A casual rereading of the commandments of God given to the old testament people of Israel, in Leviticus 26 should scare the daylights out of us here in America today who believe that these principles of God apply to all nations who worship the one true God of Heaven as the only God, and the only hope of our individual, and collective salvation, in Jesus' Name. The first 13 verses are God's promise to us as a nation that if we obey his commandments, collectively, then He will bless our land in various manners, giving us special protection from our enemies, and financial prosperity that exceeds that of other nations. From verse 14 on, He relates the various curses that will come upon our nation if we will collectively disobey those same commandments. It is my belief that America today has already begun to experience the first three of His judgments, and we may well anticipate the fourth which is recounted in verse 22, sometime in the near future, if we continue to violate God's principles as a nation. It reads: "I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your high ways shall be desolate." I have been concerned ever since the economic downturn of 2007, which we are still seeing difficulties and even bankruptcies resulting from those depressed years today, that widespread bankruptcies could bring about the release of wild animals into civilized areas that are not equipped to protect themselves from such dangers. Places like Texas are reputed to have as many as 3000 privately owned Bengal Tigers in private captivity. Care and feeding of such large exotic animals is expensive, at least by comparison to the typical family house cat. In dire economic times which we could easily be facing again, in the not too distant future, rich people are frequently bankrupted over night, and faced with difficult decisions such as the care and feeding of beloved pets that they can no longer afford. Any such tree-hugging greenies whose "god" is mother nature, and whose religion is whale-worshipping, might simply release their "pets" to fend for themselves, on the rest of society, when facing imminent foreclosure, and the possibility that their dangerous animals might be legally destroyed.
Now, intelligent people must certainly scoff at such an absurd likelihood, as would I also, if it had not already happened. Recall if you will the story of the man in Zanesville, Ohio, in October 2011, who did just that before committing suicide. (That seems to be the copy-cat trend today, if you want to get back at someone, or society in general, without being punished legally. Go ahead and kill someone and then yourself and you've escaped punishment, because there is no God, no Hell, no such thing as eternal damnation,...Ooooops..., or is there??? I'll bet this guy from Ohio was real surprised to find out the truth, and he's going to be real sorry for a very long time!!!) Anyway this guy set free what amounted to an entire zoo of wild predators upon his unsuspecting neighbors, forcing the local Sheriff's department to go into overdrive shooting all the Lions, and Tigers, and Bears (Oh my!!!), along with Leopards, Cougars, and maybe a cranky Skunk, or two before nightfall could aid in their dispersal over such a large territory that it increased the difficulty in hunting them down. Apparently no one was hurt, but imagine if widespread bankruptcies hit a lot of depressed greenies similarly, and many more decided to copy-cat his lunatic solution all at the same time. Hopefully Obama's (and Joe Biden's) campaign to rid America of their "right to keep and bear arms" will not be successful until we no longer need to protect ourselves, and our more Tiger-bitesized children from attack. Unfortunately, our children would seem just as tasty to a starving Tiger as the children of pro-abortion, or pro-gay-marriage voters. So, God's judgment might not be limited to those who've most contributed to the moral breakdown of American society. That might be God's way of judging a belligerently rebellious America, that has refused to repent, even after such judgments as 911. And don't give me that twisted humanistic rationale that, "a loving God would never allow...". A lot of truly innocent, and even courageous people died that day and He loved us just as much back on September 11th, 2001, when He tried to get our attention by allowing that horribly evil day to happen. And it worked! America had never been so united since Pearl Harbor. At least for a couple of months, anyway. Who would suggest that we are still as united in righteousness, and faith today?