. But, Biden is worse, because he has no principles other than getting elected, and he's a classic idiot on top of that. So, we're better off waiting for Obama to get out of town, in two years, and go try and get elected President of the "caliphate" if they'll have him, and we can elect a real President hopefully with some character, and wisdom, to go along with intelligence. May God help us in the mean time, while we pray that Obama doesn't screw things up too much, internationally, since replacing him with Biden would make things a lot worse.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Is America Being Judged By God?
God judges people in two ways. First, He protects those who love him, and obey his commandments from those who don't, and those who wish to harm those who do. Second he judges those who descended from His obedient believers, but have strayed from the ways of their ancestors, or were once obedient but have strayed from their former faith, and obedience. I strongly suspect that we in America today, along with many other people around the world, fit into this second category. We descended from a people that He brought out of persecution in various countries, primarily European, and have enjoyed the prosperity that comes from His provision for a people that was predominantly obedient to his principles. While His judgment for those who belligerently hate Him, and His people, can be very swift, and thorough, like I believe the Russian Armies of "Gog", and their Muslim allies are rushing head-long to experience (as described in Ezekiel 38, & 39; and which I have expounded upon at length), His judgment for the second type can be slow, and incremental, creating both the opportunity for repentance for those who are sensitive enough to recognize His Hand in the details of His judgment, before they experience worse disastrous judgment, and also the opportunity for those who stubbornly prefer to chalk their troubles up to blind "coincidence" that merely must be endured until everything is all right again. Then when something worse befalls them they are twice as dumbfounded as to the cause.
As I said, America was founded by peoples who knew what it was like to live in countries that either hated God outright and anyone who loved Him, or mostly hated those who believed in a form of obedience that differed from their own beliefs. Even when their children sinned God gave them time to repent, without judging them as a nation, such as when we introduced slavery into our lifestyle, He gave us nearly two hundred, and fifty years to see the evil in that, before He purged us of that with the bloodiest war in our nation's history. Today, we still have those who refuse to learn from that horrible error: we have White Klansmen-types who believe that black people are inherently inferior, and must be kept down, contrasted by Blacks who believe, as our brilliant President seems to, that we as a country must eternally pay for the sins of our fathers, and that today's descendants of the former slaves are to be the perpetual recipients of that debt, simply because they exist. The concept of righteous entitlement is universally held by many Blacks, when all they are truly entitled to is the Constitutional right to freedom of opportunity to lawfully earn for themselves whatever happiness the Declaration of Independence describes for them, not that the Government is obligated to purchase it for them, and if it can't, or won't, that they have the moral right to steal enough for themselves. We are so collectively bound up in our separate forms of greed that we may be facing a race-war in the not-too-distant future, and indeed the recent beheading in Oklahoma may have stemmed from that kind of race-based hatred when a young Black man presumably found the teachings of the Koran to be more convenient to his selfish prejudices, and if some white woman dared to argue with him, she would be worthy of beheading, according to his newly held beliefs. I don't know if his victims were white, but I strongly suspect that they were, and that they may have been arguing from a Biblical perspective, as the Book of Revelation speaks of a time when believers will pay for their faith with their heads, and be rewarded for their faith in heaven. And I don't mean with 72 virgins, as the suicide bombers of the Muslim Terrorists seem to use as their motivation. One has to hope that they receive 72 of the oldest, and ugliest, naggingest, crones God ever created to spend the rest of eternity listening to, as punishment for their sins!
So, my point is that we have plenty to repent of, in America, not only our racial prejudices, but abortion, sexual immorality, crime of every kind, both violent and non-violent, and allowing our government to run an endless bill of inflationary spending, to the point of making our currency all but worthless.
As I said, God may be giving us time to repent of our collective sins, whether we supported the sinful acts of our government, or were simply unable to stop it. If we are going to be judged as a nation, we can rest assured that He knows who tried to resist these sinful actions, and who supported them, and will somehow mete out His judgment accordingly. But the pain of it all will be felt by all of us, to some degree, and the sad thing is that it is all so unnecessary. I'm certainly not trying to suggest that America was holy in the past, but that our populace had an overwhelming understanding of the difference between right and wrong, even if they didn't always apply those beliefs to their own lives, they steadfastly kept their government for running rampantly out of control, as we have today.
The only question remains, will America wake up, and repent, before God's judgment destroys what's left of America as we know it? The Bible talks of incremental judgment, in the form of plagues of disease, such as Ebola, and now the Enterovirus that is infecting our school-aged children. There is also the threat of invasion of our enemies, such as the drug-cartels' easy access across our southern borders, not to mention the obvious threat of I.S.I.S. terrorists, and a Nuclear Iran. These may be coincidences, if you prefer to believe so, but I do not!!!
As I said, America was founded by peoples who knew what it was like to live in countries that either hated God outright and anyone who loved Him, or mostly hated those who believed in a form of obedience that differed from their own beliefs. Even when their children sinned God gave them time to repent, without judging them as a nation, such as when we introduced slavery into our lifestyle, He gave us nearly two hundred, and fifty years to see the evil in that, before He purged us of that with the bloodiest war in our nation's history. Today, we still have those who refuse to learn from that horrible error: we have White Klansmen-types who believe that black people are inherently inferior, and must be kept down, contrasted by Blacks who believe, as our brilliant President seems to, that we as a country must eternally pay for the sins of our fathers, and that today's descendants of the former slaves are to be the perpetual recipients of that debt, simply because they exist. The concept of righteous entitlement is universally held by many Blacks, when all they are truly entitled to is the Constitutional right to freedom of opportunity to lawfully earn for themselves whatever happiness the Declaration of Independence describes for them, not that the Government is obligated to purchase it for them, and if it can't, or won't, that they have the moral right to steal enough for themselves. We are so collectively bound up in our separate forms of greed that we may be facing a race-war in the not-too-distant future, and indeed the recent beheading in Oklahoma may have stemmed from that kind of race-based hatred when a young Black man presumably found the teachings of the Koran to be more convenient to his selfish prejudices, and if some white woman dared to argue with him, she would be worthy of beheading, according to his newly held beliefs. I don't know if his victims were white, but I strongly suspect that they were, and that they may have been arguing from a Biblical perspective, as the Book of Revelation speaks of a time when believers will pay for their faith with their heads, and be rewarded for their faith in heaven. And I don't mean with 72 virgins, as the suicide bombers of the Muslim Terrorists seem to use as their motivation. One has to hope that they receive 72 of the oldest, and ugliest, naggingest, crones God ever created to spend the rest of eternity listening to, as punishment for their sins!
So, my point is that we have plenty to repent of, in America, not only our racial prejudices, but abortion, sexual immorality, crime of every kind, both violent and non-violent, and allowing our government to run an endless bill of inflationary spending, to the point of making our currency all but worthless.
As I said, God may be giving us time to repent of our collective sins, whether we supported the sinful acts of our government, or were simply unable to stop it. If we are going to be judged as a nation, we can rest assured that He knows who tried to resist these sinful actions, and who supported them, and will somehow mete out His judgment accordingly. But the pain of it all will be felt by all of us, to some degree, and the sad thing is that it is all so unnecessary. I'm certainly not trying to suggest that America was holy in the past, but that our populace had an overwhelming understanding of the difference between right and wrong, even if they didn't always apply those beliefs to their own lives, they steadfastly kept their government for running rampantly out of control, as we have today.
The only question remains, will America wake up, and repent, before God's judgment destroys what's left of America as we know it? The Bible talks of incremental judgment, in the form of plagues of disease, such as Ebola, and now the Enterovirus that is infecting our school-aged children. There is also the threat of invasion of our enemies, such as the drug-cartels' easy access across our southern borders, not to mention the obvious threat of I.S.I.S. terrorists, and a Nuclear Iran. These may be coincidences, if you prefer to believe so, but I do not!!!
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Apologies For Not Posting Last Week
Sorry, folks. Between an inclination to be lazy, in general, and a wait-and-see attitude toward Obama's "brilliant" anti-I.S.I.S. campaign, which goes against the expert military advice of advisors on both ends of the political spectrum (i.e., "no American Boots on the ground"), I have been remiss in not posting for more than a week. But, I have always held to the opinion that if you have nothing to say it's best to keep your "trap" shut. And so I did, figuratively speaking.
But now that we've had a week of night-time bombing raids, which have done a fabulous job of "killing" empty enemy command post headquarters, while I.S.I.S. strategists are presumably sleeping at their safe locations, we can make some preliminary assessments as to their success. Which is not very good. I agree with the retired Army Colonel (I forget his name) who advises Fox News, who explained that the true measure of military success is not surgically blowing up empty rooms while the enemy sleeps peacefully elsewhere, but it is measured in, "acres, and acres of dead enemy bodies" which will most likely require American "boots on the ground". If this can be accomplished without American "boots", fine. But I fail to see the value of night-time raids against empty buildings, while the enemy snores peacefully elsewhere. Is Obama trying to frighten the enemy into a pandemic of heart failure? That's the only reason I can gather for this strategy. They make a big deal out of sending the new F-22 Fighter bombers which are stealthy enough to evade radar detection. Well, they are designed to evade the same radars in the daytime when the I.S.I.S. fighters come out of their holes, so are they able to kill the enemy, or not? And if not, let's send in the Marines to do the job!
But now that we've had a week of night-time bombing raids, which have done a fabulous job of "killing" empty enemy command post headquarters, while I.S.I.S. strategists are presumably sleeping at their safe locations, we can make some preliminary assessments as to their success. Which is not very good. I agree with the retired Army Colonel (I forget his name) who advises Fox News, who explained that the true measure of military success is not surgically blowing up empty rooms while the enemy sleeps peacefully elsewhere, but it is measured in, "acres, and acres of dead enemy bodies" which will most likely require American "boots on the ground". If this can be accomplished without American "boots", fine. But I fail to see the value of night-time raids against empty buildings, while the enemy snores peacefully elsewhere. Is Obama trying to frighten the enemy into a pandemic of heart failure? That's the only reason I can gather for this strategy. They make a big deal out of sending the new F-22 Fighter bombers which are stealthy enough to evade radar detection. Well, they are designed to evade the same radars in the daytime when the I.S.I.S. fighters come out of their holes, so are they able to kill the enemy, or not? And if not, let's send in the Marines to do the job!
Friday, September 12, 2014
Obama's Not Quite Ready To Spit Crow Feathers
In my post on Aug. 22, one of my last points was that it would almost be comical to watch Obama squirm while he's being forced to "eat crow"' in reversing his solemn vow that he would send no more American "boots on the ground" troops to fight I.S.I.S., not counting the 1200-plus troops that he's already sent, and the additional 450 troops that he intends to send. I said it would almost be comical to watch his incredible ineptitude, if the stakes weren't so high, and if he didn't possess such an incredible capacity for poor decision-making when he runs into conflict. He seems to possess the kind of chess-playing numb-skull mind that someone like Russia's Putin would just love to take advantage of. And since America doesn't often have presidents that are such blatant fools I'm sure Putin realizes that he has a short window of opportunity before we elect another Ronald Reagan to follow this Jimmy Carter, in 2016, if we don't impeach him sooner.
So, I expect that Putin will allow us to bomb the heck out of I.S.I.S., which will solidify the position of his ally, Syrian president Bashar Assad, while he plays out his "chess-game" conquest of the Ukraine, then he'll turn his attention to invading Israel, and the rest of the Middle-East, which he thinks will be easy since we won't have any "boots on the ground" to resist him.
Thank God that He doesn't need American "boots" to rescue his people, Israel, and defeat Putin's arrogance, even if we do have a lilly-livered fool of a president who thinks he's making our decisions for us! If God were not ultimately in control, we would be in serious trouble with a man like Obama trying to create his utopian concept of world order. While he tries to give everyone a fair share of the pie, I'm afraid we'd all go up in smoke and ashes with the pie itself!
UPDATE: Sat., Sept. 13: 7:30 am.
The Obama administration has now given up on their effort to not have this called a "war", although it looks like, quacks like, and waddles like one, to everyone outside of the White House, and the State Department. Perhaps he may actually have to get Congress to sign off on this one, running the risk that they may try and force his hand, and send a few thousand "boots on the ground" troops to give the aerial bombardment a realistic chance of success. Heaven forbid that he should actually listen to his Advisors in the Pentagon, and give our troops a reasonable chance of succeeding. That would certainly be unprecedented for our little paper-hanging-World-War-I-Corporal, who believes he knows more about military strategy than his generals do!
So, I expect that Putin will allow us to bomb the heck out of I.S.I.S., which will solidify the position of his ally, Syrian president Bashar Assad, while he plays out his "chess-game" conquest of the Ukraine, then he'll turn his attention to invading Israel, and the rest of the Middle-East, which he thinks will be easy since we won't have any "boots on the ground" to resist him.
Thank God that He doesn't need American "boots" to rescue his people, Israel, and defeat Putin's arrogance, even if we do have a lilly-livered fool of a president who thinks he's making our decisions for us! If God were not ultimately in control, we would be in serious trouble with a man like Obama trying to create his utopian concept of world order. While he tries to give everyone a fair share of the pie, I'm afraid we'd all go up in smoke and ashes with the pie itself!
UPDATE: Sat., Sept. 13: 7:30 am.
The Obama administration has now given up on their effort to not have this called a "war", although it looks like, quacks like, and waddles like one, to everyone outside of the White House, and the State Department. Perhaps he may actually have to get Congress to sign off on this one, running the risk that they may try and force his hand, and send a few thousand "boots on the ground" troops to give the aerial bombardment a realistic chance of success. Heaven forbid that he should actually listen to his Advisors in the Pentagon, and give our troops a reasonable chance of succeeding. That would certainly be unprecedented for our little paper-hanging-World-War-I-Corporal, who believes he knows more about military strategy than his generals do!
Friday, September 5, 2014
Ukaine Cease Fire Agreement Is Signed!!!
Hallelujah!!! Russia's Proxy army, the so-called "pro-Russian Separatists" have reportedly signed a cease-fire agreement with the Ukrainian Government. Whoop-tee-doo!!! We can guess just how long that will last. Just long enough for Putin's invasion forces to entrench themselves, and solidify their conquest of the Land-Bridge they have invaded between Russia and the Crimean Peninsula, without having to worry about the Ukrainian Army trying to drive them back to Russia, because that would certainly be considered a violation of the cease-fire agreement. What a blatantly self-serving agreement they have signed! And Just as soon as Putin is satisfied that his troops are safely established in their Crimean Land-Bridge, he will find some excuse to break the agreement so he can take another bite of Ukrainian territory before proposing a subsequent cease-fire agreement, and so on, until there is no more Ukraine left to conquer.
We can thank our courageous diplomats of the American, and N.A.T.O. partner nations for giving Putin the time he needs to entrench the Russian invasion forces, if only we didn't have to listen to them crow in the international media about what a wonderful break-through this agreement will be, at least until Putin decides he is ready for the next phase of his invasion plan. Sit tight, I don't think this will take long to play out!
We can thank our courageous diplomats of the American, and N.A.T.O. partner nations for giving Putin the time he needs to entrench the Russian invasion forces, if only we didn't have to listen to them crow in the international media about what a wonderful break-through this agreement will be, at least until Putin decides he is ready for the next phase of his invasion plan. Sit tight, I don't think this will take long to play out!
Friday, August 29, 2014
Obama Watches As Putin's Army Rolls
This is probably how Putin plans to conquer the Ukraine. First, he blitzes his way into the Crimean Peninsula. Then, we have several months of his Special Forces Paratroops masquerading as militant pro-Russian rebels attacking police, and army bases in eastern Ukraine to establish a "desire of the local population" to have Russian, rather than Ukrainian rule. Now, we have Russian troops, including heavy artillery, and anti-aircraft missiles storming across the border, presumably to establish a Russian "land bridge" that they can use to transport supplies to and from Russia. And Voila!!! Russia now has the warm-water shipping port that they have coveted since the days of their 1917 Revolution.
Then they'll probably stockpile their troops and armaments for a year, or so, while they wait to see what the West's response will be. Then, after they have calculated the effects of the West's wimpy sanctions, they can be expected to finish the job of conquering the rest of the Ukraine, before they get on with the Invasion of Israel, which I believe will be Putin's way of countering the effects of any sanctions, by conquering the Arabian Oil Deposits after neutralizing Israel, so he can force the West to rescind their sanctions, or face an oil embargo that will make 1973 look like a picnic!
Clearly Putin's preference would be to keep playing this sort of "reverse blitz" operation until he has req-conquered all of the former Soviet Union Satellite nations, but the overwhelmingly wimpy response from Obama, and our N.A.T.O. allies, with their diplomatic trade sanctions will force him to move against Israel, and the Arab oil states before he attempts the rest of the conquests. The sanctions will serve as no deterrent for his Ukrainian invasion, but they will eventually be painful, unless he can give the sanctioning countries some reason to rescind them. Like, maybe conquering three-fourths of the world's oil reserves, and turning off the spigots until the world comes crawling to him, with intentions of rescinding the sanctions. Then he won't need to invade those former satellite countries, they'll come begging him to take them back. I'm satisfied that this plan seems plausible to Putin, and fits with the prophecy of Ezekiel 38,&39. There must be some very lucrative reason for him to invade Israel. Russian anti-Semitism has always been high, but that is not enough for him to risk a world war between America, and the western European nations, against his army, for that alone. But, the ability to hold the world at bay while he dictates terms for peace has always been what the Kremlin has dreamed of, and Putin especially. It would seem to be too tantalizing of an opportunity to pass up.
Thank Heaven that God has other plans than to let Putin run rough-shod over His people, Israel, and He'll save the Arab oil fields, as well, though I wonder if the Arabs will still be in control of them, afterwards. For more on what I believe God's plans are for Putin's army, and those of his allies, check out my post from June, 25 of this year.
Then they'll probably stockpile their troops and armaments for a year, or so, while they wait to see what the West's response will be. Then, after they have calculated the effects of the West's wimpy sanctions, they can be expected to finish the job of conquering the rest of the Ukraine, before they get on with the Invasion of Israel, which I believe will be Putin's way of countering the effects of any sanctions, by conquering the Arabian Oil Deposits after neutralizing Israel, so he can force the West to rescind their sanctions, or face an oil embargo that will make 1973 look like a picnic!
Clearly Putin's preference would be to keep playing this sort of "reverse blitz" operation until he has req-conquered all of the former Soviet Union Satellite nations, but the overwhelmingly wimpy response from Obama, and our N.A.T.O. allies, with their diplomatic trade sanctions will force him to move against Israel, and the Arab oil states before he attempts the rest of the conquests. The sanctions will serve as no deterrent for his Ukrainian invasion, but they will eventually be painful, unless he can give the sanctioning countries some reason to rescind them. Like, maybe conquering three-fourths of the world's oil reserves, and turning off the spigots until the world comes crawling to him, with intentions of rescinding the sanctions. Then he won't need to invade those former satellite countries, they'll come begging him to take them back. I'm satisfied that this plan seems plausible to Putin, and fits with the prophecy of Ezekiel 38,&39. There must be some very lucrative reason for him to invade Israel. Russian anti-Semitism has always been high, but that is not enough for him to risk a world war between America, and the western European nations, against his army, for that alone. But, the ability to hold the world at bay while he dictates terms for peace has always been what the Kremlin has dreamed of, and Putin especially. It would seem to be too tantalizing of an opportunity to pass up.
Thank Heaven that God has other plans than to let Putin run rough-shod over His people, Israel, and He'll save the Arab oil fields, as well, though I wonder if the Arabs will still be in control of them, afterwards. For more on what I believe God's plans are for Putin's army, and those of his allies, check out my post from June, 25 of this year.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Has America Become A Nation of Cowardly Wimps?
Obama apparently thinks so, and Putin seems to agree. Have you noticed that Republican wars, since World War II, have been very bloody, but winnable, while Democratic wars drag on until America has had a belly full, and then they bail. With the exception of Viet Nam, which was started by a Republican, drawn-out by two Democratic Administrations, and bailed out by a Democratic Congress, when they determined that the American people had had a belly full of it, and they simply cut off the funding of the war effort, which resulted in the shameless retreat of American forces, before they were about to run out of ammunition.
My point is not to make a political statement; but to point out that Putin and I.S.I.S. both view us as powerful enemies who do not have the stomach for war. That is why I.S.I.S. tries to frighten us with the brutal display of a beheading of a captured Journalist and the threat of more, if we continue our air strikes against their positions near the Mosul dam in Iraq. And now Obama is making gestures from the golf courses of Martha's Vinyard that seem to be preliminary to an announcement that he was kidding about no more American "boots on the ground" in Iraq, except for the original 300 advisers, and the additional 300 advisors. He must know that he has to kill I.S.I.S., and not deal with these murderous barbarians diplomatically, and the only way to effectively do that is by sending enough "boots on the ground" to get the job done. Either he will have to send enough weapons to the Kurdish troops, which will endanger Turkey due to their long-standing territorial dispute with the Kurds, or he will have to send American troops.
Either way, Obama will have to eat some political "crow" first, for his portrayal of I.S.I.S. as an Al Quaida "Jayvee", when his top officials now acknowledge that they are far more sophisticated then Al Quida was before 911, and for his blustering about the Bush Administration's dragging on of the war in his original election bid, along with his promises to end the war, once elected. He now finds himself in a precarious position of, "damned-if-you-do, or damned-if-you-don't", in deciding whether to send more troops, or not. It would be funny to watch him squirm, if the consequences of a wrong decision were not so perilous. And he has proven that he is eminently capable of making just that, if his Foreign Policy record is to be judged.
UPDATE: 5:00 pm. ET.
I posted the above at noon, today, and later heard the media reports that the White House is issuing statements that their efforts to stop I.S.I.S. will not be contained by borders. At first this did not register, but upon reflection, I realized that this was serving notice to Russian President Putin that they realistically mean to push the I.S.I.S insurgents back into Syria, and kill them there. This might be used as an excuse by Putin to send in more troops to Syria, Russia's Mid-East ally, to protect the Assad regime from imagined American aggression once the terrorists are defeated. This could further his plans to invade Israel from Syrian territory, Israel's neighbor to the immediate north.
My point is not to make a political statement; but to point out that Putin and I.S.I.S. both view us as powerful enemies who do not have the stomach for war. That is why I.S.I.S. tries to frighten us with the brutal display of a beheading of a captured Journalist and the threat of more, if we continue our air strikes against their positions near the Mosul dam in Iraq. And now Obama is making gestures from the golf courses of Martha's Vinyard that seem to be preliminary to an announcement that he was kidding about no more American "boots on the ground" in Iraq, except for the original 300 advisers, and the additional 300 advisors. He must know that he has to kill I.S.I.S., and not deal with these murderous barbarians diplomatically, and the only way to effectively do that is by sending enough "boots on the ground" to get the job done. Either he will have to send enough weapons to the Kurdish troops, which will endanger Turkey due to their long-standing territorial dispute with the Kurds, or he will have to send American troops.
Either way, Obama will have to eat some political "crow" first, for his portrayal of I.S.I.S. as an Al Quaida "Jayvee", when his top officials now acknowledge that they are far more sophisticated then Al Quida was before 911, and for his blustering about the Bush Administration's dragging on of the war in his original election bid, along with his promises to end the war, once elected. He now finds himself in a precarious position of, "damned-if-you-do, or damned-if-you-don't", in deciding whether to send more troops, or not. It would be funny to watch him squirm, if the consequences of a wrong decision were not so perilous. And he has proven that he is eminently capable of making just that, if his Foreign Policy record is to be judged.
UPDATE: 5:00 pm. ET.
I posted the above at noon, today, and later heard the media reports that the White House is issuing statements that their efforts to stop I.S.I.S. will not be contained by borders. At first this did not register, but upon reflection, I realized that this was serving notice to Russian President Putin that they realistically mean to push the I.S.I.S insurgents back into Syria, and kill them there. This might be used as an excuse by Putin to send in more troops to Syria, Russia's Mid-East ally, to protect the Assad regime from imagined American aggression once the terrorists are defeated. This could further his plans to invade Israel from Syrian territory, Israel's neighbor to the immediate north.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Are The "Six Seals" Just Around The Corner???
I am tremendously glad that I am not a prophet, as I have stated many times. Prophets have historically been used of God to warn His people of dangerous times to come. Their reward for their obedience to God has often been the ridicule of man, at least, and sometimes imprisonment, as with Jeremiah. Never the less, they spoke what God told them to say, as not to do so would be far more terrible than conceivable.
I am not saying that God told me to say anything, but He may have caused me to say something about what He has already revealed. It's the account of the beginning of the awful destruction that He prophecied through the apostle John, in Revelation Chapter Six, and that I'm beginning to suspect that it may be about to come to pass sooner, rather than later. I admit that the imagery is rather obscure, and since it was delivered in a heavenly vision nearly 2000 years ago, God seems to have intended it to be so, in order to keep His believers from panicking, before the time drew near. And if I'm correct, there is no need for His people to panic now. While the "Six Seals" account begins ominously, the "Seventh Seal", of Revelation 8 ultimately implies the most glorious happening of all time, referred to as "the Rapture" of the Church of Jesus Christ (all of those who believe in Him).
The opening of the "Seals" of Revelation Six is indeed ominous; an account of war, and conquest that apparently has never happened yet upon the earth, and perhaps may not come to fruition completely, as I suspect it may refer to the conflagration that will occur when "Gog" (whom I have already stated that I believe could well be President Putin, of Russia) begins to invade the Middle-East, as recounted in Ezekiel 38, &39. His purpose will probably be to conquer the "Gulf Oil Reserves" of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, and the other Emirates, but to do so he must defeat Israel, the only Mid-East power that can, and surely would resist his efforts to do so. I've already speculated that his motive for doing so may be to thwart the financial sanctions inflicted upon Russia as punishment for conquering all of the Ukraine, which can't be long in coming. His long-term goal is the re-establishing of the Soviet Union Bloc under his control (and eventually the rest of the world, too). But the sanctions will delay further conquests, until he can embargo three-fourths of the world's oil supplies until the sanctions are repealed. However, God has chosen this blatant act of hegemonistic arrogance to demonstrate that He is still in control of the world, and that He will still protect His people, Israel, when he defeats the invading armies (Russian, and their Muslim allies), causing 83% of them to be destroyed, "upon the mountains of Israel".
I have written previously that I can't believe in the necessity of the sealing of the 144,000 witnesses in Revelation 7, unless the estimated 100 million, or more, Christian believers have already been "raptured" by the Lord's heavenly Angels to meet Him in the air, thereby leaving no believing witnesses to tell the world about the "Rapture" that has just occurred. They will be needed to explain that Hollywood's explanation is not true; that Martians did not kidnap them, and take them back to Mars to work as slaves, or serve as food for a starving planet of Zombies, or Vampires, or the like. These 144,000 witnesses will probably be people who have heard, or even read the Gospels, but did not believe it, until it was too late. They are left with the only option for their salvation being to suffer execution for witnessing the doom due the rest of the survivors on planet Earth, once the Lord returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, "for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away" (Rev. 21:1).
If I'm right, we who believe will be on the Earth for the first eleven verses of Revelation 6, until the missiles are fired from Russia, with the obvious response of American Nuclear Retaliation, (or even vice versa) but before they detonate upon their targets, with the "Rapture" occurring simultaneously with the sealing of the 144,000 witnesses, of Revelation 7. But, we may have to endure the trying times leading up to this point, as the Invasion of the Middle-East by Russian, and Muslim Nation's armies will certainly send investors in the global financial markets into a world-wide financial panic that will make the "Great Depression" seem like a party by comparison. There will likely be massive businesses collapsing into bankruptcies, and groceries will sky-rocket in price, for the stores that remain solvent, requiring a full-day's wages for enough food to survive for the duration. Obviously, unemployment will be rampant, so people will have to dip into savings just to eat, and I won't even guess what the Banks will do with our accounts!!! But, take heart, for this Mid-East invasion seems to be short-lived, and afterwards we'll all be in Heaven with the Lord, and the Bankers can have all our money, and see if it will do them any good! Maybe they can buy themselves a luxury suite in Hell, (or, maybe not)!
(For more details on my thoughts concerning the Mid-East Invasion that will certainly come, and probably sooner, rather than later,
see my post for last April 21, in the archives list to the right. As always, comments are welcome, but you must click the "No Comments" area below. I know it's confusing, but that's the way it's set up.)
I am not saying that God told me to say anything, but He may have caused me to say something about what He has already revealed. It's the account of the beginning of the awful destruction that He prophecied through the apostle John, in Revelation Chapter Six, and that I'm beginning to suspect that it may be about to come to pass sooner, rather than later. I admit that the imagery is rather obscure, and since it was delivered in a heavenly vision nearly 2000 years ago, God seems to have intended it to be so, in order to keep His believers from panicking, before the time drew near. And if I'm correct, there is no need for His people to panic now. While the "Six Seals" account begins ominously, the "Seventh Seal", of Revelation 8 ultimately implies the most glorious happening of all time, referred to as "the Rapture" of the Church of Jesus Christ (all of those who believe in Him).
The opening of the "Seals" of Revelation Six is indeed ominous; an account of war, and conquest that apparently has never happened yet upon the earth, and perhaps may not come to fruition completely, as I suspect it may refer to the conflagration that will occur when "Gog" (whom I have already stated that I believe could well be President Putin, of Russia) begins to invade the Middle-East, as recounted in Ezekiel 38, &39. His purpose will probably be to conquer the "Gulf Oil Reserves" of Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, and the other Emirates, but to do so he must defeat Israel, the only Mid-East power that can, and surely would resist his efforts to do so. I've already speculated that his motive for doing so may be to thwart the financial sanctions inflicted upon Russia as punishment for conquering all of the Ukraine, which can't be long in coming. His long-term goal is the re-establishing of the Soviet Union Bloc under his control (and eventually the rest of the world, too). But the sanctions will delay further conquests, until he can embargo three-fourths of the world's oil supplies until the sanctions are repealed. However, God has chosen this blatant act of hegemonistic arrogance to demonstrate that He is still in control of the world, and that He will still protect His people, Israel, when he defeats the invading armies (Russian, and their Muslim allies), causing 83% of them to be destroyed, "upon the mountains of Israel".
I have written previously that I can't believe in the necessity of the sealing of the 144,000 witnesses in Revelation 7, unless the estimated 100 million, or more, Christian believers have already been "raptured" by the Lord's heavenly Angels to meet Him in the air, thereby leaving no believing witnesses to tell the world about the "Rapture" that has just occurred. They will be needed to explain that Hollywood's explanation is not true; that Martians did not kidnap them, and take them back to Mars to work as slaves, or serve as food for a starving planet of Zombies, or Vampires, or the like. These 144,000 witnesses will probably be people who have heard, or even read the Gospels, but did not believe it, until it was too late. They are left with the only option for their salvation being to suffer execution for witnessing the doom due the rest of the survivors on planet Earth, once the Lord returns to establish His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, "for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away" (Rev. 21:1).
If I'm right, we who believe will be on the Earth for the first eleven verses of Revelation 6, until the missiles are fired from Russia, with the obvious response of American Nuclear Retaliation, (or even vice versa) but before they detonate upon their targets, with the "Rapture" occurring simultaneously with the sealing of the 144,000 witnesses, of Revelation 7. But, we may have to endure the trying times leading up to this point, as the Invasion of the Middle-East by Russian, and Muslim Nation's armies will certainly send investors in the global financial markets into a world-wide financial panic that will make the "Great Depression" seem like a party by comparison. There will likely be massive businesses collapsing into bankruptcies, and groceries will sky-rocket in price, for the stores that remain solvent, requiring a full-day's wages for enough food to survive for the duration. Obviously, unemployment will be rampant, so people will have to dip into savings just to eat, and I won't even guess what the Banks will do with our accounts!!! But, take heart, for this Mid-East invasion seems to be short-lived, and afterwards we'll all be in Heaven with the Lord, and the Bankers can have all our money, and see if it will do them any good! Maybe they can buy themselves a luxury suite in Hell, (or, maybe not)!
(For more details on my thoughts concerning the Mid-East Invasion that will certainly come, and probably sooner, rather than later,
see my post for last April 21, in the archives list to the right. As always, comments are welcome, but you must click the "No Comments" area below. I know it's confusing, but that's the way it's set up.)
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Putin's Missiles Versus Obama's Sanctions
Obama's counteroffensive diplomatic and financial sanctions will have tremendous effect upon Putin's Russia, in a year or two. In the mean time, Putin's missile will have immediate devastating effect upon the people of the Ukraine. This is a war between guns and bombs on one side, versus letters of diplomatic protest on the other. Sure, the financial restrictions will eventually force Russia to cave in to the desires of U.S., and European intentions, presuming they are not countered between now and when they have had time to be effective. But a meglo-maniac like Putin could not stand to be punished for his misbehavior, like an errant schoolboy, when he presides over the second most powerful military force in the world, and the most powerful military force is presided over by a do-nothing wimp of a President who simply sends letters of protest and slaps him with financial penalties that won't be painful immediately.
So, the recent sanctions do nothing to stop Putin from taking over the Ukrainian territory that he hasn't already, and it may urge him to move immediately into the Mid-East Invasion that I suspect will tempt him as a counter to the financial sanctions that we and Europe will be only too happy to cancel after he conquers the Saudi Arabian, and other gulf states' oilfields, and turns off the spigots. God has promised to put, "hooks in the jaws" of the leader he refers to as "Gog", and as a horse's bit is often shaped like a pair of hooks, this may be what He intends to use to turn Putin's interests toward the Mid-East. For more of my musings on these possible developments, which seem to be prophecied in Ezekiel 38,& 39, please refer back to my post of April 21st of this year.
So, the recent sanctions do nothing to stop Putin from taking over the Ukrainian territory that he hasn't already, and it may urge him to move immediately into the Mid-East Invasion that I suspect will tempt him as a counter to the financial sanctions that we and Europe will be only too happy to cancel after he conquers the Saudi Arabian, and other gulf states' oilfields, and turns off the spigots. God has promised to put, "hooks in the jaws" of the leader he refers to as "Gog", and as a horse's bit is often shaped like a pair of hooks, this may be what He intends to use to turn Putin's interests toward the Mid-East. For more of my musings on these possible developments, which seem to be prophecied in Ezekiel 38,& 39, please refer back to my post of April 21st of this year.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Obama Is Trying To Get Impeached
On Thursday, the 20th of February of this year, I posted a sarcastic opinion that Obama is either stupid, which I don't think anyone believes (including myself), or he is trying to force the House of Representatives to impeach him, knowing that the Senate as it now exists would never convict him. My opinion has not changed, except that it is no longer a sarcastic thought that I choose to express. I am now thoroughly convinced that this is the White House's overall strategy to either force the Republicans who control the House to pass his Liberal, Socialist-Agenda bills, or dare to impeach him. Hopefully, the House republicans will not be stupid enough to do either.
Obama has tried hard enough to turn this country into his idea of a "Democratic"-Socialist state, similar to France, and other European governments, and the House republicans are the only ones who have resisted his efforts to do so. If they were to impeach him, a trial in the sympathetic Senate would not only not convict him but it would give him the very public format to preach his propaganda to an audience that would surely be very cleverly manipulated by the Liberal media, until we would have public opinion blaming those republicans for not passing his agenda. And we could expect that we would have at least 4 years of another Clinton presidency, to solidify the imperial Socialist state. All he has to do is guarantee that the sympathetic democrats retain control of the Senate, so his presidency can continue to run amok for the final two years of his term, without realistic fear that any impeachment would lead to his conviction, by a conservative republican Senate. That's why I think he's running around desperately attending party fundraisers, while the world, and the country, seem to be heading to "hell-in-a-hand-basket" on his watch. Hopefully, this strategy will continue to backfire on him, as now even some democrats are beginning to question the wisdom of this policy. Perhaps there may not be enough money in the world to protect him from being both impeached, and convicted if he keeps going this way!
UPDATE: 7/29/'14:
This morning, I was gratified to hear Steve Doocey, one of the Fox Network's Morning show hosts comment that "it's only the Democrats who are talking about impeachment. What's up with that?" My guess is that they're trying to put the thought in the Republicans' minds, desperately hoping that their doing so will cause Democratic voters to rally around Obama, and re-elect a Democratic majority in the Senate, in order to protect him from conviction.
It's somewhat gratifying to note that I'm apparently not alone in thinking that this is the Democrats' desperate strategy!!!
Obama has tried hard enough to turn this country into his idea of a "Democratic"-Socialist state, similar to France, and other European governments, and the House republicans are the only ones who have resisted his efforts to do so. If they were to impeach him, a trial in the sympathetic Senate would not only not convict him but it would give him the very public format to preach his propaganda to an audience that would surely be very cleverly manipulated by the Liberal media, until we would have public opinion blaming those republicans for not passing his agenda. And we could expect that we would have at least 4 years of another Clinton presidency, to solidify the imperial Socialist state. All he has to do is guarantee that the sympathetic democrats retain control of the Senate, so his presidency can continue to run amok for the final two years of his term, without realistic fear that any impeachment would lead to his conviction, by a conservative republican Senate. That's why I think he's running around desperately attending party fundraisers, while the world, and the country, seem to be heading to "hell-in-a-hand-basket" on his watch. Hopefully, this strategy will continue to backfire on him, as now even some democrats are beginning to question the wisdom of this policy. Perhaps there may not be enough money in the world to protect him from being both impeached, and convicted if he keeps going this way!
UPDATE: 7/29/'14:
This morning, I was gratified to hear Steve Doocey, one of the Fox Network's Morning show hosts comment that "it's only the Democrats who are talking about impeachment. What's up with that?" My guess is that they're trying to put the thought in the Republicans' minds, desperately hoping that their doing so will cause Democratic voters to rally around Obama, and re-elect a Democratic majority in the Senate, in order to protect him from conviction.
It's somewhat gratifying to note that I'm apparently not alone in thinking that this is the Democrats' desperate strategy!!!
Friday, July 25, 2014
The Invasion Of Israel???
Tensions are increasing in the Gaza strip and Israel, and anyone who thinks this has nothing to do with God's prophecied Gog/Magog invasion of Israel could be in for a big surprise, unless I've sadly missed my guess. In Zechariah, chapter 9 before God prophecies the Palm Sunday entrance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem, "on a colt, the foal of an ass", there is a description of violence destroying the areas around ancient Tyre and Sidon, two cities of southern Lebanon which today are actively supporting the rocket bombardment of Israel even though Israel has signed a peace treaty to avoid an invasion of Gaza, but the Hamas refused to sign it and continued the bombardment.
Don't be confused by the time frame of God's prophecies as if the former must necessarily be fulfilled before the latter can be. Remember, this is God talking, and He is eternal, while we are encumbered by the limitations of Time. For Him to describe one event and then describe another which precedes it by 2000 years probably is very logical in the eternal way of viewing things, though it seems confusing to us while we are stuck in time perspective. The key is, has the prophecy been fulfilled yet? And to my knowledge it has not, though Tyre was famously destroyed by the Greeks, or Romans, or someone who built a land bridge to their Island city so they could conquer it.
Now, after two days of Israel's ground invasion of Gaza we once again see the rest of the world ganging-up on Israel to have Humanitarian compassion on the poor Palestinian residents of the Gaza territory, who just want to live peaceably in their homes, while being allowed to send rockets indiscriminately into the homes of their Israeli neighbors, and send terrorist infiltrators through their border crossing tunnels to create murder-raids, and kidnap innocent Israelis, civilian and soldiers, to hold them hostage to trade for the release of thousands of previously captured terrorists that are presently in Israeli jails. How heartless of the Israeli people to not leave them to their "peaceful" lifestyles!!! This happens in every war between Israel and her Arab neighbors, whenever Israel begins to get the upper hand. It's a one-way form of outrage that's always against Israel, and never equally against her enemies who are allowed to commit atrocities at will without such international outrage on behalf of Israel's right to live in peace with her neighbors. It would be different if Israel's invasion were without provocation, then the world's outrage would have merit, but after months of bombardment from Gaza, it's hard to blame Israel for wanting to protect their citizens.
Now, Americans are debating what to do about the "invasion" of our southern border with Mexico by tens of thousands of children from Central American countries. Can we imagine our distress if that were an actual military invasion from Mexico? Would anyone feel compassion for the invaders if our armed forces were sent to protect our homeland from that kind of invasion? Of course not. So why is it so difficult for some Americans to understand that Israel must defend their country as we would expect our forces to defend ours?
UPDATE: Friday, 7/25/'14--
The previous was written in three stages as the fighting in Gaza progressed. Now as Secretary of State Kerry tries desperately to arrange a cease-fire agreement between the two sides, and Israel has been carrying on a ground offensive, that seems to have accomplished most of their goals, and the unintended killing of some 800 Palestinians, regrettably mostly women and children who were not allowed to evacuate, by their Hamas Terrorists, when Israel dropped leaflets warning them of an impending invasion, it now seems likely that peace is possible. Or at least a temporary cease fire, as Hamas has vowed to continue the Rocket bombardment of Israel until their borders are opened again. But can Israel agree to allow indiscriminate crossings of their mutual borders by Palestinians who may likely be bent on harming their people? I don't think so! So perhaps the fighting may continue. At least until Putin decides to begin his Russian invasion of Israel that's prophecied in Ezekiel 38, &39. That seems unlikely to be long in coming anyway.
Don't be confused by the time frame of God's prophecies as if the former must necessarily be fulfilled before the latter can be. Remember, this is God talking, and He is eternal, while we are encumbered by the limitations of Time. For Him to describe one event and then describe another which precedes it by 2000 years probably is very logical in the eternal way of viewing things, though it seems confusing to us while we are stuck in time perspective. The key is, has the prophecy been fulfilled yet? And to my knowledge it has not, though Tyre was famously destroyed by the Greeks, or Romans, or someone who built a land bridge to their Island city so they could conquer it.
Now, after two days of Israel's ground invasion of Gaza we once again see the rest of the world ganging-up on Israel to have Humanitarian compassion on the poor Palestinian residents of the Gaza territory, who just want to live peaceably in their homes, while being allowed to send rockets indiscriminately into the homes of their Israeli neighbors, and send terrorist infiltrators through their border crossing tunnels to create murder-raids, and kidnap innocent Israelis, civilian and soldiers, to hold them hostage to trade for the release of thousands of previously captured terrorists that are presently in Israeli jails. How heartless of the Israeli people to not leave them to their "peaceful" lifestyles!!! This happens in every war between Israel and her Arab neighbors, whenever Israel begins to get the upper hand. It's a one-way form of outrage that's always against Israel, and never equally against her enemies who are allowed to commit atrocities at will without such international outrage on behalf of Israel's right to live in peace with her neighbors. It would be different if Israel's invasion were without provocation, then the world's outrage would have merit, but after months of bombardment from Gaza, it's hard to blame Israel for wanting to protect their citizens.
Now, Americans are debating what to do about the "invasion" of our southern border with Mexico by tens of thousands of children from Central American countries. Can we imagine our distress if that were an actual military invasion from Mexico? Would anyone feel compassion for the invaders if our armed forces were sent to protect our homeland from that kind of invasion? Of course not. So why is it so difficult for some Americans to understand that Israel must defend their country as we would expect our forces to defend ours?
UPDATE: Friday, 7/25/'14--
The previous was written in three stages as the fighting in Gaza progressed. Now as Secretary of State Kerry tries desperately to arrange a cease-fire agreement between the two sides, and Israel has been carrying on a ground offensive, that seems to have accomplished most of their goals, and the unintended killing of some 800 Palestinians, regrettably mostly women and children who were not allowed to evacuate, by their Hamas Terrorists, when Israel dropped leaflets warning them of an impending invasion, it now seems likely that peace is possible. Or at least a temporary cease fire, as Hamas has vowed to continue the Rocket bombardment of Israel until their borders are opened again. But can Israel agree to allow indiscriminate crossings of their mutual borders by Palestinians who may likely be bent on harming their people? I don't think so! So perhaps the fighting may continue. At least until Putin decides to begin his Russian invasion of Israel that's prophecied in Ezekiel 38, &39. That seems unlikely to be long in coming anyway.
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